HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-03-04" RESID-.lTlAL" APPLICATION/PERTLIT 225 Nonth Sth Street SprLngfieLd, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 #aa SPHINGFTEI.D Job Locaticn:/7sa Aesessors Map #Tca Int # svbdiuision: Asner,: Address I ,-4. th Phone: 7{ ci II/L Ly.77 Descr+be h'oz,kl-r,* Value 6-- 4/rurrl )%-"4- - -/-/- Date of App Licaticn Additian RemoCeL # t4eehanieaL Page 1 of 2 Date: GeneraL ELectrieal Reati.no,4 Conslructton_Lendgl_ I-t ie the reepoaaibi-Lily oi tle pezwit holda to aee tlnt aL! inspections are nade at lhe ptope" tine, that ecch ;ddress is req)L,A'.efry.-tJp atreet, and that the-permtt eazd. ie Located at the frcnt of the propetty.*Building Diuiciot appro"*ed pLan shc.Ll remain on the Buildr.ng Srtc'at aLL' tihes.- PR)C9DUPE-Fon,rySPECTr2N.E-I=Q?ESTrCALLT26-3769(reeoyder) state youz, City Cesigtnted. job rutnber, job aCdtess, type of inspee=icnteQuested and ahen gou uiLL be readg for inspection, Contractors o-, asneTs ncme Znd piuie nunber.' -p.equests yeceti;Za bZicre'z:00 ct'*"iLL be nade the eone dag' requests-made aftez, 7:00 an urill be nade the nact aorkif dai;, Iouz, City Desigra.ted Job Nunbez, fs:8{oAaY SI?E INSPEC?TON escaoation, but forms. To be made after prtot, tc set up of UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCH4-IIICAL: ?o be nade befoz,e ang uork ie cotsered. FOO?rNG & F)UNDA?ICN: ?o be tnaCe;F;; ttffis are escatsated and. forrns are etected, but prior to pouring ecncrete. uNpgRCRgultD PLUWING- EEtqE, vA!E!, - @-l-renchee. UTIDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & I,IECHANTCAL : @ono7floor insulction or. decking. PlS! AlD BEAM: To be made prior to d&itTilGTof floor insulation or decking. R)UGH PLtnlBrrlc, ELE1!!I!AL &__UECE- ANICAL: No-iork is {o be couet,e{ffiiTthese inspections hanse been made and. approoeC. EfFEPLACE: Prior to placirq facingnctet"ials and before frotring inepee- tion. F84H!!g: lhtst be requested aften apptolraT. of tough plutnbing, electti- cal & neclnnieal. ALt toofing bracing & chitrmegs, etc. rast be . conpleted. llo ucyk i,s to be con- , eecled until this inspeetLon lns 'been made anC apptooed. FfiIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATTOTI/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTTON : To be made aftet, aLL insulaticn ed. required oapor burie?s @e in place but before any Lath, Wpsutn boarC or tnLL coueting is cpplied, and before any insulation is concealed. OR !.:OW) BUTLDI.ICS Sanitatg seser eapped ct properfiy Lite Septic tank p,^r,ped attd filled trith gra:;ei linal - l{lten abctse items are eqraleted and uhen Cqtclition is cornp;Lete br s*,uc- ture mooed ad. ptenrLses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- sane! atd. ualer Electrical Connection - Bloekin4, set-u, and plunbing conneetions mist be apprct;ei before requesting elec|rical inspeetio:l Accessory Bui.Ldnng I T DRYWALL TNSPEC!f0N: Ic be made after aLL dtyuall is in pl^a.ee, but ptiot, to any taping. \IAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beons, groutirtg ot, oerticals in accotdotce Lrith U.B.C. Section 2475. ln yooosro,rt'w*ataa.After installation ie Q!88 & APPR2ACH APP,9N: After formsd,e;"ectAE V;lo" to poumrq concrete. SfDEWALK & DRf'"EWAI: