HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1983-01-13SP]lINGFTELE' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works January 13, 1983 l'tls. Jacquel i ne Grubb Lane County Housing Authority L72 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97407 RE: Housing Reports for 565 North 17th Street, 1.111 North D Street and 191 North 51st Street, Spri ngf i e'ld, Oregon Dear Ms. Grubb: I'm writing rvith regard to the preliminary inspection conducted by the Springfield Building Division to the proposed work to be performed on the dwellings located at the above referenced addresses. The following items do not comprise a complete Iist of Housing Code vio'lations, but are submjtted as a supplemental list to your existing report which details difficien- cies and necessary corrective actions. This supplemental list shall be included aspart of the orig'ina1 report and corrective action shall be necessary in order to ob-tain substantial compliance with the Uniform Housing Code (U.H.C.) as adopted by the Ci ty of Spri ngf i e'l d. 565 North 17th Street i) I concur with your report regardinq deterioration and apparent leakage of the existing roof covering. The roof covering has deteriorated past the point of reasonable repair and cornplete replacement along with removal of any/all water damaged sheathing is necessary. 2) In regard to the six weatherization items noted in your report, it is my recom- mendation that the home owner uti'lize the Springfield Utility Board's Weatheri- zation Program as an alternative to the Lane County Rehabilitatjon Program. The only item out of the six noted that the dwelling would not be eligible for under the Sprinqfield Utility Board program is the weatherstripping of the two exterior doors. The remaining items could poss'ib'i1y be accomlished with minimum or no charge to the home owner and with no expense to the rehabilitation program. 3) A drain pipe shall be'installed on the water heater pressure relief valve, termin- ating not more than 6 (six) inches above the concrete floor. 1111 I{orth D S treet 1) Your statement "subject house has suffered from severe deferred maintenance and due to an abundance of material objects throughout the house, a comprehensive inspection is d'ifficult to do" is a total'ly accurate descriptjon of the condition of the structure at the time of my inspect'ion. The extent of deficiencies noted 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/728-3753 I'ls. Jacquel i ne Grubb January 13, 1983 Page 2. 6) The electrical and plumbing tractors duri ng the remodel repaired or replaced. 565 l,lorth 17th Street 1111 North D Street 191 North 5l.st Street systems sha'll be investigated by 0regon Iicensed con- and all defective or hazardous conditions shal'l be in your report in conjunction with my inspection reveal that the entire struc- ture is in substandard condition. All substandard items and conditions shall be repaired or replaced in comnliance with the Oregon Structural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code. 2) The ex'isting electrical wiring shalI be categorized as "Hazardous Wiring" des- cribed in Section 1001 (e) of the U.H.C. All repair/replacement of the e'lectri- cal system shall be accomplished by an Oregon licensed electrical contractor in cornpliance with the standards of the 0regon Electrical Safety Specialty Code. 3) The existing p'lumbing system shatl be categorized as "Hazardous Plunnbing" des- cribed in Section 1001 (f) of the U.H.C. All repair/repiacement of the plumb- ing system shall be accomplished by an Oregon'licensed p'lurnbing contractor in compliance with the standards of the Oregon State Plumbing Specialty Code. 191 North 51st Street 1) The existing openable window between the carport and the dwelling unit shall be replaced. If this room is to remain a bedroom, emergency egress along with na-tural light and ventilation must be provided. A door can open into the carport area provided that the sash of the door is fixed and the door is self closing.In lieu of the required exterior openings for natural ventilation, a mechanical venti'lating system may be provided. This system shall be capable of providing two air changes per hour. The natural light requirement can be satisfied with the use of a fixed glazed panel or roof skylight with an area not less than one- tenth of the floor area with a minimum of 10 square feet. 2) The storage area attached to the carport is structurally defective and sha'lI be removed or repaired. NOTE: For an area to be classified as a carport, it must be open on two or more sides. 3) The lintel between the'living ancl dining room area shall be raised to a minimum height of 7 feet above the floor. +) Accessible underfloor area shall be provided as reconmended in the substructure report and those areas noted as defective in that report shall be corrected or repl aced. 5) Sufficient underfloor and attic ventilation shall be provided at the time of remodel . Please direct all inquiries to the Sprinqfield Building Division al 726-3753. Si ncerely,1*-4b*'A* ?'qnc ?e'a-ur David J. Puent Building Inspector DJP/] h \\ (W 23 PROPERTY INSPEC]T tON RIIPORT o(- Date: November 12. lqg2_ STEWART Katherine ,/ WiIIiam D. HeadOwner's Name 565 North 17 th Street Phone | 726-5755Property Address SprinEfield, OR 97477 City, State, Zip Code **************** *** *********************** Deiiciences and Corrective Action Necessary STRUCTURAL 2 There is evidence of dry rot- and damage to wood members surrounding thewindows in bedrooms and riving roomi remove all damaged wood, replacewindows including ner^r casement and trim. Replacement windows shall bedouble-pane. Arr- material and work shall meet uBC standards. I No cover at exterior crawr hole; install finished, hinged and weathertightdoor with 1atch fixture. I The roofing is deteriorated and there is apparent leakage at the NW bedroom.Remove existing roofing, including aIr darnaged sheathing; instalL new 235#asphalt composition shingles on the entire ioor and new sheathing wheredeemed necessary. TNSULATI ON,/WEATHER I ZATTON 1' rnadequate attic i-nsulation- rnstaLt blown-in or batt fibergrass insulationat attic areas where accessable to meet minimum "r-;t; ;il;. ROOFING No underfloor insulation; minimum of Rl9 value. install batt insulaLion to underfloor to meet a No vapor barrier; within crawl space install 6 mil black polyethelene vapor barrier on grade No insulation at water pipes; install- insufation with minj-mum of t,, thicknessto all water pipes below underfloor insulation. SeaI joints. 2 3 4 5 There is air infi1tration at exte::ior doors; weatherstrip front and backexterioJ doors. q a SURVEY REPORT STEWART/ HEAD - Spr:ingf *rd Page T\ro 6 No hot water heater insulation; install a one (1) piece kit manufactured forthis purpose containing a vinyl outer layer surrounding a layer of a minimum R9 fibergl,ass insulation. rIRE SAFETY 1. No handrail at stairs; install handrail in compl-iance with UBC Standards. 2 No firewalJ. protection below stairs at encl_osed closet; sheetrock be]ow stairs to meet UBC Standards- install 5,/8" type X 3 No smoke detectors; install a smoke detector at area adjacent to sleepingrooms to comply with Code.