HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-12-2022s i,oreh stit streeA.?Lr cAr rcll /PERI''E? Sgr-rqfieLd, 2regon 97177 Buildinq ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFlInIGFIELD ..RESIDENTIAL.. Job bcecicn: Aa,esaors :laD I \11 ?cz Lot #)ts453\ Subdiisicn: C:-zar.' Ad&ess:, Plotze: Datt of A?plia.-icn_ Descr'.be h'oz,k:n r-t //' ,rr," 6JL/ ,fu Arb,q- t|1u,n" AC&Cca L ?cceict ! Date: tNJslt Genetu.L Cona:rrctcn_!d3!_ lj' ie lha tesgonaibi-Li;g of tt* per*t? iold,et to aee tlut aL! insoecttona cpe nadr at ihe propet tuna, tlct s44ft -))rss6 is rea;.i'>e;,Y.-t!" ette6|, cnl tlut the-penri;_cad, ia_ i,oceted at the frott'of the gopefty.'2uiU!:q i)vicio- cc=rcr;eri pl.bt s;ril reta,in on thz tsualdnng st* bt aLL- tthes.' 39c:l9uPt. ?0q iitsgge:il.1|-a|EST:CALL726-3769 (recorder) state lol,l:" Citg Cesigr.zted, job nzoitbe?, job alitess, type of inspeclicn :flril.!c.-<i^u:zen'gou |tiLL be rea<iy fo-r ir-spcction, cont?dctcn" ci a-n"r"'*"'*i pitote nurbet.' '.e"qu."r" recei"TZd bZTcrr'?:00 ,z:tL'7.1L be ncd.e thc san;e cc7, recueats ncd.e cft* ?:00 dn uiLL be nsde the neet:,nrkiag'dag.n3A3nIour Cifu'Desigra.ted Job Nwtbet Is:I Si79 I:ISPSC?I):!: ?o be tmCe aflerecavction, but pricr lc ae= u? of JANB. i-] LpDi.".-cLA3 ?:L':,tsr:tc. zLZC:pIC,1t_ II I i€C!i.a;liC;L: 7o be zorie ceiore cn-v€-t&?K 1-a coocted- ) rc- ::ic , lou:to,trrct: To be r,zCeI I ai:er crenches cre escc-uated crd f*-.ns cre etected,, but prior topurirq ccncTet€.I IIISULAIIO N /VAPOR BARRIZR I\ISPIC?!O,rI : To be nad.e after aLL ins-ukticn ei tequired uqor borJe?s de in pla.ce bat before ary laih, Wdan bcarC or ua.LL couering is opli,ed, ad. beforeoty itrsulatian is concealed. SodleJ sanee eapVe4 ct progettg Zire Septie totk E"rzeC a;.n fnlled vith grr*;zi linal - ilhea abcoe itens an,e cnnoletedcri uhen lenclttion is conplete bt st-;c- tuye nouo-d d, pre:*ises cleaned up. ?il':.t3i:tc D!?YTALL IllSPlCiCll: Tc be nadeaiter aLL &-1uaLL is in place, but ptiot to cny taVing. W.SOllP!: Steel Locatiotz, boni beans, grouting or uerticcls in aceordorce ,itth A.B.C. Section 2475. ?!NCZ: |,lhen conplete -- fuoliCe gates o? nouable sections th.rough P, U. E. Io be ztezci"ce . IIJ;L ;lIi:tA:ITCAL io j ltumesaccR lrLU:BT:j MicrAltICA!:tt@o1 flaor insuktioz or decking. i | 7)S-l lilD 39;.:,t: To be raie pri.c:" to'. I GitEiVoi i-loor irsula,-io,i cr dccking. r 10t_9i ?a'r?B!:!C. a!.ZA9rr;a I :.tic.1-A;liC;L: llo 'so:i.- "la =o be couelsc. uzz'-L ;hese ir-scecaiczs h:lte beerade d. qVrrt'ei. F:?.r?\;;!: *rJor ..o pl-c:Jr4 jcc--rg ncceriala ard, beiore frtin4 inaoel-tioi:. lF-lPIilC: hot be rec.tested aflercpprcuc| of rcugh plw:cir4, z!ec;r--a,L 2 nechattica!. - AL! rcoiin7 brac)rq ! chtaeya, ete. a:tsc- bcarqle--cd. llo .;cr< is to be cor - cecled until :his inseecr|ar i"a,a 'beea ,rde atd, cppmveZ. a ri,t^t ?La:.Et::a l-V ;twlsro,n: After insialt-alion ieI lz{eryLeted. t CA$ 4 EPRCA,CI! t?90N: Aftet fornsa."Z;A;A-fr;AA to pcttr:ns cofl,2tete. SIDST ALK t SRl,TnA!: Eor aLL ecn- €z.e te@@; s t?eet right- of-,,r!, to be naCe after aL7. ezca- uating sdnplete .3 for-n utork & tub- base na.tertal in ptace. ALL ptc;eet ccrtii:icns, aucr as che instalZeticn of s*-reet crees, conlexion oy't)tereqtiteci icniscairq, .tc. ' ft1tst be satisfied before the aUiLDIi:C i!