HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1988-04-12city of sPringf ield 225,, 5th street SPFIII{GFIELD SIGN PERMIT APPI.ICATION INFoRMATtON:726-37s3 INSPECTIONS: 726-376s STP.UCTI'BAL TYPE OT SIGIIT: -IIALL ,'r'*rroro*ornn ROOF PROJECTING },IAROI'EE I,NDER I{ARQUEE _oTIIER Qr0, \ i c. t1 -SScrc: A.5+ ZTP PHONE B ^,4ro*r, TA.Y LOT .Jl TY TYPE OT BUSII:ESS ADDRESS PHO}1EO}INER OR PROPERTY OTJNER OT SIGT.I (IF OT}IER THAII PROPERTY OWNER) NA14E OF BUSII'IESS, FIR}T, ETC. ADDRFSS Li-UAL DESCRIPTIOI{.-3 I TYPE OF WORK: y'ranr:r ALTER ]r*ro.o* OT}IER E'. usr Ar{D cIIARAcTER oF srGN: INCIDENTAL DOUBTE FACE y'srNct.s racn MTILTI-FACE READER loano BILLBOARD LOCATToN Or SIGN (ADDRESS) *A t ?-cor.iE Sta,lsVENDORSE.CONTRACTORS: srcN EREcroR E/l( EXP. DATE .9il/-Q_ CITY LICENSE IIT]YBER . .ADDPJSS SICN !'IANUFACTURER CIF OTIER THAN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS . EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERX ANY EXISTIIIG SIG}IS? 4XS 44 (ryg INS G tro ALL EXISTING SIGNS rOR. BUSINESS, ETC. tuLA /2th 1 'IrrLL srcN HAvE ELECTRTCAL I,rrRrNc? t t<) IF YES, WHICE APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN -ILLIJMINATED (INDIRTCTF LIGIITED H LISC. NUMBER ELECTRICAL COTITPJ,CTOR . SITE INFOFXATION (LAND IISE) .- EXISTING USE0F BUILDIITG 0R LAND (OR LAST USE rF VACANT) J OUTDOOR I4ERCHANDISING OR I.AND _INDOOR BUSINESS PB.OPOSED LISE OT' BU E DI]'{EIISIC)NS, UISTALIATION & CONSTRUCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEPJICAL DI},IENSION OF SICN HORIZOMAL WIDT}I OF SIGN DITIENSION TROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTII DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? 44 il ,-.^..I t .{.- 244 - -4w/s' YES -zK"o NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE THAN 12', OVER PUBLIC PROPEPJY TPJ SIGN ERECTOR I.IUST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI,ID PPOP- ERTY DAIIAGE IllSUp"AI.lCE POLICIES. IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIALS SIGN IS0r z.b. VALUE OI' SIGN 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED rhe completed applicainformaEion is true and correct, ind t fuittreraccordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance,Soringfield and all other-Ordinances of rhe Cir Cregon percalning to ta're worli descr:-bed hercrn.cense with Ehe City of Springfield is in fu1l f8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20 (2), I will requesr all req,permic. tion for permit, and do hereby certify rhar allcertify that all work performed shali be done inthe Uniform Sign Code as adopred by che City ofy of Sprinqfield and the laws of the SEate ofI further certLfy that rnv l71gn Contractor .r-1-orce and effect as recuired by Spring_field Codesuired sign insoections listed on Ehe-approved NAI,IE (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATUB.E K Ger</e sra,<ts DATE 'r*t 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) cAlL FoR rHE RXQUIRED TNSPECTToNS ON rllB 24 ttOUR TNSPECTToN LrNE AT 726-3769 srGN DrsrRlcrBa;daLJ ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRND INSPECTIONS: JZfSfiEIL0CATIOI{ ./'FooTINc 0R METHOD 0F ATTAcHMENT -ELE.IRI.AI. ".,fw* _oTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BET'ORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAI INFOR},IAUON NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE I,SSUED: APPROVED BY DAIE *ffi;AseparateapP1icationisrequiredforeachseparates1gnasdefined Electrical: Any perurit issued under thls application will include wiring 1l or on sign structure,Ehe supprv wires for connection must ue cov!l;;-;;-; "r""tii""r-p="iiii'. Elecrrical connecEionmusc be made onlv by a state Licensed stectricar-doniractor. rllirurinaie.d s!ens (b-orh inrernallyand exrernatry) irust conform ro sectioni-g:j:t'irrl-;-tSr-i"i g:7:rii-.i-Ii. springfierd sign or_o:.nance. Prans Required: This apprication is to be submitted with thro complete seEs of pl-ans showing di-mensions and height of sign; advertisinq .."9"!"