HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-10-04z2s Nofih rrtr r,ro"ff"'cATra,'/P,Rt'1rr SprLngfield, 1negon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 .. RESIDE..TIAL..SPFITNGFTEI.D Job Locaticn: Iat lot #Aesesaore MaP # &tbdirtision: A,mer: Phone:Address: Describe h'ot'k ValueDate of App Licaticn L ldditian ReeeiPt # Date: Si.gnedl s General S Plurnbin lec t,r ca Su Elec tr cian OR Sonilary seuer eapped at PtoPerfui Lite Septic tank prmped and. filled uith gralel Final - l{hen abate itens are eonpleted and uhen Cenoli.tion is cotplete o! strus- ture mooed attd. prerrLses cleaneC up. Blocking otd Set-uP Ptunbtng eonnectione " sale? atd uater , Electrical Conneetion - Blocking' set-up and plunbing conneetions mtst be appro';ed befot,e requeeting electt'ical i,nspection Accelsory tuilding Pirwl - After pcrchea' ekirting, decks, etc. are conPleted. Page 1 of 2 It ie ,.he fran the etguilding reeponsibility of tlc permit hollet ,trebt, and that the Penrtt oatd ia Nlis-iot appro"*ed pLan shaT-L temain Loeated at the frcnt of the propetty. on the Building Site at aLL tines. to aee that aLL inapections ate nade at the p?ope? tine, that eaeh cddteas is ?eacable PRO11DUPE FoR TtSPEqlg!- R9QQEST:CALL 7 @ffii*n yoi-nflTE;eadv fo:tiit te nade th: eone dca, reqtests made 26-3769 (tecordet) state Aou? City Cesigrta-ted iob inspection, Contractors or a,tners twne and plane afier ?:00- an aLLL be rmde the nest :ntkinX dag' iob aCCtees, tYPe P.equests z'eceited of inspeetictt SfiE INSPE)?ION: Io be rmde after' AatAfu4-TG prtor to set uP of forns. UNDERSLAB .'LI.|MBING. ELECTRICAL & tacueircm: ?o be rrude befot'e anY ffit7{i6lered. FOOIING & 1)UNDATICN: lo be naCe ffi tterufres a,e ucaoated ard forns ate .?ected, but Prior to pout"tng cciterete. UNDERGROUI] ,' PLUMD t!!,__g!vE!2- I|IIE-\' DRiINAeE-n;-Ee ,ale pnior to fil-Tfr'6in";.es. U\DERFLOOR PLULEING 4 MEC\|.!:NTC.!'L: -i;-6;ffi; pior to installation of floor insui.Ltion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Pniot'toffiTffilliiof floot' insulation ot I N S U LAT I ON / V APOR BARR IE R I IISP-ECT IO N.: ran; m"E afreriLl insulaticn and required oapor ban'ie?a ave in pTfee bul be|ore oq Lath, gapsun b-oarC ot rnLL cooet'ing is applied' attd before oty insulation is concealed. Ioun City Desigttated Job llwnber Is DRYWALL INSPECIION: TC bE NNdE afte; a-;tT@;A-ie in ptace, but prior to any taPing. |IASONRY: Steel Location, bond dZffiilgrouting or oenticals i-n accordance Llith U.B,C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: cctnpT;T;A. After installation ia nuriber,, nwnbet.befcte ?:00 an CURB & APPROACH 4!R0!: After forns ai,e er.*iA6| p;lot' to Pour"i-ng decking. thes,: nade and atprotsed.. FIREPLACE:tna;;frZ; FIIIAL PLUM3IIIC FII,IAL MECH-INICA., FINAL ELEC:RICAL cancrete. SfDEWALN & DRfWWAI: For all con- cr.etendt 6;ltil; stPeet right' of-uvA-, to be made aften aLL etca- ttating canplete & fonn tsot'k & sub- base naten'tal in Place. /V;r hatte been Prior to placirq facing c:nd. befot'e franing inepee- IENCE: When eonPlete '- ProuiCejffii or norsable sections through P, A. E. ALL project conditions, such ae the i'nstallation of s+-r'eet tree-1, conpletion.of the n"qri.nnld Landsccping, itc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL'ean be requested' PINAL BUfLDINC: Ihe Einal Building fnspection mtst be requested after thte Final Ptwnbing Electrtcal, and ueclnrical rnspectlons hate been made atd approoed' tion. FnAH!-Ag: i.tust be requested aftet' @ouat o-' r,ough plwrbing, electt'i- &-L & nechmical. AL! t'oofing bracttq & cfui.6nsr"' ete. trast be . conpleted. ilo uork is to be eon' , ceiled unt:L thi.s i.nspeetion las 'been nade ,nC approted. *AT,L LIANITCLES AND CLNANOUTC MIIST BE ACCESS|BLE, AD,IUSTIIENT TO BE I4ME,A.T IIO CCST TO CI?Y t--l n tr JOB NO.L-CO C,*LAR ACCESS REQ.