HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1984-08-14?ece:- Date Genetz,L Cortctrtcricn Lead.er z2s itorth sth streeaP?LrcA?rcn/PERl'trr Spr-ngfield, 2regon 9?1Zz BuilCing ?iuision 726-3753 .. RESIDENTIAL.. SPFIINGFTEI-D Job bca;icn: Aacesoors !,!ao I ?cz lnt il Subdir)ticn: Ad&ssa:Plorze: c! Deacibe h,ork: Data of Applia,Val,,ue n qi11L- UJ\-\!_,ACC-Jtica RenoC,aL !2 it ah. reeTonaibiliiy of tle pemi ;'tto,i t]L tt?e.t, czl tlvt the pe*dt ,t?uiUi:q )iuicio-- at=:ot:ed ptbt s|z,i t houa, b sce tlat alt, inspections oe nod,e at ihe ptrl?e, line , t,rr;t 44h c).#ssg is 7.eai;jcal, ie Loccted at the frcdt- of tha orope"at.L raz,-ln on ttE tsualdin? Sitc'at atZ.7nZs.' ?oftu:l+'1-t!= i!;sP5f!'oil lry:CALL726-3769 (recorcer) state lour city d,esigtz-te4 iob tar,.ber, job &=ess, tgpe of incpeelicnrecuesxccl d14 uien uou 'siLL be reatiy Jbr ir,spcctiol, corttvdctc?s ci a*re:s-n-rre -ord. pioie tatzbc.r.' iA;*;aceixed bei.cto- ?:00 ,='-ill be ta.ie thc s&e cc1, ""qL"t"'ro:" "y:t4 z,oo- o, 'LLL be ,*;;;;L,r-,J"7irq't-r. AqDSS ?\g- pe:.laq Iour City'Desi4rated. Jab Nwtb* fs: si?g -r.7iP:C:;r..,'..acd''ct)on, 1ut ?o be iace ai:erpricr )-c sel- ut of a ',|OODS?0'/!: After installation isatokted. t coictete. SlDSttALK d gRT,TnA!: For aLL cott-c"etr@ffi street rigitt-of-rx!, ;o be naCe afier aL! ezca-uatirg catrplete I i'or-.-t uprk & *b- base teter{al in plzce. &€.. tfien conplate -- *otsiCa gates o? aovable Eect'rbns thtough P. U. E. Septie totk V"irneC ad fiLLeC with gzr;e. tslockr,ttg otd Sat-ztp Plwtbing .ormec.-:cns - ao)€l otC, rntet Eiectrtcal Catneexiotr - Blockinl, se;-l:ad. .olunbing cc*teetions ntst iL e?rcLi.befor e reqte etirq eleclrical ir.s r-eb = io- Aceessorg tuililng I'crr$.rcquired uqor b*ie?s @e ia pla,cebtt before ag la,th, Wpslrt, bceC orrnLL oveytng is qplled, od. beforeoty ins-ala.tian i,s concealed. :?o oe naaleie couc:ed. ?hcs2 cftt I r :.:ic t :culonrt: To be nacel_) aiae" aren aes cte e=ccuated crd, fcnrs cre erecceti, but priot topurirq canc?etc. 1 tng*c:c,x:D ?aLw :::p-, staL_il.t!::,,j Lir4 =tenci,:as. uilDEPlaccR ?tJBnc 2 .\rcl.A.trc;i: To oe ftace -1ricr a inscel't zt--oa of flaor insuktion ot deckirq. Jloor To be zaic pr)cr to ct CUPS t APPRCACE tPfiN: Aftet fornase erecceC but ptiot to pcur!.ng DPY)AU !!lS?!C!O!t: Tc be nanieaitet aLL c.ry,-nll is in place, but prior to cny @.tq. Pincl - ilhen &ae itqts are c:-:oleie<ic-ti uhen Cer.pl..!ior: is canplete ol saa.-ture nouol, oi pratriees cleaned u2. W-SOilP!: Steel beots, grculina accordoce tiah 2415. Locatiott, bonL ot oerticcls .Jn U.B.C. Secttbn tlobi I cot:etqc h:,ue be*.aaie t-C qTrriei. Fi?.?tAF: *)or .a pLc..r|rg !c=-rgncvenala ard beJ'ore ir*rirq inepei- tiot2- iP-t"yI:!G: i.ltBa be reqaected afiar c??rcvc! of rcugh plurcir4, electi-a,L J aecistt*al. ALL rcoi!ry brae)rq ! chilorcys, ete. l*tac- be64ala?cd. ,'.b inrt ig to be cca- . ceclel. uncil :h* ilweec;Jat ia,e 'bec't no,l,e anC cVprsued. ?in-zl - Aftct :crekes, sblrtit"4, d,eci,s, etc. @e caoie'-ad. l rrur ?tir:.