|fAL :an be regested. ?!:lAL SarLJI:tC: The P,-.naL Build,ing. Insoection .:u,st be yeouest*i zi:en the Finat ?tunbinSilecctical, oc ]lechar.ictl irsoecxicns igtte been nccie arni'cccrorszd. ilcnes tsLocktng od Sat-ztp Pknbing conreezicns -- sare? olC uater E\eetriceL Ccnnection - Blocking, set-u= artd plunbing cottiections m;st be apprc"-lC before reques*-Jnq eT,ec2rteal insoec;io;z Aceeseorg BuiElng Pinal - Aftcr pcrehes, skirting, deci,-s, etc. oe c*oiezed. a *ut ia-srci'L .AiL ,IATEC:JS AIID CLEAIICAiS :tUSt 3E .1CC3SS!31|, ADJL'ST:E:I: iO 39 :,'ID! !.! ::O :'ST rC CCY ?t;a 1 o;' 2 \r\, ,r*,6f[ 0 /'\ rr JOB N 3eitccns: seat L.Aecess. ;oue bt 5q. Fa". Z cf lct Ca.terage I of Stor)es .v'4e J.-9t.- _ lr-zeticr Corzet ?tnizruile CUL-de-saclogogqrry ....J .( ?CT.\' VALUE S.D.C. I.5 = Receipt l: Buitding Vqlue & Permit lhis penntt ic gycttted on the eq?ess eotdition tlat the said eonstzuctionsitall, .Jn all rescects, confcrm ,o the Crdinance cCogte,T by the Citl ofSpi.ngfielC, including lhe Zoning Cydirct"-ee, regulc:in-o ihe cczstrtit-)cncd. use of buildings, ad nz-g be susoeruied or reuckei at cn! tlne u>an ui.c.kticn oi ,ty ptcuisions of aaiC 0rCir,enees, a 9a,-'7 ).'-- 2-*'+ ?otcl Chcges lritzrres ResiCattial (7 bcth) Se"tet No_ person siull .ca,si-t"tct, ins..al!, alter or chanqe 6nA nea cr e:istingyltotbiA cr ireiacge systat in uhole or in patt, unless such person is- the Legal podseasor o7'a ualid olwtbet's License, escept il,ct a pb:sott nay doplw:bing uork to p"o?e"tJ ahich is otmed, Leceed ot operated by the qpli- @tt- , Plwdng Pemit State Surcl.cce Plumbing Permit f Nat/E:tend. Ciretixs Senrice ;lC.lc al, t aaa bhctat llooC Vent Fa TcoCsta:se -o- , Stcta lotal Pem,rit fss'ttance !,teciuniccl Perrr|t soLAh..ccEss REQ.- 1 L-CO Gi * Electrics I Permi t Were 9fu.le f-an requites tlzt the elec+-rtcal uork be Ccne bg azt gleetrical Contz:actor, the elec+.rtcal poriiott of lhis pe*,rit sllall rat be oaliC wtt.ilthe label has beea ai.gtel, by the ETectr,)cal Cant"acto". Mechqnicql Permit -- a;lcPCAC:t:.!::!? -- LcbeL y LcrL EEATn-ne? Cvrbct: I t ltobiia ittte f EAW CA-RE?ULLY Exil[ilgD tle cotn.o!.etzd a.ogllcaticn for penzat, arui Cc lereby cettify tlwt aLL itifo-;aiion hereon is true anC ccrrect, anC f f,uthe, certifg that otg arl. aLL aork cerforned ahall be Cone in acccr- dance "rtth the Crdlnorces of the City of Spilngfield, olJ. ;he Lc;s oJ' tZe State of 1regcn per-;in:,na to the wrk Cescribed here4n, od. :has )lo S1CU- P.r-:rc'I ',ril.L ba "sie oI' any st"uctttre aithout petrnis;ion cf the 3uiidinc Di-tiszon. ! !'lr?.het certif3 thz.t otly conttcclors a'd, etclcyees ,,;ho ae in ca;oliance u'Jch CRS ?07.055 uiLL be used on this project Seczr,)tt Detosit Storz.ce l4rJnten r:e JLaeiaL< ?)TAL i.lOUiE CUE:'I'c&o x4