HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-12-02" RETIDENTIAL" z2s North sth strelPPLrcArr,N/PERMT? SprLngfield, Oz,egon 9Z4ZZ Building Oiuision 7 26-37 5s SPFIINGFIEl-D l2--2 \tt- kE-- e- t# t/ Date: /& -A -t ) General Ph.mbing I4echanieal ConsJn etion_Lender il4rl atr rt ie the rceponcibi-|ilY.ot-tte permtt lo-Ld* to see that alt inspections oe nade at the p?oper tine, th,at ecch addreas is tea4ahlef,y,!-t!p atree.t'.atd tlat the-permtt_eard, is Located at the frcnt of tt" iopn"d. - *Building Dioision appro"*ed pl.an shall remain on the e"llii"ig- siite at aLL tv{nes. P:l'lcgDIlP4Fon,ryspcnry;CALL726-3769(z,ecorder) etate your city Cesigrated. job nrtnber, job aCi:.ess, type of inspee=icn:#"i:"1-*-y-i":ii!"-uiLL beieadv foz'inspection, contraetot" o-r asnets nc,neZnd proie rwnbir.- a.q"iit" reeei.;\Zd bLfcre'?:00 an''YLL be rade the sane day, ?equests made after ?:00 an urill be nnd.e the nect aorkif iay. zqD lcq SI?E INSPEC?I2N: To be nwde afte? ercansation, but prtar tc set up of forrns. WDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL &Wny .tprk ie eooered. EOO?IN} & P)L\NDATfCN: ?o be naCe@;;ffi6 ar;-*caated attd. forrns ote erected, but prior to pow"ing ccncreta. . :G UND1RGPOUIID PLAMBING, SdTIER. WATER. DRAIilAGE: ?o be nad.e g"iot, to fil-lir4 trenehee. AIIDEPFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECIIANTCAL :Io be nade prior to instalLation of floor insuZation ot decking. POSI AND BEAM: To be made pr"tor toinstallatian of fl,oor insuktion op deckitrg. ROUGH PLUIBIIIG, ELECTRTCAL & MECH:AN!!!L: No uotk .ls to be coueredur:til these irnpections lnoe been made and. apptoued.. Pt'Lot, to placirg facingand before froning inspee- INSALATTON/VAPOR BARRTER NISPECTION.Io be made after aLL insulaticn ed. z,equired oapor bmz,ie?s @e in plaee but before ory lath, Wpsum boatC oz, tnLL cooeting is appli.ed, and beforeaq irnulation is concealed. Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nutnbez, Is: DRYWALL INSPEC?f)N: Ic be nade -.. aftet, aLL CtyuaLL is in place, but ptior to aru1 tqing. MASON?!: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouting or oerticals in accordotce tLth A.B.C. Section 24L 5. WOODS?O'IE: ccrtpleted. Aften installation is CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: Aftet forrnsee ereeteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SIDE\IALK & DRfiWAl: Por aLL eon-c"etenao@ffi street n)ght-of-rny, to be nade aftet aLL erca- oating eanplete & font uoz,k & sttb- base naterLal in place. DEI.IOLI?rc!]!,!OW' BUILDTilGS Saritarg saser eapped at prope?xg- Li?.e Septic totk pu:tped ail filled ttith gzalel Einal - l{hen obcue items aye ccrnoleted and uhen Canclt-tion is corplete br s*uc-ture notted otd. prewises cleaneC up. x I Mobi e Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaue? od. aatet Electtical Cannection - Bloeking, 6et-up and. plunbing eonnections m;st be appz,ct:ed before z,equesting electyical inspection Accessory BuilCi.ng ?fDTDf A 'D , nat;ifi; tion. 5{ FTUAL PLUAAITIC FINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRTCAL Piral - After etc. ate eonp| pcrckes, Leted. skirting, decks, FRA.IIING: I'tust be z,equested aften appz,oual of rough plunbing, electri-cal & nechanical. Al7- r,oofing btacLng E ehittmegs, etc. rrust be . cotnpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- . cecled until this inspection lws'been nade anC apptotsed. IENCE: gates P,U.E htten conplete -- ProuiCe oy motsable eectians through o ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co:pletion of the required Land.scqing, ete., mtst be eatisfied before the BUILDfN? FiltAL can be requested. PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building fnspection mot be requested after the Final PLunbingEleetrical, and. Meehnnieal fnspections late been made ard'approoeC. 5Job Lacaticn:6 Aasesaore Map # /? O Tc"c lat # QQ.+too svbdiuision: tlttculA,mer:neyAddtess:Phone:{) i7 ci Value Desa"Lbes-el-\>-e-{ Date of App Licatian Additian RenoCel tr *ALL \4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS llUS? BE ACCESSJBLE, ADJUSTIIEI\I TO BE |\L4DE /.? NO CCST TO CIly Page 1 of 2 n I L JOB NO soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co c Bedtoomst: Building Volue & Permit This pennvt is granted on the erp"ess condition ttnt the said constructions_hall, in a-l.L .nespects, gonform to the Ordinance edopted tiy the Ci,ty ofSpr-ingfield, inc!.udtng the Zoning Crdinantce, r,egulating th-e ecnsttaLtibn and. -use of buildings, otd mey be euspended or rbookeC at "ny time upon oic-Lation of cnl pz,ctsisions of said 7ydinances. LCT TWE TO?AL VALUE Access Lace IlEM rJU x Va * S.D.C. L.5 c P. L.House Lot Faces - Ileat Sources Building Pemdt ?otal Changes State n-+^ D-:s Signed: Receipt #: Iat Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Couenage # of Stortes Total Eeight Topogrcphy Interioz, Comer Panlnndle CUL-de-sac Plumbing Perrnit Ng peroon shall construet, inatall., alter ot e?ange anA ned cr eristing qlwnb-irw or drainage sastglt in uhole on in pott, unleaL such person is'the Le-gal .possessor of a oalid plunber,,s Licensb, etcept that a pZrson nag dopltmbing uork to p?operty uhich is ouned, Leased or opetated- by the "ppli-cqnt. €(.50 NO.FEE CHARGEITEM Fi-rhaee Resil.znti^a.L (1 bath) Seuer Plmbing Penrit State Electricol Permit vle?e state La re_quites tlnt the electrieal uotk be done bg an Eleetricalcontraetor, the eleetrLcal poz,tion of this permit shall noi be oalil untilthe Label tns been si,gned by the Eleetrical- Contractor. Permit fotal NailEoterd Circuits Seruice -- ENCROACI]MENT -. NC FEE CI]ARCE ,Mechcrnicol Permit bltanet Hood llcodstooe Yent Fdt Penrot fssuotce Mechanical Permtt Seeurltg Deposit Stotage Maintery4nce Permit Cvrbcut - Sil.eualk ?enee Mobile Horne PLan Uate r HAw 2AREFaLU ExAlrrNED tle eot pleted application foz, perrnit, cnd doletebg cettif-y tltat aLL infornatibn hereoi is trae and .Zrcect, anc. tfut'tker certify that any ard aLL uork perfotned srnll be done in o."oo-danee ,rLth the 1rdinancbs of the ctty bf bprLngfield., ard the L,ats of thes_tate ol 019gcn pertaining to the wrk cescribbd heretn, and. ttnt No occa-Pl.Ncy uill_ b3 tyce of aly st?uctlt?e uithout permission by tt. Buitd.ing DL-tsisio-n. I fut then eertifs- tlwt only contd.cto?s and enplcgees aho ar"e ineanpliance uith )RS ?01.055 uiLL be-used on this projeet rL-z-f7 TOTAL AIIOUNI DI|E: a SI 5e Signed Date r Electtieal la.bel