HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-12-11Tc,.r tnl: ll 'TI v .lob Locaticn: Aesessorc Map # Subdiutsion: Otmer: I I Phone zip: Add.ress City: Li Deseri)be h'ork: /t rac rors n I Value L 'JfulllrL //dL Date of App Lication Addttion ..RESIDFNTIAL.. SPFIINGFTELDET 22s North stt', si;ton/tPPLrcAr SprLngfield' 1regon 97477 Buildtng Ditsision 7 26-37 53 /PERt4rr i\t.t . r.ra rd Ile r(rs General ?, Plurnbin I.lechanic ec tr caI .i;l r: i(i]'j/ 1:,;i.t21' 2'1ppsfl -:t 'pt'operi;g Lirc i:oll'i.;: tan!: 1.;s1;,11 and fi.l.Led uith Era;,zL Fina7. - tt\ten abcue i.te::rc are eanpleted a:;(! Dhcn Cenolt-l;iort ts complete ot' st"uc- tut,e moued attC prenises cleaned up. l'!oi Le llcnes Blocking and Set-up Pl.unl>ing eonnections -- la)er anC uater E|cctrtcal CcnnecLton - Bloeking, set-uc ,;rt,i plwnbing connections m;st be apprcteti beforc requestittg e!-eclrical inspeelio:: Acce:;sory BuilCing Final - Aftcr pct'ch-es, skirting, decks, etc. are c.mple'-;d. P4;e 1 of t Str erv n liLectr clan It ie the responsibility of tle permit holdet, to see that aLL inspections are niade at llrc i,r'|r,i.ar l:tmc, thal: ecch,;tldress is teadab'-c fron the etreet, and that the permtt card ie Located at the front of the property.*Suilding Diuision approxed plan sfu:.Ll remdin on tle Building Sit; at aLL t[nes. PnocEDLtEE FoR INSpEcfTON R\QWS?TCALL 726-3769(yecotdct') stat;e yout, City Cesi-gnnt.cil ;joi rtut:ber, jcb aC&'ess, tlpe of inspectio; eadyfor,inspcction,co,7tractor,9ora,nels-ncneentli:itotl.:trl!:ct..!iequesi:srecei;:e,jbefcrc7:0Ca: uiLL be made the sone day, requests ncde after, T:00 Gn uiLL be nade the ncat:,nrkin'-t daii. tq / vo7 SI?E INSPEC?ION: ?o be nlade after e.rcauatton, but priar tc set up of forme. UN DE R S L4B P L!]U.BA L EJLEE! R-I! A L. & MECHTNICAL: To be made before cny Git1iaoucred. F)OTING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be nade ;F;;-;tenctes are ercauated and forns are erected, but prior to pouting ccncrete. UND\RGROUND PLUMBING. S9I,IER, IN,4TER, DRIIltlt!: To be rrude prior to fil-Tfr trenchee. UIIDERTLOOR PLIJI,EING & MECHANICAL : of fToor insulaLion or deeking, P)S! AID FEAI4: To be made prior to iiiTi[TifG{of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLTIIIBII,IG, ELECTRICAL & I,IECH- anrcm': No :,tork is to be couet'er7 w:lil these i.nspeefions haue- been mode and approued., PIPEPLACE: Prior to plccirg faeingmaterials anrl before froning inspec- tion. !-E/$.|!NG: l,tust be requected after approoal of rough plunbing, electt,i- cal & meclnnieal. ALL roofing braeing 8 ehtnmeys, etc. mtst be eornpleted. llo uctk is to be con- eealed until this inspection has been made anC approoed. FTNAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHAIIICAL FINAL ELECTNICAL Your Citg Designated,Job llwnber Is: INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISII:''TIOII : ?o be nade after aLL insuliiticn arul rcqu'lred uapor botriers are in plac,t but before any Lath, gllpsu)n boari or tnLL cooering is applied, ani beforr: any inaulation is concealetl. DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be nitrle ift.r-atT-6win-;s in place, but prior to cny taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond 6idilgrouting or oenticals irt accordotce blLth U,B.C. Secti-oti 241s. VOODSTOVE: ccrnpTetiZ. After itrstallation is CIJRB & APPItqq 