HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1983-03-07..RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s ttorth sth streeAPPLrcAT r0l'l /PERlar Sprnl.ngfleld, Cregon 37477 EUL Ldlno rL,*1.S':-On / to-o / Do Desei.be Horkilqs )^^^-'a; I SPFlINGFIET-D *--AJ-'l-'x. ti-^-,.- C=f, t9.oo lO.Oo ,'4 O ()t"# ,t4, JY'qo t-_l t\V"*.<r-L--: 0'-Al^'-^J- Date of App Lieaticn 3"7-83 Date: 3 -7-g Vaiue6 GeneraL L 7 26-37 6 9 4 iJob Loecticn: Aesessore !!ap il # Subdio.)stcn: Onter: Ph.oneaf b - @Zo4Ad&ess: (of :t::)LIT13:l AR ::C',/=) 3U Sotitatl setet cqVed zt Wcpet* Lire Septic totk pt::VeC ad. fJLLed ytth graiei ?inal - l.,4ten abcue i-,ens ate ecnoletei ani L;hen lancL'-:ion is eoplele br st-rc-ttee noueC ad. arerJses clbanei u2. tsLocking od. Sei;-up Plunbitug conneciicns -- seue! od, ualer Electiccl Ccnnec-,ion - Blccking, set-w anC plwnbing eonnections m;st be qprcued. be;'ore pequest.ng eleetr.ieal n!,nsoec:ioi .4.ccesear7 Buildin4 Finel - .!,fter :crekes, skirting, CecT-s, etc. @e ccnole-.ad. )--4 7 ^-. n Const?rc!fu_ t exie" Ii ia the reaponeibil ;'roar 91" stteet, anC ity of tla pendt ,1ode, to see tlut aLL inapections @e nade at )he propet tLne , i!.ct acch .zddrese is rea;a'c'..2 ti1a.t the petmit 't-cn snc L cad. ie Located attSuiAitg V)uiciot approu^ed p SM I:|SP|C:5N: To be nntie aftet escavction, but priat tc set up of forms, ailDsRSLt3 ?Lu":!gltc, lLtc?.?IC)L a i9CE|.)liC,iL: io be nacie belote eng r;ork is eatlerei. .4CC?:JC , !Ct-'|!DA?lCtl: ?o be ta,Ce a i't e r'-r "-nciZi- ar i-ez e an at e d,mri fcrns ate erectei, but pria" topouing ccne"et€. '-he hent of the grooerty. innng stte Zt eLL' ti^es. I I ) state gout, City Cesigated job ntmbet, job aCiress, type of inspec;icn Coni?acta"s or A-zers rane cnd. plcne nunbcz,. Pequests recei"'ed befcre 7:00 a:i7:00 an tLLL be nnCe the nest wt king d,ag You" City'Desigra,ted Job Nwtber Is 8 3 tlbz INSULAYTAN /VAPOP SARRr9R IIISPICTAII : ?o be naCe after aLL insulaticn ed requtted oqor bmie?s @e in pla,ce b,ut before ay Lath, Wpsunt bcarC cr tnLZ cooering is copli.ed, crd. before orA ,:nsulation is concealed. DRYIALL i;lsPleI?ll: ?c be nadeaftet aLL arguall ,)s in place, but pr'iot 'to cng tapin4. !,tAS0.^ll?l: Steel Location, bond beans, gzoulit4 oruel,ticcls in accorriorce ,'nth A,ts.C. Section 2415. 'ICODS?0'"E: Aften lnstallation ie arwLeied. Q u:Draczcrt:tc p:tuzr:;c, sgrq:, ,t:.'.sl.'.J)Lir4 crerchee. 7 uao*gtcc? ?lulsi:tc I :4rc:!A:$cAL:'ffio. floon ,JnauLxian or Cecking. I I POST AilD 3EAi,l: lo be naCe pr)ot to, i ffin cf J-r,oor ir.su'ittc-n on deekitg, F.CuCi ?ante!:tc. !ai?:p!cAL I 1!tcg-A:li:;.:: .:;o ,c"2 i; tc Ze co.-e?ec w:til :'cese inscecliors 'rtctse beer, naie crd. 4prciel. F!?.!?!,;C!: Pm)or -.o pi.ce.tra jcc--ng nccertals and. before froir4 inspec- lion. CURB 8 APPRCACH APP9N: a'e etectecWVdi Aftet fornsto pc-ut i,q coflcrete. SIDI\I|LK t DRf'.EiAI: For aLL ccn- crexe pasirq aixhtn st?eet night- of-,,;cg, tc be naC.e alte-r aL! etca- oating eattolete .3 fotn ,,prk I sub- base ndterial in place. !ZNC!: Ilher conplete -- Prouiie gates o" nouabLe aections through Dil? --1 ?Rtliyj: itust be rec.uesteC cftentJ a"?z,ov;L of