HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-03-15.. RESIDENTIAL.. C OMB INAT I ON APPLI C AT TO N /PW,ILII 225 North ith Stzeet Spritt4ft eA, 2regon 97 477 Building DLuision ? 28-37 53 sPRINGFIELD Bu'i l di ng Permi t 4% Plumbinq Permit 4% Electrical Permit 4% Mechanical Permit 4% Electrical Label Date: $+a 1 30 1 15 00 92 00 20 00 60 00 64 ?0 16 $T13:56- SN? INS?ECTION: santa;iolar but WDERSLAB PLUNBIITG. ELEC|RTCAL E MECI{A.ilICAL: lo be node beforc oq t,lollk ia couatd.. F'CO?IflG MANDA?fCil: To be md' a7-tet ttetchea Gpa .r:Ecauaxcd oti fotaa ee ereoted,, h* priar to pouring cc71cr3ta. UNDERGP)U|D pLut't?Ilec, ssvaRi.!!B, Litq trerchea. UTIDEP,FINOR PLAI,!9r:IIG A \EMANTCAL:@o7 fToor innti.ction or deckitrg. PQg AND BEAA: To ba nad,a priot #:taw o f f Lo ot i ta tktion dzckittg. 3o!c_E _?!u,!BItc. g!,EeRlcAi,9 MEC1- AN|CAL: llo '.tork is to be co'"'*eci ffitheae itapeetioes hase been flads ad qrcoeC. FTIEPUCE: tuLot to Vlccirq fcetryncteriala otd beJ'ore iruning inapec- tion. .?RillflG: l,lrllgt be recttected, aft* qpz,oltal of tottgh pltbbinq, zlectri- a,L & neclwdeal. AL! toofinq btz,a.tq I ch*nneye, etc. nrast be catEleted. llo tp"k is to be cdt- cecled tott iL this inapecttc,n laa been nzd,e od apVtoed. lo be mdt aftcr prior b e,ct 14 of to o? INSTTUITOfi /VAPOR BARRIER EE|PdCTTOfl : Io bo nadt afta aLL irt ukticn 6d, rylbd oqop b**ian ot in pla,cc bttt bcfote ory lath, gpaun M, q tz,Ll, oveing ie qplied,, od, bcfotaaq irculation ie cottcu,Ld. DRWNL IIISPECA!?f,: tc bc tmd,a @einplc,ce,h$ prbr to aq tqing. llAS0flRl: Stacl lpcatiott, bofld. buaa, grcutitrg ot oettiab in a,acotdoua tith A.B.C. Se&tbn 2415. fozta. PINAE PLTIABIilA FINAL AECAANICAL ITfiAL ETECIP.ICAL XX m 1IRB & AFPRCACE APfifr:oa evected b$ priot Afta foneto poutinq ,frn?ete. Sm''rlALX A DRTIgilAI: Por all. ean- @ att€at Yisht- of-rtcy, to be rub aftet aLL e.zca- oat'tng caaplete & fottr ork & cub- h,se rzt*Lal in plase. lgflCE: Hhen, anplata -- Ptovile gatel o? ;noooble eectlbia tttough Dil? ILL pnojact condttione , sr@h as tln irctallat1.on of st?Eet t?.ca, ccryL;;ion of zia rcquiwd lord.scqtrg, atc., 'araat ba eatiafied, befote tla 9AU,DI;G FIIIAL =ot be reauesxed. ?INAL BUILDINC: fr.e FinaL BuLTtitq Ing?ecviotr nust be requeateC df--et ,he Fitu.L ?1-wbittg ELecWLcaL, crltd llec'trrrrri,cal lzrspeet,klna hanta beea tlade od agpnoved'@ iob tocaticn 1940 North 17th Street v@ r-ot # 11500 Suitdittisioa: Assesoofs tkp # 17 -03-25-20 oavr: Roberta J. Bradford Ad&ees: 1940 North 17th Street lhone:746-4657 cits: Soringfield, 0R zip: 97477 D*qlbc llotk: Date of Adtiftar A vahr $9,000.00 10012Ceturu,L I-t Ls ihs rcapowibi-Lilg of ttlB penit ho&a, b eee that aLL itupectiotu oc radc at :he pryd tin6, t?:at acch cddreaa i,a realiabie frqn tfu atreet, @d, tlldrt th. pdnii wd, ia Lxdted at th. fwnt of xlu orcpetat.tBuiAi.V Dloistbn aVpzor;*i plbr elu,Ll tqryin^an tlB Suidhb Site'at aLZ'akea.' PnOmWE PoR IiliIlECEot!,FSttES?: caU, ffi*f7r"o"ra-.1 8tat. yoltt cttg ,leaigna+ed job taorbet, job aillleas, type of inspecticn "queEtd, qd olut you -viLL bc r@ fot inspcctlon, Cont"acta?a ct O,tntro nana