HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-12-01.. RESIT -.NTIAL.. /,:PLICATION/PERIIIT Rcee:-ct ll 225 llorth ith Street - SpningfteLd, Oregon g "?,7 BuL LdLno Dr-Dl-slon / zb-,5/ b5 ) Job [ocaticn: Asseaso?c l'ldo # Subdiuision: Amer: Add.ress City: Nea SPFIINGFIEI.D -- Bc7;a1 IL6B l0 (ff Deseribe htotk Value { q Sianed: Date of AppL iccticn lZ-l-'K ) Iaz lot # n Harvps*,o*",ft\-S+Dl-h zip: Ceneral M t7) i,iecivv:iceL Constntetiott Lenden :t iB tho respon*ibilitg of the perzrit holder to eee that al| inspections ee nade at the pro?e! tine, thdt each ,;dlteas is asa;^'^'-g 'rotn the atreet, atl tlwt the perwtt eard is L.ocated at the ffint of the property. 'BuiUing Diuisiot: appro"*ed pi.an shcll remain on the BuiLdzng Site at aLL' times.- 'I?OCEDUPE FOn. 4tSPZCtrcLt .?qQ\EST:CALL 726-3769 (recondet) state you" Citg Cesignated job 'equesxeci ar<i wlzen gou uiLL be reatiy for inspeetion, Cont?actc?s oy Atmers nane cnd pttoneiLL be nade the sone dcy, ?equests made aftar, ?:00 an vtLL be made the nctt .sotkinE day. ' ntmbe!, job aditess, type of it:soec--icn nunbet,. P.equesis receixed befcre 7:Cg r. You" CitA Desigr,ated Job Nunbez, Is:8b o%{ -1 SM IilS?!C?rc::: Io be natie after ) e-."rrdi;;Tt prior tc ser up oi Jo?ns.l ailDlRSLAB PLUtBillC, EL,?TPJC!1L &lEit!!!lIA!, 7o be natie before any tlolrk ie eouered, ^1pdimc a rouTomrcn: ro be nnd.e ;f;;;Ee,,tci;a" e eecauated atd forns ate erected., but priot to pourirg ccneret.. -r i/\u::oini*iu:to ptw.rrnc, s9nep, ni.irm. DRAIIIACI: To be naie prioz, to fil-Lirq trenehpe.')- r UIIDEP,FLOOR PLUI.E ING & I|EC\IANI CAL : of floor insulction ot, decking. a FIILIL I,{ECHA:IICAL L' Eftt4f ?f=^- - ,-tI ratl^u La-- --^L f3 IilSULAIIOII /VNPOR B.ARRTER I!]S?!CTIO\I : LA-l- tequired ocpor boriers ee in place.1r but before o-ty Zath, Wpsun bcatC or" i unLL couering is applied, and before oty insuT.a.tion is concealed. ll DRWALL INSP?trf)N: ?c be made -. afxer aLL it'ry,:alL i.s in place, but ptiot, to any tapirrg. ILAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in aeeordorce dth U,B.C. Section E E 4 tr 241e,",,, -',pl wooobiovt: Aftet, installation is ll I ccnrpleted. 4ctp] cuaa a AppncACn ApplN: After fornslA a6-ey-e-;i;T6;rnio" to pourt ng corlcrete. fl posr ai:o eat.:: To be nade priot tof\ instailaxicn of fToor insulation or deck1,ng. A5 ?. i '- '. :N ROLICH PLIIBI:]G, ILEC:P:CAL & I,{ECH-AI - urxiL these insoectiors i.nue been male and. appyoued,, t't ,fl rrptpucti wton b $Laeirq faeins'\l ;;ce"iaE awi before'froninlg inspe"e- tion. fl pRntnc: u"i{ Ae requested. aftet D dpir.orr"L of rough pttnU;ng, eiectri- cal & nec?anieal. AIL roofing btaeitq & chinmeys, etc. rast be . conpleted. llo uctk is to be con- . cecled unti.L this insoection lns'been rrude anC aporoved, SfDEWALK 8 DRf',EWAY: Por aLL eon-A;A;na1rfr-;lTffi stteet fisht- of-uny, to be maCe aftez, aLL ecca- vating complete & forn wrk & cub- base nlaterial in plaee. YENCE: h4ten conplete -- ProtsiCe gates o? mooable sectians through P.U.E. ect eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of stneet trees, eoncletion of tie Landsccping, etc., mlst be satisficd before the BUTLDfNG FfllAL can be requested,x A d I : FTilAL ALL pt,oj, requined fV, FINAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Bui.Lditq fnspeetion nust be reouested cfter the Ptndl Plunbiry \ry Electrical, otC