HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-05-12- .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLrCATION /PERILIT 225 llorth |th Street SprLngfield, 2r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Cons j"uct;cn_!gde!_ SPFII}IGFIEL.D Date: It is the resgonsibility of the penr[t holder ,o see that aLL inapectiona @e nade at )he proper tine , that aach ;lfuesa is ren;abie Jroat the st?eet, anC lint the pett:rit card is Located at lhe ,.zvat of the ?toperty.*SuiAiq V)uiciot uD.?ou-ed 7lot sitc.Ll z.emain on the Suiid.rng Sitc at aLL'tines.- PPOCJDUP9 F1R li\lsPrnrcil R9O.LtrST.'CALL726-3769(recotier) state !ou? City Cesigruted iob ntmber, job aiiress, type of it.siec=;Jcn ve-quested ar*4 uhen'1iou uiLL be reaiy for inspecxion, Cont?dctcrs ou Asners rane ed plnne nunbct. Pequests receited befcre 7:0C ci -"iLL be nade the sane Ccy, "equests naie aftar ?:00 @n tiLL be raCe *,he nest lorking day, you, City Desig:r,a,ted Job lh*nbet Is: €fry L:tS?!l:::Ji!: To be rmde aiter *cduarlon, but priar to set up of forms. U;IDg?SLAts ?LU\,E|IG. ZLEC|PNL 1 i,lEclljlIc;ir: io be narie belore anyuor| Ls ccoe?ed.. PCOtflC 4 !)UNDATICN: ?o be ts.Ce a f t et-ir "tncit e s azi-ez can at e d and forns cte eteetei, but ptior to potu"tng ccncrete. EfilAL PLU:I:BI:IC P!|IAL |,{ECHA:IICAL ?IIIAL TLECIRTCAL |\ISULATIA N /VAPOR tsA.RRIER IIISPlCifi II : To be nade afier aLL insulcticn ed. tequiz,ed uqoz, bor.!.e!s de in place but before ag Lath, W?flon bcarC cr unLL couero|ng is cpplied, crd. befote a.A ,:nsuLation is concealeC. DRYVALL illSPZClfill: Tc be tnaCe aftez. aLL c.zyuall is in pl.ace, but prior co cny taping. WS1\\RI: Steel Location, bondffiijgtcutinq orrerticcls in accordoue vith a.ts.C, Section il?ODSTCW: After instaLlation is atwLeted. - u l DtRG?.c,J:t 9 p !L'!.tE!;L-gsEizJr t!!&J Lir4 crenchee. 7 unwnr:coR ?iu:.BEtG ?, :4ra:rA:trcAL:tt@oi floor insukxian or Cecking. P)ST AllD 3EAI,|: ?o be naCe prJor to insxallatian of floor ir.sulation ot &cking. Ro!.tc:! ?!u.!el:!c, ?LECI?ICA, 1 I|ECH-AilIil.L: ;io tor| ".s ic te coveredutil i'nese '.racecliars ',tcvo- beer,tnie ard qoorcued.. FIP|PLACE: Pr-tor to plccirq fcc.-ngncterials ard before frairg insoec- tion. FRAIIMC: I'tttst be "eouested d.fL-et apgz,ou,zl of rough pLwrbin4, electr")-cal & nechanieal. ALt ncoiir4 bracirq E chinmcys, ete. nrtst be corwleced, ,'lo ,;ctk ia to be con- cealed until ihis insoeciian l"a.s been mol.e cnC aporoved. CUPB & APPRCACH .\PPON: ae ereexeC but prJor After fornsto pctz.)nq right- L! esce- cortctete. SIDEWA.LX 4 )Rf]E#.!: ?or aLL ecn- crece pauirq aixh:-n s€?eet ol'-r'icE, tc be naCe afta-r a uating s6ttplete & fotn ,-oz,k & sub- base naterial in plaee. IENI: ',/hett conplate -- ?rouid.e gZtes or nouable sections through P, U. E. rrI ALL pnoject condi;ions, such as ,-he "l.nsxallaxion cf stteet ztees, :o-:l,e;icr. cf tie required Lanl.sccpirq, etc., nast be saxisiied bey'ore the tsUiLDf :'lG ?fllAL :cn be requested. IINAL BUT\DI!,IC: Tne Eincl Butldirq Inspeetion,ntst bc- tequestei.zfler the ?ital PL*nbing Electrical, qtC l.teclnriccl inspecttons hauc been made ad atoroued. Job Locaticn: \\Das\arv rc,Lot#\SX Subdiu")sicn ) U a*.;ner: Phone:Addtess \ wbL9 g* N+t frturnufg\ VdLUE Desci.be |lorkl-l Date of App Licaticn .lCditicn Ra noiel S { .