HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-07-23SPrrINGFIELDRESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspectlons:726-3769 Office: 726-3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOFIK: JOB NUMBEB 0 225 Fifth Street Sprlngfleld, Oregon gl 4?l 3(I N \ ?th ASSESSORS MAP:l1o 33 r. l.t1 TAX LOI Q{ortrt LOT - BLOCK: PHONE: ur Y?OztP; J STATE: _w\\to.kc {^Yq. (6 -lJ -o F. ft..n \-<4or Sc6t 0r OWNER: ADDRESS: CITY: erV (d{ ADDITION DESCRIBE WORK: sDEMOLISH OTHER Go.t NEW- REMODEL \6 ADDRESS S .I EXPIBES ,t PHONECONTFIACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: PLUMBING; MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL; CONST. CONTRACTOR # _ OFFICE USE - To requ est an n pec il oo'yo u m US T trl s S 24 h ou record ng.AI n s pec lons req UC s ted before 7:00 a.m. wlll bemadehesanleworkln9day,pect ion req UE ted af te 7 :00 a.m.ilt be mad e the fol lowl n s work d ay. QUIRED INSPECTIONS l-l Temporary Electrlc Mechanlcal - Prlor to Flnal Plumblng - When allplumblng worl< ls complete. Slte lnspectlon - To be made alter excavatlon, but prlor to settlng forms. cover. lo uGtf Cr+S Rough'Electrlcal - Prlor to cover.Flnal Electrlcal - When all electrlcal work ls complete. Underelab Plumblngl Electrlcal / Mechanlcal - Prlor to cover.Electrlcal Servlce - Must be approved to obtalrr permanent electrlcal power. Mechanlcal - When all echanlcal work ls complete. Footlng - After trenches are excavated.f-l flreplace - Prtor to factng - materlals and framlng lnsp. [-l Framlng - prtor to cover. Flnal Bulldlng - When altrequlred lnspectlons have been approved and bulldlng ls completed.Masonry - Steel locatlon, bond beams, groutlnO. Foundatlon - After forms are erecled but prlor to concrete placement. olher r, -, / _: I , Wall/Cetllng lnsulallon - Prlor to sft utc e cover. Underground Plumblng - Prlor to fllllng trench.[-l Drywall - prtor to taptng l Underlloor Plumblng/ Mechanlcal - Prlor to lnsulatlon or decklng. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS Wood Stovo - After lnstallatlon Post and Beam - Prlor to floor lnsulatlon or decklng.[-l lnsert - After ftreplace approval'- 6nd lnstallatlon of unlt. [-l Blocking and Set.Up - When ail.- blbcklng ls.complete. Floor lnsulallon - Prlor to decklng,Curbcut & AJrtrrroach - After forms are erected but prlor toplacement of concrete. Plumblng Connectlons - When home has been connected to water and sewer. Sanltary Sewer - Prlor to fllllng trench. Slorm Sewer - Prlor to fllllng trench. Sidewalk & Drlveway - After excavation ls complete, forms and sub-base malerlal ln place. Electrlcal Connectlon - When blocklng, set.up, and plumblng lnspectlons have been approved and tlre home ls connected tothe servlce panel. Waler Llne - Prlor to filtlng lrench.l--l Fence - When cornpleted. Slreet Trees - When all requlred trees are planted. Flnal - After all requlred lnspectlons are approved andporches, sklrllng, decks, andventlng have been lnstalled. Rough Plumblng - Prlor to cover. SUBDIVISION: --- lns a tf D fl E E l.t Lot faces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage Topography Total helght Lot Type - lnterlor - Corner - Panhandle : - Cul-de-sac PL.T{SE GAR ACC N S E Setbacks IS THE PROPOSED WORK TN THE. HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? - ll yes, thls appllcatlon must be slgned and approved by the Hlstorlcal Coordlnator prlor to permll lssuance. APPROVED: BUILDING PERMIT VALUE (A) SO. FT. X $/SQ. FT.ITEM Main Garage Carport Total Value Bullding Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee 'fBUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Thls permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, ln all respects, conform to the Ordlnance adopted by the City of Sprlngfleld, includlng the Development Code, regulatlng the constructlon and use of bulldings, and may be suspended or revoked at any tlme upon violation of any provisions of said ordlnances. Plans Fleviewed By Date Recei pt Numbe Date Paid: Received By: SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) Systems Development Charge ls due on all undeveloped properties withln the City linrlts which are belng lmproved. ITEM Flxtu res Flesldential Bath(s) Sanltary Sewer Water Slorm Sewer Moblle Home FEE (c) N. FT. FT. PLUMBING PERMIT Plumblng Permlt State Surcharge Total Charge . FT. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Eta.ra.X b r By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examlned the completed appllcatlon and do hereby certlfy that all lnformation hereon ls true anct correct, and I lurther cerilfy that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance wlth the Ordinanccs of the Clty of Sprlngfleld, and the Laws of the State of Oregon perlalnlng to the work descrlbed hereln, and that NO OCCUPANCY wlll be made of any structure wlthout permission of the Bulldlng Safety Dlvislon. I lurther certify that only contractors and employees who are In compliance wlth ORS 701.O55 wlll be qsed on thls prolect. I further agree to ensure that all requlred lnspections are requested at the proper tlme, that each address ls readable from tho street, that the permlt card ls located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remaln Slgnature Date on the slte at al mes durlng constructlon. . L3-78 Wood Stove/lnsert/Flreplace Unlt Dryer Vent IUh AlAo MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home Slate lssuance State Surcharge Sldewalk - ft Curbcut - ft Demolltlon State Surcharge 2-o tt I a, 0r' Total Mlscellaneous perrnits (E) ( oo l{,ou Vent Fan (D) -."/-r77i --[.* MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood -TI Mechanical Permlt lssuance State Surcharge Total Permlt TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excludtng etr.(A, B, q D, and E Combtned) r) t7f03, t za 7 RECEIVED BY VALIDATION: UMBER AMOUNT RECI - BECEIPT N DATE PAID Plan Check Fee: N0