HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-02-11.. RESII_NTIAL... APPLTCATTON/PERT/ITT 225 Norbh Sth Street Spz"Lngfield, 0regon 97477 Butl&tng Ditsision 7 26- 37 53 SPFlINGFIELD Job Loeaticn: Ic.r lat #Assessoz,e Map # SubdittisLon: /,/'l pv",r rt{{h @-rY-< rtq{3 4./0Y ehone: )1/7- Sr'{</Address: Luy. Date of App ,"rrr/ nl4 0 llork:n Na) I Descr-ibe &rr,!-Ur"/ I Addi.tian RenoCeL Contractoz,s Address L Pege 1 of 2 Date: GeneraL ELectz"Lcal Constmretion Lendet I-t ie the reeponsibi,-LilA oi-tle permtt lto'l'der to aee tTnt aL! inspectiolts ae nade at the p?ope" tine, that each a44zess is t,eaCab',ety,!-t!F at?ee.t' anc tlut the petnrtt catd ie T,oeated at the fuoni of the propetfu.*zuilding D"Loiciot cppro"*ed pthn s?eLL remain Z"-lw gll.\ii"b' sii. "t aLL tines. TNSPECTTOI'] aou ready,ti L be nade the sane dag,?equests ,LL726-3769(recordet,) state you" city desigrnted. job nz,onber,, job accress, tyoe' fo-r' irapection' cont?actcrs ot: o,mers nane Znd plnie nunber. p.equests z,ecefi:'eancde after ?:00 an tyLLL be nade the nert aorking'd.a.g. of inspec=icn befcre 7:0C s:: K2m)1-fnsoe,cticns Iout, Cifu Designated Job Nwnbez, fs:8So /b ^SI?E INSPECTION: etcauation, but To be nade after pt ioz, tc set up of L'fr,'.VVL- D Sanitary seuer eapped ct properti Lit:e Septic tutk par,zped and filled uith gra:;ei Hcmes Blocking od Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- sa))e! otd. uatet Electtieal Carmection - Bloektng, set_ua and- plunbing connections rust bL- appz.cibibefone requesting electrical lrspi.t.tlr- - Aecessory BuilCing ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELFCTRTCAL &wcytlrcni@ny uotk is couey,ed. requlred oapor burie?s @e in plaee but_,before uty |-ath, Wpsum boatC ot,tnLL couet,ing is applied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. PCOTIN} & FOUNDATICN: To be naCe - arte" t"enches a?e escauated and. fotms ate ez,ected, but prioz, to pour-Lng ccncrete. UNDERCROUI]D PLUMEINC, SEWEP., IN.ATER. Litq treneh.ee. aNpFRFLOO_R pLU,r.ErNG & r|ECttANrCAL : 1'o Oe made p?io? to instalLation of floor insulation or decking. P,OS! 4t!D ryly: To be nade pnion toLnstaLLaticn of floon insulation oy d,ecKLng. urt-iL th-ese inspeetions haue beenmade and. appz.oueC. EI-oFPL;4Q.8: Mon to plccirg facinqnaverLaLs and. befone franing inspele_tion. forms FNIAL PLAWNIG FTNAL MECHAilTCAL FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL DRYWALL INSPECTI1N: Tc be madeafter aLL fuyuall is in plnee, but priox to any tapirq. linal - hrlten abcue itens ate ccnpleted. and uhen dattclition is complete'r, "t.rr-tuye moued anL pt,ertees cLZaneC up. I|ASONRY: Steel beons, gtouting aceordarrce tLth 241 5. WppSIpE: After installation isAJ ecrnpLeted.. Io be IENCE: gates or a Location, bond or uepticals in U,B.C. Seetion CURB & APP4CACH AppON: After fonnsaz,e erecteC but prior to pouring concy,ete. SfDEilALK & DRfL.EWAy: For aLL con_cz.ete pauing uithin stz,eet right_of-yA, to be naCe after all'ecca_oatl-ng conplete & forn tnrk & sub_base matez*tal in place.Ptnal - Aftet-pctc-kes, skirting, d.ecks,ete. @e cornpleted. FRAL,INGI l,tust be requested. aftet,appro-oal of rough plwnbing, ni.iinl.caL & mechanical. ALL toofingbracLrq E ehinmegs, ete. riast beeompLeted.. llo ucz.k is to be con_..