od, pltonc ta,onbe. P.equr,lts tecei:oed, befae 7:00 c:tlti?.L b ilafu tl,t eone d4, "ecltBats nnnc aft* ?:00 ott vil1, be ilad,e ttu ,Est uo"kirlg dq. Constanctioa LG?tds, ET,ectrical !,techciczl F e oui t e d :-t-so c e;i cne S@tit@g so)d cqgea =t ptop& Zir:e Septte tak Wreed. d, falled, izh ganel litu,L -,tlhen ainue itans @e x,npLetedod uhen TercLition ie cornlete ot stvttc- xtlce noocd, o.z ptenta:a ekoe= up. I'lobile Rcnee Blocking od. Set-'ap Plwbittg cortBctians -- sa)e? otd, uden Elactriccl Cqnecti,on - BLoek)rq, set-uD od, pltnbing coftiectiana trl;st ia aztcrseri bafot e rcqtteting ekc:rical :.rsgeetion Acceelo?i Buihlng skirtitq, &clcs,cctehea lll l l linal - Aftet etc. @e cato, F4elofZ 1 *ALL IUNHCLES AND CLENICWS I{USA 9E ACCESSIBLE, ADJtJgMEltt lO 9E WDE t:l N0 CCST ?0 :gv 7 ,rourr" r^" Lisc. il Exoiree -PWe - Addreas PLt!$ing row ciq Deeigratd, Job lhzliblll rat 820203 fi ',tooostole: Aftet itptalTatiott ist)@. trr tr T 2 iob Ntnnbet: , R1 Lot Sq. Ftg, % c! Lct Ccuerage_ # of Stortes Total \eLght iopog?qhA Refeter,ee lltoabers:L-clc #: 1lil R3 LOT TWE _ fnter-icr _ Cormet _ Pathodle _ Cul-de-sac Aceesg. Soi,$ees P L House tot Faces - I?EI,I Frc x 9 000 .00?OYAL VALUE NAS.D.C. 7.6 x Pal d:1.92 Receipt #: 49.92 Building Volue & Permit This penrit io gtanted ott the espteas cotdition th^t tlg saiL const"uction sira.Ll', in aLL ieepects, eonfonn to the ordinattce alapted by the City 2fSpringfieZd, incT-uding- the 2oning Crditwtze, regulating the ccnetmotion dra "uZ o7 -Auildl.ngs,- otd nay be- suspend.ed or reooltcC at dty t'tne upott ttic- Tntion of qry ptcttirions of eaid 1rdinances. ,t Building Pawlt Total Charges Stdte NO.FEE 5.00 30.00Fi.sfiEeE 6 Residential (1 bdth) Seder 30.00 31 20 Plumbing Permit Ito pereon siu.Ll conatm.ct, inetal!,, alter ot clmge-oty nai-c? ee'teting ptthitng or drainage sastan in u|ole ot in pet, unlese a,tch petson ie tl'e LgaL p;eaeaao, o7- a ,t-olid pl*nbet's Lic-enab, esfePt tlat a P??s?: tMA q giunbihg uolrk to pooprrq ihrch is otned, leael ot opetated by the qpli' wtt. * Pl;lnbitq PerrrLt Stdte Il att / E xt ettd. C it ctd t s Semsice 15. Eehast EooC Vent Fa llcodsto;le 10.00 $ to.oo 16.64 Mechqnicol Permit Perrit fsettoee Meehanical Penrit -- EilCRAACHMEN! -- Curbcut Sida,nLk .20 Moh)le Hane TO?AL AMOIIMI DIJE:*$ rr:.so L I Electricol Permit vrere state rao reqtirea iillfi electrical wk be done bg -an tlectzLcal Conttzcto?, tla elictrical pottion of thia penrit ellall lot be talid tmtil tle Labet lus been eigaed bg the El,ectrieal Conttactor. I HAW 1ARSFULLY SXAIIINED tle conpleted qplication fot permtt' @td. do heteby ceftifg that all infonwtion heteon ia true atzd coweet, otd f fittthet cettify that dty ad aLL uotk petfor:ned elull be done in deeo?- dazzce vith the tudina1e7 of *ry city of spn\gfleld, and the Lan of the- s^*-1.- of -ot'egon pPrtaining io the ,oi*'ant'"nitZb iil;i,-*ra'tiut No occa-PANcr ?till be naCe of oty etmrcatre uitiit pernisei-on Lf-tii il.zalng DL_uiaion. i further .-lffl "4t-;i!-;;t "ctors ad erplbyeee uho ee incanrpliance ui.th cRs ?01.b-ss DiLL be"u;;;; on thia p"oa.iil--,--- " * Bedtoons: %'-,,