HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Application 1977-10-10JOURNAL NO.'S-zz -/o APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPI{ENT PERMIT, OR VARIANCE TO: THE COMI'ION COUNC]L AIID CITY PLANNING COMI4ISSION SPRINGFI ELD, OITEGON Appl icant's Name Maurice R. I,lyers - J. Gordon Smith General Location of the Property l8?lr \Tbrth 16th Street, Snringfielrl, Oreron Qst.&Rst. 1 2 lBgL N. f5th - West side of street - between (Address, sicle of street, I ocation between cross streets) 3. Property as recorded in Deed Book Cl erk's 0ffi ce. Page Assessor's Map Number ,+ l7-O3-21-2- 9600 I.L. Tax Lot Nunrber(s ) 96cc 4, Legal Description (Attach separate sheet if necessary) See at+.aehed 1c;;aI rJtise.i rtion Sjze of parcel:acres and/or r8r2oo square feet. Present use of property:Single family residence recorcied i n County 5 6 7, Present zoning of property:RA B. Proposed use of property (Explain in detaii): Tc +ea.r down eristir SI fam dwell and replace with lwo duplex brrildin gs 9. Covenants and restrictions on property (if any):none 10. Applicant's request:(Check one) FrOm RA To ft1, By Reso)ution of Inte By 0utright rezoning: Conditional Use Permit PlanneC Unit Developnrent permit Variance from Lancl Use Restrictions nt to rezone: s PL- I OVIR 11.Exp'lain why the request shu .d be granted. Sfrow how the charrge is consistent with and promotes the obiect'ives of the General Plan and the Zoning Ordjnance. Alsoprovide infornration showing how this request supports a publji need, convenience,or the genera'I community welfare. Area detvl-oping io multi-famiiy dr^rell ir,gs anC the ir-it,enL of ihe bu.ier/acclieants is to develope consis tent WI,th recent riikxreasxt development. Present older home is viOtim of deferred maintenance, consequently is in ooorer condition than the rest of -the homes on -ti four new Iiving units that will compl9rnent the neigborhood. I egal i nterest 'i n the property:ortrner of record; X contract purchaser;I ess I hereby certify that: 1) the foregoinq statements and otherinformation attached heretc are tr"ue and accurate to the best of my knotvledge and belief; 2) I have the fcllor,ving x holcier of an exclus'ive option to purc hase; wiro has the following 1egal interest:Ourner- 3) the ou/rler of record is know'iedgeable o t s app ca 0wner' s Name : Doro bhly ,lohnscn duly au thorjzed to act for a Pers on am not t owner. Address:t-B?lr t'torth 16th St., Sotringf lld, Ore Te1 ephone:7l+7-0639 Address ILlrg Yohawk Blvd., Sofld, Cre. Te1 ephone:7\6-e267 66. on and App'l icant' Signature: By: S FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Journal Nurnber Date Fixed For Planning Corsnission Hearing : Action Taken: Resolution of Intent ttrumber: Appeal By APplicant: Date Fixed For common Council, Ilearing Action Taken: -?, 8oDate Filed: Received by:D, i/, /, /)A lrtA /q77 Receipt Issued To: TINDING OT' FACT E'OR ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance Number: r' Co-. q,,-r,tA 52oo1 -{ O)o(, I {{It40,6' -{ @o 5' {(o ooo. <o n c 92a , @ooo,.o' ,Ir"' rCD !N)i,oqO I @r$I 9r 3rO (_l . 