HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-11-12Rcee:-Pt I /0 5s.. RESIDT trTIAL.. APPLICATTON/PERTET 225 North Sth Street SprLngfteld' 2regon 97477 Buildi.ng DLuision 7 26-3? 53 Job Loceticn:7?o A-/. /?rfl Aoaelsors llaP ll I SPFITNGFIEI.D {^1-oL -JfSvbdiuision: A.tner: Address: . city:K -/za I Desertbe htork: Value ?f"'fu n t'64Q lll I Ns*t AdCiticn Renod.eL Date of Applicaticn. General p4 *774 a4Z Ddte // Phone:S"k). 2nd PLtz"ncing 7 Mecitaiecl |o_rytn"tidn Ldr"_+ ! ! ft i-, ttB reepotto.ibilitg of tB penntt lto|da to cee tlat aLL inapeetiona oe nade at tle ProPer tine' tfat 242fi ''l'lt2ss ig vsa2n\'.. fln the attiet, atld that tne pettrit easd. ia located at the frctti of tle prooerty.1ui|ling Diuicior. aVVraed pl.ot sltll ?emdi.n on tiE Building Sitc at aLL tines. PI?OCSDUPE FOI? fqs?ijnil P11\E€;A:CALL726-3769 (recorder) state !ou? City desigttated job nu;ber, iob aiiness, type of incpeeli,cd eaayioli*pcction,Collt|dcto?so"a)ne"s.tlanecncicianerulnbct.P'equestsreceixedbefcre7:00g. t:ill be natie the earc ticg, ?eqtests narie aftet 7:00 an urill be np.de the nczt tmrkinE aag !o1t? CitA Deeigrated Job l,llonber Is:8r0*ro ReouireC fnscecticns -] S.I?S MS?!C?I)jr: Io be nade after I t Ecauatlon, otv pr-Lot Ec ee= up oi - forms. 1 reorruG I FOUNDATT1II: lo be npCe ) ffi-xr;nci;; are-acaatei ad. forms ane ereeted, but prior topw-trq ecncreta. - U!!ERGp3:::D pLlltlzr!:c, s!'"zp, ht.1:!p. )Lir4 trenciec. l l l l f ...cecled until thia inspectLon laa'been tnaie anC approved. unpsRs L4?L?LU\$ tl! q !: LierylltL s I.'FCE:.))IC;L: To be morie b eiore any tnrk ie cooered. AilDEP?LCOP PLUIBIi]G 8 HTC!]A.TTCAL: Io be naie prior to installatlon of floor insulction or <ieckina. P)ST AllD BEA\.!: To be nade prior to Lnsto,i '--nof floor insulation ot' deckiry, R)t_tcll PLa!9r::C. !LE:!?ICA! fr Htal:- AIiICAL: i:o uo"k is to oc coterei .dlT-these ittspeetions have been na.de ana cporooed. FTPEPLACZ: bior to plcei4 fccingmcterials and bcfore franing ineoee- tion. FR4ljlj:C: Must be recuested after 6ir.rnt oi rough plur,bing, electri- cal & nechznical. AL! toofir-t bracing E chirmcgs, ete. mast be ; coilpletcd. llo wrk ia to be con- INSULATON/VAPOR BARRIER ITSPECTIO\I : ?o be nwde after aLL insulcxi.cn cd rcquzred tapor ba,rie?a a?e in pla.ce bttt before oty lath, Wpiln bcari ot tnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DBYILALL lllSPgtrloN: Ic be made -. after aLL cryuall is in plzee, but prior to cny tdpirq. ILAS1!i!?!: Steel location, bond iidilgrouting or oetticcls in accotci.otee tlth U.B.C. Section 2475. VOODSTOIE: AtnpTeteA. After installation ia CURB & APPROACI.! APPON Afte:: fornsee erectei bux prior to pouring conc?ete. SIDEIIALK & DRTIEWAY: For all eon- crete pavinq uithin st?eet right- of-My, to be maie after aLL esea- oatina conplete & font uork & sub- base ncterLal in place. DEiICLITIO!: OP, ::OW) BUILDI;:CS Sanif,ag seuer capped at proPer4i lire Septic totk p'zped ann filled trith grate linal - l{hen abcve ite*s ate catpleted and uhen Le:tclition is coralete o! atrlc- ture mouei arc pretrises ci'eanei up. t:cb !.e hcmes Blocking ozd. Szt-:tp Plunbing connections -- a.1iet @1C. uaaet Eleetriccl Canection - Bloeking, eet-u. ani plunbing connections rc;st be 6pprcv*e: beforc "equest.