HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-06-08" RESIDLT{TlAL" APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 Noy,th ith Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Ditti.ston 726-37 53 SPTIINGFTELD 0),, Date: l'r It ie the reepoaaibility of tlze pernrit holder to eee tlnt aLL inspections ee nade at the ptopet tine, thdt each adltess is ?eaCa'n'.e frunt- the at?eet, and tlnt the p*trtt catd ia located at the fzont of the WopdtA.*Buitding D,Juiciot appro"^ed ptan shcll remain on tlp Bualding Site'at aLL' tiines.- Lend.er Reati,narl Tn cnaofi nnc PI?oclDUPE_FoR TNSPEc?f)l\] R1?.|JEST:CALL726-3769 (reeoydet,) state aou" City designated job reQuested and uhen gou uiLL be readg fot, irtspection, Cont?acta?s o? A,he"s nane cnd plnne:.iLL be nade the eane dag, "equeets nade aftet, 7:00 on rrill be made the nest tmrking- day. , ntnbe?, iob aCitess, tgpe of inspee='Lcn nwnber. P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 a:, You" CitA Desigr,ated Job lhnber fs BHoq 08 r. i 4oz D.-TATT TJob Locaticn: ia""r""or" ,,rap * \sl OB3G 2Ll ral rnt * 53OO *'sarbdiri"iou /arrY ae.o UOtmer: '/oz N 17 T\sr Fhpne:71€-55q7..Address: 5r"irq4,elcl q 7't?7 ^tHcity: EuitJi"? GeneraL Value 6aro-J€ ?,o ro Addition Renodel Describe Work:a- NeU/ SI?E INSPEC?I)N: ?o be nade after ercauation, but pz"tor tc set up of forns. TNSULATTAN/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTION : ?o be made aftez, aLL insuLaticn ard. required oapor bmrie?a @e in place but before oty l.a.th, Wpsurn baatC oz, wLL cooering is applied, and. before ay irnulation is eoncealed. DRYWALL INSPECTf0N: Ic be nade a$er dT@uatTle in place, but prior to anA taping. MASONRY: Steel Location, bond beons, gz,outing oz, oerticals in accordance LrLth a.B,C. Section 2415, DEI.IOLI?IO!] OR ::CW) BUILDIJGS Sadtorl saser eapped at proper4i Lir:e Septic tork ya::ped and, filled trtth gra;;el Final - I{hett abcoe itens are ecnpleted qrid uhen Cernclition 'ts eomplete o? st?uc- tu.re motsed atd prerriaes cleaneC up. Io anu couet,ed. I I P))fINc & F)UNDA?ICN: ?o be nade;ftAEenctes are *eaoated and forns a.r,e erected, but prior to pouring ecnerete. UNDERCROUTD PLUMEING. SIWER. 9/ATER. DRAIIIAGE: To be made pt"tor to fil- @'6inehee. AIIDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECqANICAL : o7 floot insulation or decking. POST AND BEA!,!: ?o be nade prior tofrilitilIiof floor insuhtion or decking. ROUGH PLUIIBIIIG. ELEC?RTCAL & I,IECH: ANfCAL: No uork is to be cotet'ed GiiT-these inspeetions ?nue been nade and. approoeC. FfPEPLACE: PrLor to plaeing naterials and before fratring WOODSTOVE: ccmptetA. After installntion is CURB & APPROACT] APPON:After fonnsee etecteC but ptior to pouring corlcrete. SIDEWALX & DRIi.EY'AY: For aLL eon- etet; pAfrAm st?eet right- of-teA, to be na.de after aLL etca- oating eanplete & forrn wrk & sub- base material i.n pl,ace. Mobile Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- aa/)e? otd. uatet El,ectrical Ccnnection - Blockittg, aelu-uD and plurnbing connections tust be apprct;ed before requesting eleclri,cal inspeclio:t Accessor,; Bui.LCing facing 1,f7apee- Final - After etc. ate ccnp pct ches, ekirting, deeks, 1 ^L^s FRA].lIllG: l,lust be requested after approual of rough plwrbing, electri- a.L & neeTnnieal. AL! roofing brac'Lng & ehi.nmegs, etc. rntst be eotnpleted. lto uctk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspection has'been nod.e anC approoed. IENCE: hlhen conplete -- ProoiCe gates o* mooable sections through P.U.E. ALL project eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, conple'uion of the required Landscaping, etc., tast be satisfied before the BUILDfilc FilIAL can be nequested. FINAL BUILDING: The Einal Building Inspection rmtat be requested cfter the Fitnl Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical fnspections hqrse been nade ard appt,ooeC. FfiAL PLUUAING PINAL MECHANICAL ?INAL ELECTRICAL Page 1 of 2*ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT ?O BE I,L4DE A? IIO CCST TO CIIY d Date of apprtoot;o, 6) 6-'61/ Lisc- #cont?actors Adiress l T il JOB NO. Zone: Plwnbing Perwit Tctal IotaL SOLAR I :.ESS REQ.-L-co c Receipt #: (!z- Plumbing Perrnit No petson stnll constmtct, install, altet, or ehange anA neo ct eristing plutnbing or dtainage systan in utale or in pa.rt, unlees such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plurnbez'ts License, eseept that a pe"son nay do plwnbing aork to prope?tA uhieh ie oosned, Leaeed or operated by the dppli- cant. ffi I HAW CAREFULLY EXA]4INED the eonrpLeted application for permit, and. da let,eby certify tltat aLL ilfotnation hereon is ttae and. cottect, anC f father certifg that any ard aLL uork perforned slall be dpne in aceot- dance tith the )rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and the La";s of the State of 1regon pertaining to the uotk Cescribed herein, end tlnt N0 OCCU- PANCy ?tLlL be rm.d.e of anA structu"e uithout permiseion of the Building DL-oision. f further eertify that only eontraetors ad. enplcyees aho ee in conpliance dith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie pnoject Bed,roons Lot Faces Ene?(tt,t Sourees Setbacks Ileat DT House Ca."age Aceess.Water leate? l,lot,th 'Lz',Range East q\'FirepLaee South <,Iloodstoxe w #'lf,:EG t26QaT % of Lct Caterage_ # of Stories \ rotal Eeisht -i%: Intericr Corqer Panltandle Atl-de-sac LOT TWE Topogrcphy West -- Fees -- ruEM x l"bin C,@ace ROD \o.- Caroot,t Aeeessottl ?OTAL VALUE ( DcLue )S.D.C. 1.5 a a!\- I lPlan check Pee:.qc) Date Paad- IG Si-gned CHARCE Building Volue & Permit fhis pennt,t is granted on the erpress cond.ition tlut the said constmtetionslnll-, in aLL rbspects, eonform to the Ct'dinance adopted 6iy the City of Sprirryfield, including the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn and. use of buildings, utd may be suspended ot, reookeC at cn7 t'lme upon oic- Lation of mA prcoieione of said 1tdi.tnnees. i Building Permi,t Total Chaxges State PLAUcv.rer foE NEssrEo {h\uE RSICX.T€E PNTS L- B. BL\ 22.* \o.t{o tl, trO ITEM N0.FEE FLxtures Resid.entia.L (1 bath) Sanitara Seder llatet, N)\ Electricol Permit Where State Lan requires tlwt the electrical uork be done by an Electrieal Contractor, the electrtcal portion of this permit slwlL not be oalil until the Label lns been signed by the ElectricaL Contractor. ?otal IT!I,I NC FEE CIIARCE llcodstooe * \for \NcLooED \rr-rrsS P6R$r1 Mechqnicol Permit Na,s/Ertend Circuits Sem;ice Eshanst EooC Vent Fot Permit fssuanee Meelnnical Penntt -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Sec,r'ity Dzposit Storage