HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1987-07-06SPRINGFIELE, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Ju'ly 6, 1987 fr Mr. Wa'lter Crombi e Crombie Develooment Comoany 238 hloodlane Drive $pri ngfie1d, 0regon 97477 62 South 15th Street na'l Number Dear Mr. Crombie: This letter w'il'l serve as an uodate of the status of the subject request. Please disregard our letter dated June 23, 1987. In reviewing the Oroposal, it was determined that the exDans'ion of R & S Inrlustrial Supolies can be reviewed 'independent of Joey's Pizza. What this means'is that requirements origina'l1y imposed'in front of Joey's Pizza oroperty will no longer aDply; howeven, iU new business occuoies the site in the futune improvements (c1osing of curb cuts and landscaDing w'ill be required on site. The fo]lowing standards of apOroval apDly to your reguest at this time: 1. The oarking spaces shown along the South 15th Street frontage do not meet minimum standands for back up, and need to be replaced with landscaping (see item 2).* 2. A L3'x22'landscape island shall be'installed ('including innigation) between the sidewalk and concrete walk adjacent to the bu'i1ding. This is the area where the above ment'ioned oark'ing is not Denmitted. This landscaOing needs to include a minimum of s'ix (6) five-gallon shrubs and one (1) street tree and there needs to be a curb or other means of permanent protection for the landscaping installed.* 3. Parking spaces need to be re-strioed direct'ly behind the Joey's Pizza bui'lding as they do not meet the m'lnimum driveway throat standard as shown on your plan.* *Refer to the enclosed revised site plan. Enclosed is a Development Agreement which includes the three standards above. The DeveloDment Agreement must be signed and returned orior to the issuance of any building oermits. I have revised the site plan you submitted to reflect these changes, therefore e'liminating the need for you to submit a Fina'l Site Plan as normally nequired. A11 items listea above must be completed Drior to 225 North Sth Street o Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726-3753 Subject: Revised Status of Site Plan Aporoval for Springfield. Proposed storage addition.2 () occuoancy of the new addition. If you questions about the information conta'ined in thisfree to ca]l this office to discuss them. Co rd i a 'l 'ly, Cynthia L. Harmon Development Permit Coordinator letten please feel cc Ron LeBlanc, Ci Greg l.Jinterowd, DRC Members Manager anni ng & Deve'lopment Di rector ty PI (1 c e 4./a n Fi0lmt q3 \h r$ [] {r .,.l I jIr euEB <ut .1 I- [*1 I .,* l-- U i-.-*_._r<- -+. --.+.-a lT'I '1' tl C 1[ 0 UI\\It \ ...i $l rl hIt Ir.\sII\ )qt nt\ +\lt $o-c L,rlI x tc iil r (h !za t-.s -t -r+uo F tU 8". to (\r ETI { *IJ I Il\ \ Nc $i .h \::n la)q,9.l</cr B L 0 tl 0 Ir iq -'t I nt\ C t l- c. t t o :l ! t..:eilf ! o!{I lo\J { rt ct)Pb I t$n-ii:3 q:-'r:l En. l AY*Ye) "4rtrt €3 i,!\--l 6-t F .._--_J :r:ll'TAx /-or ,/7 Og ,96 ,g . Z , Z^AOCeprA/^)5 O.3/ acag t. \ *L Izni o*Itr$ $*.t r h Nu d{ \t 1l:I $ '? CAAC. tt 1f,. C- 0 r[ N \T 0']lI B rB :5-- l l/vol. Ac JT l. J i'.1 tfq I +Ys ILiJ>,";-;J SCHAUDT. STEMM & WI Lg,':,',. ' engineers . surveyors . planners 388 high street . eugene, oregon,974O1 . 503/4gS-g3g ffi{Fr s.lt u sroeeA? AgPtItON 64q .xouqrnqLquffLnt lbz XulH tqr! er7ee-fq f Flt{ctf rcLD, otleqoN 7 z*,: lob4 drawnrc a/r/tzdate filed ,'1.' t , 1,-r ,*. ... I-+:il n c rr o ll( -l I t + rBj '- n :uEr: cc .tre'?Elae*Ep7Fz31'/?Poa-4p€?a/u6 Ichecked-l*-