HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-07-10:;PFlINGFIEL() l7o j 2t >2-D2/o o BLOCI(: qfit, 4(ots v tq?h,309 ^1 LOT: JOB NLJMAER LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOBI( RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lns pections: 726-3769 OItice:726-3759 TAX LOT: 225 Filtlr Strect Spring (lcrld, Orcgort 97477 PHON E,: STATE:7-lPiOR q TI OWNER: ADDRESS: CITY: NEW - REMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISI.I OTI.IEII DESCRIBE WOR}(: ELECTRICAL: - ADDRESS l:XPll:1ES PIlON ECONTFACTOR'S NAME MECHANICAL: CONST. CONTRACTOR , GENERAL: PLUMBING HEAr sAU$HOBIZED-IINDEB THIS PERMIT l$d&T.ronrly riEAr n^ N G ECQMMENCEDEII! IBANqONED FQB u^ n F. Fo orAG E: _ OFFICE USE - WATER I.IEATEfI: c o N sr T'H[S PflE RMITSHALLEXPIBE I F TH E W0Rl6 o n r',r s : FLOOD I)LN INQUAD AREA: r OF BLDGS: OCCY GROUP: r OF STORIES: LNND USE: , ot' uNOTIGE+-ZONING CODE: To request an lnspectlon, you must call 726-3769. Tlrls ls a 24 hour rccorc!lng. nll lnspeclions re(luestcd lrc[orc 7:00 a.rn. wlll bcmade thc safile worl(lng day, lnspcctions rcquestcd aftcr 7:00 a.rn. will bc madc thc followlng worl( clay. E ED INSPECTIONS [-l Temporary Elcctric Ro r Mcclrarrical - Prlor to Final Pltrrrrbirrg - Whcn allplunrl:ing worl( is complctc. Site lnspcction - To bc mactc a(ter excavation, but ltrlor to settinO forrrts. Rouglr Elcctricnl - Prior to Final Elcctkcal - lVhcn ailclcctrical worlr is corrrplcte.cover Underslab Plunrbing/ Electrical / Mechanlcal - Prior to covcr.Electrical Scrvlcc - Must be al)provccl to obtain pcrrnancnt clcctrlcal l)owcr. F / I Mcclranical - Whcn all cclranical worl< ls cornplctc. Footln0 - Af ter lrenches arc excavatecJ.Flrcplace - Prlor to faclng materlals and f raming lnsp. Final Builclirrg - Wlren all required inspcctions have becn approvcd and builcling is corn plc tod.Masonry - Steel locatlon, bond beams, groutln0.Framlng - Prlor to cover. Fourrdatlon - A(ter [orms arc erected but prlor to concretc placerncn t. O thcr Wall/Cciling Insulatiorr - Prlor to c ove r. Undcrgrourrd Plunrbing - Prior to fllllng trench.Drywall - Prlor to tallinO. MOBILE I.IOME INSPECTIONSUnderlloor Plumblng / Mcclranical - Prior to lnsulatlon or decl<ing,Wood Stovc - Altcr ln:itall.rlion. Post and Bcam - Prlor to f loor lnsulatlon or dccklng.lnsert - AItcr flrcJrlacc ap;troval ancJ lnstallatlon oI unlt. Blocliing and Sct.Up - Wlrcn all blocl<in11 is cornplcte. Floor lnsulation - Prior to dcckl nO.Curbcr.rt & AJr;.rroaclt - Altcr lorms arc crccted bUt prior to placcrncnt oI corrcrctu. Plr.rrnbirrl; Corrrrcctions - Whcn Irornr: h;rs bccn connccted to w;ttcr ar')(l scvJcr. Sanitary Scwcr - Prior to tillin0 lrcnch.Elcctrical Corrrrcctiorr - When blocl<ing, sol.up, and plumbing lrls;pcc tions l)i'rvc. l)con approvcd .lnd tltc tlolnc is conncctec, to th0 scrvicc par'lcl. Slorrn Sowcr - l)rior to tilling trcncl'r. Sidcwalk & Drivcw.'r1, - nflcr cxcavatio|r is complcte, [oil])s ancl sul).base lnalcrial in ;tlaco. Watcr Llnc - Prlor to tilling lrench. Rough Plurnbing - Prlor to {itrost Trccs - Whcn all rcquirccJ trces are plantcd. Firral - Aftcr all rcquircd lnspcctions arc approved and porcl.rcs, skirling, cJecks, andvcntln0 havc bcen lnstallecl.covcr ASSESSORS MAP: SUBDIVISION: - ' ,1Llr1-21 tf tl r_l t_l tl l_-l E [] tl tl tl tl tl l-_] Fcncc - Wtrcn cornplcted. tl tl fl D tl t:] P.L.