HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1976-05-11Maf 11r t976 liln. Ron ClarkSupt., Bulldlng h"p.Clty of Spnlngfteld Doan Mr. Clark, I:r aooordanee with your conversetlon this nornlng wlth the Clty Managen I an submlttlng thls nequest for a nlnety day peniod ln whlch to do the requLred. ronk on tho bulldlng ln questlono f und.erstand thst Jrour neclept of thle letter c0nstltutes approvaL of thls request. I also und,erstand that I may expand the numbon of ehll-dren ln aocondanee wlth tha ConditloaeL Us6 Permlt" All rork wtII be done on weekends to minlmlze the posslbiltty of lnjuny to the ch11dnen. Wl.th that tn nLnd. thle ie the sch- odule f w111 be followlng; tn thlrty (30) days the valve on the hot water heaten 1111 be changed. Also anothen exlt w111 be lnsta1led,o In stxty (60) days the lnslde flne wa11 ( f- hou:: burn tlme) w111 be oonpleted. Irr ntnety days (90) the outsLde of the flre wa}1 w111 be done and all w111 be ready for Lnspeotiono I appreelate thls extontlon I au allowed ln onden to do the work wlthout undo financlaL bur:den on myself. I w111 keep you lnformed of nny progress. nk you, . Mat 225 N.7 I[.i '0Nkj& -6090 .u,r ft st. (t