HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-06-30?ecei 3/7.. RESIDENTIAL.. zzs North stn i*"ffPLrcArr0N/PERttrr SprLn4field, )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 726-37 53 T 9I?E IIISPIC?ICN: To be rade after ezcantcticn, but pt4or tc set up of fotne. UTI.DERSLAB .DLA!"EIIIG. SLECTRIC}.L A |,ECE[I|ICAL: lo be nade before Cnyaork is couered. FC)TI:IG , F1TJNDATIC\I: lo be rmie - dfter tyefich2s a?e ezcanted and. faz.ns az,e erected, but prLot tnpouring ccncte'ta. tl/odskru It cc 4?' , Uo ir.b o /lI,U ,r-d-,Le, Z- SPFIINGFIEI-D tt ie the reaponoibi-Lity oi.tle permit lto-Zd,* to see ttet at! inapeetioflr, @e nade at lhe propet tine, t1at sas]1 a,lirsss is ysa;,c^12fron the street, attd thct the penrtt cod ie Located at the fzoni of the orooerht-*?ui!dir4 D'Juicion a?proted plbt s9elL r*-in.a\tt1? Buikiira sitc At all'li;;;: !.RlcgDUP\FoR, rysPgerctt.,l9-AyEST@u.r9--a!p9.i)ecorcer) state your city ,1,esignzted, job nodber, job aiitess, qpe of insoeelicnre4uesYed c.-ti,uhen gou:';iLL be re@fi-{nspbbtion, Contraetcrs in a,rn"rs'n r"i"a pi-7" ns,nbct.' -nequest.s neZe;-7\d. bZi'cne'7:c0 anL'LLL be nade the sane <icg, ?equeets mc.de afte,r Z:00 @n ttlt be naCe the nezt xtking'das-. UIID1RG,IAU!]D ?LLM3I;IG, 39WP. W,ATIR. DRAINACE: To be raie prioz, to fil-Lirg tz,enchee. Date yow CittJ Desigzated Job llutnber Ie tzor bz ilISULAIIOTI /IIAPAR B.ARRIER IIISPICTIAil : ?o be naCe after aLL insulaticn cd. t,equired uqor ba,r'iers @e in place but before ory la.th, Wpsun baarC or rnLL coueting is applied, and. beforeay insulatton is concealed. DRYT ALL I\|SPICIICN: ?c be nade after cLL az,yuall is in pla,ce, but prror to ang taVin4. lUSOtl.Rl: Steel Location, bonC bearc, gzouting or Delticd.Ls in acccrdowe ,'nth U.B.C. Secti.on iiOODSTOTE: e,,pGA.After installation is Q!RE--E !I|304Q,Y A?R)N: Aftet fonnsd,eZCnAW@o" to pcamng conctete. SfDgriALK A DRIIAilAY: For aLL cott- cr.ete pal6 altffi st?eat right- of-leA, to be maCe after ali ezca- oatina tanplete & forn uork & sub- base nater"al in place. ?ENeg: rlhen conpLate -- Pro,tiCe gdte; o" nooable aectiotts th;rough P. A. E. I ,r WDFPFLCCP PLUtEflG A \4ECSANTCAL: 7o be nace prior xo instalktion of floor insulation or decking. P05? AND tsEA!4: To be ndde prior toinstallatian of fZoor insu'la,tiotz or decking, -qouEi! ?autzI;:G, ILEC:P:CAL LV9C3- w:til ihesc- :insoectians irne been made and. ,tppt cts'ei. ?I?ZPLACE: - ndxerlaLs Prior r.o plcairq and before ftatrLng fae.lnginsPe.-tion. FRAJIIIIC: i,tust be requested after approuaL of rough pLunbing, alectYt-a,L & neelnnieal. ALt roofing bzaeJng 3 chinmegs, ete. mtst- becompleced. llo uctk is to be con- . cecled. until this insoecticn itz,s'been nade anC approxeci. ?TilAL PLUI,IBIIIG PIIIAL |.{ECAilICAL FINAL ELEC?PICAL ALL proiect conditione, suci as che i.nstallation oi slr,eet tz,ees, cc::vieion of thercquired Land.scqir:g, etc., ilast be satisfied beJbte tt-e tsUILDI:i-C FI)IAL ccn be requesceC. FilIAL tsUILDING: Th.e Einal Suikiing fnspection mtst be z,eotesteti ciler the !,i.nal ?lunbinsElec'tt-tcal, otd Meciuriccl rnspecti.ons haue been ncce a,ui'aacrouec. Job Lpcaticn: l(-p-.Ab&I fr-l -Assessore ),lao #?cs Iot # I Subdiuision: f) rrli o ,\CitV: I t tC?lr.e-zip: Qzqo t O"mer: Address: Desq,ibe l,lork: U,91-f Stotre: oo (I l-t Date of AppL icatian A -scr' Kz vol," # 3OO Additicn RemoCel Ceneral L DEl.!OLi-?r0!! 