HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-12-21.. RESIDENTIAL.. z2s itorth stit streeAFPLrcATrcll/PERI4rr Spr-r,4field, 1regon 97177 Building ?iuision 726-37 53 ?.ece:-lt ! SPFiINGFIEI TT Date: GenenL Coaa:rtcCca Lerrb__ l-J it the rcagoncibi-Li;y of-the peni2 holder,a see-ttat at! iaspectiona @e rad,e at lhe ptope, !ue, t,Ld acch cdltese is re&*'>ej.y-tl" screecD ctl tiat thc penrt; cad, ia i.oceted ct -ghp frctt of the yoperty.t2uiuirq v-uiciot at:tot;ed plbr, sirlt re',-Jn on thz tsualdlrb' sitc -at aLZ' tikes.' ??o.c!ruPs, aaR, I;ISPW;CALL726-3769 (tecorCer) state lour city Lesigneted. job m.c.berrecuescci o-zi u.=en you vtLL oe iea<iy for ir.tpectiott, Contraetcrs ci a"ne:s-rrcle -c11. cltole ntsba.'"t'LL be nace the aane Ccg, ?eqltests ncie cfta ?:00 an uiLL be r,rate the neet Lqkin$-da:j. ', job n,ri-gss, tlpe of inspeclicn Pequcsxs receit;ed befcre 7:0C ta K3)3rlour CitV'Desigtrated Jab ltunb* fs:leai,-orl 'a9-9a--. 6a Le ilc:t:es ?I.ockitq od, Set-:tp Pl;nbing cotmecticns -- t alte:, otC uater Electrtccl Ccmneetion - Blockin4, set-u=anl glubing carv.ect-Jone nast te qprct;:*i, before requestinq electrieal insoee=io-- Accessoug tsuiliirq ai?enea sb|rting, 4eci,s,?ir,al - Aftet etc. oe caro, Job bcaticn:+hq Aaseeoors |tao I ?cs Lot # Stbdiisicn: O-zer: AC&ess:PTorze: zip: Deecrlbe I'lork: .ss' s /e-21-t3 r ValueDdt. of Applia,?icn ACdizicn T SI7 l:ls?!eir:t: ?o be naCe af.-er(Eccttction, cut pricr tc ge: u? of t'ctt ts. MSLILA?IOII /VAPAR BARRIIR I IISPICTIOII : ?o be natie after aLL insukticn eti required uqor be-rJe?a @e in plaee Lat belbre ory |a.th, Wpr"oi bceC or tnLL coue*ing is qplied, od.'oeJbre oty ir,sulaticn is coteealed. nat,nr infnit ho Soitorl seset eq-oed .t ptop€loi- lite Septie tank VataeC cd filleC wtth gr.i;ei WDIPSLA3 ?:1,:T3I:IC, ZL1C9IC,1',';acr:.t:t;,:s@yrrrt is covc:ed. D I '!C:l: To be taCe avs ascduated crd, prior '"o ?r-or =o oJ' DRY,IALL IiISPItriOlI: Tcaitet aLL Cty'.taLL ie ia but prior to arry taVing. be nade pl-a,ce, Final - ilhed cicue iteas are ecnolet^icti uhen Caclition is eo,tplete bt s*ae-ture noueC oi prertaes cleanzl up.crepurirq fbor ir,su ktiott or dzckirg. r 9ftj.Gf.'a IIX;L :IE'P"I:IICAL ?!:IAL IECSIC;L W.SOllP!: Steel l,ocation, bond. beans, orcutirrS o" oertia,Ls -in accorbtce ,,tuah U.B.C. Section 2415. ,lO1DSl1'/l: After installaiioa ie a:noletad. t CUFB 4 IPPRCACE L?fiN: Afi;er formsce erecYeC but pdot to pourlrq co?lc"ete. SIDYTALK d gRET,tA!: Eor aLL coz-@E;m etveet right- of-utcy, |n be naCe d.i'ter aL! ezca- uating canplete I lort unrk & ;ub- inse ncterial in pLace. l-1 nS? .aND zri,.,t: ?o be raie or)cr tot I ffioi 11oor irr,uLa:ion cr deckitg. R1t'ci: ?!i:s!:;C, iaza?!c:! ) :.tzc?- Ni2;L: :lo )o!/- ia --o be couelec ur.:zl ;hcso. ir.scec;iot:s h:ue be* t:c,ie d, e?r2r'ea.?i?!?\Aqr: }jor .a pb.:Jr4 !cc.-ngrncvertcla crd before irarirg indpec- tiorz. f ip-lytlC: iaB. be rec.aacted afler._) e?"c,rc! of rangh pltrcir4, z'!.ectrJ-a,L 1 necT,ar.:-:'zl. AL! rcoi.