HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-01-09?ccez>t !.. RESIDENTIAL.. Zzs |torth s* ito"ffPLrcA?r0lt/PERl"lrr Sgr-ngfi.eld, )regon 97177 Building ?tuision 726-37 53 SPFIINGFTELD da0] Date: PLalbin4 9Lec , CorutrreCcn Lerrdel_ 9oati--orJ ?ra,3^t.' fra l_2 ia 2he reagonaibi-Li;g of tlte penit iolder to see ihat al! incpections @e nade at '.he p"o?et tina, that as.ch ddrese is rea;n'^'re ;'wn tle ,treet. ctC tlut the o*rit caAl, ie Lxated at the fra*- of the DroDe?At.tSuiUirg T|uicio.-- ct=rcced plbt shc,iL retu,in on thz tsuildinl S{tc bt aLL' tites.' ALL 726-3769 (recorCet) state yotu City l.esigr,ated. iob rumbet, iob n)i-ess, type of inspac)icn ,Ou reatiy Jbr ir"spectlon,Conaactcts cr Aie"s nane,*td piane nutbet. P.equescs teceit;ed befcne 7:00 ,=t L be nz,ie thc sotie Ccg, "eqltests naie cfta ?:00 at vLLL be nal,e the neztlwkinE dag. lout Cifu'Desigrated, Jab tlwtbet Is:89o-o\[J e ilc*es tsLockirq otd Set-ttp Plutbing cotmecricns -- aae? od, uatay Electn)cal Ccnneetion - Blockitr4, 6et-u:od plmbing co;ttect'ions mist be eprcu-eC befor e requee'-ing elec'-rtcal izsoec =io- Accessorg Builnitq Pinel - After Tcrei:es, elirting, deci,'.s, etc. @q catr-oie'-ed. Job bcz,ticn: Aooesaors :4ao ll Ics !-at il Stbdi:t'Jsicn: C-zer... \Phone:Ad&esa: zip: /:Q - f4 value UrnL Deacribe h'ork: Datc of Appliaticn r---l \-/\ f IJ-r€2 Jt [0ooc CLI)Adiicn RenoCel Generc.L I l--l .Si?g IrS?|fIr.'I: To be rc,Ce afler'LJ ffi pricr.-2 sez uv oi tct 8. WDIRSLA3 ?:L':qilc, ZL?C:Prc;!. liECil:liCAL: 7o be nanie beiore atytrrt is covcted. lpdl!:;C , ?0U:tD,1TlCt: ?o be raCe G;;ffi$ cre- r.cantad crd. fct:ns cre erectad, but ?tia" f,opurirq ccnctete. W?frG?C,ItD ?!L?t2ltc. S?tlP. ?.t!i3, D?J,jllAr'i: Io be r.a:e pr-or =o ,:iL-Lirq zretzcice, AilDEP|ICCR PI-U:B tr:G' ECSAIITC:':@o1flaor irauia,tion ot ibckirg. ?)Sa AilD 3tAi.l: ?o be naie prlor to instalkxzcn oi Jloor insula'-ior, cr &cking. R1,.tcE ?!!?3!::c. ?13:9!t:! I ;.tzcl-Ailiil.L: :lo )or< ia so ce couerec w.z:-L ?hcse irscec:io'x,s i*ue bea, nuie zl, e?prJ'ea. t r.1J.':-Ata: !3O? '-O ) Lt!-t3 .-ca1"z ffi; crti before 7"*"",s ineg"Z- tior-. Fi;:Ai P!.A:.9t::A il:I;L :.!S:PA:ITCAL .- a,.AL aige-::u;L TNSULA?TOil /VAFC? BARRI]R I\IS?ICTIOil : To be rmiie after aLL i.tzsuktLcn ei tequired uqor bm.ie?E @e tn pla,ce bttt befare azy |a.th, Wpsfi baarC or tnLL couering is qplied, and. before ozg irsulaticn is concealed. DRYIALL filSPltrlOll: Tc be nade -.. aiter aLL ir1,.tall is in place, but prior to cry '"ayrq. W.SgNPY: Steel Locatiot't, boad. bea,s, grculin4 ot oetviczls ia accotbtce ,ntth A.B,C. Section 2415. After instalXaiioa is Sani'-o1 ee-ta eqed =t Vopatfil Zit:e -! Septie totk V^ryeC cd, filleC vtth gri;ei Pinal - ilher cbcue in,ens are cs@Letei c.ti uien CetrcLtli.on is canplete o:, s*-.:- ture noued orz pretnsea eleaneC rq. u I 1 CUB A IPPRCACE I.P.O.CN: a.eZrecleZ@ After fontsto patr|ng eonc?ete. S|DYIALK & DRT.EiA!: For aLL cctt- crete paoing ,ith:.n atz,eet ?Lght-of-,x|, to be nade after aL! ezca- uating e*nplete I ;'om wrk & aub- base natep)al in plaee. -1 iPI.!lI:n: ir:u3? be rectectad a:'!ar J c"?rcvc'; of rcugh pltncirg, ,i".c".:-a,L 2 neci:an*a!,. ALI moi-l*1 brzeJr.T ! chrrmcAs, etc. /r'tst- beangle'-cd. :!o ',tol^< is to be ccn- . cecled uncal ihis inseecrJan i.ie 'beea ta,l,e atd. cpprsved. ? , $hen conolate -- houiCe gates o" aooable sections through Dil? ALL aro;ect cor-ii:icns, such as the "l.nscallctjcn of street ?rees, cg:nlexion oy'tie requireri icnzscccir4, ctc., tnust be satisiied befote *.e 3UiLif::C !!:!AL 2cn be regested. !::lAL AAILTilC: Th,e F'JnaL 9uild.inq Insgection :.z"st be requesta<i =ilar lhe Final ?t-ur.bingileccrical, oti Mechat"-ic=Z inscec=icns igue been nccie arri'ccorouzd. fI 'AaL :.!A:|EC!ZS AilD CLEAttOA?s :tus! 3E .4CC1SS!1L|, .lDiUS?:!l:i: :O 39 :,!,10t !.? ::O ::ST ?? a*y ?zie 1 of 2 T tr V ,,rrrr" rnu SOLAR ?zce 2 ^ ..ccEss REQ.