tleclnrical fnspect:"ons lavc been nade ana appnoveC. DE:3LrTI)lt 0? ;.:)Va: ;-'I:D::;:S Sanilatg seser. eapped ct properfi Lit:e Septic totk pu::ped ann fiLLeC ttth graxi Pinal - ltrhea abcue itens ate ecrcleted and uhen iencitiion is eonalete br stnte- ture nooed anZ prenLses cleanei uV. Hcmes Blocking old. Set-ttp I Pltnbing connections -- seDe? d, uater Electtical Canection - Blocking, set-uz and plwtbing conrections m:st be apprc-ed before requesting eleelrtcal inspec|io:: Accessory BuilCing Firal - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. an,e conpleled. Page 7 of 2,ALL I4AI]IICLES AND CLEANOU?S IIT]ST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\I':]? ?O BE I."4DE /II I:O ClS? ?O CNY \ \1 ^*rrr",-) nn oanr 1 ,,oorrn ro " P(-\C h JOB NO.SOLAR ACCEz 5 REQ.-L-co * Lot Faces - Setbaeks P. L.llousp,Carade Access Nortil q/.27 Edst 7A. Sotith q,. I,/est 2A'22' Lot sq. Pts. //O7at z cf tct ccuercge Zee, i of Stories Z lotal lteight Topogrqhy itain TOTAL VALU! G"orr: r n4 4@? Interict V conn", _ Panhand,le CUL-<ie-sac Occu %Be:toors a z7!?"a-?% ..1 Building VofJe & Permit This, perrnt is granted on th u,ecpress eond.ition tlat the said.'_constmtctionslnll, in al.L respeets, corqbrm to the Ordittance edoated. big the Ci.ty of Spz,ingfield, includ.tng the Zoning Crdinance, requlctitlg the ccnstr"riticn and.use of buildings, otd may be suspended or teuokeC at cny t?.me u?on t)ic- l.a.tion of dnA prcoisions of said Oz,tiirances. Nera: .4za.q 4lrqfz jzra:z> z?><ya-P.zvo €@7, ?rFFz-a-€;ZE 6,r{7-7;4.+s VZ/ qEz/7* 76 @tzzrTW /z:a=*-en^a<- Euiliing Petwtt 'P^+-7 1L--^-- Resiiential bcth) Seu'et D7. ,-'^: n ^ D^*: + 9taxe Sl.rctayoe Siovted a-1t-: Plumbing Perrnit No person sl.nll consh..uct, tnstaT-!, a7.xer oy eitanpe cnA ne: cr e:istircpltnbing or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unlesi sue'n cersot ;,s xhcLegal ooseessot, of a uaLid olwtber,s License, ese€ii xi"a.t a o'elson nay ioplunbing aork to p?ope"ty uhidt is ou;neC, Leased or operacei by the cipii- cant. I x Value "7?7/{2? - 6 /q. /2 lzztz Fec: Dcte Paid:Z-- 75t Reeeipt # 67.€o ;A'/22..o 1:b'lf.- i4 €@.-o /z?. t6/.?/22.lo ,aa/Zdtent Circuits :aeor@! Sez,viee Total Electricol Permit Were state Lan requiyes tl:.ct the eleetrical uork be done b,t an siectricei Cont?acta", the electy,iccl portion of this permit sitcll nox be uclii ur.tiZthe Label ius been signed by the Eleci:tical Contrcetor. Petmit ,{ /.fz.P //5.o 67.iPZ-P ?a,20 I\{echqnicol Permit-1ff2e4 .rhanst Hooi €nt Fo1 'codstore Dztosit -rrlit '-de-taZk 'n3c Petrtt fssutnce Meci,a.rical Pernrit t"i,) -- EilCAAACHtlE:;',j, -- v I HAW CAREEULLy EXAHINED tle eornpleted aoplication fon pernit, ad dahereby certifg tha.t aLL ittfo:nation het,eon is ttae anC. ecnect, cr.,.C. f futther cez,tify that any ard aLL uork perforned slaZl be d.ote in accor- dance trLth the Ordinances of tlrc City of Springfield, anC the Lc;s of thcr state of oregon pcrtainina to the uork ceseribbd hcretn, cnd. tia7.t No occu- PAllcy vLlL be naie of any struetule uithout permissiott of the 3uitding Di- --,,*lqf. I further e-ertiig that otl11 eont?ac'tors crri enplcyees tho arb inehpliance Dlth CRS ?01..A55 Df.7.7 br ,,;.^1 .t this project Tctal Cncrocs a '*7ir- ./a 1 1 'bile Hane 41.,I c:iincL /@6 /Y.f,b 7 a&,-s.2.* I /€.o 3/.*/,793.{.* 7a.7, -^L tu';JU.t- fza 4 zt%,a-Date 1 Zone: I /7P.