HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-03-05# s .0L EU It io tIE "eopor,eibilitg of tl* petrrtt hoder to aee that all inspectiotrs @e node at tlte ptope" tine, tV.at ecch address is peq?,ahie frun tlu at?eet, and tlnt the pavrit catl. id l,ocated at the fz.ont of the Wope"tg.*BuiUing Diuicion app"w^ed plot sVnLL nemain on tle BuiLding Sitc at aLL- tines. PROCEDUPE FOR LNSPECTTON RY1UEST.'CALL 726-3769 (yecoz,der) state Aou! Citg designated job nmber, job aCi..tess, type of inspec=i,cn ?equested and. ahen "iou diLL be ready for inspection, Cont"actays or Anne"s ndne and pTnne nurnbe?. P.equests z,eceixed befcre 7:00 cn :,vLLL be tade the a@te dcA, ?eEtests nade aftet ?:00 @n tiLL be made the nest tn?kirg dal. ?r,o rln Corylntction Ldet_ SI?E fNSPEC?TON: Io be nwde after&;aoatl;n, but priar tc set ip of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBII'IG, ELECTRICAL 8, WCHtt-llICAL: To be made befo?e any wrk is eottered. P)1fiNG & F)UNDATICN: To be naCeafrel$ffi; at e eicatsated and. forns an,e erected, but prior to pou?ing ccnerete. UNDERGROUIID PLUMBTNG, SEWER. WATER. DB[!!4qE: Io be nade prior to fil-7@-6inehee. UNDERFLOOR PLUIIEING & MECHANTCAL :Io be nad.e prior to instaLlation of floon insuT.ation or decking. P08! A!.19 BEAM: ?o be made prior toffidffilan-o1 floon insuLation ot deckittg. R)UGH PLUI,IBIIIG, ELECTRICAL & MECH:_ ANICAL: No uoyk is to be co.^ered .ffiTthese irnpeetions hante beqn nade and approtsed.. EIPEPLACE: Pt-Lot to placirq facingmaterials and befot,e franing inspee- tion. Ffi4A[W ltust be requested after apptooat of rough plttnbing, ilectri- eal & neclwnieal. ALI roofittg btactng E ehinmegs, etc. rntst be . eompleted. llo ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspeetLon lasrbeen nade anC approoed. FNIAL PLUMBING PINAL WCHANICAL FIIIAL ELECIRICAL yow City Desigr,ated Job lhttnber fs:. I N suLAlt r 0 N / v4?QR 8488!gBJ!0!El! L 0 l! 7o be made after aLL i,nsulaticn a'd required uapor ban iet s @e in plaee but before any Lath, gApstln boarC or tnLL couering i.s applied, and. before oty iwulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTf)N: Ic be nade aftet, aLL dtguall is in place, but prior to any taping. I,\AS1NRI: SteeL Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticals in accotdotce LlLth U,B.C. Secti.on 241 5. WOODSTOI,IE: @taT;i7. Aftet installation is Date OR Scnitaty saser capped at propertli Lire Septic tank p;,inped and filled rrtth graxel Final - l{hen abcoe itens are cctnpleted and uhen Catclition is eornplete o! st"uc- ture nooed an"d. prenrLses cLeaneC up. CURB & APPROACH APPAN: After fonns @'e-erecteC ffiV;lo" to pour"tng eoncrete. SfDEWALN & DRIIryVAY: Fo" aLL con- crete paoing uithin street right- ?f-?eA, to be made after aLL e*ca- oating corplete & forn tnrk & sub- fuse rrutet*Lal in place. ?ENCE: hlhen conplete -- fuooide gates or motsable seetions through P.A.E. ALL proiect conditions, such as the installation of street trees, eonoletion of tierequired Landscaping, atc., mtst be satisfied befot,e the BUfLDLNG IfNAL eah be tequested. ?INAL BUfLDfNc: The Final Building. Inspection mtst be t,equested aftet the Final Plunbi.ngElectrical, otC Mechanieal fnspections -hale been made and.'opptooed. . APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North ith StY'eet SprLngfieLd" 1regon 97477 Butlding Ditsisio.n 7 26-37 s3 " RESIDEv= ilAL"SPHI]{GFIELD 251 l./, /br,Y"Job Ioeaticn: 11o3 s b z /7{o /?az Lot #Aesessore Map # Subdittision: V4-, &ta^b&.met: 94(0 cJ,U*o^- 04, Phone: bt/-//OVAddtess: fucr-r^o oScitA =-s;- \b Value 0 Nail Additian zoo.Date of AppL.ieaticn Urla///L Lisc. #Conttactors Ad.d.ress Expi CeneraL Meclunical Hcmes Plwnbing eonneetions -- saoe? sd. uater Electrical Connection - Bloektng, set-up and plunbing eonnections rntst be aptprcued befoz,e requesting electrLcal inspeetiott Accessory BuiLCnn4 pcrches Leted. skirting, decks, Blockin4 od, Set-up Final - After etc. ole cornp Page 1 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I'\US? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\\EN| IO BE M4DE A? NO CCST TO Cr?y tr tr tr Z SOLAF cEss REQ.- -- Fees -- c Access JOB NO L.House L-CO Lot Faces -LCI TWE _ fntetiot _ Cotner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Iat Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Catetage # of Stortes Total Height Topography Bed,tootns: Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the erp?ess eondition that the said constntctionslnll, in all respects, conform to the Cr&trnnce adopted ?iy the City ofSptingfield, includtng the Zoning Crdincnce, regulating the ccnstracticn otd. use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at c-n7 time upon oic- Lation of any prcuisione of said Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE ITEM F?G x Value * ! ,( s.D.C. L.5 c Buildinq Permit Total Clnrges State Date Paid: Signed: t#: 2O"sC,6a Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll consfuitct, inetall., alter or clnnge anA neu cr eristing plwnbirg or d.rainage systa'n in u?ale or in part, unless such pet,son is the Legal possessot, of a oalid plunber's Ltcense, eteept ttnt a pe"son nag do pltnbing uork to p?opert! uhich is ormed, Leased or operated by the cppli- cant. NO FEE LMfrUL Fi.ohtyes Residentia.L (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plurnbing PenrLt State Electricql Permit Whev,e State Lan requiz,es tlnt the electrieal uotk be done by an Electrieal Contz,aetor,, the eleetyieal portion of this permit shall not be oali.C. until the Label \ns been signed by the Electrical Contracto?. Neu,/ErteTd Cireuits Setnsice IotaL ITEM NC FEE F\trrruee PTU I S bhanst Hood. Vent F@l ilcodstotte PermLt Issucnee Meehanical Permit Mechqnicol Permit -. ENCROACHMENT -- Secaritg Deposit Storage Mainteranee Permtt Cttrbcut Sida,talk Electrical Label Mobile Hone PLan Ecaninez,Date f HAW CAREEULLY EXAI4fNED t?e eornpleted application for perrnit, and do Irereby cettify that aLL info:,rnation het,eon is true and earrect, and f futthet: certify that ang ard aLL uork pez,forned slnll be dpne in aecor- dance tith the Ordinanees of the City of Springfield, and. the Laas of the State of 1regon pez:taining to the uoz,k Cescribed herein, and tlnt N0 oCCa- PANC:I LILLL be nade of any styucttue uithout pemission of the Building DL-oision, f fw,ther eertifs- that otLy contracto"s and enplcyees uho are in conpliance uith 2RS 701.05s uiLL be used on thie project ,( TO?AL A]4OUNT DUE: T E{.32 Date ITE14 Watet Total Cltarqes Total CTwrqes State Swchaz,qe ?otal Charqes lence