HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2002-06-18or SPRINGFTF'., 225 Ftfth Stre^t SPringfield, ( 'o1 1a-7 Location Of F Assessors l!1 Lot: Job# 02-00652-01 COMMERCIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of 2 s.oq Job Number: 02-00652-01 Office: 726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 00400 Subdivision: ' ^ite: 3505 E 00017th Ave Eug ' )33434 Block: Addition: TY OF SPRTTVGFIELD, OREoON3r Owner: lazelle lnvestments Address: 3101 Westminster Dr Scope Of Wor'" li^r i_ t ., _x Phone Number: City/State/Zip: New Medford, OR 97504 Value: $580 Contractor Ty ElectricalCont" C 'ttractor l'-rliir Bros lnc . 135 Commercial St Se, Salem, OR ! 7302-4597 l.lartin Bros lnc' ''5 Commercial St Se, Salem, OR )_-4597 Registration # 64761 Expiration Date 31512004 Phone 503-364-2211 Sign Contr 64761 503-364-2211 \ Office Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Land Use:\$ofB uildings: Zoning Code upancy Group: Bedrooms: Range: To request an i'''-'.' a.m. willbe ma working day. 'r call the 24 hour recording a1726-3769.inspections requested before 7:00 , ' 'crking day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following Required lnspections Electrical Sign Electrical -After connection is made, but priorto energizing 9jsL , SignFooting/I,+'-:h"^.t -Footing: Afterexcavationandformsareinplace,butpriortoconcrete. Final Sign -/ iter all required inspections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete Heat Source Sq. Footage l Use o'l Job# 02-00652-01 # Of Stories: Height (feet): Current Units: proposed Units: Gensus Gode: Does not apply Total: Page 2 of 2 Construction T,^^- Occupancy Gr. : # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Acce,'. ? -"Area (Sq. Fee Main:/ anac5gry; Type of Sign: Wall Sign Face Type: Single Face Height (Above ^ Sqr. Footage: lllumination? Comments: Horizontal: 7'6" -:l^\: r1' ') Thickness: 8" From Grade To Bottom:7' Sign Materia!: Alum / Lex n.x Freight Fee Paid On Receipt#Value/Quantity Fee Amount Electrica! Minimum Elect' Each Sign or C State Surcharg B% Admin Fee Tota! Electric: ' " r,- -66 J 06t18t2002 06118t2002 06t18t2002 06t18t2002 9637 9637 9637 9637 1 $.00 $50.00 $3.50 $4.00 $s7.s0 SignPermit- 0--- Sign Applicatio. Total Sign : Feet 06t18t2002 05t31t2002 9637 9324 580 1 $80.00 $40.00 $120.00 Grand Tota! Plan Check T,, Sign By signature, I st hereby certify tl performed sha' the State of Ort employees wh" ensure that all r from the street. , plans will rema $177.50 Checked By Date Completed Comment David Bowlsby 0611412002 .e, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do .,on herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work :cordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of rg to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors andiance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ctions are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable r it card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of .:t all times durin g the installation of the sign(s). Date /; Sign District: Sign Dimen"'- ''^ Vertical: 3 y-{^ e. ii" : ]5 ItrTH STRI,ET T\- -qPRINGFIELD, OR-EGO\ 9?47 7 r iS?ECTION REQIT.ST: i26' -\7 69 CFilCEr '726 3i59 EI,ECTRICAL - ;RMIT A?PLICATION Ciri Job Nunt* O Z 4O 65241 1. COIVIPLET!. ITEE SCIIEDULB tsELOW .gEu'Resi dential-Single or lvlu per dwelliug uuit. Included 69 Ttems Cost Surn t t0 L OCATION O[ Lrr:STALLATION .ffDs-E* T.EGAL DESCRIPTION JOB DESCRTP IfJ\theLtU*;-EeA \- i leclical Coun'actot', or less additional 500 sq. ft or portiolt tlrereof Each Manufd Hotae or Modular Ptvslling' Sen,ice or I'eeder $ t06.00 P- s 63.00 $ 75.00 ! :r:nits u:e non.h-nnqferablc a:rd f t;ork is not siartcd w.th:l l \,5 clisslralsc or ii-r','or1: is susprsn i 30 da;,' : COI{TRACTOR I-\S'1'AII-ATIO:.. ONLY L"-l sa .,,tJ,a k---t-- phone-Q..3 .-fuLllj1 t I : :1ler,-isor License Jrumber v9 -3L ::crarior Dtc- 1Q/oL r-onsu Contr, Nurnber- f,/{ 1-hJ- ;:xpiraLiou Darc 'ising Elec{riciirn (:rvners Ngmc .r ds ress ';iv9lhtAM-Phoue : \l'-\TRINSIAILATION i re nstallation is being rnadc un :l"ol)erI]'I ouu whicLr is not iatcndcd :i 1 1r : [' leaSe Or feUl. { rv:rers Signature: B- Services or Feeders Installation, Altcrations or Reloc:riion: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 ataps .tr01 amps to 600 amps 501 a:rrps to 1000 arnps Ovcr 1000 an:psivolts Recorruect Ouly c, 1 amps 600 amps 600 amps or 1000 volts see "E" ebovc D. Branch Circuits \en'Altelation or Extension Per Pancl Lilniied Bnergy/Res Limitcd Eucrgly'Conrm $ 19,00 _ _ $ 5o.oo 180 $ I 25.00 s 163.00 s375.00 s 50.00 .$50,00 $69.00 $r 00.00 _ s25.00 __ $45.00 t'ili Minirnrurr Electric Permil Inspectiou Fcc is $15.00 + Surcharges 4. SL,BTOTAL Of AIOYE ?94 State Surchrgc .3'% -{dministrative FccIIOTAL 57.{D s43.00 5300 not included) ___ $50.00 a507w- irrigadon Lighting t 3: fi-rf,Il I atttlrr ttuat IYI iL . ]TVU