HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-06-07I ir t?LII c0rl8I irAII U PE Lliii.-ll Lt,,: 7?6-37;3TRMIAPPLCTA5 t, ./l-egal 0escripti Job. Address EIIIRGY SOURCIS llea t tra ter llea ter Ra nrle So. Ftq. l.iain 5q. l-t9. Ac.eiil-- Sq. Ftq.0ther llerv Add Al tei--IeD. -lence OE6o_ Ch5-n9e/Use 0ther ,\ddrcss o Va I ue of l.lork 84Owne r Plron Desc r r be Gadence l'li hnirr:ri I U t Info e., 8ui ld S ng e Construction Lender ,\ddress Pllonc name ad S t ruc tura I Electrical S anre enera I 't/ PLUIIB I NG ELECTR I CAL Each single fixture Res i dence of SQ. FT furnace/burner to BTtl' s Relocated buildinq (new fix. additional)New circuits .rltsor extensions Floor furnace and vent i dence SERVICES Recessed wal I 0uplex (l bath) each Additional bath Tcnrporary Construc t ian Apol iance vent llater service Chanqe in existi n0 Station ary evaD Sewer ornrultifanrily, conrn t fan w th Storm S 0r Ven t systern apart from c0l4ll./lND. rItDtRS ca I exhaus t l,ood stove/heater 0f I ns ta I I /a l ter/re l oca te ISS[JAIIcF 0F pFnrllT TOTAL CHARGTS TOTAL C}IARGE S TOTAL CIIARGES l.,l C AT TE 1UrEnt RE SRt haQU t rLlre CC r c a rkt./o dobc ne na E C rby Co tran toc r the e c r casha ofonnoport h s ff;l lbeaUNtpeaethbehabecssanqnedtectracbySupe rv ilsor rend Ur dne theto B u d Di s onn9 llA!lE(please print) InilAT rcb -7 -97 City made 055 UL L X Al t)e\e cofllp ed ca odpl-)n DCfor rlI t nda do he re cer tnda ha a fco rrec trl .v n ornta ttadn h nereo s tr rueurhecerthaaanda-V ny l.ro kr rne o rmed ha be done n ac cordancfo e l.t I th heoSrf 0rd n ances tdnd then9theoSt.he 11 0te 0reo on r a nDE he rwo de rnclC hebed re n nda r1th iloa 0cc r.lPAHC YcrU bet-ho l,rhnyrg e Derm s on o t,he R rl u s11 (l cert th.rv re s r'ard0oarrly!l o t,n rh he Buf'Uns der sfrccond.l e cc at rC d(lU re 0ns 0lby fth,r ex tten[)the ba s of r e xetnr)nonSU no heted onreobcnr ha tvactoandrsewher,rp o.ye ao re n conlS nCd wte 0nsh n 055 t,l llbe e d n th tl)ro.j ec tJni ts T0TAL VALUATtoil_ x x 0c Sq. Ft 0 . Fto. llain Loa d cv Group_Sq. l-tg Value ValueAccess 0ther x Value F i re Tone_Bedrooms Flood Plain.-.stories Zone r,,ynelCons t an ck.orm/ | 1.5r. e C vs tcrirs ha rqe opnren tBUILDII,IG PIRIIIT Charges anC Surcha rges 5> 7^53 an ee ck Bld FencePLUt4BING PERMII Charges and Surcha rges Demo SidewalkTLICTRICNL FtNI:tT Charqes and S urcha rge s Total Conb. nermitA/C Pavinq Curb Cut ,lTCIIAIIICAL PERI{IT Charges and Su rc ha rge s iOIAL 57,b3 $ Hq Prima l'lec ha n i ca I MECI{AN I CAL L t rca e t t_t t tonttleLa ws to ttslonfurthert t s and PERMIT VALIDATION COIIBINATION APPL I CATI ON/PERI.|I T (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal 0escription I. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map ReferenceI7-01-T:' ?. gxanrple- Lot_1. Block 3, Znd Addition to., StrrTgfiel<J tstateiC. Name, etc. of owner and construction IenderD. Energy Sources PLANS REV I II,JED BY : forcI 2 Sr I 2 E rage room 9aird tof'foo t1250 s T?-Few Scri h the fors ued fthe ssed duees e rg t daf e examD qua tvo I Atl tura of ica por t the , 0I on al ,l v b on n Bu t. 2 3 F ahvUS to den ho hed che xes S the n9 s b is to atnexamo I ett ta;ia,J dL, con tfo rnraregaperson s correc t n c t) e retit t u n LLLL s 0 v to he n o e n9 ia te edti ja ed am ce d s rop r U a du c n d v n res 033 i d me UN rea ra ge9a ani ec isit on to nd p g t ) ec in e se S on to rm ed st re ex si o ed T0ns t ruc s ()t fr ha nge defin e n ba n rernode nve r Code c0il or pec AND i9n s bb erve ) ed s