-ng elecirical inspec:io:': Aeces.ory BuilCtng Final - Aftcr ocrches, ekirting, decl<s, etc. are ccraoleted. I l lxl FIIIAL PLUI.IBIIIC FIilAL IIE'HA:IICAL I FINAL ELECIRICAL V\^o IENCE: hhet conplete -- ProttiCe gate6 or mooable sectians through D II T ALL projeet conditione, such aa the i.nstalZation of street tnees, eo-olction of the required TanCsccpirg, ctc., nust be eati.sficti before the BUILDIT:O FINAL can be tequested. FINAL BUILDINC: The Einal Building Inspection naet be reouesteC cfter the Final PlwrbinS Electrical, od. l,techar.iccl Inspectzons ltavc been nade ati approued. 'ALL ttA!:!!cLrs AtlD clEAticws uug? BE A11ESSIBLE, ANUSI:::::! ?O 9t t'-LD' t! t:0 C?S? T0 Cpy Page 1 of 2 /b ul ?* fu,ullo I. trL .C / ?c,ratfl O2(rfrO03 a rJ /5Io,r,Lfu,LC/ u soLAR A-:ESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Aecess [.ot Faceo - P Houae llorth East South Lot Sq. Ft;. 7 of Lot Caoeragc_ I of Stortee ttT r!78 Interior Cotne? Panhond,le _ C\L-de-eac JOB NO. Vaiucx ?otal Eetght fopogrqhy Ueet tb.in C,aace C@e"t Aecessott1 s.D.c. 7.s * t'"t'" Soiitant Saser Hcte, Beztoq:s: ieaa 'tlooastoxe -- Fees -- Building Volue & permit This perntt io granted on the e&T"ess eottd,ition ttat the sail. constntctiotzalnll, in-all.ne2p1ets, eonfonn to the Op(iit@nce adoctei by the City ofsplingfiel-d, inclwiing the zoning cvdina ce, regulcting th-e ccnstrritiLnotd,.use of building.s,. otd mzy be_ sucpended or r'euokeC it ory tine upon uic.Lation of @ty pncuisiona of aaid Orci.irances. Buil<iing Peyrr|t State Surchoge ?otal lizctges Ii=a:l.es Resiietttial (1 bcth) PL;.oaHng Perrtt 9tate Surclame a a Plan Datc Paid: Receiot ll: Sig::e<i: FE''Ci:;F.J: N€r,r/btend Clratits Sentice Electricol Permit |lhe?e state las reouires tb.t the electrieal uork be done bv an glectr-ical conxru.cto?, the elee=ical cortion of this pernic siall rat be ualii untilthe Label has been sigteci by xhe Elecxr.ieal Conttccxor. cal Permi'. 7otdL C7|orces 1 a).% / 3 Mechonicol Permit I bl@tat ilool Veat For i.lcoCsto;sc Sto?aoe Perrit Ctbcu) SinaxLk lobile Hane Penn t Issuoce Mecianiccl Pefii1t -- ttcRcAcut:l:;? -- Dcccei: Totcl Cnanacs l'Lan Lranlner I HAW CARSFULLY 9rLUINED tle cottoleted aoplication for oernit, @d. d.ohereby certif.lt thdt aLL itfo:nation hereott is true ad. c'o't.ect', arti ffw.ther certify that any ard aLL uork perloraei shalt be ciote it accor- dance vLth the oriinences of the City of Soincficld., arul th: Loxs of theStdte of O?e?cn pcrtaining to the uork Ceseribc,l, hcrein, cnd, tlut tJO CCCI- PAttcy titl b-e nr,de of anu st?uctuve uithott pernission Zy tn" suitding Di-vision. f furthcr eerti'f, that otlu contrac'tors ar-,.d enpicAees iho are incatplianee uith CRS ?01.?ss uiLL be used on this project :fiAL I.PCU.'!? DUz: q Is.a= /.- Date Cdraoe ? LPCD TOTAL VALUS Res. Se. ftt. Plumbing Permit No percon slull consttuet, instaL!, alter or citanae cny neu er e-isti,g qlwno-ira or drainaae syst? in u'nole or in part, uctesi such person is- theLe_gal.possesson of a oalid plwnber,s Licens-e, eiceDt tl"at a D'e:son ial doOffir"n uork to p"ope?ty uhich is otnteC, Leased on operated by the &pti- 7 41'. _ | ra: A a l:t.5 -{+ ttcr+b COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) BUILDING DIVIICITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADDRESS OF INSPECTION Tt,'2 HONE NO. ADDRESS PHoNE No'.7'/ L oRENTE SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NI.JMBER ?b >; 7 ''7 TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY DUPTEX T MULTIPLE tl BRIEF DISCRIPTION 0F IVIAJOR PROBLEIvIS: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date. of Insp ection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Comp liance Compliance Obtained - Date