HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-05-17SIDENTIAL.. APPLICAT -JN/PERMIT 225 Nov.th Sth Street SprLngfield' 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-s7 53 Descr"ibe \lot'l< NeD Additicn RenoCeL Date of Applicaticn 5--7.62 Value tra General P lurnb in Llechar-r icaI /Zr 2oX2€ fu"2r7 ffa2 ,b F/arorzo, k4'd" !I SPRINGFIELD- INSULAUON/VAPOR. BARRIER IilSP\CTION : To be maCe after aLL tnsulaticn and required oapor ba.rriers @e in place but before any Lath, gypsun boarC ortxtll couetino is applied, and before otg insulation is concealed. DRYUA\,[, LNSPECIION: Tc be made after all dryuall is in plaee, but pnior to GnA taping. MASCNRI: Steel locati.on, bond Gedilgrouting or uerti.cals in accotdance LtLth U,B.C. Section 241 5, y?e!E!g!E: Aften installation is ectnpleted. CURB & APPR1ACH APiQN: After fornsat" .r,."t;A-6ut p;lor. to pcuring cone?ete. SIDE\IALK ,i DHI\IL:I,IAY: fOT AIL CON- e"ete W,ring iftiin etreet right- of-t*zy, to be made after. all- eoca- 'oating caaplete & fonn rnrk & sub- base material in place. I Lt6p S uDe rv 1n SITE INSPECIION: To be nade after eccauation, but prion tc set up of fortns. UNDERSLAB PLUI"IBING, ELECTRICAL & SLC]!1\I|ICAL: To be made before any GFTi-iouered. POOTINC & FOUNDATICN: To be rnaCeafter tiinciei-iiiircatated and fotms are erected, but pnior to pour.tng ccncret., U N DEP,F LO A R P LU I.!B IlI G @sANil;rrro be mad@or n instalTaati,on of floor insulation ot, decking. u\psRcp)uw pLaw r NC,__gEyE!2__y4!!:?' Lir'4 trenches. Date: Sanitary ee;er eapped at pnoperi'g Lite Septic tank ptntped atd filled uith gra:tel Pinal - hlten abcue itena a.re ccnpleted and uhen Canolttion is complete o? stt'l"r- ture moued and, ptewiaes cleaneC up. Le Hcnes Blocki.ng o-d Set-up Plunbing connectione -- aa)e? and ua'-er Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-ur and plunbing connections rrust be apprcuei before requesting eleclrieal inspec lio:l Accelsory BuilCing Pinal - After pct'ckes, skirting, deeks, etc. ane conpleted. llle.r.t r.it. irrrr It ie the responsibility of the permit ho\der to aee that all inspeetions are nade at the p"oper tine, that aceh addtess is readab'.e Jbotn the street, anC that the pet'nrtt catd is Located at the fnont of the propertu.19uilding D"lutsiot app'o"*e,l pl,tn shall remain on the Buitding :ttc'at aLL' tihes.- PnOcEDInE FoR INSPEC?I1\\ RIQUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder,) state yout, City Cesignated job nvmber,, job aCitess, type of inspec:ioi eady!ot,inspection,co11traetor,so"r,asnel,s"ru:me"andpno7enwtbel,..-Pequests,uZ"l.iZab27cre.7:00cl'*'ill be made the sone Ccy, r'equests ncde aftet, ?:00 un viLL be nade the nect :,nrking- dag. fr PoOE AND BEAM: To be nade priot, to I r' I i;;TAT;tGn of floor insulLiion ot decking. tr E tr @ ROUGH l:&l,il6. ELECrR:L';L .1 t4?:L'Ii- f- 'ltt unxlL these Lnspeetlolls haue beefi made and appnoued. FTPEPLACE: Pt*iot to plccirg facingmaterials and before franing inspee- tion. f\ PnaWnc: Llust be nequested aftet, Y) approu"L of rough plw*ing, eiectri-cal & meclwnical. AL! roofing bractng & chinmeys, etc. rrust be cotnpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- cecled until this inspection has'been nade anC approted. IENCE: lrhen conplate -- Pt'ottiCe gates or mooable sections through P. U. E. FITIAL PLUIIBIIIC PINAL MECIIANICAT, FIIIAL ELECTRICAL All, g,o;ject aonditions, such as t|rc i.netallation of slteet trees, conpletion of the required Landscep'ing, cte., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FfNAL ean be r.equested. FINAL BUILDINC: The Fin<zl Building fnspection nust be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrical, and Mechar.icrtl fnspeetions ltqtte been made ard approtsed. Pege 1 of 2 .zLocaticn: Tar Lot llAssessoz,e l.lap fl \q Subdioision: NOtmer:I I /,r citu: 9- 1r/ O p g -- ehone: J(7377A a1 Addpess:1d D/bnh Ott e.etr Ld X @ *Ar,r, HAllHct,ES AND CttiAilOUTS ttUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD,TUST\\EilT T0 BE \LADE AT NO CCST TO CI?y Iour city Desiyntetl Job Nunbet, r"t 9?O /e€j ( t_-l I w -t --\r L-CO fJOB NO /Const q '(0 Lot Faees -e Lot Sq. Ftg LOT ?WE Intericr !lea % cf Lct Couerage_P,L House Access e), ! of Stortes Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Ldce Total Eeight , - TopographY tote t -- Fees -- TTEII t lu x Va Building Volue & Permit Thispermitisgrantedontheecpressconditionthatthesairl.constrwctionslnll, in all ,espects,- ioirrr*'to th-e. crdirutnce edop.teil iiy the ci.ty of ipriifl.iti, inclludtng'tin'2;'""g cr<lina.tLc.e' ve'gulcl'tttg Lhe ccnstracticn and use of bui.Ldi-rns, ,ri,,i'tri,'L'"'"i"p.on'lnJ or rZuokcc ot t*y tlme upon tic- Lation o7 ony pt'coisions of said 0rdinance's' Main /sa TOTAL VALUE S.D.C 1.5 t {7Euilding Permit Fee Date Pa':-rl State Reeeipt ll Total Changea Z 7 Signed: ITEM NO CHARGE Plumbing Permit No Derson shall consttact, insl;all, alter or clnnge -Gnli nett).c" eristing ii"!,iu'ur6''"""'Zi"iZi'.",i"tk in utaie or. in parL, -u,rlesi such pe,son is the i"7J"i"""'""in oi " ,i"1;;"pl''^b;11 1i"nn"'n' eecept that a pe:son nav do plunbing tsor.k to p""pnf,il*,it;.Zi"l" o*na, Lelsed or operated by the appli'- cant. Fi*tu'es Resi.dential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Pernit State Sweharge Total * NO Electricol Permit Hhet,e State Lant xe.qu-i.res bltit the electrica! xari< be dcnc by 4n Ele't?ieal contractot,, the el"ctr,7Zotf,Lot,l.i"-_of this-pennit. sh,zll rot be uaLiC until lin litnt -lns been signed ly the Electrical contractot'Neu/Extend Cincuits 2 Sett;ice Stcte Total 2 NC.rEF CIIARCE Mecho nicol Permit IS Eshant llooC Vent Fan llcodstooe Pernit rssurtce MecLnnicel Per'trit e -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secatitu Deposit Pettnit Cvtbcu! Sida'talk Fenee 2eL Mobile llone fHAWCAREFULLyEXAMINEDTleconpLetedapplicationforpennit'and'do herebg certify tnat ai'i-inioiatibn hereoi is tnue and eorrect' cn'C r furthet' cez'tify *ot oi'y- oin' ili "o"t' pe.nfot*-ted slnll be dote in aceo?- danee r,rith the ordi.nencZ"-lf ;ir" Zl,ti Li bpringfield, and the La;e of tha state of ,regcn p"rtoiT';i'g-'to'tne wik Cescrib"cd henein' cnd that N0 occu- pANcy *LLL be nace .f";;:;' ";;";'i"""- ",it\"il p)rtnission of the Buitdinsl Di- ttision. I furthttr eertifu bhat; only eontrac'bors a;;d enplcyees uho are in ;;;1,i;";'r;.tt, ons 701."0"ss uiLL be used on thie project /7 e Total 7,l *OTAL AMOUNT DUE:1 /6/.7/ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- /f,-o&zrro Eu< Total Clan'aes - State \\d 4t,