HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-01-16?cce:-it ! Date: It i8 lhe reeponaibi-Lity of .the peniJ iotder_to aee thzt al! ittspectia* de nad.e at ihe prope! ti:ttc, tlzct ecch.-d)-ess is reo;.'^":ai.y.-t!r octe€c, ctd thct the p*rit ed..l,a i-ccated at tl,e i'rrrflt of tl,e stoperta.'2uiairq b)uicio- ca=tcv-ed pzbt svc.Li ret:nin on ti a"lia:oic- s'ii"-Lt-'itt'1r5;;:'' ??:?csDUP', FaR, I;isPE :CALL726-3769 (recorCet) state gour City Cesigr.zteC job mmbet, job aCfuess, type :3"111 T:-?i." you wiLL ce reatiy i'cr ir,sgcction, Contrdctcrs c| asrers-rr-,,"Lrrt pia)e nuzbct.' t"qri"rt rcZeii'ed'"LLL be zErie thc sante Ccg, reqltesis ncie cfta ?:00 at viLL be nad.e the neat..ntkini'dag. Co4structaca_!end3l_ ?eauired of tinspec'-icn befcre 7:00 c::t lour Citl'DesiEtated Jab Number fs: 22s itorch stiz streea.?LrcA?ran /PERI'Lrr Sgr-r4field., ?regon 97177 Building ?Luision 726-37 53 ..RESIDENTIAL.. SPFIINGFIFI rr Job !-oecticn: AlSesaot3 :r.m ll Tcs Lot H Subdir)sicn: O->tal": AC&ess PTona: zip: Descibe fi'ork: oc) ACC|ttcn ValueData of App lia,;icn DET:O Soi'-ary sa,set cqced =t ptoparii Lite Septic tork y.qeC cn filled uith Ert;el Pinal - "then cbcue itees ate ccnoletei e:ti ahen Cqal!:ion is corplete br stto"- tuve noool, od. preniaes cleaned u9. .lc:res Slocking od, Sat-up . Plunbing connecziczts -- Ba)e? otC ualer Elecaniccl Corr.ecxlon - Blockiltg, set-u=atd plmbing co'nnectiotts tr;st be q?rcxeC befote requeezing eleclrical ir.spec;io- Aceessor; Builiing ?inzl - ifter :crekes, slirting, dec?s, etc. de catale=ed. ,r--] .sr?s I:ts?1c::t:!: | | ecavccion, put - J'or-s. ' To be no.ie cfler picr tc se! ut of TYSULATTCI|/VAPO? BARRI?R IIISPICTIOII : ?o be nad.e after aLL insukticn eti required ucpor ber.ie?s @e in p|a,ce but before org lath, W?sn bcarC ot uaLL cooeting is ooLied, and. befcre ozg ir.sulation is concealed. wDa:?sLA3 ?:L'i8n:tc, 7LicPIC,it l ;ECi:.r.:!i.:AL: to be naae ceiore cny t;rork zs coucred. fi or:;c a ?ou:rDATfc:t: lo be ::cCe LJ ai:e" ttenches cre ezcaoated crd, fcas oe erecceti, but ptiar toputtrq ccncteaa.I I ailDEP?iCCR pLiJ:.gI:lc I :LC7AilIC;t: ?o ce d.e pricn '"o insxaliattan of floor irsuicziat, or decking. i-l posr .rro :s;,,/.. To be race prJcr to, I frfridoi 11oon .-rsuitiori cr decking. 7OttC.- ."t;.rqr',C ?r?-o?i:t ),'.LC1-A;liC)L: :lo ,o"< "Ja =o be cotelec ur.;'-L thcse a/sDecaiors h;ue 'ceen nace td 77rc:s'el. tt-12!LA-3: *-Of U )LC.=-/3 .??-rr ,ncc;t1a5 at^ti b e iore'1'r:r:trq in"onZ- tiotz. DRYIALL MSPIAIC\I: lo be nadeaiter aLL i4ualL is in pl.a,ce, but prior to cny tapirg. a" irencrza. FI;:A' ?!.a:.Et::c ?I;I;L :II'IS:IICAL . -,r^s ---e-. ae^L al Location, bond or uerticcls intixh U.B.C. Section UOODST)'/3: After instalZaiioa is enqleted. t CURB E APPRCACE .4?P.CN: Afier fo*nsee erecxeC but prior to poildng cofl.c?ete. SfDgtlALK & 1RT,T,/A!: For aLL con- c/,et; pat GG;m st?eet right- of-urA, to be naCe after all. ezca- udting earplete I lon wrk & sub- base ncter)al in place. ao - iPly:lC: ihBa be recuested afler',_) c??