HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-12-07# APPLICATION/PERILI? 225 North 5th Street SprLngfield, )r'egon 97477 Bu1, Ldlng DLU1,s'Lon 7 26-37 53 .. RESI ENTIAL..SPTINGFTET.D Job Locaticn:2 ?as Lot #Aeseeaors Map # Subdioision: Otmer: €d 3? z--ze 6oPhone:Addtess Ci.ty: Date of aryLiooti"n lZ- D-*-7 DescrLbe Not'k: /A/-J,eLt< </.,?_(.- lL.s d t--l AP t-;l 'dValue Addi,tian RatroCel Pege 1 of 2 !r/ e"6, tt ),-Siqned: Date: lZ-1- l'7 CqreraL Constmtetton Ldet_ = It i8 ttte rceponeibility of tle penrLt loltq to aee tlnt alt inspectiote oe nade at the ptope" tine' that ecch cd4ress is neaCable fran tlu at?eet, atd tltat the p*trit casl i,e Located at th9 fraat of th< pro.p"ofu -lsuildiv D.Joiciot"- approted pl,att shcll remain on tlp Building Site at aLL tines. PROCEDUPE FOR INSPEC?ION RIA.UEST:CA eadY ,,vtLL be nade the eane dag, "equests Renirerl Tnsnaef.icns LL7 fot' nade of inspec=i.cn befcre 7:00 c:t I SI?E INSPECTIONes;A7l;;;nut Io be nade after pt"tor tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHn-llfCAL: To be made befoz,e anyGi(-li-ioer"d. F)OTIN1 & F)UNDATICN: To be naCe ;@Tffis are ercattated and forns are eteeted, but pz,iot, to poun'ing ccnerete. UND1RGROUIID PLUMEING. SEWER, WATER, DRAI!14C8: To be made prior to fi,L- Tfr-f,-ren hee. UIIDERELOOR PLUI,EING & MECHANTCAL : o7 floor ineuT,ation or decking. POS! 4!L PEAU: To be rnade prLot to fiilfrffiGi-of floor insulation ot decking. -'l ,,". t ,I ROUGH PLT]!|BIIIG, ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uork'Ls to be couered w: Tthese inspections haoe been mad,e and appt otseC. Pr.Lor to placiry and before froning INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECIION, Io be nade after aLL insulaticn and required oapor burie?s tre in place but before ag Lath, Wpswn boa.z'C or rnLL cooering is applied, and. before ory iraulati.on is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTTON: Tc be MAdEdfrd-dT@frTts in ptaee, but prior to ang taping. MAS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond ffijgrouting ot, oerticals in accotdotee tLth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO',/E: ccmpCt;A. After i,nstallation is CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: AftE" fOMSee erecteC but prior to pourtng concrete. SfDETIALK & DRf',ryWAY: For aLL con- crete paoing uithin street right- of-txA, to be maCe aftex, aLL e*ea- oating conplete & forn rtotk & sub- base materLal i.n plaee. DEI.IOLTTTOI] OR IIOWD BUILDI|ICS Sanitag saser eapped at Pz'oPerfui Line Septic tank p'ar,ped and filled trith gra;sel Final - h4ten aboue items ate eanpLeted and uhen danclition is cotnplete o" stlac- ture mooed od. ptzr,rLses cleaneC up. e Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Pltnbing connections -- sa?nev otd uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-up and plunbing eonnections rnist be apprcxed before requesting eleclr'Lcal inspeetion Aceessory BuilCing Pinal - After pcnekes" sdrting, decks, ete. ate comple'ued.FTP.EPLACE: ^at;iA; facing inepec- tion. FRAI.'IING: l,Iust be requested after approaal of rough plunbing, electri- cal & nechanical. ALt roofiag btaeing & chitrmeys, etc. rrust be . completed. lto uctk is to be eon- ' cealed until this inspectLon las 'been nade and approoed. FTilAL PLUMBINC FTNAL AECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAE \^r'' ALL project conditions, such as the installation of stl,eet tnees, conpLetion of the required Landscaping, etc., rntst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be ?equested. FfNAL BUILDIN?: The Final Building Inepection nust be requested after the Final Plunbing \J Electrical, orl. Meelnnical fnspections hque been made ard approoed. *ALL \4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS llUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAS?!.1ENT lO BE M.4DE /.T ItO C1ST rO CEy 0 t D T r fa leNce: h4zen conplete -- tuouiCe I nlto?r."r notsable sections tht'ough I 7 ,ourrn ro u 2 JOB NO.]o soLAR ACCE-SS REQ.-r--co d Int Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couetage # of Stortes Total Eeight Topogtaphy IN? ?WE _ Interiot _ Corrle? _ Panlund.Le CUL-de-sae Lace Bedrooms: uaxe # PLan Eaonane? I HAW CAREFULLy EXA]4INED the cotnpleted applicati.on for permit, atld dohereby certify that aLL information heyeon is true and. ebrreet, ard. f further eertifg that any ard aLL uonk perfot:ned sVaLL be done in aecot- dance tLth the Opdinances of the City of Spz,ingfield, and, the Las of theState of )regon pe?taining to the uork Cescyibed herein, md. tVDt NO OCCa- PANCY trill be nwd.e of any struetu"e uithout pennission of the Buitding DL-oision. f further certify that only contraclors od enplcyees aho arZ in conplianee Dith )RS 701.05s uiLL be used on this project ) Lot Faees - P,House t -- Fees -- SQ. FTC x Building Vqlue & permir \i2 -eenmt -is granted on the erprels cond.ition trwt the said. eonstruction s_tu.L.L, in,a-ll.respeets, conform to the 0rdirunce adopted 6iy the City ofsp*ingfield, ineludrng the zoning h,dinance, regzlating thL ecnstru-ctibnotd .use of buildirqs, otd nay be- suspen-d.ed br rbuokec Lt "ry time upon oic-Lation of dny prcoisions of iaid ordirnnces, ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Permit State Date Paid ?otal Charges Sigred: NO.rLL CEARGE Fiotures Plumbing Permit No- person sltall cqnsttact, install., alter or ctuttge ana nea ct eristing 1l**-l.rrs or drainage sa2lq in rlole or in part, -unlee"s such person is- theLegaL .poseessot, of a oalid glawtbgr,s L,i,eense, eteept that a paerson nal doplwnbing uork to properta uhich ie ooned, Leased or operatei ty ttn "ppti-cant. Resid.zntial (1 bath) Sa,ler Pltnbing Petrtt State * Electricql Permit where state Lan requires tlnt the electrical uork be done bg an Electricalcontraetor, the electrLeal portion of this permit shall noi be ualil. untilthe Label lws been signed b, the Electtical- Contractor. -l ?otal I Neu,/Ettend. Cinctits Seruice -- ENCROACHMENT -- NC.CIIARCE * Mechonicol Permit Ecltaot Hood llcodstote Vent ?an Pertdt fssua.ee Meclwnical Pennit Seeurit! Deposit Storage l.laintenance Permit Asbeut Sida,talk Pense Etecttical Label$ t L/ O 5 ,40 Mobile llone TOTAL AIiOUNT DUE: *t{?€Date Ene?eu Sou?eea ?uoe 'acks lleat Caraoe-lceess.LJafan Unn+-nuorth I,/ood.stot;e ITZI,,I tbin fuaoc Carport Accessor.u FCr h,a,nace E?U'S Total C'laroes State -