HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-09-18.. RESIDF'.'TIAL..?eceltt o SPFIINGFIPI NAPPLICAT\JII/PERITIT 225 North ith Stneet SprLngiield, 2regon 97477 Butlding Diuision / zo- ,5 / b.) ,.tob Locaticn, 2 O /6 ?a Aesessots l,lap #D Subditision: Ssner: ( 'ili Sianed cqqq0l ,fr@ l@ Lat il C) lddyess o? -l ^*rro", Renodei 4 ,/)LlPhone Describe korl<: 7 /fu4ill'crc Zo6576c:<; /6'xZ y, 4u774-qa- T-e fe7+rce Etd2/v#, 1 ,,oorro ,o," Date of oppi;""ri.n ?-/2-@ zJG ACal"e s 3 lLectricaL ,d-;+; ^-1 -cnsttteticn L : is the nescottsibilit-u cf tie permit hol<iet' to see tha! a!! insoections ote nad.e dt :he ?z.oper ti)n€, thet eceh ',.iness is rsn;n----.:"on xhe ax?eet, anl tiut tjze oetrtt earc is Locateti ii-lnZ |""""'of xi* D"oDeyc4.ZulLai:4 h.ui:ian art"oa-ed plan sicll ven^in on tjie eu:iainlg-li"rl"r'Ji|r:;3!7' i,^ ^-Fi'5r EaD iticD=aaf t--"- ':: r'':: :';:--:-'tcll P!?'J|s?;CALL 726-3769 (recor,<ier) std.te uou? city iesigns.xed job nw-ber" jab ccitess, x-1=e oj irccec=icn2o^lcs;ea anc u';:en uou -ut'LL be t-ead.y i'cr inst:ccion, contvaczc?s c? G--net,s nc.ne Zni;;'rone ni,itwcr. ieques=s z,ecei;ei be;c:e 7:!! s::.iL be nade xhe sone dcy, ,"ou"""""n"rio "i.r" ?:a0 o:t wiLL be ncie xhe nc:z,x tor<in: ia;. ?ao q:7Yc"rc Cifu Desiara.xed Job tiwnbat, fs:crtiye I I1'.s:o::icrs a_-t ,!'a-a-a'artlezca,laxicn, but fctme .l t,-aL,7o De naae DOZIK ,(PLU!,I7Ii;C io De nnaeLir4 yrenchee ?o be made aixerpricr tc set up of --,.,Lr-.-- _, t: .-_i :- a-:-__.,J:e naae aixe? arequireti uaoor berie?s dye in pLa.cebtt _be1'ore ory lath, Wpswl bcard ortnt- coperino is c=oliei, ar,.L beioreotg irtsulatin is'ioncealed.. t DRYIiALL lilsPre?nlt: ?c be nadeaJtcr aLL aryuall is in piace,but p"io" xo ang tapi/q. tlAS1lll?!: SteeL Location, bond De@ns, g"outino or uertiecls in aceorci.otce Lrith U.B.C. Seetion To CL'.EP A APPPCACIT tppCN: Aftet fornsate ereetei but prior to pouring concyete. Scnitarl seser cap?ei ct otooer;y Lite Septie totk p:,=tei d. fiLLeC uith grete- :LnGL - i\tner: cDCDe -.;e::.s aye ec-,zle=eiari uhen iencl'-tion is ec->Le;e or s::--r-xule nalei ar:: 7p27flssg c)eanei u=. I:cbi Bloeking otd. Sat-:tp Plunbing connecti.ons -- aa)e! d, ucter Eleetrical Ccnnection - Bloekir4, aet-u, and plwnbing cotneetions r;st be an>r.cr'ai before nequestjng eT.eetrical it:spee:=io- Aceesoory BuilCing insiai.iixlin oy deckirg. Pntnil Drtn,2T'\. ?r8... - . _ _- .. ^.._. --__ -".r-:cA: n tSrH-A.;;ICA.L: ,:,o uotk is xoii-66iereTurtil these inspeetiors i,nue beennaie arui apDroued.. FIPEPL.AQE: Py,Lor to plceir4 fceingmcterials arul before froning inspei-tion. PPr'.i'llllG: brust be requested afterapproual of rough plw;bing, electri_cal & mec'ranical- AL! roof inabraeing A chittmcys, etc. rntst be . eonpleted. llo ucnk is to be con- - cecled un*"il this inspection ltas'been natie anC apptoued- Q F2.c:.r::c I ti!::D,1Trc:t: To be naCelJ aJte: trenctcs are escauaxetj ard. fcrms are erecxed., but prior topourtr,g ccnetet€, e cny or xo fil- ) unlnrrcc: pru:st:c n ::rc:t,q::tc,r,:,J lo oe ncce oyict, to incxcllaxion of floor insulation or deckino. WCODSTO','E: ccrwLeted. After install-a.tion is l E l E DnQn A lta D- ^ t, -To be nade D"ior to floor insula-.ion or 9IDEIIALK ,l DRI|Et.k!: Eor aLL con- ereYe pauing uixhin street right-of-Mg, to be maCe after aLL erea-,atinq canplete & fotn wrk A sib- base ncterial in plnce.Firnl - After etc. ore comp ' pcrckes, sk-Jrting, decks, 8 FrilAL pLUxBrnG f rner, uECHAitrcAL ff runnr, ELeaRrcAL l ?EllCE: hhen conplete -- ProuiCe gate6 or mouable aectians thtough P. U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallaxion of street trees, conolction oi t;erequired Lanl'sccping, ctc., rmtst be satisfied beiore the BUILDII;C FI|iAL can be requestcC. FIIIAL BUILDIN?: The Final Buildittg Inspection rrust be requestei cfter the Pinel PttnbirqElectrical, od. Necitanical Inspeetzorts itaoe been made arui aoptoued,. ?a3e 1 of 2 .ALL I,,AI:ECLES AND CLEANOUTS IruST BE AECES'IBLE, ADJU*:I::II TO BE I.'JDE I.T I:O 'tST TO CI?Y A Lot Faces - Setbaeks Df House Carao e l,ccess. llo?ti1 Eas t South llest io E l.JO.6!+soLAR ACCESS REQ.- 1 Grouc: L-CO G+ 'at Sq. Ftg. i cf Lct Ccuera-oe ! of Stories 'otal Height :opograph'g LCT TWE _ Interior Coner Panhandle CUL-de-sac heat Lacc tove --F'?r:.t Building Volue & Permit Ihis permit is gtanted on the eL?"ess eondition th,at the said consttuctionsltall, in all respects, confcrm to the Oydinance tdopted Siy the City ofSpringfield, inc!.uding the Zoning Cydinance, negulcting the ccnstntcticn otd use of buildings, otd may be suspend,ed ot reuokeC at cty t.i.me upon Dic- La.tion of an! ptcoisions of said Ordinanees. nir<- TOTAL VALUE Euild:.ng PermLt Totcl Clutges Date Patd Sigted SQ. FTG X VaLuc 3a1 10."o V€7o* /-?a {e.zs Reecipt #:o tl esiietltial (i bcth) Seuer FEN Plumbing Permit Ilo person slwll consttttct, instal!, alter or eiunge Gny neD cr e:istirgplunbirq or drainage systen in i,shole or in part, unless sueh cerson is theLegal possessot, of a ualid plutnbet,ts License, eeceDt t|.a.t a a-e?scn nay dc pLurtbing uork to p?oDe?ty uhieh is ou.nei, Leased or. operaxed by ti.,e cptli- 6a /?-6> /S<a b 2a .* L /e4. I 27.tr 2?-* -.?a Electricol Permit irrnere stcte Lan z,eouires tiut the electvical uork be done bu ct ilectyieci Conxraexor, tne electricaL aortion ol thia oernit s'r,c.Ll no-" be u-cr-; ut.=:-.the Label'ius been aignec bi tite Eleettiea[ lon.reetc!. eal Petnit Stcte Suycilotae ', ,:..:, -tF- ft/iecho nicql Fermit!?UIS ''ra$t HooC zt Fot odstore Penit issuanee Meci",anictl Pemrrtt lr. -- LiwiJALfil:Li;J --fu=>- #/eE6 f HAW CAREFULLy IX,LUINED the eortpleted aoolication for perntt, cnd dchereby eertify that aLL it.iontation hereon is tnue arui datrcex, a:nC. ffurther cerlifg that any ani aLL uork penforneC shall be dote ;.n n""on- <ianee wit.h the Oyd.inances of the City ,of Springfield, anC the Lc;s of thcstate of oregcn pcrxaininc to the uork iescribcd hcrein, cr.d. tict i,lc occu-PAilcy DitL a-e ,yde of an:/, st?ucture uithout permission of the siitdinq oi-ulsion. f furthen certif:; thet otly contpactops a:;d enplcyees uho are ineot::plianee uith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used an this projee't Q- tL-E n t etlanc " Total Cnanoes '0cu: :euaLk LabeL ile Hane '.4 e ,?o -AL A,!OU!E DIJE:I 4 t?.t/Signeci Date ("/