HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-06-08tt ..RESIDE: .IAL.' APPLICATION T .'ARMIT SPNTNGFTELD c 225 itonth Sth StY'eet bpringfi.eld, }regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 lob tacaticn Aaoeoaotc t'!ap I t1c5 S'ubdivision: A-mer: 'Icr lnt ll zip:q Addretss b s. 1144 LL Additicn RenoCel Wotd"sb4L Deacribe lt'orl< Vqlue I l-) ,,oorr" ,,o^,hto: Date of App licati<:n (! ncrac Eors llcnera I 5- t7 l'lurnb 1n l.le cha n:Lc it Ul.ecc.rical SuDerv 1n EIec c r c ilt rr It io lhe reaponoibility of the permit hodet to Bae that aLL inopaotiona ate nada at thc ptoper tine, that ocoh cddreea ie readab'.e 1't'on the atteet., anC thac the pct'rrtt oard ia lccated at the fpnt of the orooertu.tguilding Nvicion app,ove<l plan shcll renain on the Duildbq sitc at all'tihea." PnocSDUEErFaqINSPEUI)N-EIQIEST:CALL726-3769(recorder) state you" City;leaigra,ted job nunber,, job aCdreaa, type of inspeclicn :,:.f"1t-"!_11d11\'e1 you -u'ill be ready fo-t' inspection, cotttractor.o o.i a,mers-rrcrna Znl pt-r. nwnbcr. Requeata reLeii'ed. bLyore'?:0C c::r'itLL be nade the aante dcy, reqtteato ncde after ?:00 on viLL be nada the ncxt wrking'day, XruTI 1Iout, City Deaigtntetl Job Nwnbey fa: -l sr?'t INSPSC,!rotrt: I ezcauaticn, buc - forme. - UNDERSLAB PLL'I,IBINC, ELETI\?IC,1L &)tttcl,eW"uLrot,k L8 AOVCred. -) po-prrug t rounotrlrc!!: ?o be nnCe_) a!cer trenches are ezcauated andforna ate erected, but prior topout'ing ccncretc.1rl.irg trenchee. ' rcqutnet! uapon L'awie?a a.xe in pl,a.oa but _befora any lath, gyplln boat<l ortnLL .oouening ia applied, cnd, baforeoty inculation ia aoncealed. DnyHALt,-INSpEfl'!)N: ?o be nadaa!'ter all dryuall ia in place,but prior to cny taping, t:!A2o!f!: Steel location, bonclbeonc, grouting or ueyticala inaccor<lance uith U,B,C. Section 2415, LI?ODSTOVE=: After inatallation ioccnpleted. c.!!o 44fr\oUU_grut: After formoare._erecte.l but prior to pouringconot'ete, ilnCt: h,her. c,otnplete __ prouiCe fl:i:i.* nouabte aaotions tL"ousn OR Sanitaty aeuen capped a.t ppopert,i Linc Septic tork pwrped, ana fitLed uith gnatal 'l'o be nnde afterptior tc set up of nrta of tions haue b eet I IU maCe a , Fin-al - l{hen aboue itena are ccnpletedand uhen denatition ia ootnplete Ln stru:_tuyo noued ard, pt emiaea albaneC up, el?o Blooking od Sct-up Plwnbing connectioae -- oaret and. ualet Elo.ottioal Conneotion - Blooking, aet_utand^ plwnbing conneottona rou t li' oiii"iiabe for c ne qu a o ting e L eo t rt c al ; ni e "Z': tZl"'.\ Aooeaaory- Duitding l:yr -. Aftar-pcrch.ea, akirttng, decks,exo. ere oanpleted. -l losl 4ry-o quu: ro be nadc prion to-_J L,nsca.LLatlan of floor insulation oraeckLnl,l floor inau tion or decking. unt : No Dork to bc co made PIi*Agt: prior to plccir4 facinq ff::1r", " and be fore f.;,1;;'r;;;:;Z_ J!!UU4-:I.-2U!UU!: For alt con-crece paDing uitlin atreet rioht_,.