HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-08-01.?ccei::3 /\4- b'z *?V F"rl & -/ -3r Date: o CoqatrtcCca Lea"der L 726-3769 2zs itorth stit streea.?!'rcA?rc:l /PERIE! Spr-rqfieli, 1regon 97177 BuilCing ?iuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..SP'IINGFIELI: /(/,Job bcscicn: Subdiisicn: &:ren.. Ad&ass:Plorza:I 7 Date of AVp n n -v ACditica Rer.toCeL Genetz.L la it ilt reeTonaibili;y oro tE pentia hoAer b aee ;ltat.al!^inspectione ee nad,e at lhe ?ro,pe,. !ua., i?.ct a,*h cddress is teafu:jit .*-q frczt of the propettytsuild:ng S;.te at aLL'tues. j'r.ofl, th. t.3uiAitq Sr-i5 .I.?iF5Clrl-T.. *ccvcc'-on, Jut 1'orms uien 1;ou,t ae thc sane Ccg, rearcets stdte your Citg Lesigz,zteC job nnber', job a,'i-ess, t!?e P,eqrests receited:00 at viLL ba ru.4e A-ze:s naze arl, chone rutnbcrthe nat .,nrkittg'bg. fou! Citl' Desigra,ted Jab ltunbet fs:9.1 0S^/ / ?o be n) ConX?actc"s of inspeelicn befcre 7:00 ,:t r t] u!D:,,:i lE ?: L', :.q-r :! c. z ri c y.c,1 L rt.2cir.t!.-;L: TO be nuzie oejOre Cny .rrrt ie eoucred. . !:ic , ??u:!0,1?ia:t: ?o be neceaiaet atenc4es cre e:catated crd fctns. ae erecxeci, but pTia? ?opou?Lrq ccncte;e. To nace aflerplncl. tc ae2 u? of :o oJ' yequ'rre! uoor beieus @e in p\a,cebtt -beibre oug la,xh, Wpa-r baoi or LE,LL _@ue?ing is qpl;.ed, ord beibreoty ir'sub,ticn is concealeci. DPYTALL flSPlc?li:t: Tc be na,tie aJ-ten aLL azl,sall ia in place, Dax prLo? co cny ta?ing. CL'P9 t APPR.CAC1 .1?pCN: Aflet fornsse erecce:i but prton to patring eo?1c?ete. SfDlr,tALK d gRT,TttA!: For aLL cot-c'r-ete pa)ing uith:,n stveet r.ight_oi-,.;c!, to be naCe a,::er aZ.! -ezca_ uatina coalete t ;bn uork 6 sub_ base rctertal in ptace. I'lAS1!lP!: SteeL Locatiotz, bond. beanis, grcuting or uereiccls inaccordorce vt;h {J.B.C. Seetz,on 2415. a,lDipllccR !,iit,.3 I::C 2 :a!c?A:t tC:! :;o 3e iu.e pr.-c]' -eo .-nsxclkc--on floor lnsuic,tictt or deckirq. ffi tOoOsrO,n: Aftet instalLation isl/\ I etoleted. : tslockitq otd, Set-:tp Plunbing cowtec=ictts - aa)e? od. wier Etectrica! Ccrzr.ecc-Jon - Bloekirl, set-uland. 2lunbinc eatnect-Jons n:-st iL'acrc,Li be fore reques=itq eT.ecapJcal izsoeZ=ic- Aceesso?i tsuili-Jng Fip-zl - !,ftcr ;crei.es, slirting, Cec?s,etc. @e e*oZe=ad. Sanile7 seuet cqiteC =t gog;rti Line Septic totk VqeC an iilLeC uith grea- dcnes Pincl - ithen &ae itats are cc*oletada:d, uhen lertcltticn is cttalete a:: s*.:.:_ture nouoL oi prertaes cleaned u2.I I irerciee. Pr;!Aa Plijig!:!G nS? 4::ID 2rA:,t: To be raie pr-cr toLnaieL,;i--cn oi 11oor ir.sula.riot crdacRlrq. 1.2'|;2:: =?rt'.? t::c. ?a1:P!c:a I :t7c.1- Atrt-lt; .tO rO!1 LA =O aC COCefeCur:=zl ihese -.rsceeaior,s h-=ue beer.naie d, e?"rrea.F;::"ti5.. *br .a >lz,c-)r4 fc*zctttcter.cia ard, before fr=rirq in"p"Z- cLOr.. ?P-aP!:!Ci i,lrtzt be rec.aected af)encVp-rc-ttc! gf rcugh 7tlurcir4, "t".t---crtL J. aeciun*aZ. ALt rcoiingbrae|rq !. chitotcAs, etc. t:rrgc- bcCaioLz'-cd. !!o .,scr< is :O 'oe ccn-.-cu,Lal, until lhis iweectictt iie'been ,nale atd, cppmueZ llhen conplete -- *ouiCaot nouable sectians th.raqh mft. gates P.A.e. ,_l .'r.r,rc:-r.eri;t -.