HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/26/2022SP INGFIELD O0.E40H Fin. a/ P/a t ■ rates., ` i# mal L_a� � Cho- _urs try Name of Plat: Marcola Meadows Partition No.2 Titles of required docents: lY,� ftginal signed plat on acid free archivable bond paper (6 pages) CJ,52' Private Access Easement (3 pages) O IQ, Private Sanitary Sewer Easement (3 pages) C9'�urrent Title Report �ting.Deed ZiA copy of each of the previous for Planning t lMr al Plat Application Form and Fee NOTE: The application is onic complete after you returli: Sincerely, • 5 rolled copies of the recorded plat • 3 copies of documents recorded with plat City Instructions: This form is to accompany the plat and the supporting documents to the Public Works Department of the City of Springfield at the time of final plat submittal. The purpose is primarily to notify the planning office that the Surveying Division has received all the documents it requires for final plat submittal. County Instructions: This form is to accompany, the plat and the supporting documents to the lane County Surveyor's Office at the time of final submittal for recording. The purpose is primarily to notify that office of which items need to be recorded hsps://spnnyfield mboa.sharspomtuoMsitssNPW-CM6E,ineerine/Survry/Sunq/SUnvEY/Plata/Cugod Dmwwgs & 1,U.Tart au BOB sad Commeah/_CURRENT P/Marcoia Meadows Pantion 2, Reple Parcel3 said Tract Dmin/M.M nss Pan Not SuWidodocx City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision 8�PHINOPI lApplication Type (Applicant: check one) Partition Plat Pre -Submittal: ❑ Subdivision Plat Pre -Submittal: Partition Plat Submittal: 1111C ISubdivision Plat Submittal: Required Project Information (Ap. Applicant Name: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC PhonePlease contact consultant Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC I Fax: Please contact consultant Address: 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 Applicant's Rep.: Consultant: Chris Goodell Phone: 503 563-6151 Company: AKS Engineering and Forestry I Fax: (503) 563-6152 Add ress92965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Email: chrisg@aks-eng.com Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Nei hborhood LLC Phone: Please contact consultant Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax: Please contact consultant Address: 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30-00 TAX LOT NOS : 1803 Property Address: North of Marcola Road, West side of 28th / 31 st Street(s) Size of Property: ±58 Acres ® Square Feet ❑ Proposed Name of Subdivision: Partition Plat Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: A 3 -parcel partition to prepare site for master plan configuration, will require site design review in the future. Existing Use: Vacant Undeveloped Land I Tentative Case #:811-20-000021-TYP2 # of Lots/Parcels: 3 Av . Lot/Parcel Size: ±19 ac Density: N/A du/acre Si natures: Please sin and orint our name and date in thea Drooriate box on the next race.I Required Project Information (City Intake Staff. complete this section) Associated Applications: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: I Date: Reviewed by: A lication Fee: $ Technical Fee: Postage Fee: 0 TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 10.14.13 kl 1 of6 Owner Signatures This application form Is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application Is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre• submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Uwe do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, Information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Date: Sign 1 represent this application to he win performed on this application at the I necessary for Procossing the al contained witi the submittal, and t wannitted. Thlsstatementseruas as complete applicatbn�. _ the City. Consistent with the completeness check I affirm the Information Identified by the City as or the Information will not be provided If not othernlse tessing the application with Me IMormation as rt to the requirements of ORS 227.179 pertaining to a Date: Revlseo 10.14.13 kI 2 of 6 Land Division Plat Application Process (see next page for a diagram or this process) 1. Applicant Submits a Land Division Plat Application for Pre -Submittal • The application must conform to the Land Division Plat Pre -Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-6 of this application packet. • A pre -submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, and pre -submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 am - noon. • Planning Division staff strives to conduct pre -submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre -Submittal Meeting • The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre - submittal meeting. • The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. • The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre -Submittal Checklist specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not already complete, and the applicant has 180 days submit a complete application to the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Land Division Plat Application • When the applicant has addressed all items on the Pre -Submittal Checklist and the City Surveying Section has notified the applicant's surveyor that the plat and other documents are sufficiently refined, the applicant can submit a complete application to the City Survey Section located in the NW Quad of City Hall. • The application must conform to the Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 6 of this application packet. • If the submittal is deemed complete, the City Survey Section will sign -off on the City Survey approval sheet and send the applicant to the Development & Public Works Department for application submittal and fee collection. • Planning staff checks and signs the mylars. 4. Applicant Records Plat at Lane County & Submits Plat and Documents to City • After Planning staff checks and signs the mylars, the plat may then be recorded by the applicant's surveyor at Lane County. • After plat has been recorded at Lane County, applicant submits five (5) recorded, rolled paper copies of the plat and three (3) copies of required documents to the Development & Public Works Department prior to the issuance of building permits. Revised 10.14.13 kl 3 of 6 LAND DIVISION PLAT APPLICATION PROCESS Applicant submits land division plat application for pre -submittal (See Land Division Plat Pre -Submittal Requirements Checklist) City departments review application for completeness and hold pre -submittal meeting to discuss completeness issues with applicant and applicant's representatives. Applicant addresses incomplete items. City Surveyor checks application and returns comments to applicant's surveyor. Applicant's surveyor corrects plat City Surveyor conducts field check and and returns to City Surveyor. returns comments to applicant's surveyor Applicant's surveyor sets new monuments and flags existing ones. Once no errors appear on the plat and a current title report is submitted, applicant's surveyor is given ok to submit complete land division plat application. After ok given from City Surveyor and applicant has addressed all incomplete items from pre -submittal, applicant submits complete application to the City Survey Section (See Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist) City Survey Section signs -off on City Survey approval sheet and sends the applicant to the Development & Public Works Department for application submittal and fee collection. Planning staff checks and signs mylars and notifies applicant's surveyor of approval. Applicant takes plat and accompanying documents to Lane County for recording. Applicant brings copies of recorded plat and documents to Development &Public Works Revised 10.14.13 kl 4 of 6 L nd Division Plat Pre -Submittal Requirements Checklist NO : If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the expla tion to this form. ❑ A lication Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calc ation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Wor epartment. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees, are collecte at the pre -submittal and submittal stages. ❑ Land Divi 'on Plat Application Form ❑ Letter Addre sing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each condition of approval, detail g the actions taken and current status of each item. ❑ Five (5) Paper C ies of the Plat stamped and signed by the surveyor. ❑ Two (2) Copies of osure Sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicat d areas, and easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets. ❑ Two (2) Copies of Title eport or Subdivision Guarantee for the parcel being divided. The title report mu be dated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal. An older report is K at the pre -submittal stage. ❑ Two (2) Copies of Each of the eference Documents and Plats listed on the plat. ❑ Two (2) Copies of Each of the S porting Documents - the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), isting easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions in the title report, etc. ❑ Two (2) Draft Copies of any street dedi tions. ❑ Two (2) Draft Copies of Any New Easem is or Restrictions being created by separate document, improvement agreements, aintenance agreements, joint use ingress/egress and utility easements, sewer hoo up in lieu of assessment, and any other documents that will be recorded together with the lat or that are required by the Conditions of Approval. ❑ Two (2) Copies of a Consent Statement (Concurre e) on the plat (to be signed by the lender prior to final approval) OR Two (2) Copies o an Affidavit of Consent by separate document is required from all Trust Deed, mortga e, or other secured loan interest holders against the property to be recorded simulta ously with the plat IF any public dedications or easements are being made and/or any o er interests are being transferred to the public per ORS 92.075 (2-4). . ❑ Copies of Wetland Documents as required. ❑ Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required. ❑ Draft Copy of Bargain and Sale Deed for Reserve Strips -City Sury Section has a template. ❑ Verification that Street Tree Agreement is in Progress as required. ❑ Draft Copy of the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs) as required. Revised 10.14.13 kl 5 of 6 ❑t Mon"mentation Deposit as required for subdivisions only. City Survey Section has c nt fee schedule and templates. ❑ Location of A Location, in accordance with SDC 3.3-400. ❑ Existing Easements C Identified with Their Recorded Reference. ❑ New Easements and Reserve S ' Referenced in Owner Certificates of Dedication and Purposes of Easemen dentified on Plat. NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the applichas been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be re nsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Im vement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint ccess/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right -of -Way. Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. if Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are collected at the time of complete application submittal. FEE CALC FROM CITY STAFF ATTACHED fle Land Division Plat Application Form INCLUDED. Vr Two (2) Copies of the Deed THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR APPLICABLE SITE AREA IS WITHIN THE TITLE REPORT. Two (2) Copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days of the date Lane County will record the plat. Original Plat on Mylar with notarized owner(s) signature(s) and signed surveyor stamp. Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper Original and Copy of all Required Documents with signatures where appropriate. APPLICABLE SIGNED SEWER AND ACCESS EASEMENTS ARE INCLUDED. Revised 10.14.13 kl 6OF6 Foam: ❑MBIRD Andrew Ta: M2helle Swanout; Mane Holladay Go MORRIS Shannon Subjett: NJ: Mai la Meadows Notion #2 Date: Monday, July 12, 20214:40:42 PM Attachments: Imaae00inno ae00Lono HI Marie, the application fees forth next two rounds areas noted below. I believe the minor rep lat fee was highlighted in error, so it's only the partition plat fee that is applicable. Andy From: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@springfield-or.gov> Sent: Monday, July 12, 20213:40 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew <alimbird@springfield-or.go r> Subject: RE: Marcola Meadows Partition #2 Hi Andy, Is Minor Replat Plat highlighted intentionally? Does a Tentative need to be done first? Shannon Morris 541 7443387 From: LIMBIRD Andrew <alimhird(a 4odlJgf'eId-Qr,gov> Sent: Monday, July 12, 202110:56 AM To: MORRIS Shannon <smorrisOsorinefield-or.sov> Subject: FW: Marcella Meadows Partition #2 HI Shannon, they are still using the old fee schedule so can you please provide fee calculations for the next two steps in this partition plan: Pre-subm!ttal meeting for final partition plat; and Final Partition Plat. Thanks! From: Marie Holladay <holladaym(daks-eng.com> Sent: Monday, July 12, 202110:40 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew <alimbirdno sp_r Defeld-or gov> Ce: Michelle Swartout <swartoutmf@aks-ene.com> Subject: RE: Marcola Meadows Partition M2 Hi Andy— gathering fees for the final partition plat ri (pre -submittal and final submittals). I know the pre - submittal is $421. Will you please confirm the latter fee and add the 5% surcharge in? Is the final Type 1 application for this partition considered a replat or a regular partition plat? Thank you for your help. Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222106338 AdOlk Fidelity National TUI quaff Cboipavyurpmgan 800 Willamette Street, Ste 500 (541)683-5422 OWNERSHIP AND ENCUMBRANCES REPORT WITH GENERAL INDEX LIENS Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances To ("Customer"): Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC 9550 SE Clackamas Rd Clackamas, OR 97015 Customer Ref.: Order No.: Effective Date: Charge: 60222106338 January 18, 2022 at 08:00 AM $400.00 The information contained in this report is furnished by Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon (the "Company') as a real property information service based on the records and indices maintained by the Company for the county identified below. THIS IS NOT TITLE INSURANCE OR A PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT FOR, OR COMMITMENT FOR, TITLE INSURANCE. No examination has been made of the title to the herein described property, other than as specifically set forth herein. Liability for any loss arising from errors and/or omissions is limited to the lesser of the charge or the actual loss, and the Company will have no greater liability by reason of this report. THIS REPORT IS SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY STATED BELOW, WHICH LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY ARE A PART OF THIS REPORT. THIS REPORT INCLUDES MONETARY AND NON -MONETARY ENCUMBRANCES. Part One - Ownership and Property Description Owner. The apparent vested owner of property ("the Property") as of the Effective Date is: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company Premises. The Property is: (a) Street Address: 2025 31st Street, Springfield, OR 97477 (b) Legal Description: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Tire Company of Oregon Order No. 60222106338 Part Two - Encumbrances Encumbrances. As of the Effective Date, the Property appears subject to the following monetary and non -monetary encumbrances of record, not necessarily listed in order of priority, including liens specific to the subject property and general index liens (liens that are not property specific but affect any real property of the named person in the same county): EXCEPTIONS [Intentionally Deleted] 2. City Liens, if any, in favor of the City of Springfield. 