- P L,House IAT TYPE _ fntetiot _ Cornet _ Panhand,Le _ CUl-de-sac Lot Faeea - BedroomaU) Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Cooenage # of Stortee Total Eeight Topography ITEM SQ. FTG Y Va Win @aqe Cat'oort Aceessonu ?OTAL VALUE Check S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid: Building Vqlue & Permit This penttit ia granted on the ecpresa condition tlat the sald eonetraetionshall, in all reepects, confortn to the 7rdinance edopted Liy the Ci.ty ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Ctdinance, regulatZng thZ ccnstru'ctibn otd.uae of buildinge, and may be euopend.ed or reuokeC it cni. time upon oic-Lation of altA pncuisions of eaid 1rdinancee. t Building Pdnti,t ?otal Clangee State Plumbing Permit N9 person sltall consttwct, inatall, al,ter ot change any neu cn exiatingplmbing or dtainage eyate:n in uhole or in patt, unleei sucl; peraon ie- thelegal posseesoz, of a oalid pLunber's Licenee, eacept that a -cbrson mag dopltnbing uork to propettg uhich is oaned, Leased or opetatec by the appti- cant. Receipt #: N0,rEE * Frbturee Reaid.ential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Pernrit State Electricol Permit Vleve State Las requiree tlat the electrical uotk be ilane bg an Electtical Contraetor, the eleetrical portion of this pernit slu.Ll not be oali.C until the Label lne been aigned by the Electrical Contraetor. Neu/Ettend Circuits Seruice IT9M NC FEE CIIARGE I,lcodetotle ,t Mechqnicol Permit bhanst Hood. Vent Fot Permtt fssuanee Meclanieal Pendt -- ENCROA,CHMENT -- fpgyri.tA Deposit Stgtage l,taintenanee Permit Ctttbcut Sida,salk Fence Electrical Label tlobile Horne TOTAL AM1UNT 0UE: *'1 * I'Lan Eoanine?DAXe, f HAW CAREEULLY EXAI,,INED tle cornpleted application for pernit, atd do herebg certify that aLL information heteon ia true attd cotrect, attd. f further certify that any ard aLL wrk perfotned slwll be done in aceor- dance urith the 1rdinances of the City of Sprtngfield, and the laxe of the State of O"egon pertaining to the wrk Ceacribed herein, ana tlat NO )CCA- PANCY rtill be rade of any structure uithout permisaion of the Building N-oision. f further certify that onlg contractot,s and enployees uho are in cotrpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be ueed on thie ptojeet Signed Date htna.ce B?U'S State Surelunae Totnl ahoraoo " REs'DF t,TlAL.. APPLICATry/PERMrr ll5 llorth [t/t StYeet Springfield, }regon 97477 Building E$'ision Rcce ! SPF'A'GF'EI.D ?- D6a 2CE2/ 40-ot do 7h-Job lpcaticn: DDOfcr Iot llAeaessots MaP # fiibdiuision: A)ner,:2 Addt,ess Phonet2e ci.ty n r'n,Bry Describe llot'l< lddition RenoCel -=-5 ValueDate of APPLica Neu 56:247- rSracto General Plurnb rca Elec C rica c lanElec Et:1SSu OR I.IOVED BU Sanilary seuet capped at property Line Septic tank pt'oryed and filled urith gra;sel Pinal - tfiien abctte itens are eanpleted and uhen Cenolition is complete or struc- ture nooec! and prewiaes oleaneC up. lnlobile Hcmes Blocking and Sat-uP Plttnbing connectiona '- sa)e! utC, uatet Electt'ical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-up and plunbing connections mtst be apprcued before requesti.ng electrical insp eetiott AecescorU BuiTding Pinal - Aftet, pcrches, skit'ting' decks, etc. ate contpleted. tha 1 inapeetions a?e nade at the p?oper time that each ,;ddrees LS readab LE L8 the reaponaibility of the Perni atne'et. and. that the Permtt D.Juiciot aPPt'oted PLan shr:L ho Lder to see d front*9ui the ca.rd LS Locab ed the front of the property t'ilnes.!diw 1 Pemaan on the Bui Ltl.tngt te at a L PROC1DUPE POR INSPECT|1N .?-!