raigh plwr.bin4, electri-eal d neehantieal. AL! rooilzq btacing E chitnneys, ete. rntay be . coiele.ed. lto :;ctk ia to bo- con- - cecled until this ir:soeeiicn l"a.s'been nade anC ap-orcteC. FIiIAL PLU:EIIC FI;IAL :E'ilATICAL ?T:IAL ELZC:?ICAL ALL project condilions, suci cs the installacion 9f slr,eet irees, :o:eleticn cf tierequined landscqirq, etc., rrust be saxislied. be;'ote the AUfiDI:iG iliieL *n be reqtested.. ?INAL BUrLDiltc: Tne Fincl B-uild,ing. lr,.soection not ba- rzquestec :iler ti",a lizal plutr,binglleecrical, anc ,Ueciazicci inspeet)ans "nauc been nade ad'tporcuai.:l .ALL t4AttEcLES Alt? CLEA.N1a?9 :'tus? BE AcCZSsrtsLE, ADJUST:ti:;t lo eE :.!t,DE .4? lto ::ST Tc CI:y sigred: L-C- - 3 SI t d-A/1a.0 a--.rt l,),r J 7 ^*rrr"n7 a^oe"r 7 ,,ourr" ,o,, tonctccto?8 ^ Ad<bese xt:l x ll _l ] l requestsbe rmde the JoB No. g soLAR. -.CESS REQ.- Crouc 9a-^ t L-CO G+ ?edxaons: Recetpt # Electricol Permit Vhez,e State La requires tlnt the eleetz.:,cal aork be Cone by an lleetr)cal Contz,actor, the electt ical porlion of this peznit shall rot be ucliC until the Label iu.s been signed by the Electrical Contr.dcto?. Mechonicol Permit !,ot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf lct Cooerage I of >tot-es iot"al lleichx lopogrcphg Penrit fssu.cce Meciun:.ccl Pe"nrt,t -- J,iv.a -AL;..:4.; - -- _ b-tet,Jor _ Cormer _ Panitanuile _ CUl-de-sac O;4 ;an. u^r I HAW CAREFULLY !XA.!LI\|ED lle corn-oLated appl.-cation for permit, ai ia hereby cetiify tlat aLL ilfotnalion herecn is tnte ar-4 correct, arui i fur,lker eertify that any cr,4 eLL uot:k Veriorned shall be do:te in accoz'- dance vLth the gzdrztotces of the Ctty cf Spz.Jngfield, and. ;he La;s of ;he S+.ate of 0regcn pertriniry to ihe ao?k Cescibcd herein, crd. thct Y0 tcca- ?/.nCI vitl be ta.de of c.ny rtractuta tritkaat penniasi.on oi the 3uitdinE ):.- uision. f f,tz,ther :ertii'g th.at otly ccniraetors ad etplcgees xi".c ,:re tn cmplianee Dath CRS 707.055 aili- be useci on :.his ?rcieex 3 "7' rs st 3a of ieax aat Fx.ces - -- !2es -- :!z:.t f:U :{'/alue Building V<Ilue & Permit This perrr-t is granted on the eq?ess :oruiition tlat the said.constrtc:ion shall, '-n zil teseects, :onfct'r :c the )?lit1aree =dooje7. b! :i'-e (:7 ci Sptingileld., incluiing the ionina Crdinance, regulc+-ing tke ccnscrrct'.ct': otd use of bu;-Ld,ings, and ns,1 be susperuieC or reuckei at cr.! tine u2cn u:-c' latton of eny prco"J;ions of se"-C Crdir,ances, -a6af .tt-tt3 cit , <- Euild:.ng Pert*!? ?olal Cl"argea I!J!4 CARGS Plumbing Permit No pereon shall constz""rct, instal!, a'!,ter or clwnge GrlA ned cr erlstizg plun'oing cr drainage syste-n i,n uizole oz, in patt, unless such petson is the Legal posseasor of a ualid plutnberts License, e.ce?t tl"at a pereon r,ay do plur,bing aork to prope"t'! uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli' cdflt. Resi.denti-a.L ( 1 bath) Sani Seaer ()o.oo Pernit o.0 0 40 1 0 :i0.;4tr ,-!,1 3rA Pes. So. ftc, Nau/Ectend. Circai'.s laipctaV Semtice :!!;4 itprace 3TUtS *hanst HooC Vent lal vcocisto:le Storcge i4aintencnce Perwtt t?.o o ^8q Mobile Ecne lotel Chcrocs State Sutehaqe Electrical Label a^d t f . t t^t r\rfr at tn. l