HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-05-23city of springfieio 225 n. 5th street lNSPECTlorus: 726_3769 SIGN PERMTT APPLTCATION 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED Ehe completed application lor permit and do hereby certify that allinformation is true and correct, ind I fuither certify tirat all work performed shali be done inaccordance with the Springfield Sign 0ldinance, the U;liform Sign Code'as adoored by rhe City ofSoringfield and all other-ordinances of the Ciry of Sprinqfield and rhe laws'or rtr6 iiir" oiCregon oe_rEalnrng to t:1e worl. described he.ern. I fuither certLfy that rnv Sign Co.ltractor I-i-cense with the cilZ _gf Springfield is in full force and effecr as' reouireiJ by-Springfield Codes8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2), - r witl request alI required sign i""pecrio"d-ii"r.a'on'rhe'-approvedpermic. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) Ji-. rr. - *,; :"€EriJ lN FO RMATTON : i26-3753 ts oo 52/, 77"77'4s NAI'IE OF BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC.OT .BUSIIIESS +r-A. o d7 3 */4 owNER)l-r-6 -'a0 OT}IER IHA}I q7- LOT -} SIGN (ADDRESS) O}INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS LOCATION OF LECAL DESCR 4S OI.JNER OF SIGT{ CIF ADDRESS 7 7T N ROOF PROJECTING MAROUEE UNDER I,IARQUEE OTIIER EBECT ALTER \,/ RELOCATE OTHIiR d a, .8. typr oF IJoRK: TIALL FREESTANDIIIG INCIDEIITAL y'DOUBLE FACE y'stNcls recr I{T]LTI.FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD USE AI{D CEARACTERD. .--!owrt ZIP E. PEOI'IE DATt?NCITY LICENSE .I^DDPJSS SIGN I.IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER I}IAN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR . EXISTING SIGNS ARE THNRE ANY EXISTI}IG SIG}IS? G IYES ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, ETC. VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN HORIZOT{TAL T'IDTII OF SIGN DI}IENSION TROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN NOTE: IF PROJECTIOTI IS IIORE THAN 12',6Vrn- pust,rc pRopEpJy rr{E srcN EREcroR I'ruST FILE WITII THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IF:R LIABILITY AI,ID PP.OP- ERTY DA}IAGE I}iSUP.AI.ICE POLICIES. ,/' E , YES ,/" €' TIIICKTIESS OR DEPT}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE DIT,IE}ISIONS, IIISTALI"ATIOI.I & DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERfi LINE? IF YES, DII'IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE . I.[LL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL I,TIRITIG? IV O IF YES, !fiICII APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN _ILLUMINATED (INDIPJCTffi LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LISC. NUMBER_PI:oIIE_ H ADDRESS l. DEscRTBE TypE oR yATERTALs srcN rs co or. . VALUE OF SIGN:K /D-o . SITE INTOF}IATIOI{ (LAIID USE) -- EXISTING USEor BUlLDtlrG OR LAND (OR r.AST USE rF VACANT) BUS INESS -OUTDOOP. I,'ERCHAI{DIS ING PF.OPOSED USE OF BUILDII'TC OR I.AND: J ,fumvL ca'r?2 - 46.yT-fTr', SIGNA FVEN (LE DATE /Z t tl 1) 2) PLEASE READ *ffi:AseParateaPP1icationisrequiredforeachseparatesignasdefined Electrical: Anv p-ermit issued under thls application wirl include wiring il o. on slgn structure,Eha suPEIt wirei iot-"o"""Iti."-.i"c u" "orrli"a-;;-;; erecr,rical fermit. Elecrricar connecrionmusE be made onlv by a state Licensed sr"criicar-doiir."to.. rlruminare.d "isr: (b-orh incernalryand exEernallv) must conform iJ-5."cio""-i:7:i-?al-I-(s> .r,a g:7:ril oi'ttre springfield sign or-dlnance Plans Reouired: Ttris applicatlon Ls to be submitted wlth two compleEe seEs of plans showing di-ilenlTffi-s-ii-d-Eeighr.f.;i.c",-;ai."Ii"i.,g;";;;;;-;; sign; locarioh of sign on properry wi.rh di_nensions Eo ProPerty 1inei, structur"i A.i;ii;'or-.rrip9rr framing, bracing ancl foorings; rnarerlarsot consEruction for sign and sign structure; electrit.r-"q"ipr""E'""i-iighting i sLze and locaEionof existing-slqnq.on pioperty'f6r rhe-same 6";i;;;;; all. as required ro dererminq comoliance withthe Springrierd Sign. brdinante (Articr.-7-oi-[[."sii:.;iiiEra-ciri-c.aJi.--;i;;::':h;;"'1f,;'rolrow_lng tnforrnation on-the prot pla; (pi;; .ri"rini-'frJi"iry rines and locarion of signs): a) show the locatlon of all exisring stgn(s) as well as proposed slgn(s).b) show the- length of the street frontage taken up by the business or bullding. For wallsigns, show rhe lengrh of rhe buirdifig i;;;-i.;;.-' -"- vr vsrrsrrrE' 'ur wdr c) show Ehe location of entrances open to the publtc and drlveways. when required, because of design,-sJ.ze, etc., englneered drawings and-calculations Erust be pre-pared bv a licensed engineer oi inart confod i;"4;;ig" srandarEs ""-rii"-"t-i;;-'B"it;i,i oiri-sion Office. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit beinglssued. signs urust lDeet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure g of the springfieldComprehenslve Zoning Code. NorE: No sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horLzontally or verticalry from overheaderectrical conducEors in excess of 750 volis; ;; i;";'than 5 teet-in'any direcrion frou overheadelectrical lines which are "n-igi-ua "t r"ss'tt""-750 volrs o': i.ilT i1 not installed within 60 days after the dare of l-ssue of rhis permir, the permit sha1l 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e)Inspe ctions : a) b) c) site rnsoecrion - to be nade before the sign is pJ.aced. usually, Ehe Footinq rnspectionG-r_aj-j.-IiE.i5.reTmaybe,"a.-"c-tt,!-".,"tiieasthesit"Insp9ction.ffi-tion is to be made-after hole(s) i.s J,rcavatea,-;"t--pii;; a;-Ih;-pi.".r""r of concrere.FLnal Inspecrlon - to be made upon coryletion of all work.Lllectrical - all:}::t*!"r.si81s must be rnspected for erecrrical hook up afrer rhe signIs-erecEed and before the sig.n'i-s lurnea on. CAIi T'OR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 SIGN DISTRICT 4n zo STRICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF DI ITE/LoCATTON _FOOTTNG OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT -ELEcrRrcAL ylr** _o** SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BETORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAI. INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: APPROVED BY &DATE ELECTRICAI, PERMIT FEE: q03 '#to.oo 47. STATE TOTAL: o -e- SURC}IARGE:-& DATE RECEIPT CLERK 5az SIGN PERMIT FEE: JoB /i xl o - oa SECTION:?-7-7 SPRINGEIELD SIGN ORDINANCE s-84y' a= W ^4 3 rt : r- 162 South 15th Street Ed!h ^r*l'. ',t a ''r-: ,,1 J ?N ".irti, ,' tPtt'),I (l1,:^*,' .' lr' t f, ;t ll,.' 'r' a,' , "l s o O '*il&.- 0 I l-t+.rI |e , a )-lFLI < t .x r