HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-07-23, .. RESIE ITIAL.. APPLTCATTON/PERTTIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfieLd, 0regon 97477 Building Ditsision 726-37 53 Job Ioeeticn: Aaeesaors lldp # SPRTNGFIEI.E' Subdioieion: Aorcr: Addtess: city: Taz Iot # E il-c,.Na) Additicn RenoCeZ u-l. | rubitn g-,o Date of ooorr"orr., 1- *3'Kb 6@.Date: VaLue -onxractoys GeneraL -l:;;+ Phone: PLunbing 2LeetnicaL llecitqric,zL Construction Leruier 3 i-t is the resaortsibility of the permit holder to see that aL! inspectioas ote nad.e at the p?oper tine, that e-ch arl,lness is v2as-Al2irom the at?eet, anC thdt the permtt eatd is Loeated at the front of tl..e DroDe?tu'Suilding Diuiciot acpro"-eci cl'an si.E.Ll venain o, xi E"ni;"b'sitt-bt-o1t-1i^;;."- "2.oucsJea a-d. uizen y"ou uiLL be ready fot ir.socetion, Cont?dcvcrs cr Otmers nane ini ;iune-'tLL be nad.e the sane dcy, ?equests ncde cfier ?:00 on trill be nace the n".t rnriii-i.r.Qrcst< nmber, job aiitess, t'yce of irsoee=icnnutber. P.eques;s teceixei beicre 7:Cg c: Ycur City Desigr,ated Job Nunber Is: S- l l l l ezca'oatian, but prtor tc set up of fotme. jlp!.csLAg ?LU:.EilrG, EL\C?PIC:,L A i5Cil.:.|liCAL: To be natie bejore cny6FanTooered..r- .- FOoT.filG t FCU:\DATICI|: TdbZ niCe - afxe;: t"encnes a?e ezcauated and fonns an,e ereeted, but ptior to poulw:.rtg ccne?ete. *a iiiSL'LATI)ll / V/;POR B.ARRIER IM?EC?IT| : lo be nade after aLL insulaticn ed. required uapor borie?s d?e in place but befoz,e ory Lath, Wpsutt bcari or tnLL eoueyinq is dDcll-ed, and before oty insulation is c.',:;cealed. .F '-iG--\ DRYWALL I\ISPECTI3:,: lc be made;ixa-;tt@att-is in ptace, but prior to cny taping. MAS1IIRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oetticcls in trith U.B.C. Section ait,at 7frf4, ,-D t,ar,-- Sanila4 setter capced ct propertE Lire Septic tank pnted ad fnlled tith graizl linaL - k4ten abcue itens ote cc:.aletei and uhen ianclition is corcle;e bn st-,^:- xuye nooea att prentses cl'eanec up. To be prior to 1 uuurtooR pLUtErNc & r4tcltANrcAL: -J To be maae pricn to insxallation of floor insuktion o" decking, 1 posr euo auu: To be nade pniot to) #AT1;;lcn of floor insut)tion or deckinq. a ROU.qil pLURr::c. ELEC??rCA,L & t,tECH- | Aille4L: ;to Do"k is to bc cor;ered untt-L these inspeetiot:s ltaue been nad,e and appnooed- ) rrnwrac.ti wLon to plceirq fccingI mcterials antl before froning inspee-tion. - FR/1::IilC: ttust be requested after ) app,r'oval of rouah plwtbing, electri_cal & necianieal. ALI toofing bracing A- ehinmeys, etc. mtst be . cotflpleted. llo acrk is to be con_ - ..cecled unti.L this inspeetion 166' 'bee.n nnd.e anC apptotted. E?encne9 FTNAL PLUI.BIIIC FITIAL I,TI'HAIIICAL FINAL ELEMRICAL VOODSTO\IE: cctnpl;teA. Aftet installation is CURB & APPRCACII APPON: After fornsue et ecteC but ptio? to pour.Lng eoncrete. SfDEWALK & DRfIEWAI: For aLL eon- e?ete paDing uithin Gt?eet right-of-txg, to be nal.e after aLL esca- oating canplete & forn uotk & sub- base tcterlal in pla,ce. llll ALL pto,ieet eonditiona, such as tlv i.nstallation of at?eet trees, eo.toletion ol