HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1987-12-11AJI / CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD Planning and Development Department DATE December 11, 1987 APPLICANT Joe and Pat Proden ?290 Hayden Bridge Road Spri ngf ie'l d, 0regon 97477 SUBJECT Pre-Application Conference held December 10, 1987 87-12-160. Appl icant requested a Pre-Appl ication 1 foot withholding strip across North 16th and North for City Journal Number Conference to discuss the L7 h lo nging to Lane County abutti ng thei r property I ocated at Assessor's Map 17-03-?4-00 Tax Lot 00800. The Proden's want the withholding strip removed to allow them alternate access to their Harvest Lane propertY. ATTENDANCE In attendance at the December 10, 1987 meeting were Associate Planner Gary Karp, Plans Examiner Lorne Pleger, Chief of Construction Les CraigTilg, Trahiportation Technician Dave Brown, Development Permit Coordinator Cindie Harmon and Applicant's Joe and Pat Proden. ACTION No formal action was taken, this nreeting is to provide the applicant with information prior to submitting a formal application. DISCUSSION The items discussed may not include all issues which may be reviewed as part of the actual app'l i cati on. 1. The applicant can request a Formal Interpretation. 2. Staff will schedule at Type II meeting and notify adjacent property owners as well as other property owners into he area who have made similar i nqui ri es . 3. Staff will submit tnformation to the applicant for submittal to Lane County regarding the access requirements should the County decide to remove the withholding strip. City Staff will not make recommendations regarding the removal of the withho'lding strip as that is a County decision. North 16t 4. If the withholding strip is removed and access granted it would be subiect to the following conditions: a. The access would be no larger than a standard driveway. b. A barricade would be placed next to the driveway the width of a standard street less the driveway width. . c . A si gn woul d be pl aced on the barri er stati ng: End of Publ i c Ri ght-of-way, Private Property. d. The first 20 feet of driveway shall be paved. e. Any future development of this property shall require review by theCity. The development of a public street may be required at that time. APPLICATION PROCEDURE 1 Encl osed i ni ti ate Prodens. is the an application for a Formal Interpretation. City staff would Formal Interpretatton and no fee would be charged to the 2. Deadl ines for submittal are every Friday and the process takes approximately 3 weeks provi di ng a compl ete appl i cati on i s recei ved. Incomp'lete appl ications de1ay processing time QUESTT0NS Please call Associate Planner Gary Karp at 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY cynthia L. Harmon ${t/Development Permit Coordinator Copy To: DRC Members