s at le ON SCH VISI THE the ue la thir d p o rm G H Ab A. TRAC cons be I ha t des I'lec nlus ing tc. n ce cal- tern ( ni ca Bui eon l'lec ha ted be eenb h a he or a a c te nit po ten a a v tu pa ca T d DES To 0iv itII.rev E a T rea I 2 9n to posHhen eve r app e ck wlr c a n UEc e FI s tEs re e Ua U on lhe .hes and lJu pp ob I rsc Sc not a ca de I Bo ed I tr the ca No ita . r'i on fo rnt are hou d a ay ac n Les ta ff rd es unrb h t a a tem( rev che du ec nd th l,Jh a jroon PIb rlr p ecaIn,i b lul on es ,o ca ec tr the in Ens& tr EI v be E 0i lilu tu Bu d rm I, rcc u nd 9ndtra ca,o a ll , ) he e bb the si th rges ee5 and he t re t Cha n pa e ed t on app he, PI va hatf th I'u ve t, ne I d,f es n htrid t e b es c ank spa Mechan i sch AFF eed eatppropr ia r.rh e rexcep unrbB cr typerepa to Fu d t redu I,J I S t) f ra I ro a the pac rev to T EDU ene ica re it con s h red tth cove AND sed Sta e et) 5eef n ed ta s F 'abl be and n ed2thor asff eucon5you cno NG ed c so s on a DBUc 0. App to gna es la pp FALL del his not n9 urn is OU T be v s on n e a p abeCAP ract LEHARGES nd Useb no r ec Pe s an nt re to ks p ca tu and ch e, at re L A e s tor ca cIr h d e r on T e rn e IcIII IV pp b opy ed hee In o SOF ra a s the a s r me at f'oc cha re no p Y d A 0llL F P al fees pdya FOR Ev Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAIICY: cant exempt frorr regjstration wjth the Bui I der's Board because: Perm'it appl j Additional project Inforrnation name s i gna ture da te 6.V #. <.r'rttt{<;, I I L R^q u ire d ln spec tinn s .. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TIIIi PIiR]4IT HOI-D]iR TO S[Ii THAT ALL INSPECTIONS ARE MADN AT TT1E I'ROPER TIIlE, THAT EACII ADDRESS IS READABLE TROM T[iIi SIRI1IiT, AND TIIAT TIIE PRR}'I].T CARD TS LOCATED AT TIIE TRONT OF THE PROPIIRTY. BUILDING DIVISION APPP.OVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOB SITI NT ALL TI}{ES. PROCEDURI1 FOR REQUIISTING IIISPECTIONS: Call 726-3769 (r:ecorrler) state,you CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER, job address, type of inspection requested and vrhen,yorr_wiI1_be_ready.for the inspection' Contractors 6r oro.,.rn name" and rrhone numbcr. tiequests receive<l- be Eore 7 : 00 am will be rnade the same day, reques ts received after 7:00 am will be nade the following work day. Your City Designated Job llumber Is Q?b ;63 rob Adclress : 1 7 /? ^F />e 5f . Contractor Sll'U INSPECI'tON: .l'o bc ma<le aftcr cxcavat ion, l)ut priol' to setup cf forms. tTNDERSt At] Pt Ul,tRING, ELUCTP,ICAL t' IIECHANICAL: To he nade befcle ;ry r''o*-fcovcred. CONCRETII SLAR INSI)ICTION: 'fc bc nadc after ;r1l inslab llui lding scrvice equipment, conduit, piping, accessor.ies and other ar':ci.1 lary cquipment items are in j)la.cc l)ut hcFore arny concrctc is poured, I;OO'I'INCS f, I;OUNDATIONS: 'Io hc nadc al'ter trenchcs are excavatctl and forms are erected, ali steel in place, but prior to pouring collclctc t,NDrRGRotJND: Plumhing, Illectrical, (ias, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Scwcr, lVrrter and Drainage lincs. 'l'o hc marlc prior to covering or filling t rcnches. tJNl)IiRFLOCR:, Plrrmbing, Illcctrical, l{cchanical. 