4!!9!r: Afte;' fotmsar; e"..tQ-6"b pE;;lo" to pouri.ng conerete. SIDEIIALK & DRI"IEWAI: Eor aLL cott- c"et; p"o@;ltiln stpeet riqht- of-ttcy, to be made after aL!. et.aa- oating conplete & fora wrk ,* sult- base materi,al in place. ALL project condibions, such as the'i.n:;tallatian o-f sr'eet trees, :cnt'lct.iot_of the requined Landsecping, etc,, rmtat be sattsft,:d bt.forr the BU|LDING FI)IAL::*t be requested. FINAL BLIILDI1I7: The Pinal Building Inspe<:tion nusL be r.equested cfter th,: Final Plwnbiry ELecLt.ical, and Mechanical Inspections lnnso been nodc and apprsplj' ,t]IALT, MANINT,ES AND CLEANOUT|: TIIB? NE ACCESSTBT,T, AD.iII:;TIiil:IT TO ,qT'1.1i'I: AT i:O,'',<T TO /'fTV I T f--l rcwct: h4ten conpleLe -- Proui,lc L) g"t"" or mooable'sectians tln'ugi; P, U. E. , !leat Canaqe WaP, I,flouse Noz'tLt l;.its t l toteiir-tuth |llblest Lot Sq. Ptg. ll, cf lct Couerage f of Stories Total lleight Iopography LC? :"!i:' I v:l:t:t, i.ct, ,.'a I'trc1, i''trtlxtrLt! t,.' 'It l -LL -:' tc ,l :ll Lot Faces - d ,I SOLAR A'C{SS REQ.-JOB NO L-CO Bedt ooms L'ct l.tiLt'!!:M ['ees -- ,{ llain Cct aoe Carpct,t AccessoPu ,TOTA!, IlAT,UE Fee: L)Cs.D.c. 1.5 r Signed: Date Paid il: Building Volue & Permit Thts perwrit is gnanted on the e:r7ress cond-ition tlnt the- stitlrcon^sttaetion stut;L', in all,Zspects, confcnn'to the Crdin,nce c.dopteil fuy the City 2f s:p?lig]i.U, incl'ud":ng' the 2on-!r41 crd.inanc-e, regulati,ng tl'Le ccnstmcticn ttrul u's'e of Ltrildings,- and ney be suspendecl o, v'buokeC at cr'y tine upon uic- 'LaL'ton of afly p"c'otsions of :;tt'id )tdinances' Duilding Pe"fttt lotal i-lntges State Stu'""har1te Plumbing Permit No person slnll constmtct' instaL?', alter or elnnge cny nea-cr existing ilirl;g ot' it'ainage "y2tl1 tn uhoie or'. in part, unless s.uch pet'son is the iijot p"ou""r"o, of o rllli ptr-l"r's Lic-ensZ, etcept that a Pet'son nay do pti.,ia;.ig aork to propnity iti'.t i" otmed' Leased or openated by the appli'- cant. (.;llAtt(;l;r LL s Sani Seuet' ITEM Fistutes Residenttal (1 bcth) Plwnbing Pet'nit State Surckculre Electrico I Permi t I{het,e SLate Las requit'es tlnt the electrical uot'k be done by an Electrical Ciirro.ton, the el)ctrilal portion of this,pennit slwll not be ualiC until the Label lns been signecl by Lhe tlectrical ContYactol" 1',['L:il pet wit Iatsjt(ttci) Mec?nntc:il Pet'rni.t .s NC,f aL dTotaL Mechqnicol Permit State Sus Na,t/Ectend Circuits 5et'uic:e Total L)li,r ELeetri Eshaust Hood. Wcodstote Vent Fot -. LNL'RCAL'il\]I:!'IT . - Se<:at"ity Deposit Stor.age Maintenanee Permit Clsbcat Sideaalk Pence Electrical Label Mobile Hone uat.) I H,1VE CAREFULLy EXAI4fNDD the completed application fo-r'permit' and do h"';,:;L; Zi"\t|i-tn"t all'informatiZn hereoi^is trae and correct, and r i;;,;i"". certiiy that any orA oLL uo.r'k pe^t'f-otned slnll be done in aceor- Janae urith tlte Ordinei.cli of ilrn City of bpringfield, -and. the Lass of the i]"ll .f 7regcn pe,taining to the aolrk Cesbribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 1CCU- pl.Ncy uitl be nade o1 ""a'"tr,".iure uithout pemnissi-on of the Building Di--. u,iston. I further c-ertil'',1 that only con-t"acto"a and enplcyees ttho are Ln ainpliance'rith t:ns 701.-055 uilt be used on thie project Plant Eratnt ner i2 -//-f2 TotaL rilrct '10'lAL A[!?uitT Dtr!::'J/,50 Signe-d '1 Date ['it'epLace i ITlM lrnntco P?lltS