Maintenanee Permit C'urbcu* Sila,taLk Pence Electz,ical La.bel Mobile Hotne Ntsqlscx reg \\. Go TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *5 Co Date (7) Va \(B -P\.'rc ht?mee PTllt.q \)\' ?otal Charac,s State Swelwrqe .. RESII NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, 0r'egon 97477 BuildLng Diuision 7 26-s7 53 Reeeipt * B qZ SPFtINGFTELD Hcmes Electt'ical Conneetion - Bloeking, eet-up ard plwnbing eontections tnst be qtprcx-ed befot,e tequesting eleelrtcal inspectiott Accessory BuilCing Final - Aften pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. are ccmpleted, Page 1 of 2 il 1 sJob Locaticn: +1--l Assessore Map #Tat Lot # Subdioiston: O,mer:/ Address: 4O Phone 7 q0'jSlL//7 t- cifu:7?zz Describe Hotk: t9-&u -tq u) ValueDate of App Lication lilrr**b I Additian RemoCel AobiL q,,i,^r - n':, 6 ilcl'fr-o"- # 9fr Date: u lL-?/," Genet aL ELectrical l4ectwniecL Constmrction Lender I^t ia the responaibi-Lilu of the permtt t'olden to see that aL! inapeetions are nade at the p?ope" tine, that each cddress is renCab1-e ty-tlg stree.t, and, that the_penrit_ca?d is Located at the fwni of the propetty.*Building Nuicion appro"*ed plan sTcLL remain on the Building site -at aLL' tiites." PRocEDUPqFoR=I\SPECTI2N.W7EST;CALL726-3769(yecordey,) state yout,City desigtnted job ntmbez,, job aCiress, type of inspec=icnrequested and uhen gou uiLL be ready fo_t inspeetion, Corttractct,s oi otiners nctne Lnd ptnr" nonbet.- pequests reeeii:"ed b-efcre- 7:00 ant'iLL be nade the sone dag, "equests made after ?:00 an vLLL be nade the nect aoz,ki$ day. 84o4o8you" CitA Deeiytated Job llunber fs: Pamtc'na,f T-on SI?E INSPEC?I)N: ?o be nade aftet, eecaoation, but pr"ior tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELEC?RICAL & MECHI_ilICAL: ?o be nade before any uotk is cooered. P}O?IN? & F)UNDAru2N: ?o be rm.Ce @A tffi;;-a";- eicauated ard. fonns ate erected, but ptior to pouz-tng ccncrete, UND1RGEQUIID PLI]MBTNG, SEWP, II.4TER, INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPEC?ION. ?o be maCe aftet, aLL insulaticn a,nd tequired oapor burie?a dye in plaee but before oty Lath, gApsuln boa.rC or tnLL eoueting i,s appli,ed, ard. before oty ir*ulation is concealed. DRIWALL INSPECII1N: Ic be made aftet, aLL dryuall is in pl.a.ce, but prior to cn! taping. MASONRL Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerticals in accozdqtce ?,yLth U,B.C. Section 24L5. hto0DST0I/E: ccnaT;i7. After installation is CURB & APPROACH APPAN: After fonnsee erecteC but pt ior to pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRT',EWAI: For aLL eon-c"et;na,r@Aiffi stu eet night- of-teA, to be made after aLL erca- oating complete & fonn tnrk & sub- base tnaterial in place. OR !,:OWi BUTLDI.ICS Scnttary saser eapped ct proper4i Line Septic tank p;,inped ad filled vith graxel linal - I{hen abctse itens a.?e ccnpleted and uhen Cqnolition is cornplete o? strue- tttre motsed ad. pz,enrLses cleaneC up. I I - Lirq trenchee. AIIDERELOOR PLUI,EING & MEC'IIANICAL : of flooz, insul,ation or decking. FIIIAL PLUAAIrc nade and. approoeC. ETPEPLACE: N.or to placirq faeingmaterials and before froning inepee- tion. FRAI'IINC: ltust be requeeted after approtsal of z,ough plwnbing, electui-cal & mecLnnieal. ALL toofing braeing & chinmeys, etc. rrust be . cornpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- , eealed until this inspeetLon las'been made anC approued. !r w? :l o,INAL MECHANICAL ,INAL ELECTRICAL ALL project conditions, suck as the installation of street trees, cottpletion of tie required Land.seaping, atc., rmtst be satisfied befoz,e the BUfLDfNC FfNAL ean be requested. fiNAL BUILDIN1: The Final Building Inspection rrust be requested cfter the Final Plwnbing Electrical, od Meclnnical fnspections lwte been made ard apptoueC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTltEtly T0 BE I.|ADE AT ilo CCST r0 CM Cont?d.ctors Ad.dtess Lisc. To be floot, nade pni.ot, to insulation or haue been r fa Ymce: when complete -- ProuiCe L) g;le6 or mottable- seetians through P.U.E. Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aarre? aC aater JOB NO. $torog SOLARA ESS REQ.- ?otal Electricol Permit Wh-ere State Lan requires tLwt the electyical wotk be done by an Eleetrical Contractor, the electy,icaL portion of this permit slu,Ll not be oalil. untilthe Label lns been aigned bg the Electuical Cotttracto?. L-co d Bedz,oorns: Receipt # PLan Eeonlne?uate TotaL f HAW CAREFALLY EXAI,IfNED t?e eonrpleted application fot, pemnit, and dolereby cet,tify that aLL infornation heteon is ttue and cbrrect, cnd. f futtket, _eet,tify that any ard aLL work perfotmed slnll be done in aceor- dance vlth the Ordinanees of the City bf Spr.ingfield, and the Las of thestate of )regcn pertaining to the uork cescz,ibed herein, end tlnt No occa- P/:NC! uiLL b-e n _ude of anA structu?e uithout pernission of the Buitding N-tsisio_n, f futther cet,tifs- that only contractot,s and enplcyeee uho arb in eonpLiance uith ORS Z01.0SS uiLL be used on this project (/Z- 2lt'-t+ il t <'tD Lot Faees -Energ!.t Sout cbs Titoe Setbacks !!eat DT House Cat aqe Access.Water lleaterNo"th East Fireplace South Wood.stou*e Lot Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Cooerage LOT ?WE _ Intericr Covner# of Stories ?otal lteight Iopogrqhy Panltand.Le CuL-de-sac I./est D^^^ Building Vqlue & Permit This permLt is granted on the enpress condition tlnt the said eonstractionslnll, in all respects, confonn to the 7rdinance edopted 6:y the City ofSpringfield, inc?.uding the Soning Crdinance, r,eguleting the ccnstmtcticn and. use of buildings, md mey be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of anA prcoisions of said 2rdirnnces. SQ. F?G Valuex Sigled: s.D.c. 1..5 c I?EM Main TOTAL VALUE Building Perrnit ?otal Clwrges State Date Paid: Check Fee: Plumbing Permit N9 pez,son shall construct, instalT-, alter or clnnge anA ned cr etisting plutnbing cr dtainage sAstqn in uhole or in patt, unless such person is- the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnbet,'s License, eteept that a pbtson naV do plwnbing aork to p?opertA uhich is o,"rned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. N0.FEE CHARGE Fi.st'ut,es Resil.ential (1 bath) Scni Saner Plunbing Peywit N0.FEE CHARGE Neu/Ectend Cincuits Tanporoy Setoiee a Lecxrl rc,o o ol! -- ENCROACHMENT -. I?gM it^FEE * Mechqnicol Permit /5 (00 .I' A DFD I{codstotse Yent Fal Erhanst EooC ,S Pet'lrlt fssucnee Meclnnical Permit Sec,u.itA Deposit Stotage libintenanee Permit Cvtbeut Sida'saLk Etectrical Ia.bel Cgf 6 Z< Mobtle Hone TOTAL AM)UNI DUE: *Signed Date ?ence