tietequired Land.sccpirq, etc., rmtat be eatisfi.ed before the BUILDIIW FfilAL can be requested. PINAL BUILDIIIC: The Final- BuiUitig. In*pection naat be tequesteC cltet the Pinal PtunbitqEleetr.ical, otd !,leciurical Inspectiotts hqpe been nad.e ati'apptoved. l!cbi Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaie? d. uc1er Electrical Conection - Bloeking, set-u: and plwtbing connections nast be aptrcu^zi before requesti,ng elec:rical inspeclio- Accessory BuilCing pcrel:es, slirting, decl<s, 1 -t^) Pinal - After etc. ate comp, Page 1 o! 2'ALL TIANECLES AND CTEANOWS IqUST BE ACCESiTBLE, ADJUS?!|1:E TO 9E I.IADE r." UO C1ST TO CI?y p"."r_rt " f5 A @ Y8 Ilork: Qrtus IENCE: Men eonplete -- ProtiCe gates on nouable eectians thnoughP.u.E. I I JOB No.gGCSr( soLAR AccEss nee-r--co C lono: Ibt Sq. Ptg. i of Lct Coveragc ! of Stories |otal Height. !opography - LeT ?WE _ Interior _ Coraer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac :- -- Fees -- [.at Faces - Setbaeks P. L.House Can aae Accessllorth Eas t Sot;th tlest Be:iyoons :ieat LACC Haoctatote :!5:.t Building Vo lue & Perm ir ?his-_permit is gnanted on the e*T?esa eondition that the said constractions-ltall, in all respects, eonfcrm to the Ordinance ad.opted. by the City ofspringfiel_d, inelud.ing the zoning cydindnce, requlat'ittg th'e ccnstrueticnotd .use of buildi.ngs, otd may be" suspend.ed or reuokec at try t.;-me upon uic-Lation of cny prcuisions of Laid Oydinances. x VaLuc Cheek Fee: 3. D.C. 7.5 c TOTAL VALUE Euildt ng Permit Sta.te ?otel- Changes lI:,r.' :esiiznti^a.L (i bcth) 'y.itstt Seuer State Surci,ayae ;;/Eztend. Circtits ^.7 D-b.'+ State Surcitoroe Date Patd Reeeipt # FE!^t1;^a Plurnbing Pernrit No pet,son slnll consttaet, install, alter or eiunge Gn! neD cy e:istircqlumgirq or drainage syst? in uhole or in part, uflesl such cerson is theieoal oossessot' of a ualid plrnbet"s Licens-e, ezcept tha.t a oZ:son naz ccolunbing uork to p?operty iiti"h is oumeci, Leased or operax),;' ".1-ltn J.rii-cant. Electrico I Perm it I'rnere stcte Las reouites tint the eleetrical uork be done bu en Slectyicaiconttacxcr, t/,e eleetriccl corxion of 'tnis Den:tlt sj",c.LL nax be -*c!i wtziiti'te Label itts been aigmec 2,y the Elecxtical' iontrectot. &/iechonicql Permit '-;:r ii-:e D6 :izanst HooC codsto:le Perr!'[t Issusttee Meei"anical Penit I I /.<-@ .col,; . eo -- LttLdJALnL.L,,'; -- :etitu Deoc:it ?otal Cnaroct ietsaLk Plant Lraniner n3e ee I f EAW CAREFULLy DXLUINED the cornpleted aoplication for pernit, cnd dchereby certify that aLL itfonnation hereon is tnue ani eorrecx, arzd. ffurthet, cet,tif"* that any ard aLL uork perforned shatl be dote ;.n aecor- <ianee trLth the Otdinances of the City of Springfield, and thc La,;s of thcstate of oregon pcrtaininc to the uork cescribcd hcrein, cnd :iltt uo occu-PAItcy DitL tb nade of anq strueture without permission of the suildina Di-uision. I furthen certifl; that only cont?aeto"s a;.;d enplcyees uho ar'e ineonpliance utth 1RS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this ptojec't 1'2 7'yu bile llcne ?AL A,IOUII? DUE:'/6r,,Signed Datea