HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-06-10" RESID;-.lTlAL" Zzs North sth s;treeaPPLrcAr r1N /PERMrr Springfield" )regon 97477 Buildi,rry Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFII1{GFTELD you? CitA Desigr,ated Job Ntlnbet, fs: ifccel t# oe 4O>, l}!) t\ Date: p?ope" tine, that each addrees is teqCabie ' ntmber, job aCfu,ess, type of inspeeticn numbet,. Requests teceixed befcre 7:00 cn \.ri PLutttbing Mechanical Constntctton Lend.et I-t i8 tlo reepono'ibi_LilA oi-the permit holder to eee that aLL inspecbions ee nade at lhefron tlu at?eet, atd tlat the permit card ia Located at the frcni of tlte orooertu.*suilding Diuiciott dpp?ou'ed pl-an svc.zL remain on the Building site 'at "1t'11.ki".- ?.ROC9DUP\ F1R, IySPECU1N .WyEST:CALL 726-3769 (z,eeorder) state Aour Citg desigrnted jobre4uested and .uhen iiou uiLL be ready fo-r, inspection, Conttactars oi Armers rwne Lnd phane ?L1LL be made the sane dcg' r'equests nade aftet, ?:00 an utLLL be nade the nest aorkini d.ay. Reauired ecticns Am@5c 7 Jb I TblJob Locaticn: Aesessoz,s Map #3(oA Ict Lot #G0e Subdh.tision: A,mer:B-.J Addtess:b Phone *t (-c City:zip Describe llork: be-.( gDate of t--l NeD t-t b Value Addi,tian RemoCel Contrd.cto"s Addyess Ltf//,r ) rt 0,,Geney,aL SI?E INSPEC?I)N: Io be nade after ercauation, but pr.tar tc set up of forns. I|||DERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHA-ilICAL: Io be nade befoz,e ang .t'tonk ia cotez'ed. F0)?INC & F)UNDATICN: ?o be maCe @enffines are %caoated, ard. forms ote ereeted, but prior bopou'ittg ccnetete. INSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : Io be made after aLL insulaticn a-d. required oapor bavie?s @e i.n plaee but before ory 1,ath, Wpsun baatC ot, unLL cooering is applied, and before otg insulation is conceaLed. DEI,IOLITIOII OR Sanitaty saser eapped ct pt,operQl Lire Septic tank punped ard filled ttith gz,a::ei Hcmea Blocking urd. Set-up Plunbing connectione -- Ba)e? old. ualer Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-up ard plurnbing connections mtst be apprcxba before requeeting eleclrical inspectiotz Accessory Buildnrq Final - After pcrehes, skiz,ting, decT<s,etc. ate cotnpleted. UNDERGROUI]D PLUMETNG. SIWR. W.|TER, DRAfilAGE: To be naCe prior to fil-Tfi-#inehee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & IIECHANTCAL: To be ma.d.e prior to installatioi of floot ineulation or deeking. P)SI AND BEAM: ?o be nade prioz'toinstallatian of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLU-,IBIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & I,{ECH- ANICAL: No uotk i.s to be couere{w.til these inspections haue been nade ond. approoed. FIPEPLACI: PrLor to placirq facingnaterials and before franing inspele-tion. FRA.I,IIIIG: I'tust be requested aftet, appx,oual of rough plutnbing, electri-cal & neclanieal. ALL roofitrg btacing & chhmegs, etc. nilst be . completed. lto ucyk is to be eon-. cealed until this inspeetion lns'been ttwde anC approued. DRYWALL INSPECTf)N: Ic be made@etAT@Afis in pL.ace, but prior to ang taping. MASONRY: Steel Zocation, bond beans, gtouting or oez,ticals in accord.otce Llith U,B.C. Section 24L 5. ilo0DS?O|/E: @twTA;A. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP,)N: After formsue ez,ecteC but prioz, to poutirq concrete. SIDEWALK & DR|;EWAI: Fop aLL con- crete paoing uithin stz,eet right-of-tny, to be made aftet aLL eoea- oating conplete & forn rark & sub- base natet"ial in place. h4ten complete -- ProuiCe gates or mooable sections thtough P.A.E.t\ Final - lt1ten abcue itens aye ecrnoleted and uhen Canclition is eotnplete Zr stuac- tuye notsed and. prewLees cleaneC up. FTilAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street tyees, eo:p|-etion of therequired Landsccping' etc.' mtst be satisfied befote the BUILDING FI1iAL ean be requested. PINAL BafLDING: The Fi,nal Building, Inspection nust be requested after the Final ptwnbingElectrical, and Mechantcal fnspeetlont 'hqun been nad,L- ind'ippro:o"d. " *Arr ttAancLES AND cLEANotJTS r,rusr BE AIIESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIEIT ?o BE I,IADE A? ilo ccsr ro cry Pege 1 of 2 O RI o l T o l-1 ,,ooorn ,o n se- f T I I T 2rJOB NO.c-* G...- SOLAR Tl;CESS REQ.-L-CO Bedrooms: Lot Faces --fu91:gtt $gurees T?tDe Setbaeks Ileat Df House Caraqe Access Water lleate?No?th East FirepLace South l,/ood.stou"e % of Lot Cooerage_ # of Stot ies Total Height LO? TWE _ Interiot _ Co"ne? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Int Sq. Ftg. Topogrcphy Hest -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penrLt is granted on the erpress eondition that the satd-constraction stnLl, in aLL respects, confonn to the crdtranee adopteC Siy the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinanee, r'egulcting the ecnsttacticn otd. use of buildirqs, utd may be suspended oz, reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of 6ny prctsisions of said Ovdirnnces. ?OTAL VALUE Building PetirLt DaXe PaLd.: ?otal Charges Sig".ed: ITEM FTG x Value State s.D,c. 7.5 0 Plumbing Perrnit No person stall constrwct, instaLl, alter or eltange GnA ned cr eristing plwttbin4 or drainage systan in alale or in part, unless sueh pet'son is the Legal possessor of a ualid plutnber's License, eceept that a pe?son mag do pltnbing uork to property uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the dpPli.- cant. NO FEErTEM Pbhpes Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Saser Plunbing Pennlt State Electricql Permit Wheve State Lal t,equires tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Electrieal Contractor,, the eleetrieal portion of this pentit slnll not be ualil until the Label lns been signed by the Electt'ical Contt'aetor. L Permii FEE lleu/Ettend Ciz,caits Setwiee State ?otal -- ENCROACHME!'|T -- NC.vr, A Dai * Mechqnicol Permit llcodstooe Vent Ean blranat Hood ETUI PetmLt fssuanee Mechanicel Penmt Seatritu Deposit Storage Maintenance Pennit Cutbcu! Sid.eualk Pence 5"6D Electrical Iabel Mobile Hone # I HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fot pennit, and. do hereby certify that aLL infonnation hereon is true and correct, and l furtket, cer+-ifg that any ard aLL uork perfor:ned slwll be dpne in accot'- danee rtith the- Ordinane-es of the City of Spz'LngfieLd' and the Lats of the* state of oregon pertaining to the uoyk cescribed herei-n, and tlnt N0 )ccu' PANCy tiLL bb rna-de of any sttuctute uithout pernisaion of the Building DL' oision. r further ebrtiiij that only cont"acto?s ad. anplcyees dho are in compliance uith oRS 70L.055 ui.LL be used on this pz'oject PLmt Eraniner t1 b-to -K lotaL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE;*G _Oo Signed e_- Date