-R-uDic.I-nfto! Lt sc. *'-onx?acvo?s A&besa ceneral .'i-{ \),<IlS- -n . S-lF-Jtl i,!eclnr.iczL Sani:atg seter capped =t Wcpet4 Lite Septic totk p:,r-teC ard iiLLeC aith gz,atei - ilthen abcue itens ate ect,nletei uhen ieqclitiott is ecncle'-e cr sai.ic- ttee naued a,C a,enises cleanei ut !,lcbile Ecaes tsLocking otd Set-tg PlutnbinX ccnnecticns -- sate? od. aaxet Eleetr[cal Ccnnection - 9lcckin4, set-u. and pknbing eonnections nr;st be aVprcued. befoz,e requesting elec'.rical insceclion Accesso,.3- tsuilding tcrel".es sktrting, dec)lsFinal - .4fter -{A !1r2 : OT JIALL UANHCLES AND CLEAN1|]?S ltUS? BE.lCCESiiALi, .4DJUS7:ti:;t lO 3t:.!!.iE !.? I0:35? TC CI:: N, Aesessore :!d? # DC\.!C.LTTIO!! AR !:CW' tsUILDI;;C.Sh+.l ll _l l l tr ) ?-aa 9 JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. I cf Lct Couetege 7 of Stor)es iotat- ileight ?opogrqnl 3 LAR, -CESS REQ.- accurdnca _ Ir.-tez,icr _ Cormer _ Paniund.Le CUL-de-sac 3eclcons Date ?aid Reeeiot H: Signed: Mechqnicol Permit L-co * PettrLt issuance Mecl^anicel Pernat TC PLot isanitet, I HAW CAREPULLY gXAl,tfNED the cornpleted acplicaticn iot pezmit, cri do hereby certifg that aLL ilfo:nation hetecn is true an4 eorrect, otL i f4!the, ce"liJi :hat atty ard aLL xotk teriorned slall be cione in aceor- dance',rith the Ordintnees of the City of Springfield, attT lhe Lc;a oi tha State of Oregcn peri:ainina to tke wrk Cescribed herein, enC '-iu= N0 1CCl- P!.llCI urtll be nade of c.nl sc?uct'"t?e uithout permission of the 3uilding D;.-oision. f f,trther eertifJ th.at only ccntrcetors ad ryLcyees uha ara ln cnpllance uith CRS 701.055 r,till be used cn tiis ct,cjeci Curbeu! ,---dtC> Lot leces - 'tlouse 1an-ce LACe 'ioodstove Access -- Fzes --::i:r K 7a 70?.4,1 7A.LU9 (b.u.c. l.t t PLan Check Building Volue & Permit This penrrJt is granted on the ecpress eondition tlwt the said-constz,ttction s)ra!-L, in tZL z,escects, =onfczn:o the )zdinaz:ce adocted. eiy the :'Ji7 of Sprtngf"Jeid., tncld.ing ;he Soning CrCinar,.ce, reaulctina the ecr.sttzrct')cn and use oi butl,l.ings, cnd nty be suscenieC or reuckei at En! t')ne utcn u'tc- Latl-on af rty ptctsisions of satC CYCirances. !o+-al Ch,anaes State Sut t!,1 aaa liza*es Resi.dztttia.L ( I bcth) Soti Seuer Plumbing Permit No petson slu.ll cottsttuct, instal!, aLter ot clunge cny ved cr existing plwnbiry cz, drainage systen in :,titole or in pant, u,Less such person is the Legal possessor of e ualid plunbet,'s License, o-.cept tllat a person nay do plmbing xork to p"ope?b! uhich is ouned, Leased or cpercted by the appli- @nt. Plunbing Perrit State Tatal ',.0 Nau/Eetend Cinad'"s Sezvice Electricol Permit Vhere State La,t requiz,es tlnt the electrical work be dote by an Eleetrical Contractor, the electrLcal porlion of this pernit stu.Ll not be ualil, untiltlte Label iu.s beett signed by the Electrtcal Contlactor. L Per*it CIiARCE *hast \ooC Vent F@t llcodstoie -- zlc?cAcl:.:a:!! -- See"r,) Perr.r|t Si.C.e,taLk Zlec L :CTA, ;,\!OU}E DAE:' MobiLe ilcne JLCn2d.n-t^ {s !'qoe/Cor.st: State Surchaae ?otcl Cact,ces Stota.ge ildanl,enzree -€L- )?. SPTIINGF!ELE' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works April 23, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER U.S. Creditcorp 32 0akway Mal1 Eugene, Oregon 97401 RE: Demolition Pernit # 831680 Dear Property 0wner: A recent inspection of the property at 529 North 35th Street , Springfield, Oregon, found the site to be free of debris resulting from demolition of the structure. However, our records indicate that you have not requested a sanitary sewer cap inspectionnor a septic tank inspection, whichever is applicable to your property, relative tothe above referenced demolition permit. If the dernolished structure was connected to the sanitary sewer, the sewer must becapped off at the property line to prevent storm water from entering the sanitary sewerand/or sewage from flowing onto the property. If the structure was connected to a :eptic tank, the sludge must be removed from the tank by a person holding a sewagedisposal service license. The tank must then be fiIled witir clean bar-rin gravel orother approved material. You may request an inspection by calling 226-3169. Because of the potential public safety and health hazards involved when sewer linesand/or septic tanks no longer in use are not properly disconnected, the above statedrequirements must be satisfied by 30 days from the date of this 1ett er ( May 23, 1gg4 ).If corrections are not completed or we have not heard from you by the abovq referenceddeadline date, the matter wi1L be referred to the city Attorneyrs office for resolutionthrough appropriate 1egal procedures. Your anticipated cooperation is appreciated. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 226-2753. Sincerely, l?",7 B on dtc,-'Y Roy Bordeaux Plumbing Inspector S SJ/1h 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726.3753 Frj-t)5 SPFII}TGFIELD CITY OF SPRI}IGFIELD Fire Department April 13 19 83 TO: Clty of Sprinefield, a nu:n-icipal @rtrnration, acHing ty and ti::rcugh its fire Depa:trent. You are hereby autJprized anC perx[tted to burn urrier s.perdsion and for edr:caLiona-I arld instructj.on pur?oses that certai:r house or tn:i1Ci::g lccated on Tar< Iot fi 02 3L 24 11504 in Via Linda Court aCdiiion to Spr:::gfie1d, Oregcn whiCl is desiga:a ted as North 35th Stree*, SpringfieJ-d, Onegon. I/Ne opressly warant and represent to you that l/we, the undersigrred, are tlre ov,iner (s) of said propertir, ard that the sane is fr.ee and clear of any and all liens, eno:nbrances, judEnents, and ary interest, right, title or clain in any odrer person odrer t}an the r.:ndersigned, and that tlt-is consent is freely and rrch:ntari-Iy gi.rreri, ard that we will save th.e City of SprirgfieJ-d harnr.Less fr.cm arry liabiiity +! any EErson vficrnsoever by reason of ariy statts ient or war=anQr contained, in this letter. ].frte, the rlrrdersigned, also agrrree to i*re follcwhg rcqllirslEnlss irryosed by the Fire Departnent to assr:re ccnpletion of al.l regr.flations. 1. The propertry crmer (s) shall rslo\re all debris c:l Ule lot (s) inrr:1veC in thi-s burn w'ithin si:<|ry (60) days after ccnpletion d.ate of tlre tn::m by the Fi::e Depail:,ent. 2. The crmec is to seqllie t-he regri-r'ed ds'rrlition and plunbing cap pernits frqn the Building Departnent vften inside the citlz limits. 3. Ortside City l,irLits, @unt1z regulations apply. U.S. CREDTTCORP v Mo strom,sE ct ger CEI{TRAL FILE - I (J't^;n;1 -//4u 4,4) 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3737