- 'tf*e/Cc.s a 2ecccr::s ,,eat P20 '-O u"2 Reczipt #: Mechqnicql Permit L-CO G+ bt Sq. F''9. Z cf lsc C-le?e?. I of StorJes iotal !a.)gh= fogoryhl _ lnzertcr Corqtet _ ?ani.anrile CUL-<ie-sac Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt ,jc gzcnted ot the eq"o-as condition ttat the saii constntctionsiwl_|, in all reszects, gonfcrm to the Crdinance tCoosed ity the Ci;y ofSpingiiet.,!, inc{dlng lhe Zoning Cydinanee, regalcta)no zhZ ccnstrr'ct-JZncd'.use o-! builciings, otd n=y be susoend.ed or rZvcr,.eiZt ""g tiae upaz uic-latlon oi a4 prcuisions of saiC 2rd.irances, Eui4ir,g .eeriit ?otcl *cges Pltnh.ng Pernit lotal Per.rit fssuoea Va-L--.'--1 D--*; r -- z;tc?.0Ac:t:.:a:t7 -- * Plumbing Permit N9 per.son sltall .cottstr,.tct, instal!, alter or eiunqe cna nea ct e*istir"g ZLr*.ir.S cr itcinage sCs-rV in ai.ole or in patt, -rotn"i such person is tl".eLegdL.poisessor o1'a oal{d. olwrber's License, e.rcept tivt a pb:sott ra-J d.oplwib*zg uork to p"opertJ aitich is ooted,, LaLsed i'n og.itniig-lh" qpti-@tt. Electricol Permit lrhae stale i-an requires tt'a,t the electrical uork be ccne by an glecdcal contru.eto", the eleclrtcal porliotr of this pernit eha.Ll rot- be oalic uztilthe l,abel las been aiqfl,"t bg the tleetr.lcal- Conttactor, 9ld ;ad,^n I i yobiie ilae f EAW CA.RE?UUY gXil|I;lED the cotnpleted cool-Jcation for penti:, dr1li dchereby certify tlat aLL itzfot:ation heraoa'is tmre and cbrreet, anC Ifarther'9ertiii that ory crl. all aork cerforned slalZ be done in acccr- dance tith the Czdinsrces of the CttA -oi SgringfielC, qd, che Lai;s of theState of )reocn per-;intna to the wrk Ces*ibcd herin, ad. ;iz.s yO CCCU- F.IJIC.Z tlizl be rsde of @ry stluctu?e wtthott petnrJssion cJ' the 3uiiding Dl--vtsion. ! !'urtker certifl tttzt o-Ly cont?dcto"s a-,,1. ryLcyees ut"o e-e in canolJance u--th CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projecx 9- \JOB NO. Lot ?aces - 3e:saeks )i Aceessllotth So;;h l,/e st _-=r., :(TaLue i.bin ktcce :.!.1' VALUC S.D.C. I.5 = ( _!!E I c;-t:cz Resil.atth,L (1 bcth) Se.ler :io. Ea;/E*end. Cinadts Sesnice at, l aaaJC E:,}.clst HooC Vqtt E?t TcoCsta:te I /5 oo .{rC) 0l/ Stor:se P.*)nterszz- Pc*rit Atrbac I -441? .t.?rt.fr ^rr?-./s b0 I q-( _) 'lccesscr.t a |eq.?:q Dz=ocit !Zec:r.!c.=! i;bel SPRINGFIELD C TT OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works I 885- 1 985 Sprinqfie]d Centennial year November 19, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Quannah Combs 531 North 16th Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Dear Permit Holder: The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for a permit to rema'in va]'id, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandoned during the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automatically expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for more time to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Bui'lding may choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. PIease advisethis office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. Si ncerq,l t, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Division attachments 225 North sth Street o Sprins{ield, Oregon 9'1477 . 503/726-3705 JOB ADDRESS: 531 Nort-h 16t-h Street JOB #:84001 5 I,AST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERITIIT: xx VALID: However, your pernit will expire on Novpmhpr 24 'l If you wish to request an-extension of your permit, please notify thisoffice in writing prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Your permit expired on If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be applied for. *If the Itexpired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by(ten (10) days from the date of this letter), we will clear ourfiles of all related information with regard to the permit. *