--ALL pto;eet ccniiticne, such c.s the .l.nszal!c.r.i?n -of s:teet =tees, :cnleclon oy. tiereqtireci icttiscccir4, .tc. ' Tust :te sa*ij'iee before tr.a zuiririi !!i!AL :an ba reqtested,. ?:JAL AU:JIXC: The Final Build,irq lnsoection zg.,t be le(ruesred :i.-er thc Fittal ?tunbiryi ! e c c ri e a L, ot !,! e c iazi c eL rr s 9 i i zli ";.; i;; b ; " ;"a-"' ii 2r rifr , l. 'Aai :.!A:\EC'aas Ai@ cLsAttca?s :!us! 3E .1CC3S3:31:, .lDiusi:!:::: 70 3t i!1Dt :..? ::o ::5? ?2 CT:I ?4z1of2 Aacesaots ilaD I rr tr ',Jcb llutnber: ' Zone: tl oSa/ I Refeter,ce ilunbers: Lot Faces - )ccapancu Gro Bedroons iLot Sq. Ftg. % c! Lct Cctserage i # o7 stort." Total Height !opcsgruphy I?E!,1 Building Peanrit State Iotal Clnrges Watet, Stete !otal LCT TYPE _ fntericz, _ Corfler _.. Panlwndle Cul-de-sac Building Vqlue & Permit This pertrdt is granted on the eopress eondition that the sai.d constzuetion shall-, in aLL respects, conform to the Ordtnance edopted by the City 2fSpringfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulctirtg the ccnsttacticn and use of buildirqs, and may be suspended or reookeC at c'n1 time upon oic- latLon of ang prcuisions of said Oz'dinances. Reeeipt #: Electricol Permit Where State Lan reqtti?es tk"at the electricaL uoyk be done by,an Electrical Contractor,, the elictrieal po?tion of this pernit slnll not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Cont"acto!. * Df ilouse Caxaqe Aceess. lleat Not th FinepLace South l,/est riu X Va TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 1,5 r Date Paid: SLgated FEE CHARGE Fistutes Residential (1 bath) Seuev, Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll constvaet, instal!, alter or change-any ned-ct' eristing pti*lrq or drainage systqn i.n ulnle or'. in patt' unless such peyson is the iegal p"osses"oo of o oalid plwrberts Licens.e, escept t?at a pe"son maA q ptirrtl,.i"g uork to p?ope?tl itrLch is ot'med' Leased or operated by the apPli- cant. Pl'anbing Penrit State llat/Extend. Cirauits Sezt;iee itc F9E -ft A Dau Eehatst HooC Vent Fst clo'rlcodstotse Mecho nicol Permit PertnLt Issucnce llectnnicel Pernrtt -. ENCRAACH\,IENT -- Secari t Pernit Curbcut Sidaalk LabeL t'lobile Hcne f HATE CAREF\ILL( EXAMINED the conrpleted application for pennit' and do iriloi ii"lLfa that aLL infor'natibn het'eon- is true and' cctrect' and' r furth"e, eertl"fy that ang ard aLL uo,k perforned slall be done in aceor- "dance ,,rLth th'e- 1zdinane"es of the City of 'SpTingfieLd, and th_e La,ts of the ii,ate o7 O,egon pertaining to the uoik Cescy,ibed hetein, end. that N0 1CCA- pl,UCy *ttt b"e oa\e of any" etrwctu,e uyitlrout permission of the Building Di- uision. I funthet, certify thet only cont?actors ad enplcyeea aho are Ln conplianee uith oRS ?01.b55 uiLL be used on this project UATEPLan Eroniner TataL Date/5.bctTOTAL AI,IOUIIT DIJE:* ,* ;.lanl.n (rlvnae Caroort A ?aassorlt PLan Check Fee: i'LtI utlAllGt;IiEI,l 10. Res. Sa. fta. Sto?aqe |.,!aintannnta I Fcn3e