|.1SE N c E Lot laccs Lot sq. f tg. Lot covcragc Topography Total hclght BUILDING ITEM Main Garagc Carport Lot 'lyl)c - ln tcrior -- Corncr - Panhandlc -- Cul-cjc-sac x $/so. t--T.VALUE Slc t l:ac l< s GAR IS TIIE, PI1OPOSE,D WORI< iN TIIE . I.I ISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON TIJE IJISTORICAL REGISTEF? - ll yes, this application must be slgncd and approvcd by the Historlcal Coordinator prior to permit issuance. APPROVED: PERM IT so. tsT. Total Valuc Building Pcrmit Fce Statc Surcltargc Total Fcc (^) BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This pcrrrrit is grantecJ on tire cxprcss condition tlrat thc said construction shall, in all respects, con[orm to tlre Ordinance adoptcd by thc City oI Springficld, including the Dcvclopmcnt Codc, rcAulating the construction and use of buildings, and nray bc suspcndcd or revol<cd at any tlrne upon violation of any provisions oI said ordinances. Plans Rcvicwcd l3y Datc Plan ChecI< Fce Datc Paid Reccipt Ntrnrbcr Rcccivcd By: SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) Systcms Dcvelopmcnt Chargc is duc on all undeveloped propcrtics witlrin llrc City linrits whiclt arc bcing inrproved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS By slgnature, I state ancl agree, tlrat I havS carcf ully examlneci tlre complcted ap1>lication and do hereby certlfy that all ln(ormation hcrcor'r is true an(l corrcct, and I Iurther certify that any and all worl< pcrlormccl shall be done in accordance with tlrc Ordinanccs of tlrr: City ot Springtlcld, arrcl tlrc Laws of tlrc Statc of Orcgon pcrtairring to thc work cJescribed lrcrein, and tirat NO OCCUPAT'JCY will be rnacje o[ any structurc witlrout pcrrnission ot tlrc Buildin0 Safety Division. I Iurtlrcr certi[y tl]at only contractors and entployees who arc in cornpliancc.witlr ORS 701.055 wlll be used on this pro jec t. l[urthcr agrec to cnsurc tltat all required inspcctions arc rcquestcd at thc prol)cr timc, that cach address is rcadablc thc pcrnrlt card ls locatcd at thc front thc approvcd sct oI plans will remain '/ - /b'q y Datc ( ufl loncon s t!1Slgnaturc f rorn t lrc s trcct,;!J:al, o( thc propert/ any' on tr're s:tc Et;f m Wood Stovc/ lnscrt / [il rcplacc Urri I FEE l-- l. FT. /f.ao fi), a't L2!-. Tolal Misccllaneous [)crrni ls N I:L-- (E) D rycr ,l 2(,,7.o PLUMBING PERMIT Vcnt Fan Ven t (D) (c) ITEM Fixtures Rcsldcntial Batlr(s) Sanltary Sewer Watcr Storm Scwer Mobllc Hornc MECHANICAL PERMIT Fu rnacc Exhaust Hood Mechanical Perrrril lssu ancc Statc Surcharllc Total Permlt Plumblng Pcrmit Statc Surcharge Total Charge TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (oxclutling c'lcctrir:al) (A, B, C, D, and E Corttbirtcd) VALIDATION RECEIPT NI DA'I'E PAID AMOUNT F'I FiECEIVED ECEIVED A UMBEF] - U (/ 8Y Ctr 2."d MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobilc Honrc Statc lssuanco Statc Surchargc Sidewall< - tt Curbcut -.- lt Dcmolltlon Stato Surchargc