|-,Yy, to bc nade aften all Zxca- !1lr"g conple_te & forn uork & cui-base rmtertal in pktce. thcse tnspec aruJ approu'e?,. -1 FRAtlrNc: ttuct be) "*"","z .i';,;,;i ;iy;i:;',, X[;l"i,,_i1!_! ,":m:i.cai. , att io'o1i",s.-',',-oraclruJ C chinncqa, etc. ri.tst'be. conpte.tcd. lo ulcrk to n'ii- rii_.Tecled untit thia t""p"iiii ti,,i-been twde anC approued. f rrur pLutllrttc f rnru M€!r/t;/rc/lt Pelte 1 of J FTNAL ELTC?.?TCIL 44t,L rilNilcLts AND CLIiAIIOU,I'S ilu-:?' Dt: ACCE*LL 'BLE, ADJASNEil??O DE M4DE A? ilo cos? ro crcy ...-._::- -t Ph,ortc: r JOB NO. ! of Stortae Total llaight Topograplry soLAn'- ;ESS REQ.-L-COG,. BeCroona:L 7 of lot Cotseragc Interion;..,'.. coninai"':;" Panhandle CuL-de-aao L,ot Facea - -- feea -- lleat t, t1 oue Building Vqlue & perm ir y,r.l!,Po:ritt,ia granLt:rl on the capreoa coniitiort t,lnt tte ti,ttrl c:ortatntct:i.ort i!::-:.:-'-.\r:,.,rL.renl,c,a.L:r, conforn Lo tho Ordt'.rtrtt:,:o *lopte.! 11y itc Ctty ofop\LnlfleLd, t'ttc.lurl:.nq !;h9 ?,oning Crdinanco, rcl.uLr;Ltnq Llit cotcLt,ucttcn 1r:1 ,r:!n o.l-buLldino.c,. ancl n:iy b.a. auc,penr)cJ or reuokeC-aL ct:y t--nc ttpon uic_t4tlon of arty prcutatona ol i;aid.Ordinancec. ' Building Permlt Stata Total Clargea IotaL A Check Fo tc Pa!.d tll Si17:'red DaLt: VTan Ex.cnitrct' I ttAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED Lhe comPleted application for permit' and do haro-bu certifu tt'nt ott-"i'ilt'''-ti'on lera-d;i^i;-l';; and''c'or'rcct'' otd I turtier cerLify tnot ai'v.i'n aLL ao'tk perfotmed atnll be done in ac'ot- 'dance ,sith the odtu'i'ii'"0*i17Li c;tv .'ot,-siiinr:il"i.,"t:"i "!,2" ,ffi" riof o'!'"'.' ?;b""-"7-;,;toin t';rt^7tt;t^i,n ,'r',u2lii,Iii.f^Z',"t'i",1ii.",'il Zr the euildinll Di' PANCI ILLL be nnJe ol tiniort. r furthar "';;!fu"ii';;"o'1v "*'t''o"'tZ''i' i"d enpLcvaee dho are Ln calplianca ttibh cts io!1"'b'ii"tit bc" uocd on Ltrio proiect Signed A Df llouae Caroga Accc snNorth llau tlao t Soul;h ltto ot rTEil _sq. Frc x Vqluo thi.n ,1ct'aoe CarDcrt tlcccaooryl TOTAL VALUE s. D,c, I.5 c Plumbing Permit No poncon olutll cortsltt,ttct, ina!.al!., atter or clnttgc ct\l nel cr e:istittg plutdbirtg or drainage {tllsLefl in uhole or in part, wtlecs such pet,sort is the Legal poaaesnon of a ual.i.d ltlunber'e License, etccpt thct a pe:,con nngl do plutbing aork to pt,oltot'ty uhi,ch ia ooncd, Ledocd or operated by thc appli- cant, Pltnbinj Pernit N0.cilAncD banL Seuer frlct&rae Residential (1 bath) Electricql Permit Ithere state [,a,t requires tlat tho clectrical uotk be clone by .an glectt'ical Conl:raatot,, tha elec!;rical port.iort of lhta ponnit slall r,ot be valiC tuttil the labe.L lna been atgned by the ElecLrtcal Cottt,'actot. t Nau/Extend Cincuita Sentice lotal Stcte ELac uuncqNCFIlNITSM ntrnace {IUtS Eshanst llood Vont Fa tsa}llcodetoita V1!-- I /€.(fr- MechqInicql Permit Parmit, fseuotoe Heclraniaal Pendt ENCROACHMENT .. rl" I PcrmiL I s I Mobile Hme arbcu! Sida;atk ,TOTAL II'OUNT DI'F: I l5 A1 I Fi, State a ^ A