HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-08-0622 s ito,ch sth streeAE?!'r cA? rcx /PERI''EI Spnryfneld, 1regon 9742? Building ?tuiaion 726-3753 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPFI'NGFIFI TT Job !.ocaticn: Aacesoors !,!ao I TdE Int # Subdir)sicn: C;rar... Ad&asa:Phane: Deecibe l,lork: tA!- -J\oaCC!tica RenolaL ocValueDate of ,Jrq*o\C.ef,\ee- Genctp.L Scce:.lt < a Date: Corurrrctsn_!cd2!_ tecues uien you ready for i ns p eetian, ContTdctc"g cr A;w:s ncne ,*td,pione nutbcr.'-iLL bc tacie thc sante Ccg,reque'ts ncr,e cfta 7:00 at uLLL be taCe the azzt ,:,nrking bg, l! it 2ht rcsvonaibi-ti;y of .tlo penriz iotder to ae€ :larlt al! inspectionn @a nad,e at :he propet line, tlit 3411 -,1)*ss6 is tea;----;'raa tht ttre.t, cnC tltt the penri; ca:rd rta to"ttgZ i;-*i frli'of tlte ?To?e"ty.'2uiairg ?-ui:io-- cp=:ot:ed ptbr s'rc,il r"ra,l:n on-th, niid:.b'liie at alr tines. 725-376 9 (recorCet) state yout Cifu T,esigr.zted job nr,ber,job ay';-ess, tgpe of inspec2icn Requescs teceixed befcre 7:0C ,= loua Citl'Desigrated Jab Nurltbe! fs: IIISIILA?IOII /VAPCR SARRIiR I:]S?lC?fiiI :robe@ required, uqor bwJers oe in pla.ce Lut belbte oq |a,;h, g?lpsr.r.l bceC ortnLL auering is oolleti, otd. befcreoty ins.tla,xion i,s concealed. DPY,LALL !!|S?!A!C!: Tc be rad.eaiter aLL cr1,.nll is in p/.ace,htt priot to any taVittg. lUS9!l?Y: Steel Locatiott, fud. beata, grcuting ot vertia.Ls .ln accorCorce vLzh tl.B.C. Secttbn 241 S. ',lOODSi0'/!: After instalZation isatoLeted. t CL'F.3 , AP?RCACE .4?trtt: Aftet fonsqe erecceC but ptior to pourlng coflerete. SfD9rlALK E 1RT,T4A!: Por aLL co'tt-dete pq,ing a',thin st,^eet right-of-ucg, .-o be naCe after aL! esca-vatirg sqnglete I fon uork E aub- insa nc'"erial in pl,o.ee. Eq cbb-] OP, S@tir.i-f saset eqited .t Fopar4i Zite Septi. tank V*tqeC ad iitleC tnth gri;z",trrt is covc:ed. I tqo:t:;c t icu:tonrrct: lo be nacel_) aiaet i?encnaS crE e:catateC crd, fcr:ns cte etecceci, but prior -,apurirq ccncte;a. :] d,itd 3e'- u? of t.l pr4or =o Ptncl - i,lhen &cve iterc are earoleted.ed uhen lettclition is earplete'ot st*,c-ture mouc-C oi prertaes cleaned up. I r&clp::cc.p y.qsnc t ncz;trc;2,t-J To ge nu,e pr*n a instcli^zttoa offkor lr.tuktioa or dccking. | | PS" A:tD 3r;:a: 7e 6E t.zic pr)cr to, I ittstal-z-.zcn oi j\oor insula,iior, crqck'-rq. I 70t,cz ?a,ie!lc. :a379!C:i ' :rac7-i;tiffi ur.=zl ?hcse i*cec;iot:s h:ue beer.nuie t-4, q=rtie!. fiSF!;,:T: *}r -a !lc:ir4 !c:-Jrgacyenaia ard before ir*rirq inagec- tiotz- iP-L1!|!ti:- iius: be rectested afler aVprcuc! of rcugh plt,rcir4, eiectr|-a,L I necisnt*al. Al! noi-Jry brzc-rq ! chilncys, etc. t*cc- beenple:cd. !!o .ir< ic to be ccl7t-._cu,!ad. uncal :his inspec;-ct haa'bee't ,rro,,,/e atd, cpprcved. =tenchcs. FI;:A3 ?al:.s!::C ?f.rat tc-rr..f-.?. -rt^. '._-,4..