1 Ieror l I t, tl_ lgJ. 1J? a \(rt riOloo .t - ta 0 q @Iota -r$ Io(, I t! B 1Y-'':. ' 4rsc 19€. - - laJ I t If: 1 I I i r 6 8()0 69OCr o t- 7zo r{b"N-w 4\5 (' I:l I o 'rt.a i..r .) ! 8 QA Tooo 7t oo tr' 'Z I 666tn r-o,..v tJ' .-L Fd-'-a. +-ai rq @ @ o() t 0 6! o)oo I 9r.r, CDooo @ '.1oo ; 8+OO; qo 9200 ooI ! 46(p o oo 9l dl 'rlI I $ E u @-{oo (o (D oo 9900 0I (o(, oo ta t <ag,a 43 00 Jza | 42OO ha .J F t oo Cz -i II t!il ,j jl \\ (o o q, $ootl.ra' F I s lc azo. a a2t.a'1rr.-TtE a?<. , ' l4z5 4800 47oU- ITTH r li 9300 i UAN ICE 1I cr",' u., W A. ) I ST, 700 ri .t 9 It o900I to 8c 99r oor TH ooo a 0 o oo B o. q NORTH II e,, { F t,olll o a, tro' -J o (,: I!r$o+ It,,o NN,(o lt-11. + .L-l 0 0! l 0\, t h\ c) L' T I rl ) o l I q t 0 C) l,4 6)m !r @Inmm{ {\t 3 tL <2.1 IL _9Iq o (rf @_ato ifu*ns*t 5 t I') ru,-!. t,.t; ; I OoOu oooo tt 0 f,ra77d t-0-'o (rl O .t. ra' o uloo =ruo 5o o (rl oo 77qm -.: ,b o 611O oN() o tt,tc U 0 o t 0L(Jrlol< oI .r.tt t, a llsoo I @ I 0 to ,zzl'@ 700ulo I!iiBooj o o t IT b 0 90 tu {u tu,ooo 8 I t '3"o&) r 3 5OO. ol9 I$oo I(o o a ooo(lt N) a luof,o .l 0 6(, 3,,F, ','*ir', !tg. 1 , I :3-,ar.lr 9lm:li ;15-/idl a' ,.1. t ;h.9trll ' F Bt5s I Ill +"tlr ..-\ I \ I qt6a s6e 54 0C, 30 a i:a:i ..1 t ; i t I I I I I I 5.s oo o.'* I' 0 -t (.) '-.1 l i,. I I ___. .t 1a tJ 7.40 ,1 0 o :Jo .(] (,rt' r I I "lo(, {^r(r.," CITY OF S 1']1]},IGF1T]LL) NOl'I C]L OT PL]iILlC HEAR I NG NOT]CE TS HEREBY GIVEN TI"IAT THE SPRINGFIEI,D PLANI.IlI.trG CCJMI,lISS]ON I.ITI,L, HOI,D A PUBLIC HEARING O],{ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMI]ER 2 , Ig77 AT 7:30 P.M. II.I 1'III] I.IUI,IICIPAL -IUEETII'IG R00l'{ oF TI1E ST']RINGFTELD LITILITY BOARD AT 250 NOR,IIJ ,Ar STp.tET ON THE FOLLOWING REOUEST FOR REZONING: Maurice R.Myens - J . Gordon Smith (Journa] No. S*77-80) Assessor's I'lap 17 03 23 2, Tax Lot 9600 Located at 1Bg4 r'{. 16th Street on the west side of thestneet between tQt Street- and rRr Street,. Applicant requesrs a change of zone fr.om R-A suburb.rnDistrict to R-G Garden Apartment Resi dent j.a1 Lristr j r:1for:, the purpose r-lf cons truc t ing two <Jr-iplexes . J n theevent of approval by the f,lanning Comrnissjorr on appe.alby the applicant, the city councir will conduct a publichearing l"londay, l{ovembe r 21 , 197.1 at 7:30 p.m. at ttieafoneme,tionetl tr>lace for the prtrpose of heaning v:..er+sfor or against the above _land use r,equest. Richard,Johnson, Secretary Spr.ingfiel.d Planning Cornmiss j on126 l,lorth 4th Streel_, Springfield 7?6-3759 R-l NORTH SCALE: 1t' = 400r AREA TO BE CONS]DERED ITOR CI]ANGX OF ZONE FROM R-A TO R-G. ..,., r6 | |:t. ,.-.t I I_t I IrA lvldlt-L P\ P, ai -, al. F.nl fD fr, F"ni I il [.-r tr\Ir ?cIlrJ r- li:' t ,tl l, /- [) f'ot 1l)!E !;:r, Ll l,i i: I i I I I I I I,-I PA7',;' :'-'/ //- )oor r.) /.,//.''. r r.,.; at i .'i1 1'r r '-- R-2 lt /,, '):I' '.')1'.,)t ir) t e t-"- ! L-, PA ,,4 P-3 l / I .J i I i,,lr,,.{, I I !r! li-r-! 'r,- I il .l ii I ri]lt; Il; P_-l lfl I p--t t'':r \-r a.l t,i fi- t c-,, i, 'l .'1\].'-rt - r' .,.,.,.,. . -,I il I I iji_ -_L i I I I I Ci llr 1