HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1989-09-27,4dd * CITY OF S-T!NGFIELr, DWELOPMENTSEfIY'CES ADITINISTRATION Pll.NNING / BUILDING PUBLIC I,VOEKS M ET BO POLI TAN WAST EWAT E R I\4 A N AG E M E N T Request The request is for a Lot Line Adjustment to addHap 17-03-24-32 to Tax Lot 5700, Assessor,salloving additional recreational vehicle parking. Background 5 feet from Tax Lot 314, Assessor,s Map 17-03-24-33, for the purpose of Tvo Iots existedapproval of this 225 FIFTH Si,qEEI SPB/NGF/ELD, OR 97.477 (503) 726-s75s September 27, 1989 Hr. Donald V. Mogenson 2536 N. 15th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Lot Line Adjustment (Journal No. 89-06-167) - Located at 2536 and 254g N. 15thStreet vithin Springfield,s Urban Grovth Boundary. Dear Hr. Hogenson, staff Decision: Preliminary Approval vith conditions - see belov. Findings of pact Both lots are in vera Derle First Addition subdivision. currently Tax Lots 314 and 5700 each contain approximately 9r000 square feet. Bothrots have one single family house. -upon approvai of ini='request, Tax Lot 314 virlcontain approximatery 8,500 square feit "ni'T"x Lot 5700 vili contain approximately9,500 square feet. Crlteria of Approval (Ref. section 33.040 of the springfierd Development code) The lot line adjustment does not: 1. Create a nev lot or 1and-Iocked parcel; No nev rot or rand-rocked parcer is proposed io be created.prior to thi.s application; tvo llts'virr "*i"i--uio'applicatlon. I Page 2 Hogenson LLA 2 3 Reduce an existing lot belon the minimun dimensions established by theapplicable zoning district or othervise violate the standards of itre SpringfieldDevelopment Code, or Structural Specialty and Fire and Life Satet! Coaestandards; Both lots are zoned Lov-Density Residential/Urban Fringe - 10 and are designatedLov Density Residential in the Metro PIan. The minimum lot size in residEntialdistricts is 5,000 square feet (Iots fronting north-south streets). Theincreased size of Tax Lot 5700 and the reduced size of Tax Lot 314 far exceedthe minimum lot size standard for residential districts. The five foot sideyard standard for residential districts vil1 still be exceeded upon approval ofthis request. Approval of this request vill not violate the standaris of theSpringfield Development Code, or Structural Specialty and Fire and Life SafetyCode standards fmpede the inpleEentation of adopted transportation or public facilities plans; and This request viIl not impede the implementation of adopted transportation orpublic facilities plans. Both Iots have frontage on 1ocal streets. Localstreets are not addressed in the TransPlan. Public facilities plans ao notapply in this case. violate any previous requirements or conditions the Approval Authority may haveimposed at a prior public hearing or meeting. This application does not violateApproval Authority imposed at 4 previous requirements or conditions theprior public hearing or meeting.a Decision since !h" request eomplies vith the criteria of approval, as conditioned,proposed Lot Line adjustment virr be granted prelininary'Approvar. Tvo copies of a survey showing points set. A eopy of the nev legal description for each lot the The Springfierd -Deveiopment code requires that a surveyor be hired to set nevproperty pins and create ner, legal descriptions. The map submttted shovs the pinsset' uhen the conditions listed belov has been met, Finai Approval viII be grantea. Condltions 1 2 AppeaI An appeal of this decision may be filed by an affeeted party vith the DevelopmentServices Department vithin 10 calendar days of the date oi this letter (Ref. Article15 of the Springfield Development Code). Any action taken pursuant to DevelopmentApproval before the 10 day appeal period has elapsed sha1l be solely at theapplicant's risk. Addi tional Infornation Page 3 Mogenson LLA The City does not record lot line adjustment maps. Therefore, you should requestthat the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation combine th" prop"rty beingtransferred into the same tax lot as the recipient lot. The recipient iot shouldthen be considered as a consolidated single land unit for tax purposes. rf you have any questions, prease calr me at (503) 726-3759. Sincerely Karp, Associate Planner cc:DRC members Ilestern Engineering, Attn: Steven BeII Joseph and Mildred Bernardi -