$r::c a ytt :ElilwcAl J.y) :J.7,{' !t-f.qri;r _l ALL pro;ect ecrii:icns, sucl cs zhe :-.ns=allaxicn oJ. s.-ree, ,?ees, :aelciicn oi;,Ereqtired lcniscccir4, .tc., iTust be satisiicd beJ'cre tb 3UiLtI,.:C illiAl can be reqested- ?IIAL AAILJI:IC: The Einal SuiAir4 lnsoection =tst ba reqresteli :jler lhe i;-nal ?hnbinglleccrtccl, st: .Vechan--ccl insceczicns 'l..qte been ncie arti'cpc-ouzj. 'Aii:.!A:|PC!:S AttD CLSAI|CWS:!US! 3E.4CCZS3:21|,.{tji'si..5..,T:O 3S:\Dg:..:::O::ST ?C Ct?y ?:ie 7 oJ' 2 T Sanile1 se:,tet eqryted =t prope-rfii L.ite'r rr r T Referer.ee ilunbers L-CCC T,Jcb Nutnber: t zcne:)ccuDancu Gtou,Beiltooms Lot Sq. Etg. .% ci Lct Cooeraga_ i# of Stories lotal Height iapogruphY INT TWD _ fntericr _ Conner _. Patthandle Cul-de-sac Ipt Faces - tote '- Fees - I?Ei.I Vent Fan Euildtng Permit State Sut,chege ?otal Clwrges Sensice Electrical Stcte TotaL Building Volue & Permit Ihis pemrt t is granted on the eep?ess eond.-ition tlnt the said' constraetion slnll', in aLL r'"espects, conform to the Or&Lrnnce adopte'C' 4y tt-'" City gf ipinafi.ntd, inctLling- the Zontng Crdinanc-e, r'egulating the ccnstmtcticn *ra ""2 of'buildings, and may be suspended or reookeC at euJ time upon tic- latLon of any pncuisions of said Ot'dir,ances. * Electricol Permit Vhez,e State Lan requires that the eleetrical uork be ilone by ot Elech*ieal contractor, the elictt LeaL po?tion of this pernit shall rot be oalid until the Label has been signed bg the ElectrLcal Contractor- Reeeipt # 5LglteA: PLan Eeatrr[ner Date f HAW CAREEULLY EXANINED tle conpleted appltcation for pentrtt, and do hereby eertify that aLL infotnation heteon ie ttwe and. ccwect, cnd f furtker certify that any ard aLL uot'k perforned slall be done it aceot- danee ttith the 2rdinances of tle city of Spr"tngfield, attd the Ia'te of the State of 0regon pertaining to the uov'k CeacrLbcd herein' cnd that N0 )CCU- PANcy t'litl be nad.e of any atvactu"e uithout pernission of the Bui,lding aL- ui,sion. f further certify that otlg eont"actors and anplcgees uho d?e in colpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proieet S- t Df AccessHouse Sourees ter Nov:th Fi-repLaceEast-lt South ll|lliest I )U x Value ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Pa;-d: CHARGENO.FEE Fi.ctures Residential (1 bath) Soti Seuer Plumbing Permit No person shall eonsttuct, i,nstal|-", alter ot' elnnge.any neu.c? existi-ng ilriitq oz, drainage sAsteTt in uhole or in patt, unless such person is th,.e Tngil p"o""n""oo o7" o u-olid pl*,b"r's Lie-ens-b, es,cept th'at a -p?"son naa q ptfitlhg uo,k to properag itvLot is otned' Leased or opet'ated bg the apPli- cant. Plutnbing PenrLt State Swcl"ange Total Res lleu/Eetend Citcuits ;i0.fLL CI]ARCE Exha,tst HooC Wcodstotle * Mechonicol Permit Perwit fssuilce llechanical Perwtt -- ENCROACHI,IENT -- Petmit Cutba* SideuaLk lvlobile Hcne ?O?AL AMOU\IT DUE:* TctaL Signed Date -* |.lain frlrdca A.oasso?u ,