-9ae .' :.rarl 3 -;e..:.1 v^1, ilcres tslockitq od, Szt-up Plubii.? cotanec=istts - aarell od, ta,ler Etectrtccl Ccuecc-Jon - Blockin4, aer-..iod; glunbing ccwzeet.Jons m;st lb epr*^acbefore requeatitg eLeclt-Jcal i*scec:io- Accessorl Euilinng ?ir.al - iftcr :crckes, slCrtit1,, leci,-s,etc. @e c=toie;ed. jEI€: tthen conplate -- *otiCe gaxes o?;nouable sections tlrough P. A. Z. ALL a?cieci eczii:'Jcns, suclz c.s che .).nstalZczicn of s--?eet =tees, cc-=!cr:on of aigrequireci Lctasccpir4, etc., :;u,st be sat'-s;ied bcJ'ore ,ia 3uiLiI,i:C !!i!AL can be reqaested. ?:IAL alIlJ!:lc: *,e Final S-uiLClr4 lnsgecticn =tst be requescali .:,::er thc Final ?tunbitgileccriecl, otd, l4eciur:icci Insgeczicns 'ita;e been naie ard'cccrouei. lI 'Aiz :!Aiec!:s AilD CLgA:tCu?S :tUS? 3E .4CCZSi:?L|, .{tii's:.,3..,,1 :O 39 :.'jDi :1! ::O ::S? ?' Ct,*y ?=3e ! oJ' 2 V ,,ourr" ,n" ?o be t'crms.I T ,Jcb Nwnber: Zcne:)eaoancy Gto Refererce ilumbers Lot Faces - Ee,irooms: ,Iot Sq. Ftg. 11, oi Lct Cooetage i r of stont"" ?otal Height . Topography ).rain LOT TWE _ fntez,icz, _ Co?ner _. Parthandle Cul-de-sac Value Building Vqlue & Permit Ihis pe?rn"Jt is grantetl on the eipt,ess eondition tlnt the sa'il consLtaetion stnll', in aLL r'"espects, eonform -to the 1rdinanee adopted lU tt-'e Ci'ty of Spirrg1;"1,d., ine1ud.tng- the \oning Cz'dinanc-e, regzLcting the ecnstmtcti'cn ira "uL of -buildi.ngs,- and may be suspended or reuokeC at sty time upon oic- Tation of anA prcuisions of said }t'dinanees. Euildir4 PenrLt State Total Clnrges Plunbing PernLt State Tanpctey Se*t:ice Total ts Perwtt rssumee Iileclnnicel Pennit Date Paid: #: Signed Plumbing Permit No pe?son shall eonstvuct, install,, alter ot clwrqe-any na).c? existing ilr Llrrg or d,ainage systqn in uhole o-r in part' unless such pet'son is th'e Tegal p"osses"oo o7" o uloli.d pl*,b"r's Lic-ens-b, etcept that a person naa 4ptintLig uork to Wope"t, ihi"h i" ooned, Leased. or ope,ated by the qppli- cant. Electricol Permit where state La,t requiz,es th,at the eleettical uork be done bg art Eleetrteal cont?aetor, the elictrLcaL pottion of thia pennlt sltall rot be oalic wttil the Label hws been sigmed by the ElectrLcal Contractor- Mecho nicol Permit'!M n8ficce yLan !,:EanLner Da.te f HAW CAREFULLy \XAVINED t?e conpleted applieation for pentrtt' and do het,eby certify that aLL infor+nation het'eon is trwe ard eorT ect, atd I further eertifg that attg ard. aLL uork perfortned slnll be done in aceot- dance uvLth th-e- Otdinancbe of the City of Spz"ingfield' and tha Iass of the* state of }regcn pertaining to the uork ceeeribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 occu- PANCy tlill O-e niae of any etructure uitlout permiseion of the Buildi,ng DL- ui.sion. f further e-ertifg that only eofltracto?a and etplcyees uho ate in conpliance dith oRS 701..055 uiLL be used on thie proiect h)ao 't - 4-8q 1 P.L Access Sowces House Lace st SQ. FTC x Aceessorq TOTAL VALUE aS.D.C. I.5 r CHAP.GEN0.FEElTEM li.rtures Residential (1 bath) Soitarg Sa,ter N0.trttr CHARGE Res. Sa. fta, llas/Ertend Circuits ;1C, Erha.tst HooC Vent Fot llcodsto:se -- ENCROACTI],1ENT -. Sead"it?t Deposit Sto?age llainternnce Pcrmit Cvtbcu sideualk !enee Eleetricdl La.bel I,lobile Hcne T)TAL Al4)UtlT DUE: *ro TataL irs"Al Date