'l-o be made prior to installation of floor insrrlation, dccking or floor sheathing. l,osl'DllLlt4: To bc matle l;TRliP!,ACll: Pricr to placing facing natcrials and heforc fr:rnring inspect i.on. I NSII ,A.'I'T ON VAI'olt ItARli lljlt: 'fo l;e inspector shall bc cmployed lry the Ouner/ Ccntractor drrling constructi()n of the fcllowing work. A copy of the spccial tcsting reports shall bc furlislrcd to the Bui lding Division. STR()CTURAt, C0NCIiETE: Itr excess of 300t) I).S.L (306 a.1) STRIICTIIRAI, IIIEt,DSjob. (2722 f) IIICII S'lRl;NGTII ROI,TING: During al l bolt installfltiorr and tight.ing opcretions (.i0(; a,5) SPRAYIII) 0N I I ItlPllooFINC : (tl. l]. C StanCarcls 43-8) SPt]CiAI, CRAI]ING, I]XCAVA'IION ANI-) FILLINC: During carthwork. (30ti a. l1 fi Chaptcr 29) GLl,- LAI'l BI;AllS lnspcct ion Ccrti ficate,'hy an approved agcncy, furnislrcC to thc City's Building Division bcforc bcams arc placcd. (2501-U.B.C. STDS 2s-10,11). *In adciition to the inspr.ctions sl.rccifictl lrcrcon, thc B:rilding Ol'f ici a I nay m;rkc or retlrri rc othcr' insl;cct iolrs of ;lny constrlrctior] work to asccrtain compl iance with the Bui lding, City or Zoning Cotlcs Phone: 7/2' AI"l'lC l)RAFl'S'fOI)S li (;lll{'l i\tN lv^l.l,S Sl'li(; IAT, INSllrCTtONS: 1n accot'rlancc u'ith ection.306 of thc Ruilding (lodc a si;ec.ial /rf rr:; t a iIt on of floor it:sulation, dccking or floor sheating. I]I,OCR INSIII,Al'ION fI VAPOR BARIIITiRS'fo hc made prior to installotion of clccking or floor sheating. I\IASONRY: Steel location, bond beams Srout.ing or verticals in accordancc with U. B. C. Section 24 i5. ROOT S!II]ATIIT}IG AiID NAII,,ING to i rrst a I I i.ng any roof ing. R0tJ(II Pl,t,l\tRIN(;, t;t,[CTRI(;At, {i ISll terlirired vapor harlicrs are in placc btlt before any lath or gy1-'sum bor:rd interior wall covcring is ap1.;1ied. l;tlAl\'lIllc: To be n;rrlc aftcr the toof, at i fr"u,ing, f i.rc hlock j ng :urd brac ing arc in p I rtr:r: atrd a I I pipcs , chimncys antl vcnts arc cotnplcte and thc rorrgh electricaI, plrrmbing and heating wircs, pipcs anrl ducts arc approvcd. FIRI; I SIIPARATION ltiA!t]: I.ocated {i ccnstr'(rcteC according to plans. LA]II AND/OR CYPSIIII I}OAIII) INSPICTION: 'l'o be nutde aftcr rrl I latlring ar:d g)'psrim boarrl, intcrior :rnd cxtcrior, is in Jrlace btrt bcforc :rny pl;rstcri i s appl icd or bel'orc gyp:;rrm boatdjoints and fastcrrcrs lre tapcd and f i n:ished. WOOIIS'lO\tliS: Aftcr installation is comlrtctc.i .- SIIIiWAI,K ti DRlVIll\'AY: lkrrltti rccl for all concr.ete pavirrg within strcct right-of-rvay, to hc nr:rtlc nl'tcr a.lI cxcavating complctc & fornr wor:k 6 sub-base material in placc. (lllRB ANI) API'ltoA(lll Al'ltOl'J: Al-tcr forms are crected btrt priol to potrling concretc. IAIIKINC LOT: Al'tcr gravcl is in It;:eil cr il ;rtion antl Prcformcd on thc prior to B Prior trntiI t ese inspectio:rs have bc'en l"ltlCIIANCIAl,: No work is to bc covcrcd pl;rcc hut prior to placing asphalt oI concrctc, l:INAL PLt,l'lBING (;II'Y's SIl'l; PLAN RIIVIIIlll ROARD I NSPII(;1 l0l.i : lr{us;t bc Icqucstcrl 2 da1's in advancc of thc datc you wish inspcction. All pro.ioct conCitions such as landscaping, i:arking lot striping ct(:. must be contplcterl hefcre requcsting thjs ir:spccti.on. I;lNAL Ill,l:CTRICAL l;INAl, lllll LDING: Ihr:;t be rciirtcstcil aftct. thc final Plrrmbing, lilcctrical, l',lccharrical;rnd Fircl)cl)artnrcnt inspcctions artr natlc:tntl lrpprovcrl . No Occrrpancy of thc ltremiscs carr llle rnadc until ;r Ccltificatc of 0ccttpancy has bcctr i:;srrcd l;1'thc Ruildi.ng llivisicn and postcd on the plcmisesI] I NAt, IIIiCIIANICAI, lr I I'lA L Ir l ItL I)l.rl)ARTlllrNl s I cNA tt,1C--_I)A'IIi *rtt t"llrurrnrt:s ANn al.r-:ANours urrsr RIr.\c(:tlsslBL!1. Al).lusrIl[NT'ro uE I,tADI] Al'No (;os'f 1'o TIIE cITy owner, hAru= &zr, *a Phonc: na<le antl approvecl.