=Qt tE!;T : C A requested and aken you D|LL be ready LL 26 3 6 I (recordev td te you!by designated J ob nmb €ft iob aCdtess, tYPe Requests Yecei.ted of inspec'-ictr .nspection,Con Amers ruJne and plnne nutnbct befcrefortrac14Sol' .L}L t L be made the adme dcy,?eque8 mcde after 7 00 6n tlL L L be nacle the nest :mnking do! Iout' City Desigr'ated Job Nwnbev Is: SITE III|SPEC?ION. escaoation, but Io be nade aftet' pr"lor tc se! up of be made aL L forne.required Ddpo"bavt'i e7,s ave L,n P Lace bu t L^fore ana La th,gApslun baarC or Lied, arrT beforeELEC?RICA LX7 L L couering L:i app ICA To before any dta .nsu La bion concealed. Totsered. POOTINC & FOUNDATICN: To be naCe I\SPECTION: Tc be made after trenches a"e escaua ted and a dryuaL i.s in place, forns ate erected, but Pt'iot' to pouring ccncrete. but ptiot' to cnY taPing. MASlNRY: Steel Location' bond GZffilgtouting or uerticals in accotdance tith U.B.C, Section 241 5. UNDSRGR)UN D PLU!4EI_A9--0!!!!,- tt!!!-L 6FalfrMEl--TiE-rizde prior to fil- Ti{tGnchee. ING I,IOODS']'OVE: ccmpCTA. After inetallation is to ta oI to ol' tion ot, decking To be nade P?L0?CURB & AI'PR)ACH APIQN: After forns ar.e ""."ttA bu;Vi; to pouring concrete. SIDEI\AL( & DRIVEWAI: Fot a?"L con- ;;ete pq,rfr-;ltl;i stneet night- of-tna, to be maCe after all etca- uating complete & fora wt'k & cub' base mcterial in Place. of fLoor nsulation E No to be these Lflspections haue been made and Pr"ior to plccirq facing inspec-and. befot'e franing ': lilust be requested aftet, plutnbing, electri- AIL roofing PENCE: ra4ten conplete -- ProuiCejiiei on mouablb sections tht'ough P, U, E. ALL b condtLions,suck as Llrc i.rrctallation of street trees, conpT,etion of the PLU14B IIIC Landsccp'ing, etc " m.tst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requeste<7' F.NICAL FINAL B;ILDINC: T'he I'inal Building Inspection mtst be tequested after the Final Plwnbing Eleetrical, qnl Mechat:ic,tl fnspections hquc been nade atd approoed. FINAL ELECI'RTCAL *AI , MANIICLES AND CT,NANOIJT: IIUS'I BE ACL-I;,'SSTBLD, AD,II)SNINII'I TO BE iIADT /.T IIO COST TO CI?Y Pege 1 ol '; Date: re ll l lll I l T lof & .' btacing E chinmeys, etc. rrust be ,i eonrpleted. No uotk is to be con- ,-,.; eecled until this inspeetton lnstbeen made anC approted. L-co d F SS REQ'- SOLA R ACgE JQB S\O Foceo Ac ees s rbt Sq. Etg ' % of Lot Cooerdge # of StotLes IoLaL Hei,ght TopograPhY LCT TYPE Interior Co?nef PanhardLe CuL-de-sac !lea t Ca)'a (r. Laco. So:uth 'tlest fl rTE;M rITC x e Building Vqlue & Permit This permit i.s qranted on the erptless condition tlnt bhe said eonstruetiOnshnll, in aLL resftects, confom t:o tl'Le Ordinanee edop,ted 6y the Citg ofSpringfield,' i.nchding the Zoning Crdinance, regulaf,inEl tltb ccnstr,tbticn and use of buildLrtg:;, and mey be suspende,T or reuokeC at cny time upon ztic- Lation of any prcoisions of said Ordinances. 37o 3o.oo il loo A TOTAL VALUE tl too s.D.c. L.5 x Buildinq Pet:mtt ?2. s 'ee State .63 Date Parrl Total Chargea 7rE Receipt ll Sillned NO I LL CIlARGE Plumbing Permit No peraon sfuiLL constntct, instal'!-, aLtez, ot, change Gn! ned cr etisting plwnbing or drainage syeten in ahole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunber's License, eecept that a pe"son nay do pLwnbing ttork to property ahieh is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Fi.ztttres Residenl;ial (1 bath) Seuet, Plunbing Pernit State Total Electricol Permit ; Where State Lau requires tl".at the electrical uork be done by an Electrieal Contractor, the electrical portiott of t'his permit slnll not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Elecl;rieal Contractor. ao l5.oo Permit 11'EM CHARCE Na,t/Ertend Circuits Sem;ice / 5.oo t 5-7s State Total ,7s Hcodsto;te NC DID CIIARCE Sea,u"L t Mechqnicol PermitFilrrwce,s -- ENCROACHMENT -- ITgM vent Fan E*hanst Hood. Penrot fssuance Meclnnicel Perrtt Storaqe Maintenanec- Permit Cutbcut Sideualk Fence ELec L zo Mobile Hone Add;fio^al f'"n c\c,k- #<- p.1,. Iffirfi-I\--lr.st rT'EM Watev, / 36,y IT)TAL AM)UNT DL|E: * oz>-