HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-03-22" RESIDtrNTIAL" 22 5 IIOrth SITI, S TTEEAPPLICATTON /PERT,IIT Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision -6A -- F-/ 40-o / oo 5 r*;t*l S-*,^,.- P*"^-il "F* : ,l ulu SPFIINGFIELD Sccetcc r Go siqred: l-C' /o.oo ,+o 4ro.+o Date: -?- a2- Q R rob t-ocdticn, AaS r) , /bd* s7 .\ Aasessore Jla ll ?cz Lat # .._z I Stbdix;.s:.cn: lnter:e-t qa )b st.72/6-7A.fd&ess:Phone: S f ./7 ?77 Date of tpptturion 3-ZZ^ 83 Desct+be llork: Value V 1 L Q*r-r^-r--nSor-^-*-, C*--*r-*.;.:dd,iticn ionxrccao?a Lisc. IAd<fu,e-ss P6ne OL<)ner i!echa,r.iczL GeneraL , Plunbina Sanila,y saner eqped =t ?rc?etfu Line Septic tank p:,ryed ad, filled vith graiei Fina.L - I,,4ten obcue ltens ee eaaleteiqtd xhen Certcli,tiot: is cawlele br st=a:-btre naueC od. ttanises cleanei up. ECN2S Blocking otd lat-up Pltnbing conneciicne -- sane? d. uater Eleetr|cal Ccnnect,:on - Blccl<trX, set-ut and. pltnbing connections r;st be apprcted. before requesting elee:rtcal .)nsoec)ior: Accessc,,l tsuili'Jr,g Final - After Vcrekes, skitting, deci.s, etc. @e ccnole;ed. Pt:e 1 or' 2 Constructicn_!gd1!* I-t is lhe respontibililV of -tne penrtt iotd,* to see that aL! ,Jnspectiotla @e nade at :he proper tlhe, t!,at aach clfuess is rea;n'.qie;.y.-tly safeet, and tiu.t the-petwit.ca.il ie Locat.ed at the frcnt- of the Fo?erty.'3uiair4 )lticiot z.oprot;ed phn sicll retnain on tie tstikinng sift Zx aLL' ti:,nes.' ?.q?c!DttP1 ?0\ litSPEnIAN,EZ1IEST;CALL 726-3769. (recorCey) state your City Cesigrsled iob ntti:ber, job aC&ess, type of insoec=icnr-e.Quesxeci a*i.uhen 2;ou vtLL be reaiy fo-r inspecvicn, Contractcys olr Asne:s nane -aa pto"e ru,aber.' -.gequests reZe;i:Za bZ1cte'7:00 c:i,1,11 be tade the sane Ccy, ?eoueats nade aft* ?:00 an viLL be naie the nest wykini'da.g. B3t 4 0{ Si!! i:lSQC?ltlt: To be tmde aiterezcaction, but prior to set u? of forms. uilDc?SLAts ?LUtEIltC, ZLECTPIC,|L I;.sci;.;t;cffinv unz,k is ccuenei, PCC!!:IG 1 FAAilDA?ICil: lo be ta,Ceciter trencites are ezcqsated ard, fcrns cte erectei, but pior topouriftg ccnc:ete. lour City Desigr,ated Job llunbet Is: I}ISULATTAN/YAPOP tsARRIXI ilISPlC?rcII : ?o be naCe aftet aLL insulaticn ed. required uqor baz*te?s @e t)n pl,ace but before ory la.th, Wpsurt bcati cr unLL coueting is cnplied, ad. before otA ,JrauZction is concealeC. DRYVA-LL illsPlTl1y: 7c be nade after aLL az-guall is in pla,ce, bui prior to any taVLn4. llAS1llRY: Steel Location, bond beans, groutin4 or ue"ticd,Ls in aceordoue ,nlth U,ts.C, Section ,iOCDS!O"E: r*1 .L^) After tnstaLTation is CUF,B & A.PPRCACH APP.CN:Ai'tet fotnsae evecteC but prior to paur:ng concrete. SIDWTL;( r' )RI'.TIA!: ?or aLL eatt- ;"et. ?aDW-E;ffi st?eet right- of-ucg, to be maCe a|'ter aL! e*ca- udtinq canolete & fozn ,,:otk & eub- base ncterJal in place. IENCE: l{hen conplete -- ProuiCe gates o?;nouable sectioas thnough D II ? "t.1T9:o e i?ztcr.e9 Il uv:r.q..':ccp. ?LU:$rtG t :a!c!tAtrcA!:r t i2 ie ncce zricr :o tnstclLax:.on cf f|,oon inriui)xiaz or Cecking. 7 post AitD 3EA:,r: ?o be ncie ,ior +.o , I GiiGliTcf ftoor ir.su-ta,tic'rz ot deckt tt6. ?Ctt.l )?tdr9,.tf ?ranort^? ?- tEa2_ ffil-;hese ly.scee:iot:s hauo- beer mu.e *d. zooz.cvei. I I r]if?L{'i3: Prtor '.o ticcits cccinaI I Affi td. befcre'i'rrrir4 ;i"pnl- tior..r W,!!