HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-06-16.-, -. .,, r....r;\:t.:i..SW\,.-r :.., i; .--. .. -. .. RESIDE.NTIAL.. APPLTCATION/PERMIT 225 North |th Street Springfi.eld, )negon 97477 Building oiuision / zo-o / D,7 SPRIiIGFIELI) ,tt I R Describe Hork 4Ol I bvlrt 0c Additicn. RenoCeL gp? ff'x7o'gpg"prTa f,r/6r. ffirpwe8', vol," 3 O A /, **Date of 7 f.7-Job Locaticn: (2 Assessors l'!ao #Tcs lot # Sttbdiuision: Otmet,: Addtess:Phone: City: , i Getteral ::. Plwnbino ELectyieal 14echar.iecL Construetion Lendet rt ie the responsibi-Lity of .the permit hotden to see tlut aLL inspections oe nad.e at the p?ope? tine , that each cd,iness is vsa)qhi2ty,!-tll" stteet, anc tltat the-permit,e,ard is Located. at the rro"i o7 the properfu.*Building Dittision appro,*ed plbn shc.Ll rertain o" tw aiLli1"lg'-lile at aLL tines. PROCEDUP\ FOR INSPECTIOIII R,QWST :CA nequesxed. and uhen gou aiLL beieadytill be marie the s&e dcg, ?equesis LL 726-3769 (yeeoz,det,) state your City desigrnted job nwtbet,,iob aCi.z,ess, type of inspec;icn *uotk is couered. ,o-!'*r, u ,or*anrroy ro be macealter tyenches a?e ezeauated and forms are ereeted, but prior topouz-ing ccncl,et€. - uypERcpo ult D pLUMp_!!!g.,_;EuEL__wl?t&'-J lirg trenchee. wp|pFL)2R pLUr.ErilG & r4ECtlAlrCAL :ro be ma<ie prior io-EiliTTilTil of flooz, insulction or decking. PPST 4l!-D B.EAil: To be nade prLoz, toLnsta.LLatlcn of floot, insulation oz,d,eckLng. utttil th-ese inspectiors h,zue beenmaae and. aoproued,. TNSULATIQN/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPIICTION : '1'o be mad.e aj'ter aLL insulaticn ad.required oapor butiers @e in place but,-before my Lath, Wpsutn bcayC oz, LnLL -eoDe?ing is applied, od. beforeoty insulation is eoncealed. DRYHALL INSptC?f)N: Tc be madeaftet: aLL &yaall is in pl,ace, Dut prLo? to cnA taping. UASONRY: Steel Location, bond beons, g"r,outirtg or uertibals inaccotdqtee Dith A,B.C. Section 2415. WO1DST)TIE: Aftet, instalLation isecttpleted. CURB & AP?R?ACH AppON: Aftet fornsue ey,eeteC but prior to pouringconc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRf,,TWAY: Foz, all eon_c?-ete pauing uithin street right_of-.ya, to be maCe after aLL Zxca_Datlnq conpl.ete & fotn tntk & sub_base naterial in place- Final - h\ten abcue .Ltens are eanoleted. and uhen Cenclition is complete'or sttuc_tut,e moued attd. pt,enrLses clbaneC up. qTvc Til<a=a-r.^t. ezcauation, but To be nade after pr.iot, tc set up of \q for inspeetion, Contyactcrs ot A.mez,s nctne cnd ptane nunbet,nade aftet ?:00 on vtLL be nade the nest uoz'king day. Iour City Desigr,a.ted Job Numbe" fs: receited befcre 7:00 s:i (., nD lt^18- Dit Sanilary seaer capped ct properei Lite Septic tank pur,ped and filled trith gra;;el w E FNAL PLUIqBilIC ETNAL T,IECilAITTCAL FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL I'lobile Hcnes Bloeking od. Set-up Pltnbing connections -- aane? otC. uater Ele_ctrical Connection - Blocking, se-,_uDand- plunbing eonneetions i"t iZ' ,pi"rria b efor e reque s ting eL ectrtciL i;;p;ii;;;* Aecessory- BuiHing Pinal - Aftcr pcrckes, skirting, decks,etc. are eonplZted. I FtetplnC_l: prion to placirrl faeinomat-e.?LaLs and. before froning Zr"p.L_ vo"'FRA]!INC:. ltust be requested aftp,r,appz,ouaT. of tough plwr,bing, /tZZt"L_cal &. nectnnicai. 'dtt iiZyilns'""''"-br-acirV a ehinmegs, etc. na.st" be. contpLe.ted.. llo uctk is to be con_..ceal.ed until this insp.ction -ti.,i Dee.n made anc approoed. IENCE: Wen conplete -_ pyouiCe g_axes o? nooable secticns thnoughP.a.E. AiL pt'ojeet cond.itions^ .ljnL n6 +L^ -. l- ""q"Z";"d";,;!;;;[ill""ri"i".oi""r'H ::ii{rl:ioz:r""1"";ff lr;;:r;"AT;;;i;rr"r,#*r"r.- PINAL BA.ILDTNG: The ,dteettical, *ra r..*l-!1al Building rnspect' =icatrnspec"i"i"'r*irZ'Zz#"h2'"tr"Y;iZX"f, t""theFinalptwbins rI IALL I4ANI]CLTS AND CLEANOU?S MAS? BE ACCESSIBLE ', ADJASTUE\ry TO BE M4DE t? tto ccs? TO cr?y Page 1 of Z ae.etpt t . 4't d'fr (/5 2 3- as,a4 4D0 t Na; f1 ,,ouorn ro n Lont?acto"s Aaiyess cJOB NO.6'lD3 IV SOLAR A:.CESS RE a.-L-CO Beitoons Lot Fdces - tt/857 Enerau Sources Setbacks lieat DT House Ca?ade Access Water :leate/, Not:th Range East FirepLace South 2//[,loodstote / a1+v'wqFfLot Sq. Ft!.LCT TWE _ fntericr _ Corne? _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac % cf Lct Cooerage # of Stories ?otal Eeight Topogrqhy tiest D-^^ I?EM x Value tlain Goaoe Ca?port {za fva 4az/.* Aecessoru TOTAL VALUE (ueLue)S.D.C. 7.5 x /y./- PLan Check Fee:-z a 4a-zg Signed Building Volue & Permit This perwLt is granted on the erpress eondition tlnt the said-consttwction stta.Ll, in all nespects, conform to the 1rdinance edopted 6iy the Ci.ty of Sptingfield, incLuding the Zoning Czdinanee, regulating the ccnsttaeticn and. use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of dny prcuisions of said 0t,dir,ances. Building PermLt Iotal Clnnaes State N0.FEE Fiztutes Resi.dmtial (1 bath) Seuer NO Set"uice Electricql Permit Wev,e State Lan requiz,es tllat the eleetz'ical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contnacta", the eleetrical portion of this permit slnll not be oaliC until the Label Lns been signed bg the Electz'ical Cont/'d.cto?. TotaL i?!14 FEE CIIAP,CE Plutnbing Perwtt State Neu/Ertend Cincttits klwnst Hood. i Vent Fot : llcodstotse PertnLt Issuanee Meclnnicel Permit -- ENCROACTIMENT -- Pernit TotaL Curbcut Sidasalk Reeeipt #: P lumbing ermit No pereon sLwll eonstv,uct, install, altet' or change any net) cr eeisting plunbing oz, dnainage systan in ahole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessoz, of a ualid plwnber's License, escept that a pe?son nag do plunbing uoz,k to ptope?tA uhich is otmed, Leased ot' operated by the appli- cant. Mechonicql Permit 6'rz-=z Date f HAW CAREFULL| LXAJ,IINED the eompleted application for pe?rnit' and do ;":;;L;;;;Afu ttal att-ittfortnati'on hereoi is tz'ue anl' eorrect' aruc r fut,ther cet'lify tnot ony- i'n- i-it uort< perfotned stnll be done in aceot- 'd";;i;;i'; tiL" o*ai",i..2"*;f ;;,; ilv 'ol.bpringfield' and the .La;s of the State of Oregcn p"otoiirllno-'to- tlr" roik Ces'eribLd herein, cnd tlnt ll0 ,CCU' piltcy D,LL be maCe "f'';;';' ,i;.ir*"- ",itnl;;- oZii""io, of the Buitdins Dt'- uision. r further """;;?r"ii;Zi";"iv-;;;;t;;"'toi" *'a enplcvees aho ate in ;;;1,;;".;'r;.tt, oas 701."0"5s uiLL be'used on this project 1 Mobi.Le Hotne :crAL Nl)utiT IDUE:'\ 4 7a-<a I - -r I