-cealed until this i""p.ction ha|i'been nade anC approoed, Wen cornplete -- ptotsiCe mooable sections thtough ALL pnoject condttions, ,such as bhe instalZaln?r 3r styeet trees, conczetion of titez'equired zandscaping, bto." *u"t-i" ""zizrl"a u*riiLZ-irn;;;, FrltAL ean be requested. FI-NAL BUfLDhNC: The Fi.nal Build.ing fnspect.L'Lectz.ical, and Meehantcat rnspeetior" t oror?, rruet be requested after the linal plwnb:oeen nad.e ord oppnoun{ter the linal Ptwnbing P,A.E. *A[,T., IlA,ffilCLES AND CLEAIIOU?S MUS?BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJ1]S?!TEN??O BE IADE /.? NO ClS? TO CrY # T T 2 6esoLAR A*:Ess REe.- LOT ?YPE Access. ^*(,JOB NO. DT House L-CO Bed.roons: Lot Faces - Intez,icr Corqter Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Int Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Corsetage # of Stories Total Height Iopography -- Eees -- IIEM SQ. FTG x Value I4ain Building Volue & Permit This pennr,t is granted on the efipress condition t?nt the said-consttaction shall, in alL z,espects, eonform to the Ordirnnce adopted fuiy the City of Springfield, inaludtng the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstracticn and. use of buildings, urd mag be suspended or retsokeC at cng time upon oic- Ta.tion of any prcuisiona of said Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c * Building Pe"nrLt State Date Paid: {. ?otal Clnrges ITEM NO FEE .U A D'D Plumbing Perrnit No pe?son slnll constz.uct, inatall., alter or elwnge anA ned cr ecisting pfunbin4 or dlainage s7stan in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plumbet,'s L'Leense, e$cept that a person nag do plutnbing uork to pyope?tA uhich i-s oimed, Leased or opetated by the qppli.- cant. Eichtres Sani Sa,tet Plwnbing Penrit State * Electricql Permit Where State Lau z,equires th.a.t the eleetricaL uork be done by qr-r Eleett'i.eal Cont"acto", the electrLcal portion of thi.s permit slnll not be oalil' untiL the Label hns been signed by the Electrtcal Cont"acto!. Nan/Eetend Circuits Sentice State IotaL I?EM PEE UtlMC.L hn'nace BTUTS blunet HooC Vent Fqt l-flllcodstotteI Mechqnicol Permit o o Penftit Issuanee Mechanicel Peptrtit -- ENCROACEMEN? -- Seet*itll Deposit Storage lhinternnce Perwit Cvtbcu! Si.da'talk Fen3e Eleetrieal Label Mobile Home Signed: uM-PLan Exanner I HAW CAR1EULLL EXAILfNED the eompleted application for pennit' aln da t*'ilAi i"rlf.fA that ail- i.nforqnati:on het,eoi is tnue a,.d ebr,ect, and f iiti"i i""tZiy that "iy i"a aLL aoz'k pe.r'for+ned shall be dote in aeco!- aliliiatn th;" o?dlna;c"e;"f ;i" cita'of 'sprLnsfield, .and bhe Las of the state of yregcn p""t"ilrlirg-'to- tie wik Ces"cribZd here"Jn, cnd tlat No occu- PANcv utLL be nace "f"';;;" ";;;i""' i'ttio"t permission of the Building N- ttision. f fut'ther eez'ti'fg tlat ,otly eontracltors otd 9ttplcgees aho are in Z*p1'+L"i'rl.tt, oas ?01',"0"5s ILLL be- used on thi's project ?otaL t/ -5 T?IAL N,I1IJNT DUE: * Resil.enti.al (1 bath) * I