HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1983-02-10SPf,I'A,GFIELE'
Department of Public Works
Louis tl. Hanavan Jr.
P0 Box 144
Sinc ly,
February 10, 1983
Dear l4r. Hanavan:
A recent obs.eryation of your property reveals that it is in violation
of a Springfield C'ity Code and/or Ordinance. Violations of City Codes
or 0rdinances must be corrected within a specific time period. In the
event that corrective action is not taken, in order to secure compli-
ance this matter will be referred to the City Attorney's 0ffice and may
lead to i4unicipal Court proceedings.
The attached form specifies the yiolation observed by this office, the
required correction(s) necessary in order to comply with app1.'icable
Cocies and/or Ordinances and the deadline date for correction(s) to be
comp'leted. Your anticipated cooperation is aporeciated.
P'lease direct a'l'l inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at
1 1y Johnson
Envi ronmental InsPector
SUl h
Joseph J. LeahY,
Ass'istant Ci tY AttorneY
225 North 5th Street o SPr'urgtietd'Oregon 97477 '503/7?]6.3753
Spri ngf i el d Bu'i1 di ng Di v j sion
Department of Publ ic Works
225 North 5th Street DATE: February 10, 1993
L0CATiOll: 161 2 North 17 th Street
SPECIF]C VIOLATION: Section 302 of the Uniform Cod e for th Aba of
Da rous Buildin as ado ted the f
REQUIRED C0P.RECTI0N: The buitdi ng Iocated at t he above ref,add ress mu st
made inacc essible.
DEADLINE FOR COI'IPLIANCE: March 14, 1983 (30 day s)
either be removed or
I NSPECTOR:SalIy Johnso n
pld /CONV l