HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-06-23.. RESIDENTIAL..,t t SPFIINGFIELD APPLTCATION /PERMIT 225 iorth |th Street Springfield, 1regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job focaticn:45 /?4 ?L .f'Prt Aaaeaaors Map ll \ fl 2\-) S\bdiviaion Asner: Address: & {Z t /7 p/Phonc: '247 City /),olL zip: f2V z 7 Deocribe ffotli.: Additicn Date of Applica ticn 5 3\ E q $ Value on rac t Ceneral , r-, 1 Si$ed l- 6 Data:.L 3 -81 es 742( r< 2/ Ta Iot ll s Plumblng Pcz,ct*''z-7,E l.lechanica lil.ect.rical Surrervisin Elec c r (.- I ll rr It ia lhe reaponcibitity of the permit ho-lder. to eee that aLL inopec-tiono crra nade at the ptoper tine, tl,at aaoh cddteee ia readab"e J'ron the stre'et, anC that the-pei'nrit_o-ard ie Located qt.!h.9 fro^nt of .the..P\1Pe_lw.i}u;ldiW Nvi:iot': approted plan shcll remain on tle Duzlding Sitc at aLZ tinea. Rerntined f nstro<t X E UNDSRC!?OUI]D PLUMSINC, SSIIE?, IIATEN, I onetnect^: 'l'o be rmle prior to fil- Lir4 trenches, T7 uilDERpLooR pr,ugnrvc r, ilECltAttIcAL:xl of floor inaulction or clecking, 71 Post AND 9EAt,t: 7e $s radc prior to L ) frfriacTa" of floor insr;Lation or decking, a n o Ltct I P t,u | !0 r.! E,_-E!.rQ!-!!4-!.1)1E9!r :tAl eutcat': No vork is Lo ba coacred - ;;iftheoe inspectiots haue been nade aruJ apo:'ove?-. I up.E?Ll!E: Prior to plcciruj facing) ^ct;;l;C arul bcfore lratning inspea- f-t DRvHAtt, INSPEC'1'\0N: Tc be nade | ^l;tt;;-;uA.r,.tfio in ptace, buc PtLOt'. co any Daplng. !'|AS)NRY: Steel Location, bond tifiilgroutirtg ot: verticala in accordance uith U,B.C, Section 2415 . SITE INS19C':ION: I'o be nnde af tet' 7;;au;nc", brrt pricr tc set up of forne. IINDERSLAE PLL'lfil IIIC, ELECTRICAL A ittcuLltlclt,: lo be nade bet'ot,e anyffi7ii6u"red. F))TIN7 4 FOUNDATIC!!: To be naCe afiet: -tieliches are etcauated ard forna ate erected, but pt'iot' to pouring ccncrete. I NSUI,A'I' ION/VAPOR BANNIT:N ITISPEC'|'ION : '1'o be ruCe after aLL inaulaticn aYrd rcquired oapor baniera aYe in plaoe bui belore any lath, gypotn board or *tLL oouering ia applied, crd before ay inculation ia concealed. DEI,IOLITIOlI LDIIICS Sanilat'y aaet capped at proparty Line Septic totk ptrnped atd fillad vith gratel Final - l'then aborte itens ate ccnpleted and uhen dorcLition ia oanplete or strur- tura noved od ptetriseo oleaneC up. tlob Le llcnee Blooking otd sct-up Plun$ing connections -- la)ar ard utatet WOODSTOYE: c,cmpDiA. After inotallation io CUNB ,S APPRCACII APSON: ane erecte'J but prior to conerete, Elaotnioal Conneotion - Elooking' 8et-u2 atd plwnbing conneotions mtat be apprcr;ed before requaoting elealrical inepeclio:t Aoceasor; Building Aftet forne pouring SIDf,llAt,K & DRII|F:IIAL: Pot all con- crete paviru1 uithin atteet right- of-tx:y, to bc nade after all erca- vating canplete & for;r r.tot'k & eub- bace naterial in Place. Pinal - Aftat pc*chea, akirting, decks, eto, ars oanpleted. n A Z A :l tion. F\[tI_A-e: [tust be requected afien tWrov"t ol roulrh plwrbing, electri- cal ,3 nech^znicaL, AL! r'oofittg bracittg C chinmcya, etc. trust be . conpletcd, llo ocrk ia to be con- . cacled until thio inspection lws 'been nade anC apprcved. IENCE: t{lrcn conPlete -- ProviCe gstee or novable aactiona thnough P, U, E, FIIIAL PLUi:BIi,IC FINAL I,IECIIAIIICII, ALL pnoject aond.itions, cuch as bhe i.natallation of alraet tteee, eatplation-of the requ'ircd lanCsccpir':g, ctc,, rmtot be aatieficd before the BUILDI\IC FINA\can be requested. /(), FrNttL DttIt,DfNC: 't'he I'inal Building fnopection mot be requeoted after the Pinal Plwnbinn YJ Elcctrtcal, anC t'leclnnical Inspectiona holo been ttade atd approoed Pagc ! ol 3 FINAL ELECTRICAL rAt.t t,tAvtrcLes AND cLtAilout,S iltts't'DE AccEsgr\Lt, ADJIJSTI\ENT T0 BE ll4DE AT tl? c05r r0 cl?y \ JOB NO.a soLAr--.(\c c ES s R EQ.-L* co Gtr e / Cor-e t Beit'tor:r; Lot Facea - ks llcat P, L.llouoe Cat a c lcce ss t Ra Lar:,t ll of Stortee Total lteight, ?opography LOT TYPE _ fntetior _ Conner '. _ Panhandle _ CUl-de-aac Iat Sq, Ptg. 7 of lot Cotteragc t rTEN x Val.uo ltkl o t ,l ?OTAT, VALUE s.D,c. 1.s r PLan C, l.^atc Pa'-d llece ipt ll.:6 =Sil1ned ITEII CIIARGE Fizturee de Reaidential (1 bath) {iani Seuen 5* ;tvLuu vrytrgeg ITEN NO.FEE Roa, So, fto l,leu/Extend Circuita 2a'z-2-E;2 Tenporary Sentiee 2?-s2 / -t7 ctuncE 2 ITSM NC,frt F\rntce !T{1'S Ezharct llood tvt*/r- -a Vent Fan l,lcoddtove -"; & Permit Isouotoe Meehanical Pefirit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sectri Lhi.ntenance Pcrmit Atbcu! Sida,taLk !crtce Electrical t-o.bel I trntrN,tt htt?, a 2e,76 toue Building Volue & Perm ir Thia pcnni.t i.o qranLill ott Lhc e.rprcos conli.Li.on l,lnt. t)te liid conl,!.,,u(:Li.ololnl,l., -i,n .a.tl. .renlncl,n, r:rtrtl'onn Lo Lha Onli.tttn;t:(t iklof.l.r.! ltu ito Ctl11 oIS\n'-inqfi.eL(l, t'.ttchrli.n,7 Llrc;,,ontn17 Ct,djnanr:t:, re,)u1.,;t.i.n,t tli:- ccn,rLr:_tcti.ctrand.usc o-f bui.Ldtil4s, atu! n.;,1 bL\ 6tt6pcndctl ot, tiaookcL',tL ,:r:ti t:itt,: ttitot ut,.LaLion of arty prcui:ii.ont ol cai.d.Ordi.nanr:es. Build.ing Permtt State ?otal Clargee t P lumb in g P ETITI ir l,lg pet.con aln.ll cotrtl:r,ttct, ina.!;al!, alter or clnngc any nr,,. cr e:isttngplunbing or drainolTo aynlqn in ulole or in 1tart, ur:Lcsl such persott is thr Legal.pococssor of a uali.d plwtbcr'a Licctts'e, az.ccpt; tl:ct d icison nat doplunbing ttork to pt,olerlty t,thich is ot;ncd, l.c,tccil o'r opcrct,ei lty tl,e cpp,Li- cant. Pltnbing Penr,it State Electricql Permit l{here sl.ata [,au requirot tlnt tha clectrical aork be donc by att slect:,rtca!. Conl;racLor, tho. electri.cal porl;ion of ,;hta f,cnniL ctuzll not be ualiC untilthe Label lna been oigned by t:he ElocLt,ical Contractor, TotaL Mechonicql Permit I 6- ze-a> TaL;__--__-z_ I IIAVE CAREFULLY DXAI'IINED the ccnpleted apptication for permit, and do lrcreby certify tlrat all ir,fotnatior.t hereoir it true and correct, anl. I funthen ccntify that any ar.d aLL aork parfomed alnll- be dote in accot- dance'oitlr the Orilirtancrzo of tha City of Springficld, and Lhc Lane of tho Stata of 1rogotr pcrl;airtirrg to the tnrk Cescribcd hcneJn, ard :lnt N0 OCCU- PANCI t,till be rnle of anu attucture utiLhout peniiosion of ttre Building Di-uieion, f furthor cartif;; tltet otly contrac-tor.s a;;d cnplc',1aes a|:o are in calpliance dlbh CltS 701.055 uiLL be uaed on thia pro,jecL Total Sion."d D,t Le t4obile llone A , ,/f