3. Any adverse claim based on the assertion that any portion of the subject land has been removed from or brought within the subject land's boundaries by the process of accretion or reliction or any change in the location of ditch and/or stream. Any adverse claim based on the assertion that any portion of the subject land has been created by artificial means or has accreted to such portions so created, or based on the provisions of ORS 274.905 through 274.940. Any adverse claim based on the assertion that any portion of the subject land is now or at any time has been below the ordinary high water line of ditch and/or stream. Rights of fishing, navigation, commerce, flood control, propagation of anadromous fish, and recreation, and other rights of the public, Indian tribes or governmental bodies in and to the waters of ditch and/or stream. 4. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Benham Irrigation Company Purpose: Reference is made to said document for full particulars Recording Date: May 1, 1919 Recording No: Book 119, Page 560 5. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Benham Irrigation Company Purpose: To construct and maintain a ditch Recorded: July 17, 1919, Book 121, Pape 66. Affects: Blanket Easement - exact location not given 6. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: City of Eugene Purpose: Electric transmission line Recorded: July 12, 1937, Book 188, Page 452. 7. Easement(s) far the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City of Springfield, a municipal corporation Purpose: Utility easement Recording Date: November 17, 1961 Recording No: 50778 Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222106338 9 14 15 Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City of Springfield, Oregon Purpose: Public utilities and sidewalks Recording Date: September 22, 1993 Recording No: 9360016 Declaration of Restrictions, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recording Date: October 19, 2007 Recording No.: 2007-071865 [Intentionally Deleted] [Intentionally Deleted] [Intentionally Deleted] Declaration of Restriction, including the terms and provisions thereof Recording Date: August 17, 2018 Recording No.: 2018-038502 Declaration of Restriction and Consent, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recording Date: August 17, 2018 Recording No.: 2018-038503 A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $6,179,644.05 Dated: December 16, 2019 Trustor/Grantor: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Trustee: Trustee Services, Inc. Beneficiary: Construction Loan Services, LLC Loan No.: 71578 Recording Date: December 17, 2019 Recording No.: 2019-057710 —Includes Additional Property - The Deed of Trust set forth above is purported to be a "Credit Line" Deed of Trust. It is a requirement that the Trustor/Grantor of said Deed of Trust provide written authorization to close said credit line account to the Lender when the Deed of Trust is being paid off through the Company or other Settlement/Escrow Agent or provide a satisfactory subordination of this Deed of Trust to the proposed Deed of Trust to be recorded at closing. Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222106338 An assignment of the beneficial interest under said deed of trust which names: Assignee: Builders Capital Opportunity Fund, LLC Loan No.: 71578 Recording Date: February 24, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-009040 16. The effect of, Declaration of Property Line Adjustment, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recording Date: June 4, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-028024 17. Deed Restriction, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recording Date: June 4, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-028059 18. Deed Restriction, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recording Date: June 4, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-028060 19. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $777,500.00 Dated: May 20, 2020 Trustor/Grantor: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Trustee: First American Title Beneficiary: D.R. Horton, Inc. Loan No.: N/A Recording Date: June 18, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-031184 An agreement recorded December 7, 2020 at Recording No.: 2020-071785 which states that this instrument was subordinated to the Deed of Trust shown in Exception No. 26 below, Recording Date: December 07, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-071784 An agreement recorded February 1, 2020 at Recording No.: 2021-006990 which states that this instrument was subordinated to the document or interest described in the instrument Recording Date: February 1, 2021 Recording No.: 2021-006957 A substitution of trustee under said deed of trust which names, as the substituted trustee, the following Trustee: First American Title Insurance Company Recording Date: July 28, 2021 Recording No: 2021-049383 Informational Reportof Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222106338 20. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tracVnlat Purpose: Public Utility Easement Affects: as delineated on Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972 21. Restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said restriction is permitted by applicable law, as shown on that certain plat Name of Plat: Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972 Recording Date: September 11, 2020 Recording No: 2020-051249 22. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon Purpose: Public Pedestrian Access and Sanitary Sewer Easement 20 feet in width Recording Date: September 11, 2020 Recordino No: 2020-051252 Affects: See Partition Plat for particulars 23. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City o f Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon Purpose: Public Access and Sanitary Sewer Easement 30 feet in width Recording Date: September 11, 2020 Recording No: 2020-051253 Affects: See Partition Plat for particulars 24. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon Purpose: Sanitary Sewer Easement Recording Date: September 11, 2020 Recording No: 2020-051254 Affects: See Partition Plat Map for particulars 25. [Intentionally Deleted] 26. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $15,069,724.75 Dated: December 3, 2020 Trustor/Grantor: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Trustee: Trustee Services, Inc. Beneficiary: Construction Loan Services II, LLC Loan No.: N/A Recording Date: December 07, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-071784 Informational Report of Ownership and Monetaryand Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222106338 The Deed of Trust set forth above is purported to be a "Credit Line" Deed of Trust. It is a requirement that the Trustor/Grantor of said Deed of Trust provide written authorization to close said credit line account to the Lender when the Deed of Trust is being paid off through the Company or other Settlement/Escrow Agent or provide a satisfactory subordination of this Deed of Trust to the proposed Deed of Trust to be recorded at closing. This Deed of Trust will take priority over Exception No. 19 herein, by subordination Recorded December 07, 2020, Recording No. 2020-071785. 27. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $2,866,935.00 Dated: January 21, 2021 Trustor/Grantor: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Trustee: First American Title Insurance Company Beneficiary: D.R. Horton, Inc - Portland, a Delaware corporation Loan No.: N/A Recording Date: February 1, 2021 Recording No.: 2021-006957 This Deed of Trust will take priority over Exception No. 19 herein, by subordination Recorded February 01, 2021, Recording No. 2021-006990. 28. Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Development Recording Date: March 18, 2021 Recording No.: 2021-18704 29. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon Purpose: Public Pedestrian Access and Sanitary Sewer Line Recording Date: May 25, 2021 Recording No: 2021-035176 30. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon Purpose: Temporary Public Emergency Vehicle Access Recording Date: May 25, 2021 Recording No: 2021-035177 31. Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Memorandum of Agreement Dated: July 13, 2021 Executed by: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company and D.R. Horton, Inc. -Portland, a Delaware corporation Recording Date: July 20, 2021 Recording No: 2021-047716 Which provides for, among other things: Sale and purchase of lots.. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222106338 Note: Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are paid in full. Fiscal Year: 2021-2022 Amount: $58,945.87 Levy Code: 01900 Account No.: 1912237 Map No.: 17-02-30-00-01803 —Includes Additional Property" Prior to close of escrow, please contact the Tax Collector's Office to confirm all amounts owing, including current fiscal year taxes, supplemental taxes, escaped assessments and any delinquencies. End of Reported Information There will be additional charges for additional information or copies. For questions or additional requests, contact: Dave Driskill Dave.D(jskill@titlegroup.fntg.com Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 Willamette Street, Ste 500 Eugene, OR 97401 Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description MARCOLA MEADOWS PARTITION PLAT #2 Plat Description A tract of land located the southeast one-quarter of Section 24 and the northeast one-quarter of Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, and the northwest one-quarter of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, being a portion of Parcels 2 and 3, Land Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972, Lane County Plat Records, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a found 5/8 -inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap inscribed "Poage LS 1301" at the northeast corner of Lot 3, "Austin Park South", recorded in File 74, Slide 132, Lane County Plat Records, said point also being the northwesterly corner of Parcel 3, Land Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972, Lane County Plat Records; thence North 81°42'34" East along the north line of said Parcel 3, a distance of 609.56 feet to the northwest comer of "Marcola Meadows Phase 1 B", Lane County Plat Records; thence tracing the boundary of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 1B" along the following courses: South 08°17'26" East, 91.09 feet to a point of non -tangent curvature; thence southeasterly along the are of 75.00 foot radius curve right (the radius point of which bears South 701021" West) through a central angle of 68°40'18", 89.89 feet (chord bears South 54°09'48" East, 84.61 feet); thence North 81 °42'34" East, 91.52 feet; thence South 08°17'26" East, 220.00 feet; thence North 81'42'34" East, 30.65 feet to the point of curve right of a 4.00 foot radius curve; thence along the arc of said curve right through a central angle of 90°00'00", 6.28 feet (chord bears South 53°17'26" East, 5.66 feet); thence South 08°17'26" East, 96.00 feet; thence North 81°42'34" East along the boundary of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 1B" and the boundary of "Marcola Meadows Phase 2A", 1113.56 feet; thence North 08°17'26" West along the boundary of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 2A", 15.62 feet; thence continuing along the boundary of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 2A" and the boundary of "Marcola Meadows Phase 1A", Lane County Survey File No. 45211, North 81°42'34" East, 248.98 feet; thence South 01°57'55" West along the boundary of said "Marcola Meadows Phase IA" and the boundary of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 1 B", 76.70 feet to the point of curve right of a 9.00 foot radius curve; thence tracing the boundary of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 1B" along the following courses: southwesterly along the arc of said curve right through a central angle of 82°30'19", 12.96 feet (chord bears South 43'13'04" West, 11.87 feet); thence South 05°31'46" East, 70.00 feet; to a point of non -tangent curvature; thence northeasterly along the arc of a 565.00 foot radius curve right (the radius point of which bears South 05"31'46" East) through a central angle of 3"33'51", 73.91 feet (chord bears North 88°13'04" East, 73.85 feet); thence South 88°02'05" East, 61.00 feet to the point of curve right of a 9.00 foot radius curve; thence along the arc of said curve right through a central angle of 90°00'00", 14.14 feet (chord bears South 43°02'05" East, 12.73 feet) to the westerly right-of-way line of 315t Street (35.00 feet from centerline); thence tracing said westerly right-of-way line along the following courses: South 01°57'55" West, 466.85 feet to the point of curve right of a 365.00 foot radius curve; thence along the arc of said curve right through a central angle of 64°07'14", 408.48 feet (chord bears South 34'01'32" West, 387.49 feet) to the westerly right-of-way line of 28th Street (35.00 feet from centerline); thence tracing said westerly right-of-way line along the following courses: South 66°05'09" West, 579.36 feet to the point of curve left of a 490.00 foot radius curve; thence along the are of said curve left through a central angle of 43°07'09", 368.76 feet (chord bears South 44"31'34" West, 360.12 feet); thence South 22°58'00" West, 122.17 feet to a point of non -tangent curvature; thence southwesterly along the arc of a 505.00 foot radius curve left (the radius point of which bears South 81 °01'59" East) through a central angle of 0"51'34", 7.58 feet (chord bears South 08"32'14" West, 7.57 feet) to the northeast corner of the tract of land described as Adjusted Tract 2 in Document Number 2021-014290, Lane County Deeds and Records; thence tracing the boundary of said Adjusted Tract 2 along the following courses: North 63°55'23" West, 143.75 feet; thence North 88°02'28" West, 150.12 feet; thence South 02°02'08" West, 32.83 feet; thence South 88"02'28" East, 5.00 feet; thence South 02"02'08" West, 127.67 feet; thence North 88"02'28" West, 7.00 feet; thence South 02°02'08" West, 39.50 feet to the north right-of-way line of Marcola Road (45.00 feet from centerline); thence North 88°02'28" West along said north right-of-way line, 188.00 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel 1, said Land Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972; thence North 02"02'08" East along said east line, 833.64 feet to the south line of Parcel 3, said Land Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972; thence North 87°04'24" West along said south line, 762.99 feet to an angle point in said south line and a point of non -tangent curvature; thence continuing along said south line northeasterly on the are of a 635.00 foot radius curve right (the radius point of which bears South 75"04'20" East) through a central angle of 3°55'56", 43.58 feet (chord bears North 16°53'39" East, 43.57 feet) to an angle point in said south line; thence continuing along said south line North Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description 88"01'58" West, 113.05 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 14, said "Austin Park South"; thence North 01°58'02" East along the east line of said "Austin Park South", 909.63 feet to the Point of Beginning. Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222106338 LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY "CUSTOMER" REFERS TO THE RECIPIENT OF THIS REPORT CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, IF NOT IMPOSSIBLE, TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF LOSS WHICH COULD ARISE FROM ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN, OR THE COMPANY'S NEGLIGENCE IN PRODUCING, THE REQUESTED REPORT, HEREIN "THE REPORT." CUSTOMER RECOGNIZES THAT THE FEE CHARGED IS NOMINAL IN RELATION TO THE POTENTIAL LIABILITY WHICH COULD ARISE FROM SUCH ERRORS OR OMISSIONS OR NEGLIGENCE. THEREFORE, CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDS THAT THE COMPANY IS NOT WILLING TO PROCEED IN THE PREPARATION AND ISSUANCE OF THE REPORT UNLESS THE COMPANY'S LIABILITY IS STRICTLY LIMITED. CUSTOMER AGREES WITH THE PROPRIETY OF SUCH LIMITATION AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS THE LIMITATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS AND THE LIMITATIONS WILL SURVIVE THE CONTRACT: ONLY MATTERS IDENTIFIED IN THIS REPORT AS THE SUBJECT OF THE REPORT ARE WITHIN ITS SCOPE. ALL OTHER MATTERS ARE OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE REPORT. CUSTOMER AGREES, AS PART OF THE CONSIDERATION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF THE REPORT AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, TO LIMIT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS AND ALL OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, LOSSES, COSTS, DAMAGES AND EXPENSES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES, HOWEVER ALLEGED OR ARISING, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE ARISING FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTY, EQUITY, THE COMMON LAW, STATUTE OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF RECOVERY, OR FROM ANY PERSON'S USE, MISUSE, OR INABILITY TO USE THE REPORT OR ANY OF THE MATERIALS CONTAINED THEREIN OR PRODUCED, SO THAT THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY AND ITS AGENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL NOT IN ANY EVENT EXCEED THE COMPANY'S TOTAL FEE FOR THE REPORT. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT THE FOREGOING LIMITATION ON LIABILITY IS A TERM MATERIAL TO THE PRICE THE CUSTOMER IS PAYING, WHICH PRICE IS LOWER THAN WOULD OTHERWISE BE OFFERED TO THE CUSTOMER WITHOUT SAID TERM. CUSTOMER RECOGNIZES THAT THE COMPANY WOULD NOT ISSUE THE REPORT BUT FOR THIS CUSTOMER AGREEMENT, AS PART OF THE CONSIDERATION GIVEN FOR THE REPORT, TO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND THAT ANY SUCH LIABILITY IS CONDITIONED AND PREDICATED UPON THE FULL AND TIMELY PAYMENT OF THE COMPANY'S INVOICE FOR THE REPORT. THE REPORT IS LIMITED IN SCOPE AND IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, TITLE OPINION, PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT, TITLE REPORT, COMMITMENT TO ISSUE TITLE INSURANCE, OR A TITLE POLICY, AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS SUCH. THE REPORT DOES NOT PROVIDE OR OFFER ANY TITLE INSURANCE, LIABILITY COVERAGE OR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS COVERAGE. THE REPORT IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON AS A REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE TO THE PROPERTY. THE COMPANY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS AS TO THE REPORT'S ACCURACY, DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY AS TO THE REPORT, ASSUMES NO DUTIES TO CUSTOMER, DOES NOT INTEND FOR CUSTOMER TO RELY ON THE REPORT, AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OCCURRING BY REASON OF RELIANCE ON THE REPORT OR OTHERWISE. Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222106338 IF CUSTOMER (A) HAS OR WILL HAVE AN INSURABLE INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY, (B) DOES NOT WISH TO LIMIT LIABILITY AS STATED HEREIN AND (C) DESIRES THAT ADDITIONAL LIABILITY BE ASSUMED BY THE COMPANY, THEN CUSTOMER MAY REQUEST AND PURCHASE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER, OR A COMMITMENT TO ISSUE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. NO ASSURANCE IS GIVEN AS TO THE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE OR STATUS OF TITLE. CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGES IT HAS AN INDEPENDENT DUTY TO ENSURE AND/OR RESEARCH THE ACCURACY OF ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE COMPANY OR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE PURCHASED. NO THIRD PARTY IS PERMITTED TO USE OR RELY UPON THE INFORMATION SET FORTH IN THE REPORT, AND NO LIABILITY TO ANY THIRD PARTY IS UNDERTAKEN BY THE COMPANY. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS, AND ALL OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES AND SUBCONTRACTORS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, OR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, INCOME, SAVINGS, DATA, BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITY, OR GOODWILL, PAIN AND SUFFERING, EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, NON -OPERATION OR INCREASED EXPENSE OF OPERATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR DELAY, COST OF CAPITAL, OR COST OF REPLACEMENT PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTIES, FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE AND WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE OR ANY OTHER CAUSE WHATSOEVER, AND EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES OR KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSSIBILITY FOR SUCH DAMAGES. END OF THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) b n O @/y�jlY K � Z 911 u `d Sol E 4H a Iyy�Eb p@`s`s �S 6 op RN �d�d d�$ OR N F WWU o' 25 ��p„„� Ftl� Z R?{gy�{�V Z LAtlMNtltld�� Ogg 6 W L j Y CL Q F� Z S a q �ISM� � H� 5§4 T4303i5 s i MINI �S�!F3YF�• up';. i•' �� N�y ! 511, I4 � �bggggn�.;�� g� g: R3,:�1g ff 1 �2 till i e k1 a e 2 I s•+=?I(Fc'Boc azo8suul a ab3@n 8i gyg +^ o a o • s € y @ �~ � --aroo roar -.T-- �g �� S�� � ��C�$2�e�€gel % - Juiros care masm k�D �J� epa iE �9@¢:Nei§gi y^'a�SA3gi �u iBg4 g�ge_@"a&��a@�@E� �caao aaodd 8ELc i^ 2$ 1�,.Aj5 M V33td 5 1 ly�pH'1'14 ? �3 1N Y z r1�LL „�,a wsz �s a � � Ig I mg 0 a E — C' � m �O ry F 3 eta F ? , a�d'�zo Z G Uf ON t 5 Z m g��nZ sono �U� — CL Ww O ZpONZO CL 6 z Z �o aYH3 Q 9pQpJ q 1�,.Aj5 M V33td 5 1 ly�pH'1'14 ? �3 1N Y z r1�LL „�,a wsz �s a � � Ig I mg 0 m C 8 e o ---------------- 133&S __^-133&& 15t£ + ENJIT'a N p T ,' Ii Iupysl'A:p yN 3 N Z 9t 5105 v N �- p 2>�NR g O W Z VI Y13aNM �— �5 _ F\ �oaa Q azo 1 ' a � ll ag qui 3 1 R CL ISM zpp 9 ` F^�G UII 41 N v O azo w• W F- Q< CL Z zo g WIC® J i � Hill'. 0 c� v �- p 2>�NR g �oaa i Nil 9, e� a 19goll ;? I j m ;� �5 g 999 +•-- e i 4 E # � q >Rid � AM ass Asaa�zo - 0- � Z Q a Z g I I s z'tn zm I I ��s•I I� I k six I I----r---------- I; ig € Aal I a o 1?