-tzg brae)rq ! chitotcya, atc. !=rsc- teeryLa=cd. .,'o '.16r< is to be ccn- . cu,lcd until tl.is inscecictr iaa 'bee'n neC,e anC cpprtved. IINCE: r,,/hen conplete -- ?rouiCe gates o? aouable eectians thnough P. U.E. ALL pro;ect cotii:ions, suc,t cs the instcLlcticn of sireet --rees, :en!c-,ion o;'thetequired ianzscccir4, ctc., Tust be sat'-siied beJ'ore ,he 3t!iLJI::C |IIAL can be "eqtested. !:ilAL AWDU?: The Final S_uiUit'4 lr,:soection ntst be recruestei =i:at ;he Final Ptunbiryileccz.ieal, otc llecian:-cci ir.s-oecc,.cns 'hqtse been naie anti'ccarovad. ] 'Ali,:.lAfiClis AttD cLEAilCUlS tlUS! 3E.4CCiS5!31i, .lDiUS?:!!:t::O 39:.,:tDE !.!::O::Sl ?C Cry ?4e1of2 iat Sq. F*. Z cf lct Ciro-rcj. SOLAR aCCESS REQ.- _ lnxertct _ Corae? ?anhz:lrile CUL-de-sac L-CO G+ Seeccr:a { of Stories ?otal !a.Jgh-. |ogoryirg I'loh)ie iqte EuiUinT .,arit Totcl Cla:ges Plunbitq Perrit lottl Pesrrit fssttctcz !'tecisnictl Per,fflt -- altL;JACJtr::..'i -- Bu iI d ing Vqlue & Permit JeAi iOu'€ This pennt ic gtcnted, on the eq"ess andition tllat ;he sdii constntcrioTl s_i,a.Zl, i.n a.ll .tespects, confcrn to the Crdinor,ce d.oate,7 by the Cie ofSpy.ngfielC, includtng lhe Soning C,rd-tttnce, regalc=lng ;hb cczstrtitiZn cd..use of buiiciings, otd nz-g be sucoerd.ed or reuckei it eg tlne ulan uicla.tl-on ol a.y prcuisions oi saiC CrCir,ances, Sigr.ed: Plumbing Perrnit ll9 ?ereon shall construet, inetal!, alter or ehanqe c71U ,,.eu et e:lstirgglwyinA or d,rainage sgstel in uhoZe ot in pot, ur:Less such petson is- thelcgal.possessor of a oalid olunbet,s Licets'e, eacept tt".ct a pZ:soa r,a.g dopttnbiitg uork to propettg aii"h is oaned, Liased, o:n op.rotii ly-lne qpli- @tt. Electricol Permit were stcle Lan requires tha.t the electrlcal uonk be ccne by azt gleetrieal Contru.ctor, the electrical potlion of thia penit siELL not be oaliC untilthe La.bel las beefl aignen bg the Electr.)cal- lont"acto?. Mecho nicol Permit a I Plctt izs:riner ucte f HAW CLQgiALLy SXil1iIi/1D tJtz cono!.etz-d aolication for Venit, c>ui do hereby certify tlwt aLL itrfo:r,ac{on heteon' is trwe oila "i"n roti ,*l tfittket .eertify that ory crl. all uork =erJ'or;ted slall be done in acccr-tbtce :,tith the Ordinstces of the City of Springfield, od, chz Ld";s ol tza State of )regcn ger-;intna to the uork Cesdbcd herrJn, ad :hz; )tO CCC'!:- F.tlC.I 'ILLL be naie of ary st?uct;.lt,e tLthout genrrissioe cf the Suiiding Di-tis:ion. I !'u."ther certif;; lhs,t otly eont?dcto"a a-"C ryLagees ulo eZ ilcrltliance Dlth CRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this ptojec! JOB NO. Access iot Faczs - .(TaLue !.Ein a=c:e .l,ccessct't ?CT.',' I/AL:;E S.D.C. I.5 : ' ;JO. -Pritr.res Resiztttial (1 bcth) Se"ter ;io. Na,t/*ted, Ciradts Semtice at,,2.a iWraee 3?U'S E=h"ctat HooC Vent Fst 'JcoCsta:se Stotase llinteer:e Pe:ai: Curbet: I)IAL i,:AUI! DUS:' a. iiec'-r.)c.zi lcbel Do k-