-9: !4ust be reaesteC cfler aVgroual cf raqh Vlwrbing, electni-cal 3 nechantiea!. ALt rcofirq brccitg ! chinmegs, etc. rtxtsc be . cotnplezeci. :lo .;or< ie to be con-. ceiled unttl this insoec;icn i,as'fi6sn na.d.e cnC apomxeZ. , 4. FIitAL PLU:/3r:iG I F;,r{I ;{EC:{A:|ICAL n :iut zLzclprcAt,l ALL project ca.Cilions, such cs the i.nsxallaxicn cf street =rees, :3:e!etion cf --ie tequired Lantsecpirg, ete., tnat be saxisJ'ieC belore'"he SATLDI;IG ?liiAL:an be requested. ?INAL BUTLDINC: Tne Final Building lr..soecticn twst be reqtested zfter the ?inal PlwbingElectrical, crd. Uecitariccl inspections 'r1euc been nade and-acorouzd. .ALL !.IAIIIICLES AND CLEAIICUT? |IUST 3E ACCESS|tsL;, IDJT'SI.'E:."'I lO 3I :,i\DE I.? lIO ::57 lC CTY I T r 2-aa 9 JoB No. t 7' ,/01 lot Sq. Ftg. / cf Lot Ccuerage ! of Stor|es lotal lleight Topogqhg 1uild,zng Penit State ?o+-al Cl.,argea Perntt fssu.*ee Mechanicel Perwit SOLAR.*CESS REQ.. rno ?w? _ Iztetior _ Cormet, _ Pcnharuile Cul-de-sac L-CO G+ 3ecraons Building Vqlue & Permit This penrrJt is granted on the espless cond,ition tl@t the said-coneirwction s\aLL, in aiL z.esoects, eonfctm to the Crdirwnce adoate,L b:!l the Cit,1 cf Sprtngf"-e'!,i, inc1-uiing :he ioning Crdinarce, reo"Llcting the ectsr:-.rcticn qnd use of bur,Ld.tngs, cnd nty be sucoeri.eC or re,sckei at a.X tine upcn oic- Lation cf eny pz,ctsisions cf saiC )rCir,ances. Rece.ipt # Sigrei: Mecho nicql Permit Lot ?eces - lieet Df itouse Accesj. tote -- Pzes -- x fa 7C!.11 VA.LL'! S.D.C. 1.5 r FZi C.AEGE ?;:lutes Resid,ential (1 bath) Seuer 'o,o o /o.o o ,lo 0,v0 Plumbing Permit No pereon slwll ca-struct, inslal,l., a'!.ter ot clwrqe cnA rleu cz, ezisiir,-g plwnbing cr dtainage sAste'n in ahole or in pott, unless such perscn is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnber's License, o-.ce?t tha,t a petson naX do pLtnbing xork to ptope?t'! uhich is ormed, Leased or opez,ated by the dppli- ccttt. Plunbing Pert;:tt ,,i0 ;.P ild/Eztend Cireuits Sewice Elecf rico I Perm i t We"e Stdte La,t requires tl"a.t the eleetrJcal uork be done by an lleotrical Contra.etor, the electrtcal portion oi thia 2ernit sha.Ll rot be oali.C. until the Label i@.s been aigned by the Electz'ical Contracto?, Stcte fctal :?::,!CIiAP,CE ?trteee *ltatst HooC Vent lat Tcadsiote -- a:tc?cAC::.\E:!: -- PLoz Exon[r.ei Date I HAW CAREIULLy lXA]4filED the corrcLated copl.-cation iot pernit, eti da l'ereby certify tlldt aLL ili'otration hetecn ls t'nte atC cortect, ad I f"o:her eertiiy that ang ard aLL uork terfoz-ned shalL be done in ac:or- dance ,,rith the Ardtntnees of the City of Spri,ngfield, and. tha La;s of the State of Aregan peti:aining to the aork Cesq'"JbcC hetein, cnC thc-- Y0 1CCA- Pl.llCI vtll be na.d.e of dt! sttuctule uithout pernission of the 3uildinE 9i-tision. f fw,ther cettifg thet o:tly ccnir?actot,s otd etplcgees ub.o ,re in cczpliance uith CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this project c LeCl?4vCa. L 3 *eJ -t3 Secar)t'a Deccsit Storage i4aintercrce taEaL !,/tc.T/le3 Si.Ce,talk .VJ^r a':VUtll UUL./0,vo I : Mobile llane >LEnzA Date Cccucancu Crouc:lipe/Corsx: Stdte SDehaae 4aln7 4naao !ence