Eot, aLL eon-cretenaofr-;ltffi street right- of-aaA, to be nade after aLL edea- oating eonplete & forn usotk & eub- base natet*ial in place.Pitnl - After etc. ate cornp pcnekes, skirting, decks, Leted. ?ENCE: hrhen eonplete -- ProuiCe gates or motsable sections through P.U.E, ALL pnoject conditiorn, suck as the i.nstallation of street trees, ccn-ol-etion of the required Landsccping, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FfNAL can be requested. PINAL BUILDING: The Einal Building Inspecti.on must be requested cfter the Final Plunbing Electrical, and Meelnnical fnspect'tons lt4tte been made and appt'otseC. |ALL \4ANH1LES AND cLEANours t,tusr BE AccEssrBLE, ADJUS?uEtlt r0 BE IL4DE t|.T Il0 ccsr r0 cr?v ru &zoo' c") T 2 SOLAR '^CCESS REQ.-ad)^*L,JOB NO. v) L-CO BeCtoons Lot Faces -Enet (tu Sounees Setbacks lleat DT House Ca?aqe Access.Water lleater No"th Rarqe East Fiv,epLace South Woodstoxe Lot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooetage_ # of Stortes LCT ?WE _ Intetiot _ Co/,ne" _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac Total Height Topography llest -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erp?ess cordition tlwt the said-eonsttaction slnll', in all rZspects, eonform to the 7tdLnance adopted Liy the City o.f Sp?ingTield, including- the Zoning Ct'dlnanee, regulating the ccnstmtcticn irn ""o'" of -buildings, and may be suspended oy. reuokeC at a1A time upon oic- l.a.tion of dltA prcoisions of said 0z:dir,ances. Value TOTAL VALUE Building PerwLt Date Paid ?otal Claz,gea ITEM F?G x ,( State S.D.C. 1.5 x Plumbing Permit No pereon shaT-L constract, inetall,' alter ot clange -ang neu -c? ezisting pltinbirq or d,ainage sA,tqn in ulole or in paz,t, unless such person is tlp iegal pbssessor oia oalid plunbet's License, ercept tlnt a Person na! q9 plinting aork to ptope?bJ ihi..h is ormed, Leased or openated bg the dpPli- car,t. Plwtbing Pernrit CHARCENOFEE Sani Seuer ITEM Fi-rhpes Resil.ential (1 bath) ITE14 NO.trFl C|IARCE Res. So. fta. Nau/Erterd, Citcuits lanporag Setoice CIlARCENCFEE hsnace ETUIS E*hanet HooC Yent Fat llcodstotte / Y<ry 0 Permit fssuanee Meelnnical Permtt Mechqnicql Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sea.*itg Deposit Storage lilaintenance Peiwit Clttbcu! SidanaLk Eleetrical Label Mobile Home * Receipt #: Siqr.ed: Electricol Permit Wlpre State Lan requires tlnt the eleetrLcal uot'k be done by an Eleetrieal Contraetor, the electrLcal portion of this permit slnll not be oali.C until the Lobel \ns been si.gned by the ElectrLeal Contractor. PLaTL Eoatlne? f HAW CAREEULLY EXAMINED tle cornpleted application for pennit, and. do ltereby certify tltat aLL inforrnation heveon is tnte attd. correct, and. f fut thet, cet,+-ify that oly ard aLL uork perforned slnll be done in accor- dance tith the 1rdinanees of the Citg of Springfield, and, the Las of the State of Oregon pertaining to the uotk Cescribed herein, and tlnt N0 )CCA- PANCY t'rill be na,7.e of anA stracture uithout permiseion of the Building DL-oision. f further eertifs- that only eontractors otd enplcyees uho ee in eanpliance uith 1RS 701..055 uiLL be used on this project 'v4 ,._/J 7, F,** State ?otal ?OZAL A.'IOU]I'? DUE: */S Date State ?otal C7w?qes lenee 1/ Signed