HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1981-03-05tNSPECItOi' 726,59 TINE CIIY OT SPRINGTIEID COMBINATION APPTICAIION / PERi,TII INFONMATION tINE 726.3753nn legol De t z o*n., ts)l Sq. Ftg. Olher - New-Add-Alter-ReP' Sq Ftg. Accers. ENERGY SOURCES: Heo t Woter Heoter Ro Volue of Demo-Chonge/ Use Address (Phone Fomily Residence With Aloched Goroge) @"w"iN'.#iJs;ai; or)7bit,ffi-tr n{. , Q,\s.- con.*,i.rioI-Lr f Addre ss Phone a9 ) 7v DESIGN TEAM (nome)(oddress)(lics. no.)(expi res)(phone no.) Prim o ry Slruclurol Mechonicol CONTRACTORS (nome)(oddress)(lics. no.)(expires)(phone no.) Generol Plu Electricol l,{echonicol ETECTRICATPTUMBING MECHANICAL No. I FEE CHARGE NO.FEE CHARGE NO.FEE CHARGE I I Eoch single fixture Residence of -sq. ft. furnoce/burner to -BTU'S Relocoted building (new {ix. odditionol) New circuits, ollerotions or exlensions Applionce vent 5epora le S.F. Reridence (l borh)SERVICES Slolionory evop. cooler Duplex (l boih) eoch Temporsry Consiruciion Vent fon with sinqle duct Additionol both Amps. Vent sy5rem oport from heoting or A.C. Mechonicol exhousl hood ond ductWoter rervice Wood stove/heoter/Sewer lo.a ) Heol PumpSlorm Sewer FEEDERS Ampr. Air hondler to I0,000 cFM Air hondler over r0,000 crM ISSUANCE OT PERA{IT TOTAT CHARGESlO LoIOTAT CHARGES WHERE STATE fAW REQUIRES thot thc Electricol work be donr by the Elecrricol Conlroctor, the clcctricol portion of thir pcrmit sholl not be volid until o lobel hos brn signed by on Elcctriol Contraclor ond ottoched to lhe cleclricol ponel. TOTAT CHARGES I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed opplicotion for permit, ond do hereby certify thot oll informqtion hereon is true ond correct, ond I further certify thot ony ond oll work performed sholl be done in qccordonce with the Ordinonces of the Ciry of Springfield ond the Lows of the Stote of Oregon pertoining to the work described herin, ond thot NO OCCUPANCY will be mode of ony 3tructure wiihout the permission of ihe Building Division. I further errlfy thot my regi.trolion with the Builder's Boord is in full force ond effect os required by ORS 701.055, thot if exempt the bosis for exemption is noted heron, ond thot only subcontrqstors onci employees who ore in complione wirh ORS 7O1.055 will be used on this proiect. DATESIGNATURE ,-q5g\ Bosir for Builder'r Boord exemption: NAME (pleose print) /FOR OFFICE UsE ONIY FireZone-Bcdroom:occyIoodSq.Ftg'AccessxVolue floodPloinSlorie.OccyGroup-Sq.Ft9.other-1-{q|gg TOTAT VATUATION x ueSq. Ftg. MoinZoneConsi. -Unils Systems Development Choroe ( I .59lo) BUITDING PERMIT Plon Ck. Comm/lnd Fee Plon Ck. Res Per Fee Chorger ond Surchorges .S,o,rl.fA-/rfr.d Totol Comb. Permit -T PTUMBING PERMIT Demo Chorger ond S urcho rges Chorges ond Surcho rges c Sidewolk MECHANICAT PERMIT Chorges ond Surcho rger Curb Cut TOTAI.//0{) - oQt a Electrico I COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) l. A,ppliconl. to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol DescriptionI. exomple-tox lot I00, Lone County Mop Reference l7 03 43 2. exomple-Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Addition to Springfield Estores C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D. Energy Sources PERMIT VALIDATIOiI B6rtt dl.s €6 I'I 1 elcgp!s-heot,/elect.i.o ; cei I i n g,/or f orced o i r gos e x6frFlE- w o te rT-e-6G7/ el6it frio I i o i! oiE .2. E. Squore footoge or voluotion, etc.l. exomple-1 250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot goroge 2. exomple-if new proiect, check-new-if oddition, check odd, etc. F. Building permit informotion: 1. exomple-construct single fomily house with on olloched goroge 2. exomple-remodel exisiing goroge into fomily room 3. @-convert single fomily residence into restouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Section 303 (o) of the Structurol Speciolry Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction deloys, Building Division Stoff must be oble to contoct oppropriote persons regording design informotion or iob site correclions, etc. ll. Abbrevioted Plumbing, Mechonical & Electricol Schedules A. Except where blonk spoces occur in the description poriion of the Mechonicol ond Electricol Schedules, the opplicont need fill-in only the No. Boxes odiocent to the oppropriote item(s) to be instoiled B" Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electr.icol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot the Building Division I. To conserve spoce on the permit form the schedules : hove been obbrevioted - 2. lf the item(s) to be instolled ore not covered on the obbrevi-. oted schedules you should consult rhe full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION ST,AFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dofe Whenever possible, the initiol oppliqotion will be used os o worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Sroff will prepore o typewritten copy ond return it to.lhe opplicont ot the time the octuol permit is issued for his signoture. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the opplicotion, ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. AII other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when the permit is issued. V. FOR OTFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDIIIONS TO 8E SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additionol Proiect lnformotion: nome signoture dote PLANS REVIEWED BY: