HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1991-10-07CITY OF SPRTNGFTELD DATE OF IJTTER 0ctober 7, 1991 JOMilAT NT'I{BER 9L-09_147 APPLTCANT Gail Combs and Marceil Kopperud PROPERTY OIINER None. Development Services Department Gail Combs and Uarceil Kopperud EXPIAI{ATTOI OP TEB NATT'RE OP TEB APPLTCATTOI The request is for.1 Lot Line Adjustment betveen Tax LotMap 17-03-24) also iaeniitie-i Is sz3e North iitt, street.DEcrsroN Staff Decision:Preliminary Approval vith conditions Lrhen the condi,lg:.:__lttached to.this request have been met, Final Map Approval vilIbe granted' PRBtrlrrNARi orr*,iior, Epiff;-;.i iii* pRolr rEB oiii or r,rs LErrER.OTEER USES TEAT T'AY BE AI'TEORTZED BY TEB DBCTSION 900 and 903 (Assessor,s STTE TMORHATTON The purpose o,f this_ . request is to allocatinherited uy ths "ppri""ii;. .^.rax Lot-ioi--i:,:li:"ililrlo8: Xliiillft,fl.ii"ijleast-vest. rax-Lot ibo i. i,+oo, ;;r;;:";Jir, ir_rso, -;;i_;JI,."*""pt beginnins at3"3lllj"o3f',.j"ij, #i,;:;ii*i""ti:ili'r"l': iij,.iol,.il;::" ,n" east-L,es, The proposed adjustment vilr reconfigure Tax.Lot -g00 into a- roughly triangurarparcer vith a north-soutn -Jimenrion oE-ipprliir"i"ry--r,io5,-1"outh fro, HaivestLane) and an east-vest dimension or.ii,-'[i:;_"".es). i.* Lot g03 viIl have aneast-vest dimension of ls'-ii; a dist"n""- ot-.pproximately r,Lz5, (south fromHarvest Lane)'; .Dd then "iri"'viden ao- "n elst-vest dimenlion of r.50, for theremaining 339r of the ""U:""i-properties (3 acres). Both parcels tr9 pranned and. zoned for Lov--Density Residential development.Neither property is vittrin tnl iiay r,iri,".- rt" urban erorin-ioundary crosses thisii::"::rr.i"ii..Boll", at a point approximatery'650,noiir,-.r ir,. southern properry Criter Findings of Pact ia of ApProval (Ref. Seetion 33.030 of the Springfield Development Code) The Lot Line Adjustment does not: 1. Create a nev lot or land locked parcel; Nonevlotsvi}lbecreated.TaxLotgO3villbeincreasedbyapproximately 2.8 acres vhile Tax Lot gO6-"ifi-be diminished by an equivalent amount' This lot line adjustment provides Tax Lot,903 vith direct frontage onto North l6thvhilemaintainingdirectfrontageonVeraforTaxLot900. the mininun dimensions established by the-oif,"tri"" violate the standards of the Structurat Speciatty and Fire Safety Code 2 Reduce an applicable Springfield standards; existing lot belov zoning district or DeveloPnent Coder or Both parcels are zoned LDR/UF-1o. This zoning does not allov the creation of nev parcels, or the reduction of existing pt'""I", below a 10 acre minimum unless the majority of parcel. ,iitin 100-flet are the same size or smaller than the size proposed by the land u"" t"q,""i' The majority of parcels vithin 100 feet of these tvo tax lots aret on average' 10'000 square feet' There are currently four dvelling units on .these tax lots (3 on 900' I' on 903). This lot 1ine adju"t*"ni-rill result in each tax lot having tvo units' Building setbacks from propor"i n", ptop"rty lines vill meet or exceed all applicable ,t"na"rar. iny'subsequ"nt'development that might occur on these properties vilI be subject to "ppior"f by the City's Building Safety Division' 3 Impede the plans; Neither the public Facilities plan or TransPlan include projects in this area' Future urban level development vi11 be subject to annexation, subdivision and road dedication. Violate any previous requirenents or conditions the Approval Authority may have imposed at a prior public hearing or neeting' Neither property has been subject to a land use hearing vhile vithin the jurisdictional responsibility of the City of Springfield. Redesign or reconfigure lots vithin a subdivision by a series of Lot Line Adjustments. Lot Line Adjustnents vhich create tyo lots from three lots shatlnot be considered a redesign or reconfiguration of lots. Neither parcer vas created through the subdivision process. inplementation of adopted transPortation or public facilities 4. 5 VEAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN PINAL }IAP APPROVAL? 1. A survey of the nev configuration of the subject lots. 2. A legal deseription of the ner+r configuration of the subject lots. Upon receipt by the City of a copy of these recorded documents, Final Approval of the requested lot line adjustment viII be granted. APPEAL This Lot Line Adjustment request is being processed under Type I reviev procedure (Ref. SDC 3.070): Type I revievs cannot be appealed directly to the Hearings Official. In ti,e everrt that the applicant disagrees vith the application of the SDC standards, the applicant may request a Type II Interpretation. An appeal of a Type II decision may be filed by an affected party vith the Development Services Department vithin 10 calendar days of the date of that decision. QIIESTIONS If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact this office at your convenience. PREPARED BY GregorY S. Mott Planning Division Manager