HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-04-02..RESIDENTIAL.. 2zs i:torth stlt streea?PLr cA? r0!l /PERI'lrr Spr-ngfi,eld, )regon 97177 Building ?iuision 726-37 53 Date: N'U g3 SPFIINGFIEI.D t2caorS Cenerc.L Co4l:tucCcn, Lelder_ 1 7wgJob bca:icn: Aeoegoo"3 :leo I Tc= Lot f Subdi:t')sicn: Jerru ll idLulC->ter: S;a,tt 17o-Kb88Ad&ess: &4/d-zip: Qlqllcirt: Deecibe tlork: Dace of App -Ua-k (/JoC Slore- Sr"e S+anilng aCliticn RenoCeL vatue $Aoof .?uiUirq p*tm; Lor shc. lJ is lhe reapaaaibili;y q'the per.*t 'nolder b aee froat the s tlut alt inspectiotts oe nad.e at 2hect the itrttt of tl,e oroperty. tsuiZdine S'.tc'at aLL' tutes. ) state gour Citg lesigt.zteC iobContracicrs cr A;te:s nc:ne atL citole en viLL be nade the n*t wrkini'drg. Zour City'Desigta.ted Jab llwtb* fs: p?ope, ttn€, that a,cch crl,lness is ?ea;a'^'>a turbet, job a,,;-ess, type of inspec)icnnurbcr. Pequesrs receixed befcre 7:0C ,=: treet, craC tt6t the?lvi:io- ct=roted p cad. ia licetediL ranin on thz uou Acatt' no) f,a-.^a.'.ra 84oz3t ALL 726-37 T SI79 l:ls?!en!: ?o be naie aflerecaation, cut priar *-c se) up of 1'otns. WO|?SLA? ?:L':AilC, ZLZCSIC,i!. 'iECli.1]liCAL: ?o be nazie beibre ctytNrk ;.e cooeled. I\]SLILAIICN /VAPCR SA9RI]R I1ISPIC|IOII : ?o be rad.e after aLL insuLaticn ei required vqor beiera ee in pla,ce but before ory lcth, Wp6../ri bcarC ortzll covering is qplied, and. befcre oty il,s'tla.tion is coneealed. DRY,IALL ilSPltrlOll: Ic be aa<ie -.. aiter aLL cr-1uall ts in place, but ptior to czty taVitq. \{AS1N?!: Steel Locetion, bond beons, grouling or uerriccls in accorfuce ,nLth U.B.C. 1ection 2415. 'lO1DST1'/l: After instalTa.tioa ts e;toleted. - CUR9 & gP.?C. eE !?.PN: After formsG'eZffi-fr@ u pour.ta a?1,?rete. STD1T ALK E 2R!,TiA!: For aLL cott- ct,ete pqttL et?eet rigit!-of-,x!, to be naCe after aL! ezca- vdti,r.g sanpleta t ;'orn wrk & eub- fu.se r,ctert)al in pbce. IgiVrg.' l,thett conplete -- ?roviCe gates o" nouable sectians througi Dil; Soileg saset =qped ct goger*g lite Septie tank VaryeC od filleC uith gvbei liacl - irhen cbcue itees ate ccnolete;ci uhen Cenclitior. is eonplete br st-ue- ture nouc-d od, prar:ises cleaneC up. ilcres i-l .rcor:.vc I F0utlDATTC:t: lo be naceI 1 6re"-ffii;; drs E,cc,lated crd. fx,ns cre erecxed, but prior -,o purirg cancret€.,I T irST .AilD 3t .:,1: To be raie pr.cr to instalkx'.on o; iloor iwulalion cr &cking. S.OttCE ?a!?31:rc. ?!i?:9!.':a ) :,lZCl-A;lir)L: :lo )or'< is =o cc couerec w.='-L chcse ir.scecaicns h:uc- beer WDEC?CU:ID ?'L?E|:|C, S?EP,'J,I!9P, DPA::UG!: Io be r,ase pr)or :o ;-iL-Lir4 :retci,ce. ailDEPtlCCR ?ait:s t:c MtclAlt ICAL :@o1fbor tntuktion ot deckizg, FTI:AL P!U:.31::C !I:I;L :.!I:IA:ITCAL .-:.aAlr 3jie.:l-;L X naie ti *=rc:ted,. ,I| | t!-13--!-AL:.: - O" 'A ?LCa'-rA :Ca'-ngI I AEet*rL; ard, beiore'irz.nnq inapeL-tiot- 7 iPlytlc: !.iot be rectected afleri) @an! of rcugh pltt-.ciru1, e'!-ectrl- a,L J necit>t*a!. AL! rcoi!>tq btae-rq ! chiaacys, ete. rtsc beanaletcd. ::o .;gl.