0P, Sanilot1 seser capped ct propentg lite Septic totk p,qed crui filled .aith gra;ai F,)naL - l,4ten abcoe itens are ecncleced. ad uhen d.encl:.tion is eotaiexe br "t-r"-tute nooed. ana prerrLaes elZaned. up. llcmes Blocking od. Sat-up Pl&bing connectians -- sauey atl. aaler Electrical Coneetion - Blocking, set-uo arui plunbing connectiona m;st ba qpra;Zd be;'ore requeeting eleclrical inspec! iott Accessory- Suiuinq lcnci:es, siCz,ting, decks,Firul - After ete. oe ccnp laaz : ot J*ALL \4AIIHCLES AND CLEANCUIS !,IUST EE ACCESSTSLZ, ADJUS?:i:II rO 3E IIJ.'I !.!::O C3S: lC Cr:! fr 2 JOB No.gz0 702 soLAR A ESS REQ.- TotaL L-CO c+ !. Electricol Permit l,lltere State La requires tlat the electrical aork be done by an Electrieal Contractor, the eleetrtoal portion of thia cevtclit slnll rot be oalil until the Label ltas been signed by the Electr.Jcel Contrecto". PLan lraniner uax2 I ILAW CARIFULLY gXA!'[ttED the conpleted applicai:icn for petmit, crd' dc hereby certifl ,ha.t eLL info:nazion heveon is trae artd. correct, a"l. f farther cetrify that cny ard aiL uork periorned ai'al1. be done in aceor- dznce vith the Ordinances of the City of Spr'-ngf':eld, and the La;s of ti:e State of Oregcn pertainino to the aork Cescrn)bed herein, ctC iha,t !10 )CC!' P!.llcl ,,t1.ll be naie oi anA si:,uct-,/!a aithouc pernissiot of the 3uiliing N- viaion. f furthen eertif'g thet otly contnacto"s od enplcyees who ote "Jneqwliance uath CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this projeet i Leet?.-cc.L 1 0ccuccncu Crqt=:!9pe/Ccnst tseitoamsTcne: Lot Faces -Etetou Sourees Setbacks :!eat icuse Carace Access ildt.u :!ea:a" No?th Ra7,4e lesx iireoLcce South i,/oocis;ov'e 1 cf Lot Cczterage_ # of Stories LCr !!PS _ fnterict _ Corner _ Pariutale Cul-de-sac Lot Sq. l+4. Total ileiEht !opograghy llest -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pe*rct is granted on the ec?t'ess cord.ition tlat the said.constntclion sltall, "Jn all r.esDects, conforn to the Crdirwr,ce edooted b:A the City oi Spr)"4fre!,L, rncluding the 3onir,4 Crdlnczce, regulcti.ng :h.e ccnstnteticn s"d. use cf cu.)L,7irqs, ozri ncil be suspended. or reuckei et cn! tine upon uic- Lattan of at".y prcris:rons of saiC Srdir.cnces. TAIAL IIA.LUE x Va 2 ?ee Sigxed: cnnl<- Euilding ?enrlt lotal Cl"angee State No pereon elulL conshaet, instal!, alter or ciunge an! nea cr ecisting pllnbirq cr dtainage sgstqt in ulole or in port, zanless such person is the Legal possessor of a valid plumbet's License, e&ee?i tildt a pe"son nag do plunbing aork to p"opert! ahieh is or,zed, Leased or opereted. by the 6ppli.- cant. NO.E LL Scni Seuer M!4 Fiztlpes Resid,zntiaL (1 bath) Pluninrg Pelrrit State Suel"ange Plumbing Permit ito ..tt C:JI-1CE Res. Sa. fta Nan/Ertenl Ciratits ?anocroy Selice /;.oc) t s,b -- iucR9AcailE:l? -- !!J CI!!-RCE Mechqnicol Fermit i,lcotistaoe *hanst llooC 9!U'S Penat fsstanee Mechaniccl Penit 9ecad'-u 9eoosit Stoteae i4aintevzxce Per*it Czttbcu; ?2?AL AIIOUiI? DUT: A IT, i ilobite Ecne ttlaf an lctal Acraes Vent Fot ?enze