HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1981-05-14PUBLIC WORKS CIIrY ()3- SPH,II$GFIEILD SPRTNGFIELD. OREGON 57474 May 14, 1981 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER Res ident 1742 North 17th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Resident: A recent observation of your property located at 1742 North 17th Street, Springfield, 0regon reveals that it is in violation of the following City Codes: Section 6.02 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code and the Springfield Sign Ordinance. Your property is located in a Single Family Residential (R-1) District in which businesses (plant shops) are not permitted. Advertising signs for businesses are also not per- nitted in this district. The business must cease and all signs must beremoved. - '.'| Therefore, by fifteen (15) days from the date of this letter (June L, 1981), the above described conditions nust be corected in order to conform to City Codes. Unless you comply with this requirement or show cause why it should not be conplied with, further action may be taken under the Codes of the City of Springfield, Oregon. We trust that your compliance will make such action unnecessary. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, Sa11y Johnson Environmental cc 3002 SUls c/<Inspector Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Fred Brandenfels, Owner of Record 130 S. Park Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Z 1 The following servicc h requested (chcck orr.) Q, Show to whom and date delivered............ -CE Show to whom, date and atldress of dcltvery...-.C O nrsrnrcrrDDELIvERy Show to whom and date dclivcred........-..._ CO ResrrucrrDDELIVERy. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery.t_ (coNsuLT FOSTLASTE R FOR FEE9 Z ABr|CLE ADDBESSED TOr Res i dent 1742 North 17th Street {Always obtain dgncturs ol sddressse or agsnt} I luve reccived the article described abovc. SIGiTATURE olaacss OAurhqtzcd INSI RED ilo. 447754 97 477Spri nq field,Oreqon rtgrt REGISTEREO iIO.CERTIFIEC IrlO. 3. AATICLEDESCiIPI'ICFI: 3.;:i-i Y QLEBK'SrrstitlrsUNAALE TO DELTVER BECAT'SEJ 5, a It ncudbd, SEIiDER:Completc items l. 2, and 3. ,.dd your sddrca io Oc "RETURN TO-/s oD BCtg3 fr 4-lldl:lt EE Or(P o : t97$i88848 JOB NUMBER ?t- INDIVIDUAL COIIPLAINT DATA /z*a .4/ ,ltazta*t( u-- 7n sl r' ADDRESS Zc>{DATE RECEIVED: .{- ZZ-- N / tz' / ZONE: A - I RES I E #: OII'NER:t jo '2.y'2.+_/c 5/ - pHoNE r: fiooness:fZ d REFERRED TO: zJ**JVzrD 1'N PECTI N NGS \ TYPE:5t E ",) NATURE: 6r 0t a r-/z kk-o da DATE d COI"IPLAINTANT: L/- ADDRESS: PIjCNE #:-75-7 NOTI FIED: 0 /- REFERRAL TO CITY ATTORNEY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY ACI'ION PENDING v'1 4-/> FINAL ACTION: AND OITDER ek -5t-,7LS r_l REFERAL fI HOr,D il RECr-rECK trl NALED i