_tc!;i, of rcugh pltrcirut, z'!-ectr._-a,L J nechat*a!. AL! rcoi.lnq brae|rg I chi,wtcys, etc. t:-tsc- be @npLeacd. !!o .;cr< as ,o be ccn- - ceilal until :his inscecica i"is 'been raie anC cppm,*ed. |fl!!: t{hen conplate -- Prouil.e gates o?;nooable sectians through P, U.E. ALL pnc.ieet corldi:icrls, suc.L cs che i.nszalZatlcn of stteet trees, :c-lexion oi tLe eqtireci Lcniscair4, etc., tust be satisiied. before r-he 3l.liLili:G ?!)!AL can be "eqtested. ?IIAL tsAILDIJC: The Final 9uild.ir4 Insoection ntst be yeouest*i :ilar the Final P!,unbingilecctiecl, oi lleciuniccl izsceccl;cns )t4ue been nc.ce erri'etcrorszi.ltl -Ja:2 I Ot Z NL r Steel I n Genetz.L 'ALi :'!A:iEc!iS AitD cLgA.NCws !!US! 3E .1cc3sj!91j, .{nji'S?.'.€.1'l :O 3s :.tDg !.! ::O ::5T fc CEy SOLAR'xCCESS REQ.- ii?r L-CO Gt 3ec!cci':a Building Vqlue & Permit This pertttrt ic gz,cnted on the eqress condition'.Ilc,t the said..constnte+-ion sha.Ll-, in all rbscects, eonicrm to the Crdinance ad.oote,i iiy the Ci;y of Sor-)ngfielC, 'Jncludlng lhe Soning M-!nr.ce, regalct-Jr.g ;he ccnstrterJcn cd. use of builriings, ozd n=.g be sucoend.ed or reuckai at cr:y tiae ulon vic.lction ol a.y prcuisions of sa,!.C Oriirances. EuiAln4 Perrit Totcl Chcges Pl:nking Pettit #: Plumbing Permit N9 person sha-Ll ,cottsi;ntet, ins+-al!, alter ot citanqe cnA nea cr e*istir,g Tlwnbing ct citainage systan in ahole or in part, wless such person is- thc Legal podsessor of a oalid olumbet's License, e*ce?t ttct a pb:son r,aX dopl,aiblig wrk to propercg a'hich is oumed, LeZsed or opewtei by tn" qpti- @tt- State lotaL llobiia i!*te * Electricol Permit llh*e state i-an requires that the electrlcal uonk be cane by qn llectyicaLContzuetor, the electical porlioa of this petnit siu.LL rot be ualiC untilthe label lus been signel. bg the ET,ectrical Contracto". * P Lan EtaTn fte?n;- f EAW CARE?ALLY lx${fileD the ccmpletz-d aolicaticn for pe*ni--, arui dctereby certify tttat aLL ittfos,atibn hez,eo)- is ttue aiC cZrz:ect, anl t f$ther _certif'g that ary crl, aLL uork gerionted slall be dote in d,cCc?- dat.ce tith the Oydinstces of the City of Soringfield, or7 xhe Lc;s oJ' tieState of 1regcn per-;inina to the work Cesc,-Jbed herein, dd liT,t lto CCCI- PA.!C.'I ',rLZL be ts..!e of dty st"uc*rye uithout pennission cf the Suiidinc D:--msaon. f !\.s!her certif;i ths.t o:tly cont"dc*-o"s a-"1 atplcyees r;ha ez i;z canoliance u--ch CRS 707.055 uiLL be used on this project _ lnterict _ Cornet _ ?cni.cntile _ Cul-de-sac JOB NO i-ot Sq. Fi€. Z cf t*c Cc.tetaqc ! of Stor)es iotal !a.)Eht topog . irg )r ioltse Lot Fa.ces - !.Ein A=cca fecesscl:t :C!,4L IlAlUE S.D.C. I.5 = frL-rras ResiCzntthl (1 bcth) Se.ter C:i:.GE:ia Na,t,/ktend. Ciradts Semtice *hatat llooC Vent Pat -- a;tcF.0AC:t;.!a:t! -- ',lxCsta:se 1 I Mechqnicql Permit Pesnt fssu.ctcz Mecianic=L Pettr-t Sectr)tt Dz=osit Stor-e llc-inters:e Cttrbcu: :CTAL ;,1!OU:E DUE:1 r5 te0 Daze JLCa'C'L<