OWNER I L [\ rr--] bQi ^*^t c-,a^A4r€[ J)lr 0r + ktor'/b COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REqUEST) L BUILDING DIVISiCITY OF SPRINGFIELD olre /ri L ADDRESS OF INSPECTION PHONE NO ? -L3{O rq -7 /1 owNER (1d-,t, u,.,'L,' E 'n*./roo J- ADDRESS hL LL*r- a4r*ft--ftatc u RENTE SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER ? TYPE OF DWETLING: SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX D BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: PHONE NO. MULTIPTE tr zt+'{ oo <-- I ciq ltl | -(r\ Lri Cn.,l lo FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspec tion Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Compliance Compliance Obtained - Date 1 r(b COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION D^TE //:-r- OWNER Q-oe ADDRESS ADDRESS OF INSPECTI oN,ni r2 c,n PHONE NO. RENTE PHONE NO.711€o€3; SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) F 4. . ,< *r,,'ax -C221,1 z-zEz 7za >; B sFOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY . TELEPHONE NI.]MBER TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX x MULTIPLE tr BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: Arfi, tlt ll (.f FOR OFI]ICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To 0wner Date For Compliance Compliance Obtained - Date Lj w , Ir.'sPEcToR BY YOU AT THE G D PREMISES. NAMED H - DATE.1, ,Jmber LITY OF S NGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN STREET WE HAVE INSPECTED THE ELECTRICAL WIRING AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLED THIS REPORT FOR YOUR RECORDS. 726-3i EREIN A TO OWNER OR TENANT 0a 9'lot3 -rG b- b2 LOCATION OFJoB I ! wrRtNG APPROVED FOR COVER n A PERMTT lS REQUIRED n APPROVED FOR SmVrcE E I|EAT CABLE APPROVED FOR COVER E WTR|NG TNCOMPTETE D UNDERGROWD.APPROVED FOR COVER ! WlRltltlG COVERED WITHO{ T INSPECTION E CONDUIT SYSTET APPROVED FOR COVER n DUE TO THESE PREMISES BENG LOCKED AN ll.{SPECnON COLTLD NOT BE ,\ ADE n DUE TO NO oNE HOME AN INSPECION COULD NOT BE lytADE fl Wl,RlNG APPROV$ FOR COVERING E(CEPT THE FOLLOWli.lG 4542454 OLA4d umber 8 f a *{G 6o."^ G-.Lr*INSPECTOR DATE WE THIS TO BUILDING DIVISION HAVE INSPECTED THE ELECTRICAL WIRING AND EQUIPMENT REPORT FOR YOUR RECORDS. 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 HEREIN AND SUBMIT 7'{o - os3€ftu 3 Ys -'-ftI ( - INSTALLED BY YOU AT THE G OWNER Of TENANI LOCATION OF JOB PREMISES NAMED b QF*,ll^--rl. o E WIR|NG APPROVED FOR COVER E A PERMIT lS REQUIRED I APPROVED FOR SERVICE n HEAT CABTE APPROVED FOR COVER E WIRING TNCOMPTEIE E UNDERGROUND APPROVED FOR COVER I WlRit$c COVERED WIIHO{JT INSPECTION [] CONDUIT SYSTE}Vi APPROVED FOR COVER n DUE TO THESE PREMISES BBNG TOCKED AN INSPECTIO|.{ COULD NOT BE MADE f] DUf TO NO ONE HO,IIE AI',t INSPECION COULD NOT BE A ADE APPROVED FOfl COVERING E(CPT THE FOIIOWINGI wrRrNG *r- -ft.trcr+b Ll-COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REqUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION olg:e l/ADDRESS OF INSPECTION Ol'lNER PHONE NO. ADDRESS Ar^*a-LU RENTE SIGNATURE 0F oCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY . TELEPHOI.IE NI,MBER ? TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAI\,IILY ffiuru* tl MULTIPLE tl zt+'/ oo BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS k 2L b-bzto PHONE NO. L 3qq S, l.D , Cn.'J 0 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Insp ection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Conpliance Compliance Obtained - Date t a