HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1988-02-08;./A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Public Works Department CERTIFIED LETTER February B, 19BB George Blanchard 399 SW 2nd Street :,. . . Camby, OR 97013 -1. i i ,!i,., Subject: Courtesy fnspection at 1990 N. 17th Street Springfield, Oregon. City Job #870963 At the request of your tenant, the Springfield Building Safety Division recently conducted an inspection of your proPerty at the above address. The inspection revealed itens which do not ureet the ninimum City Housing Code requirements and must be corrected. They consist of the following: Electrical 1. The waII outlet in the living room nearest the front door has no power. The outlet apparently shorted out when the tenant was using a vacuum cleaner. 2. The outlet box is broken and sha11 be replaced. The above items shal1 be replaced or repaired and reinspection request made within thirty (30) davs of this letter. A licensed electrical contractor is required for all new substantial alterations to existing structures which are or rent. However, work on alterations to and replacement electrical devices which is necessary for maintenance of electrical installations may be done by the owner of the work and for sa1e, lease of parts for existing; property. ff you have any questions or need clarification of the above requirements, please call the Building Safety Division at 726-3759. Sincerely, ""!^K",.KElectrical Inspector Dave Puent, Building Official 225 Fifth Street o Springfield, OR 97477 )CC a 5031726-3753 .;l Sal utati on:JDate: Fi rst Name:Last Name:B Inspection Address: o l'r Rev'iew Proposed Use: Number of 81dgs.I Type of 81dg. Header Paragraph # Is This Letter Certified?(Yes' / No Is This Letter" Formal? Yes / No\_ STRUCTURAL PA #'s ELECTRICAL PARAGRAPH #.S "fl Any Ch ES Yes No Any Changes _ Yes _ No MECHANICAL PARAGR #,S PLUMBING PARAGRA ,A LA 6 Any Chan Yes No Any Changes _Yes No CLOSING PARAGRAPH #.SSPECIALTY HEADING Ti tl e: Paragraph f's Any Changes _ Yes _ No Any Changes _ Yes _ No SIGNATURE #'S 06* x rl {l q t.J0wner's Address: CARBON COPY #IS #25 )I BUILDING LETTER REQUEST FORM { ^t a h, t) L f n NOTE: Place an asterisk (*) in front of paragraphs to be placed in the review buffer for the library. -.-,,,-.' :"'' ." 0..t A^ { fl +, 0-+-.ln -+.{l --+r-Yr*-J, + I JD{lr - T\o A J A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD R* t(ra-lw hnU # ?70?0'COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQT'EST) BUILDING DIVISION D^rE /2 ,/ tl /f ,ADDRESS oF TNsPECTToN / 7 z > //, / or{NER B /^ ^r -/- o r /-pHoNENo.2Le La/o ADDRESS "= ]r 55RENTERPHONE NO STGNATURE OF oCCUPAIIT (RENTER) FoR AccEss ro pRopERfi - TELEpHoNE NLTMBER 7 ?6 a i 3 { TYPE 0F DI{ELLING: SINGTE FAI'IILY BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MA.,OR PROBI.EII{S: DUPLEx tr MULTIPLE i^\ *// P /,^ --,/,lt. ' 4 /'o-.r- tr ,/ r) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To Ovmer Date For Comp liance Compl iance Obtained - Date tt\11xttx .L av4,l Date of rnspectio" I f ealtt /4n I^!zt^r,q-t-h-^vv-NQ;\.f \A-It< q+<., n fZr-fJu_^4ry.^ I )d* ,;frA M ? dt *l^ .1a *4"C^.^<_,.J^ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD # ?70?03 COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) BUILDING DIVISION DATE ADDRESS oF INSPECTI0N / 7 Z e fl), / 7a PHoNENo. 2Le L3 / >owNER B /^. .-l af,'-/ ADDRESS PGNTER PHONE NO. 2 A a a{3{ SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FoR ACcESS To pRopERTy - TELEPHoNE NUMBER 7 qa ai 3,,;- TYPE OF DIVELLING: SINGLE FAMILY BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF I,IAJOR PROBLEMS:a.-<)4 .7- a FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Insp ection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To 0wner Date For Compliance Comp liance Obtained - Date 92 ffiur** n MULTTPLE tl