HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-12-02SPFI'h{GFIELD Peee')ct it Sigted: O" RESlrrcNTlAL" 22 s itorth sttr streeaPPLicAT r2N /PERI'ffr Spri?qfield, 2regon 97477 Buili,irtq Diuision 7 26-37 53 78. BP. 12a q-so /t c'e C1 =o -/a 4e-*- iob Laeeticn:SI I s Alsescore ,\la? ll Y1{.0 Subdiu.)stcn: € eLld +-1.PhoneIa j->ter 7q7-"y6 cAddtess: ztp: TIVZZ Descr-be Hot'k: t J'2' 8Z t?ccto?8 Date of RqtoCeL & Ata>e- yo -€ Sani:arg seser cc;;ced =t ptcperq Line Septie totk p''rpeC at fille<i "rith gra:;eL linal - l',then abcue itens ate ccnoleced. and ahen !.ancliti.ott is carcLele o! str"ic- ture r:aueC cd preises cieanei ut. iicnes Blocking otd Set-trg Plmbing connecticns -- saier sl, uaner Electr.Jcdl Ccmneetioa - Bloeking, set-ut ard plwnbing ecnnections m;st be apprcced. before request'Jng electm)cal inso ecliot: Accesso,! tsuiliin4 Final - After lcrckes, skirting, deci,-s, etc. @e ccnole=td. ii io the reeponc'ibilily of thc pernrii ioller to see ttwt aL! inspections @e ::,atie at lhe proper tine , t .ot ecch cddresa is rea;abLe;r<m tiu streec, anC liut tha penrtt ccil, ie L.aated at the f"<aft of the wooetfil . 'zuilCiq V)vicio- ;9pror:eci ptot sicll retrain on the Bunldnnb sitc Zt eLL' tines.- ?i?1CgDtJPg ICR IltSWnIClt P'I0.|EST.'CALL726-3769(yecotder) state Aou? Citg Cesignated job nmber, job aiiress, type of inspee2icnre.questeda*iahengcutrill ce read.y for inspecxicn, Conttactc"s or Antex's nane cr"Cplane ntobet. P.equesis receitedbefcre 7:00 antiLL be na.de the sane Ccy, requests naie aftx 7:00 ant vtLL be rmCe the nezt wrkinq- day, CeteraL L ConstprcCcn Le*iet €Ii! i:lsPlf:all: To be nalie afterescauatii;fr pricr to set up of forms. A:ID!RSL;3 ?!L'!,s:TG. ZLEC?RIC,\! 1 iECi;.;!iC;L: io. be ncrie celate any w?< Ls ecoetec. PCC?ilC t IAU;|DATICN: lo be te.Ceafi1"ffi az,; acasated arui fcxns cte ereclei, but pr"ior to pouring ccncrete. U!|D,RG1OU:ID ?'LINTTG, S'"E?.'T,17!R. DP,AIIIAGE: lo be na:e pm,ar co jil- @ii"c|es. tt\ti?oo, aia af .lra it. ) rEalJ t \rf a . r . @oifloor ineuiz,tion or Cecking. ?0ST AilD 3EA!'!: To be nal,e ti-ot +,o --- insxallaxicn cf floor irsuia,licti ot, deckittg. FO!.ICi! ?!'J|,!E!:]G, IIEC?PICAL 1 :,{EC9: Allij).'-: .::o '-;o";,. 'Js =c ce eouered ffiTikese ir.scee;ior.s it;te beer naie ct"d. zpprcie!. F!?!?L;ii: No" :o pi.cctr4 fcc-Jngncterials crd, before fra:rirg inapec- tion. FR. ]lillC: ihtst ie recuesxed cf.-erqgroval cf ragh Vltr,bir,.g, alectrJ-cal I neehanticai.. ALI rcofjrq bnae-ng ! chinncgs, etc. :ntsc be conqle--ed. ilo ,;crk is to be con-.cecied ur.ttl this insoecicn la,s'been nade cnC aporcu*ed. lour Cifu Desigta,ted Job lfunber fs 8=a>-?< |TISULATION /VAPOP tsA.RRr9R IIISFICTICII : To be nad.e after aLL ins"tlaticn cd reo,u':,ted oqor borie?s @e t)n clace but before ay Lath, Wpslltr bcarC cr unLL coteting is cppLted, ani before ot:J insulation is cor,.cealed. il ,I DRYVALL i!\SPlClIll: Tc be naCe after aLL aryuall is ,Jn pl^q.ce, but prior to cny tapin4. 'YE9!!!: Steel Location, bond beans, gzoatin4 or uerticcls in accordoce ,.nth U.ts.C. Section 2415. ,rcODS!1'/t: After instalLation "Js *noLeted. CUPB & A?PRCACE APP.0N: Aftet forns,-.; e""cteAWA tu po"Lr,.nq coflc?ete. SfDSI.U.LK d DRf',ElAl: For aXL can- ez,eYe pauitq uivhtn stz.eet mght- of-t;cy, tc be naCe after aLL erca- uatinq canolete & forn,,prk & eub- itase rcterial in pi,tce. a I il :l FI|IAL PLU:4gIIG EI;IAL ,"!E'1!AIICAL ?I\AL ZLiC!3!C:i .ALL !4AIIHCLES AIID CLET.NCArc !ru57 BE.\CCES,ItsLE, ,4DJUS1:I::1T lO 3E:.!ADE !.? IIO::5? TC CI:Y ALL projeet ca-ditions, suci as the i.nseallatlon cf slreet t?ees, :c:plet'Jcn cf tie required 7-and.scc?1r9, etc., atult be satisiied be;'ore the AUitDillC iIllAL :cn be requested. lI;lAL BAfLDillc: Tne Ei.ncl Bur,Ldin4 lnsoection tiast be recuestei ;iter the ?itzal ?lu:birqllectrica/., qd ].lechar{cal inspect'"cns 'naue been nade ar.d- etarouad. ?c:e 7 or- 2 ut {-l L1-sc. iAdaress Phone * tla-t-r.r:-our-- S" o Cr.lr-^-* PLwbina T tr !!NCE: rlhen corplete -- *oviCe @ or nouable secxians xhroug'r [-lP.U,E. I I D--^ t JOB NO.soLAR ESS REQ.-r--co c* Stcte ?otal !?3:.1 Pentrit issu.dtcz Mech,anicaL ?e?mt State Tctal Cncrzes Crotc LCT ?y?' _ fnierior _ Cormer _ Paniuruile _ CUl-de-sae Electricol Permit llhere State Lan requiz,es t|.a.t the eleetrical uork be done by att Eleotz.ical Contractor, the electrtcal portion of thia pernit slall tot be ualiC untilthe Label has been sigted by the Electuical Contrdcto". Mechqnicol Permit Reeaipt F z ./?-?-tB ?lonnq Peeq<'+ I EAW CA-REYULil iX.LUiilED !!"e eonpleteC zopiteaiictt ict pernit, crui do hereby certify thct aLL itfo:nation heyecn )s t?ue ar-C, ccttect, cnC. i f"u*.her cettiyi that any crd. aLL xot,k =erforned shdll be dote in zccot- dance ',rith the Ordinences of the Cittl cf Soringiield, ad. the Lc;a oi the State of Cregcn periainina to the uork CesctibeC herein, ad. :itc.= :i0 1CCA- P!.XCI tttll be ,m.de of cnA stntctut,e uithout permissiott of the ?uilciing Dt-ttision, I f,ttthey certtfg th.at only ccnttactc"s and atrplcyee-s ahactL in conplianee u<.th CRS 707.055 uiLL be used cn thia projeot tsedtcoms 'tot leces -Snerou Sortrces :ieo.t 2f Cercce Access 'r'ldf,e? ieaae?tlorth Ranc2 East FireoLace South Uaodsto,;e 'iest -- lzes 7n=\t r'tu ,{Value Building Vqlue & Permit This penttt is granted on the eq?ess cond.ition ttat the said conectwction s\nLL, in x.!L raesoects, :onfcrm -:o the )rdirwtee tdop:ei cy the Ci2 cf Spr.)ngl")el,i., ineluiing ;he- 3sninn Cz.dinarce, regulcting the ecnatr.c:-)cn snci vse oi builiiings, cnd nau be susce-rieC oz'reuckei et cr.! t'.ne u2cn u'tc- Latzan of zny prcuisions cf salC Crd.ir"ances.,v.,;B ff /n L ',J: .f i /-!L a tl e D^ , ( - Glt PLan ,do ?otal Ch,atges Siated: F3Z liztutes Plumbing Permit Ng perscn shall constzact, install-, altey or elange dnu lea cr ezis.,ing plunbing cz, dtainage systen in u'tole ot in part, unless such perscn is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnberts License, oJ.cept that a person na-1 do plunbing aork to p?ope"t! uhich is ouned, Leased or operaied by the aiplt:- cant. Reaid.attial (1 bcth.) Soti Seuet Plwtbing Perrtt 1 Res. Sa. ftc, Na,t/Eztend. Ciretdts !qn.Dc!@y Sez.oice !"rr.zce ?TU'S bl@tst Hood. Vent lot ',lcocistole -- lilc.?)ACE;.E:!! -- Secar.)tu Deeosit Stotaoe l4aintencnee Petttrit Ctttbcut 5LderaLk LLeetfF-ce.L LcteL :CTAi A,WU:ff DUg:'Za. /o : Yobile Hcne Ipt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf lot Cooerage_ ! of StorJes ?otar- ileight Topogrcihy /f,1a ?ence Dp.T: R:crEVfD /Z-Z-g<- rc= r.rc.6a= b6; ZL-NE Ur'lrrs ..-STCFiES LE:.}.L DE5,:RjPTICN Ccct.ip,li lcl' (iRatJP Occu PA|r:Y [--cAt) 'I YPE CoNcr 2,< .locr:e ss.-_ ..,9trn .,,.. Tl-r: ccr'rT!il.t-!i HtRE oF H.4'/[: r:::N ni:v,::i'Ei). v/!Tl{ A-LrERq; i.:NS ii.,:DtCAT9D lN C.-)l-(::t"i:D l::li\:i''-.. f i't 1i6rc Oit Al-11-RAi.ti:l tr'!^.DE AFTiti !-,.i,'l l.:-LCW Ji'lr'.!L EIE APPRCVED EY TIIE SUILEIN.I T.):'FICiAt. CITY CF SPRI i..IG::i [L-;). %-fr.. c i?[GCr.l n.qrs.A-?'? k t t l 1zl po--fu.^,= t/2 l, ?<zt+Pr )tot*o,€xren/aS. << ..rrty T-rtt -t E (ertrrez?€.k /ZZ 5€<7r24/ i N 0 c.J T u >r(6< ?/q V 2.l rb >tn€.ta 4 1, 1{ I \,1 ,t I a? APPROVEO BY./ I I I I I I