� L Is�tl —z�se I ! s w `-------- t—q------- --_I 9 o Y LLBLd-0ZPZ Ndfl i �e � a Lnvsuoa3fMI1NW Sym. mll �v umuxw rc L if ,`Y 6 1 WHO �u8 EL�YYIK C 5� 4 q` 1 N R n As nA Md �6�8 I N gi N Moa Az bi $s os 6 d p lq'0�55a y=yyy� ggdg assn€$p' 3 @gib °nsnegn �a5n5�g�ba�`s3s pR s8q S NignEag€d sd��Fn�4Ebqg&�3 '1 a �d a o € ggs�E3'8 �n �nss �" v ssa%y a s Y�sb 85F¢Ong R I $ n� `��~�n Y� H Wd d€X §p � !p �° �' a d y�y^Y k�p� Tem$3�E€E 3� k 8y � `. dqyp p $ � � bd Z I t#ll '�.��& ��n & 88 agn�n Q asnsx�ffig@_ x4i±ze��sg`��e� N'9 wsp '99 kill op F WII g Z @ ~ aQa9:$nsd a ag �'dzW 3 u6'GGS 1 �.1a0 $ G F Pc6 z=Is ng�e z•sb&- EgNO 3 s• �€r- $k°a�- �`a dsi Rum. Ms� 3 is A_ ME a f Y$ Og vj G V KFR19M § se:M Kc �^ 5 R1— �� yyyM ?Y301O �5 �s gEEyyg�3 Q 816 k� z468 c� m m b- b ` N O Z N F Z1UyJ� Y1 f• f G �e3rv.. � pp b5' $ �' b Z aF\O nsg 39 d S9 8 iy44 4 V W 4 O �. F t5t5 O H sr3FEc> 6Z a mw CL < EgaC�N��� tiI'g 6 Ty?Ty�yRy&�ESppp \y3$ O� 3 b��q �u a APerm000diogreovnte Marauder Meadows Neighborhood LLC 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon W070 DECLARAVON OF 10.00' PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT The One and actual wosidemtov for Ran declaration is other than movetary. RECITALS: 1) Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, Greater, is the owner of Parcel l and Parcel 2 of Land Partiton Plast Na.2022-P as partitioned and recorded in Lane County, Oregon, Parrition Plat Records. 2) The owner desires to create an easement and definemaintenance responsibility an certain ateee and facilities for the benefit offuture owners of the parcels as described below. A) Easement Created, Mamola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, hereby maw n perpetual ememeat for the benefit ofthe aforemantioned Parcel 1 upon the afuremce timed Pareel2 over that certain area designated as"10.00' PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASE. NT'as described in Exhibit and shown on Exhibit R The easement will be used by the ewuess ofthe afreememioned Parcel 1 solely for the placement, maintenance, and access to private sanitary sewer facilities. B) IlseofProns", The owners or wmpiess ofthe parcel affected by this easement shall have the right to use Ibex property, including the area described as the Comaxok for my purpose se long as the Swam or occepiers do not interfere with the use ofthe casement as granted by this nstnunmk C) Maintrnmee and Remhs: The war ofany msintemvce or rapev Mthe easement area shall be paid by the a Baas ofthe Parcel for whose benefit the work was perfumed, and the installation mafvtemrme aM repair of[he sanitary sewer iceprovementa within the easement area shall b, the responsibility, ofthe anners of the aforementioned Pmol L The cos. of my rnuintenmce a repair of private entities MISS within the easement now wtll be the responsibility ofthe owner of the respective facility. D) Successors in Interest The provisions of this insnumed, touch and conwm and relate to the use of the aforementioned Parcel 2 ofsaid partition and are intended w be covenants and restrictions running with the land All provisions of this instomevk including the benefits and burdens are binding and inure to the heirs, mwessom, assigneea, transferees, and personal representatives ofall owners Ofthe aforementioned Parrots. IN WITNESS WHEREOFI have exceeded this DECLARATION OF PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASIDIENP on lids 6115W dayof .TdAU0.,ry_ _ 20 Marwla Meadows Neighborhood LLC, Kiril lvmov. Manager STATE OF OREGON )as CountyofClackamas On -JM" Mar a5 _ 20aa personally appeared the above mm ed Mrll Ivanov wbo is the Marmger of Mmcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, and who is known IS me to be the identical individual who executed the foregoing instrument and who does not hereby acknowledge said inatrumevt tu be his voluntary act and deed and that said itMtument was signed on behalfofsaid compauy. NotaryPublicfor Oregon �I PATRICIA ANN JONES My wmmisdon Io, in. Aq dd x%� NQTAov PUSMIC-OPEGON COMMISSION NO 9)305$ `iMYCOMW19610N EMPRESaoSG ^.9.POA9 129655W Nmman Rmd, Suit 100, Tualaan, ORWM AKSIab#7736 P: IM) 56PUS1I wxaeaiwnexom KOrER, OR - TUALATIN, OR - VANCOUVER, WA EXHIBIT A Private Sanitary Sewer Easement Description A portion of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2022-P Lane County Plat Records, located in the Northeast One -Quarter of Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of Parcel I, said Land Partition Plat No. 2022-P said point bearing South 88002'28" East, 115.08 feet from the northwest comer of said Parcel 1; thence leaving the north line of said Parcel 1, North 02002'08" East 293.84 feet to the south line of a 20.00 foot wide Public Sanitary Sewer Easement described in Document Number 61-50778, Lane County Official Records; thence along said south easement line, South 88°05'01"East 10.00 feet; thence leaving said south easement line, South 02002'08" West 293.85 feet to the north line of said Parcel 1, thence along said north line, North 88002128" West 10.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. The above described tract of land contains 2,938 square feet, more or less. 01/23/2022 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR EXHIBIT B A PORTION OF PARCEL 2 OF LPPN 2022—P LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON ---------------------- -----------------------------—s6s'os'orE 10.00' ----------- PARCEL 2 LPPN 2022- y P R POINT OF '8 BEGINNING 10.00' `\ S68ro2'28°E 115.09' AREA--2,936 SFf PARCEL 1 N88'02'28°W 10.GO LPPN 2020-P2972 NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 1 PARCEL 1 ADJUSTED TRACT 2 LPPN 2022-P DOG NO. 2021-014290 --- ROAD 01/23/2022 ---- M 01/23/2022 PREPARED FOR REGISTERED MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC SCALE: 1°=60 FEET N PROFESSIONAL 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE LAND SURVEYOR WILSONVLLE, OR 97070 /f�,,,, �,� y�1 so 0 1x 30 so 4e _,I LGI, ` PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT MAP EXHIBIT OREGON B JANUARY 17 1995 AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLCORO.. GARY E. 'AUL 12965 SW HERMAN RD, STE 100 � also: JOB: 2698 NALARN, OR 97062 aKs � RENEWAL 12/31/2022 503.563.6151 WWW.AKS—ENG.COM 7736 ARerrewrdiug remm m MmwlaMeadows Neighborhood LLC 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 9]070 DECI AEATION OF 52.50' The tine and actual considerations for this declaration is other thad nmaetery. RECffALS: 1) Maaola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, Grantor, is the owner ofthe southmtyg33.64 feet ofthe leads described as Acjuated'hact I in the Declaration ofProperty Line Adjuamrent, recorded March 2, 2021 at Recorder's Number 2021,014290 int the Official Records of Leon County, State of Oregon 2) The owner demrea to tread an easement and define maintenance responsibility on cecoun meas and facilities for the benefit of future owa ns of the psaels as described below. DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: A) Easement Created: Motorola Meadows Neigbbuibood LLC, hereby creates a perpetual= sea easement for fie benefit oftbe tray flard described m Adjusted Tract 2 of Recorohn s Number 2021-014290, in the Official Records ofLane County, State of Oregon, over that terrain area of the aforementioned Adjusted Tract 1 designated as "52.50' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT"' as described in Exhibit and shown on Exhibit B. The demand wiD be used solely for ingress arul egress and the installation and msinendoo, oft private road. B) UaeafPrrnmty: The owners or occupiers ofthe portal affected by this reduced shall Levo the right to use their property, including the eros described as the eeement for any purpose as long as the owner or occupiers do art interfere with the use ofthe ..t as granadby this instrument No vehicle Parking or storage afvehUm that restricts access b the benefitting tract of Ind shall be showed by any party within the dammed area, including the agents, employees, houses, and imdtees of said owners. C) Maiumme ,and Fermin, no cost of dray maintenance or repair of rise access way within the deemed area ebat] be split equally between the owners of Parcel I and Me benefitting tract d land. The est of any msinces rom or repair ofprivde utififies lying within the assonant area will be the resp mobil ity of the owner ofthe respective facility. D) Successors in lmeresr: The prowaimse offfbe instrument Conch and concern and relareto the use ofP.d 1 of the of ractioned pound rand arc intended m be covenmta and matricteros running with the land All provisions oft is instrument, including the benefits and burdens are binding and inure to the heirs, successors, assignees, tmnaferees, and paternal repasrnmtives of all owners of the aforementioned parcel. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Lav�e a{{xued� tt�h.DECLARATION OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT on this oI50V day ofd_, 200-.. Marcul Meadows Neighborhood LLC,ff mov, Mannger STATE OF OREGON )as County afClackamas On �kflgVV 9-5M _ ioA-pmsonally eppearedtheabove named Kit] lvaaovwhols the Maaagm ofMarcola Meadows Neigbbmhrod LLC, mdwho is known m ane w be the identcal individual who executed the foregoing instrument and who does not hereby acknowledge said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed and that mid inaamnead was signed an behalf ofsaidcompany. }`_» _ .Nanny Public for Oregon PAlRICIAAMNJONES My commission expires: NOTq PUBUGOggwM r OM1.VS510N NO. 9)3152 MYfLM;AISSIOY'e'rasgAA6N2B$... Atm ENW Ham. d,wTR'�n.0 3.(5031 Nmtman Rued, Suite 300, Tualatin, OR 9]062 ARSJ06 #7736 W. 15031563.6351 1 uwuaWanosom Eaaw' carOtmaRr WIM IN: RENO, OR - KKK OR - MA N, OR - VANCOUVER, WA EXHIBIT A 52.50' Private Access Easement Description A portion o£Adjusted Tract 1 of Document Number 2021-014290, Lane County Official Records, located in the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, and the Northeast One -Quarter of Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southerly southwest corner of said Adjusted Tract 1, said point being on the north right-of-way line of Marcola Road (45.00 feet from centerline); thence along the southerly west line of said Adjusted Tract 1, North 02002'08" East 52.50 feet to a point on a line which is parallel with and 52.50 feet northerly of, when measured at right angles to, the north right-of-way line of said Marcola Road; thence along said parallel line, South 88002'28" East 195.00 feet to the west line of Adjusted Tract 2 of Document Number 2021-014290, Lane County Official Records; thence tracing said west line along the following three (3) courses: South 02002'08" West 13.00 feet, North 88002'28" West 7.00 feet, South 02002'08" West 39.50 feet to the north right-of-way line of said Mineola Road; thence along said north right-of-way line, North 88002'28" West 188.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. The above described tract of land contains 9,961 square feet, more or less. 01/12/2022 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR EXHIBIT B A PORTION OF ADJUSTED TRACT 1 OF DOC. NO. 2021-014290, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, T.17S., R.M., AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T.17S, R.3W., W.M., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON ADJUSTED TRACT 1 DOC. NO. 2021-014290 PARCEL 1 LPPN 2020-P2972 52.50' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT NO2'02706'E ADJUSTED TRACT 2 DOC. NO. 2021-014290 POINT OF - ` BEGINNING S02'02'WW 13.04 SOUTHERLY SW CORNER -a AREA=9,961 sFt N8n2'2TW 7.W OF ADJUSTED TRACT 1 s02'02'on 39.50, MARCOLA ROAD -- -- 01/12/2022 PREPARED FOR SCALE: 1"=60 FEET N REGISTERED MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC PROFESSIONAL 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE LAND SURVEYOR M-SONVRLE, OR 97070 60 0 12 30 60 dt5-nz(p"A PRIVATF ACCFRR FARFAAFNT MAR DWIBlT After recording return to Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 DECLARATION OF 52.50' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT The true and actual consideration for this declaration is other than monetary. RECITALS: 1) Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, Grantor, is the owner of the southerly 833.64 feet of the lauds described as Adjusted Tract 1 in the Declaration of Property Line Adjustment, recorded March 2, 2021 at Recorder's Number 2021-014290 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. 2) The owner desires to create an easement and define maintenance responsibility on certain areas and facilities for the benefit of future owners of the parcels as described below. DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: A) Easement Created: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, hereby creates a perpetual access easement for the benefit of the tract of land described as Adjusted Tract 2 of Recorder's Number 2021-014290, in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, over (hat certain area of the aforementioned Adjusted Tract 1 designated as "52.50' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT" as described in Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. The easement will be used solely for ingress and egress and the installation and maintenance of a private road. B) Use of Property: The owners or occupiers of the parcel affected by this easement shall have the right to use their property, including the arca described as the easement, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not interfere with the use of the easement as granted by this intra neat. No vehicle puking or storage of vehicles that restricts access to the benefitting tract of land shall be allowed by any party within the easement area, including the agents, employees, tenants, and invitees of said owners. C) Maintenance and Repairs: The cost of any maintenance or repair of the access way within the easement area shall be split equally between the owners of Parcel 1 and the benefitting tract of land. The cost of any maintenance or repair of private utilities lying within the easement area will be the responsibility of the owner of the respective facility. D) Successors in Interest: The provisions of this instrument touch and concern and relate to the use of Parcel I of the aforementioned partition and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and burdens are binding and inure to the heirs, successors, assignees, transferees, and personal representatives of all owners of the aforementioned parcel. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this DECLARATION OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT on this `�{%i'V day of \,YA,fIVAJ. q , 20 Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, anov, Manager STATE OF OREGON )ss County of Clackamas On VI[! I MQf 9600 , 20aa Tersonally appeared the above named Kiril Ivanov, who is the Manager of Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, and who is known to me to be the identical individual who executed the foregoing instrument and who does not hereby acknowledge said instrument to be his voluntary act and dced and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said company. Notary Public for Oregon OAL STAMP — d /_, a A9 PATRICIAARY PUBLIC -OREGON JONES My commission expires: �WLCLH. "�. NOMMISSI NN OREGON COMMISSION NO, 973052 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 29, 2022 129655W Herman Road, Sulte 100, Tualatin, OR 97062 AKS Jab#7736 P: (503) 56341511...a1asen0<om ORICES IN: REND, OR - RE12ER, OR - WA MN, OR - VANCOUVER, WA EXHIBIT A 52.50' Private Access Easement Description A portion of Adjusted Tract 1 of Document Number 2021-014290, Lane County Official Records, located in the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, and the Northeast One -Quarter of Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southerly southwest comer of said Adjusted Tract 1, said point being on the north right-of-way line of Marcola Road (45.00 feet from centerline); thence along the southerly west line of said Adjusted Tract 1, North 02002'08" East 52.50 feet to a point on a line which is parallel with and 52.50 feet northerly of, when measured at right angles to, the north right-of-way line of said Marcola Road; thence along said parallel line, South 88002'28" East 195.00 feet to the west line of Adjusted Tract 2 of Document Number 2021-014290, Lane County Official Records; thence tracing said west line along the following three (3) courses: South 02002'08" West 13.00 feet, North 88002'28" West 7.00 feet, South 02002'08" West 39.50 feet to the north right-of-way line of said Marcola Road; thence along said north right-of-way line, North 88002'28" West 188.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. The above described tract of land contains 9,961 square feet, more or less. 01/12/2022 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR EXHIBIT B A PORTION OF ADJUSTED TRACT 1 OF DOC. NO. 2021-014290, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, T.17S., R.2W., AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T.17S. R.3W., W.M., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON ADJUSTED TRACT 1 DOC. NO. 2021-014290 PARCEL 1 LPPN 2020-P2972 ACCESS N021D2'08"E ADJUSTED TRACT 2 DOC. NO. 2021-014290 POINT OF - BEGINNING N S02'o2'08'w 13.00' SOUTHERLY SW CORNER AREA=9,961 SFt N88.0 8°W 7.00' OF ADJUSTED TRACT 1 502'02'08°W 39.50' N88 228-W 188.00' MARCOLA ROAD ------ 01/12/2022 PREPARED FOR MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC SCALE: 1"=60 FEET N REGISTERED 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE PROFESSIONAL W1LSONNLLE, OR 97070 LAND SURVEYOR 60 0 12 30 60 PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT MAP EXHIBIT SW HERMAN RD, STE 100 IN. OR 97062 M. After recording return to Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 DECLARATION OF 10.00' PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT The true and actual consideration for this declaration is other than monetary. RECITALS: 1) Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, Grantor, is the owner of Parcel I and Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2022-P as partitioned and recorded in Lane County, Oregon, Partition Plat Records. 2) The owner desires to create an easement and define maintenance responsibility on certain areas and facilities for the benefit of fuhne owners of the parcels as described below. DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: A) Easement Created: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of the aforementioned Parcel 1 upon the aforementioned Parcel 2 over that certain area designated as "10.00' PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT" as described in Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. T'he easement will be used by the owners of the aforementioned Parcel 1 solely for the placement, maintenance, and access to private sanitary sewer facilities. B) Use of Property- The owners or occupiers of the parcel affected by this easement shall have the right to use their property, including the area described as the easement, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not interfere with the use of the easement as granted by this instrument. C) Maintenance and Repairs The cost of any maintenance or repair of the easement area shall be paid by the owners of the Parcel for whose benefit the work was performed, and the installation maintenance and repair of the sanitary sewer improvements within the easement area shall be the responsibility of the owners of the aforementioned Parcel 1. The cost of any maintenance or repair of private utilities lying within the easement area will be the responsibility of the owner of the respective facility. D) Successors in interest: The provisions of this instrument touch and concern and relate to the use of the aforementioned Parcel 2 of said partition and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and burdens are binding and more to the heirs, Successors, assignees, transferees, and personal representatives of all owners of the aforementioned Parcels. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this TDECLARATION OF PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT on this IR5th,, day of VUyao_ri 20 AX . Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, Kiril Ivanov, Manager STATE OF OREGON )ss County of Clackamas OnV(LilUAk'1� aJr 20 aa+ personally appeared the above named Kiril Ivanov who is the Manager of Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, and who is known in me to be the identical individual who executed the foregoing instrument and who does not hereby acknowledge said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said company. Public for Oregon STAMP N JONES My commission expiZNotary g ri6 e"1-J—� gM IC-OREGONNO. 973052S MARCH 29,2022 13365 M Mman Road Suite 100, Tualatin, OR WM AKS Job #7736 P:(503) 563.61511 www.aka-e�.cwn OFFIMIN! KENO, OR - ROM, OR - TU Tlk OR - VANCOOV6R, WA EXHIBIT A Private Sanitary Sewer Easement Description A portion of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2022-PLane County Plat Records, located in the Northeast One -Quarter of Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of Parcel 1, said Land Partition Plat No. 2022-P said point bearing South 88002'28" East, 115.08 feet from the northwest comer of said Parcel 1; thence leaving the north line of said Parcel 1, North 02002'08" East 293.84 feet to the south line of a 20.00 foot wide Public Sanitary Sewer Easement described in Document Number 61-50778, Lane County Official Records; thence along said south easement line, South 88o05'01" East 10.00 feet; thence leaving said south easement line, South 02002'08" West 293.85 feet to the north line of said Parcel 1, thence along said north line, North 88002'28" West 10.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. The above described tract of land contains 2,938 square feet, more or less. 01/23/2022 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR EXHIBIT B A PORTION OF PARCEL 2 OF LPPN 2022-P LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- S88'05101"E 10.00' - --------------- PARCEL 2 a o ---- LPPN 2022 P n "' N ✓i �' o POINT OF N BEGINNING 10.00' oo S88'02'28'E 115.08' AREA=2,938 SF3 PARCEL 1 N88'0228°111 10.00' LPPN 2020-P2972 NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 1 PARCEL 1 ADJUSTED TRACT 2 LPPN 2022-P DOC. NO. 2021-014290 MARCOLA ROAD ----- 01/23/2022 PREPARED FOR MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC SCALE: 1=60 FEET N REGISTERED 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE PROFESSIONAL WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 LAND SUTR4/V—EyY�_O_Ryf so o 12 30 so Z�""''` PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT MAP EXHIBIT OREGON B JANUARY 17, 1995 AKS ENGINEERING &FORESTRY, LLC �� oBxN: WC GARY E. PAUL 12965 SW HERMAN RD, STE 100 cNKo: M K 269$ TUALATIN, OR 97062 AKS JOB: RENEWAL 12/31/2022 503.563.6151 WWW.AKS-ENG.COM 7736 0 ooze