-o"-"ie"; i;;";i;-;i-"ig., on property with di-mensions to ProPerty linei, structur.r Euiaii""or-""iport framing, bracing ancl foorins5; nareriarsot conscruction for sign and sign strucrure; erecriil;r-.q"ipr";E';a-ti;f,ri"g; -;i;;"fie iocatio.,of existing.signs on pioperty f"o.r Ehe-same U""ie"""l-"tt "" required to determinq comnliance withrhe Springrleld sign. ordinante (Articre 7 "i-I[;--i;;ingiieia-ci.i-c.aJI.-"ii;;;:^3r,II"'If,i'iorror_ing lnforuration on-Ehe plot plan (plan showing prolerti rinJs-""';r 1;;;1i." of signs): PLEASE READ a) show the location of all exisring slgn(s) as well as proposed sign(s).b) Show the- length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wallsigns, show the length of the buildiig fro.,i"!!.-' c) show che locarion of entrances open to the publlc and driveways. When-r-equired, because of design,-size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations unrst bepared bv a licensed engineer oi shalL conform to"design srandarEs "" gii"-;a-ai; B"iili";sion Offlce. Plans of lnsufficl-ent clarity or detaj.l- will be returned to the appLicant with no permit beingis sued. signs must loeet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. NoTE: No siqn nav be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead - electrtcal conducEors in excess of l_50 volts, or less than 5 feet in-any direction'fros overheadelectrical lines whlch are energized ar less'than 750 ;il": If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit sha11be void.. Inspectio+s : b) c) a) Pre-Divi- 9itJr In?pectiol - to be m.de before the sign is placed. Usually, the Foorins Inspection(ifapPIicabIe)mayb-emade.atthesametimeaslheSiEeInspection.@-tion is to be uade after hole(s) ls excavaleci, but prior to 'th. placement of conlrete. Final Inspection,- to be made upon coryletion of all work. Elecr.lical - all e.lectrical.signs must be inspeeted for electrical hook up after the signG-;ectea and before the sign"is turned on. ' ?e,r"'-,*.-\{ 3 \$.r\\ g)S\^"s . "el*"."! .6 ?r-nne-- .a., ho}"}L *r*\\. 8 lq SECTION SPRINGFIELD ,Wr*fti9 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: 47. STATE SURC}{ARGE: TOTAL: 9te-- c4y RECEIPT-86 ) /& CLERK DATE JOB # SIGN PERMIT FEE: lloZ ( rJU II"iIINiJ t- I I *fir,I,.qI'ss^ 17tg 17TH gT * SlrNEf{- PATIT IC IA $HEPHAHN Tfi 1.719 17rH ST $Pf LIr , 0H q7 477 Ir IU I5 t.fiN ;tfifJ* Sti*44h r i:i.tA r- *VALTJE* fr1A s!101 I ? *901 I;l s?0 i. 1..lj r?I0l.lx 0F{ :li $s01ix uH ';5 *90l.1l ilti ;lLi *I"E13AL* LfrT frLfrT[i fiH$fift: S Ifii.j L :r(t3;5;] ].05:i,)0 8S06OS i {:iru l. L:l -ENEftfiY- -$TATS* HEATL- X* trllrfi U0l{H HTO* sTilR IHS ELOOTIPI"A IN ftANfiH- EIEIIRi'I Of,C fiI{T} UN IT$ $fi TEIiT: II]NST TYPH *{:BN THAI] Ti] B$ * fiIlNL*EUfiTNE: $ ]:GH$ f,ONTRAITI]R PHflNE*485.5546 Pl"tlH* IiL H i]T - HEf,H* nrisfiru- ft HPT IAT +I} 1* $H11-EEtlU InEn PEftH ITti*--*-*FEH.-**SURIHAftfiH-trATE-frE[E IPT---PERI'liT*---*---UALUE*-* - INr0- NEhI rilHi.tHEI IAI, r1,la 00 J. *077-.$ IGN Lrlf,AT l.*N 0i)?*078-s I':iN ru*T INfi $03-0s0-s rGN r IHAi" OOl-*77*$IGN Lfi[ATIOH 0r)3*07$-S IGN E{lilT INli *0i:i*090-$ ItiN F lNAL 0i; l. -007-$ IGN i.::1.00 0 " 00 Sfr0609 11.673 $fiu*ttIHItiuH INSFECTIfii,lS + frE0UIREi4ENT$ *-**--.HXF' I'ATE--..AIT IrATE.. b:iii slift** INSPECT IfiNS ---r0HllENTs* *--trATE"**-kEIiULT-- Il{liP-*-