< is to be cqt- - cecled until :his inscecicn ia.e'br,en nale anC cVproteZ. Il _l ALL pto;ect ecrtii;icns, such as che i.ns=ci.lct'Jcn of street rrees, eg-lecicn o;'tie reqaired icnzscair4, ctc., tutst be sat'Jsiiei beicre the 3AiLif!;C ?IllAL cen be regested. ?!:tAL ilILJIJC: !h.e Final Build.ir4 lnsoection -Ltat be requeste<i zi:ar the linal ?'.w:binX Eleccrical, od Neciur-iccl inscec--icns irgve been ncie atti ccorouzd. tsLocking otd, Set-:tp Plumbing connecticna -- Baie? otd. ualet Electriccl Ccmnection - BLocking, set-u. and, glmbing cotr.ect'Jons m;st te approxaC befor e reques tirq elec2p)cal it "spec=io,-. Aceessorg Builiittg ?i*zl - After icrckes, sleJrtirg, d,eci,-s, etc. @e c.caoie:ed. 'Aii:.!A:tEC!aS A$D CLEAilCWS:!US? 3E.4,Ci3st!21i, .lDjUS?:9:l::0 39:tDl !!::0::37 ?C Cry ?:ie 1 of 2 33N Phone: t-t l-l ,-, L';;c.n tr tr l i-ot Sq. F:€. Z cf tst Catera.gc ! of Stcies '^--l 2-'-i-.v'qr r..r,.- 7ogoryiq soLAR-CCES S REQ.- !nterict Cormx ?nicnrile CUL-de-sac -- Fe L-CO G+ 2ea!acns Building Volue & Permit This pennt ic gzcnted on fhe eqtess and.ition tlct tte said. constmrctionsitall, ,!.a all tesoects, lonfcrm to the Cvd,i.narzce cCoa;e,i i2y the CitT ofSgmngfiel!, lnclud-.ng .-he Joning C,rdlnazee, regalciit:o ;hL ccnstrtic-JZnsrd.use of Zuticitngs, otd n=.g be sucoend.ed or reuckei at ct:l! t.l,ne u2at uic-lctzon of ,zty prcuisions of aa,!,C 0rCirances. Jeat -ae1a: ;oxe Eurld,irq Penit To*L *cgea Plw*ng Penit lotel Pe*.n t lssttctcz !e:i.tnLczl Per+r!: -- ,;icF.cACi:.:S::? Siar.ed: Plumbing Permit N9 pereon tlall cot'tsi;r,tct, instal!, alter or ciwrt4e c?lA vcd et e:)stir.g glunb-ira or <irainage systaa in ulole on in patt, -,ot""Z such person is- theLe-gal.poesessor oi a oali.d. ohtabetrs Licettsb, euee?t thct a oZrson nay dopltnbiig aork to ptope"tJ uitich is otned, LeZsea o', o9.it"iii-ln" qpii-c@tt. Electricol Permit llheye Stc,te Ia,t requires tl"a.t the electrieal uork be &ne ba an Slectricalcont?deto!, the electrical potliotr of :hia petnit siull rot- be palic untilthe Label has beev si.gned. by the Electrical'Contracto?, Mechqnicol Permit * al, t a^a a I i yobila ;Iae f EAW cAREiaLLy sx$e:tED tle conp!.eted aoolicaticn for pemi:, €nti d,cherebg cer+.i,cy tlta,t aLL infonatioa hereoi' is ttae "i "Z"i"iti ,rra tf.trther .cer*.ifii th,a,t oty crl. aLL uork perionted slalZ be Co;e in ac.c?_<iar.ce :,tith the Otdinscls of tize City oi Spmngfietd, od. eha Lc;s of tiestate of )regcn pertaintno to the ao"k ces-*itbd herein, od, tha,z yo ccclr-F.rJc.'r 'nazi be zale of ay at?ucua,e ttthout pernission cy' the iuiidinc Di-vLsaon. f !-u,"the? certif;i tha.t o:tly .on;?ac:o"s a-.C ryLoyees uho aie ir.tctrl:.ance aath CRS ?01.055 uiLL be-used on this goject JOB NO. Aaczss)r icuse Lot la.ces - ?TaLue :C?.4L TIAL!.JE S.D.c. :.5 = ruc L.-A:J.L -F&a,rres 4eszl,zntia.L (7 bcth) Sesen Na,t/Etend, Cirstits Senice :-Y &,h.aet ltol, Vevt Pat TcoCstate 0 Stor-e tL"aeiA L,< I ?2!AL *,.{U}E CIJS:'$ E.bo a f: lla"a4 3dn irs :I : "-t Jo;zit i.lcin Q=cce --:r:cr: lcaesscl't )o.C:;.:.CE I .'/r- I I /< 90 SJntasr:a-