HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-08-05-a CITY OF SPRINGFIELO COHBI IIATION APPLICATION/PER},IIT OOCLegal 0escription Job Address Hea EIIERGY SOURCES: l,later Heater Owner Value of ,,o"r, /e, M . Ftg . l.lai n_ Sq. Ftg. Access._ Sq. Ftg. Other_ -l'lewJdd-AlIerl-AP'__Fence_Demo Change/Use -other- Address Phone Builciinq Permit Info: DescrFamily Residence ltith Attach re., Build SingIe Construction Lender luLe/ "/ Address Phone O(, -?c) u]coP name address 'I ics. no.exD res ohone no. Structura I Prima \1nEI ectrl cal Hechani cal CONTRACTORS -n ame address 'I i cs. no.exn rPs nhnnp no Genera I P l umbi nq PLUt{B I NG ELECTRI CAL MECHAN I CAL FEE CHARGF NN FFF CHARGF N(I FFF CHARGF Each single fixture Residence of FTSQ furnace/burner to BTU' S Relocated building (new fix. additional)(/New circuits alts. or extensions2 )n /ra?e 27.r, Floor furnace and vent S.F. Residence(l bath)SERV I CES Recessed wal I Soace heater and vent Duplex (l bath) each Additional bath Temporary Construct i on Apol iance vent seDa ra te Hater service Change in existing res i dencc Stationary evap coo I er Sewer multifamily, comm. or I ndustri a I Vent fan with sinole duct +)'Storm Sewer :z:2.e 0f Vent systern apart from heatinq or A.C. c0Ml.1./IND. FEEDERS Mechanicai exhaust hood and duct Instal I /al ter/rel ocate di stri b. feeders l.Jood stove/heater 1\,)>0f amps. 1 t I uq L{}t4 t/ISSUANCE OF PFRI{IT TOTAL CHARGES 24-'TOTAL CHARGES ?",to TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE LAI{ REQUIRES thAtshall not be valid until the labe the E'lectrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this perr,ritI has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Buildinb Division (please print 6, lrl,D/.IGNATURE&/aN { Ci ty made ' Oregon the Bu i f exempt .055 wi l ontheEXAM I NED eY L trmI and dorca a rmat hereonon s trueapp0ecerttthacomphereb.ytandac0rrecndfuhertcertrhaftworkshrmedabedone wlaandfyperfoaordancecc th the 0rd n of theances efi dfo any ofndatheofLawssthetetaSprn9 to wothe kr r.tdesc bed nrta thnghereipeand NOat UPAI,ICYOCC wl berestructuthoutwlthessnofpermidvlDiSonfucert irtherng that s tra t vJlon theth ulB r sdefyregmyany rdBoa s n fu force ef'and asfect red ORS 701 055 tha t bas s rfohetbyrequi ex on noted hereon thatandempti SUonl bc anontractors d awho re Ivempoyeesn cean thwl I?S0 07 oncomp th s tp roj ec Fttt Ftg Ftg . Access_ x Va.orn*.4?B,-rucroup F-2 sq. re Zone Bedrooms 0ccy Load Flood Plain S tori es its 'lue lue 5^N unt.s l'lain x Va Be#04ao,13 terns 'Deve rqe t1.57 Svs cha opment / 80.'o s F ---?2-,Se_ A/C Paving Sidewal k DBmo Fence PIan Ck. anBUILDING PERI'IiT Charges andSurcharges l PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surc ha rges ELECTRICAL PERI1IT Charges and Surcha rges .aa Z?. SA Total Cornb. Permit /r'/ z Curb CutHECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges TOTAL Vz/.76; TOTAL VALUATION.-- ____7e,_ hea t/e l ectri ca i water r ( { ( ( ( (, (r t:) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Clty H.ll Sprlngtold, Orogm Olffco ol Community and Economlc Dcvelopmenl OFFICIAL RECEIPT COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Oescriptionl. gaT.'Elg- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference17 03 432. example- Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Addition toSpringfieid EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction IenderD. Energy Sources1. examol e-2. examol e- squaie T6-o-:a 12053 a From Address For:'I ge or valuati oht or 500 sq. foot ga new - if addit r E I 2 example- 1250 s, example- if new EIEEF-add, etc. q. foot house,project, check ra9e ron,?-e =?-26-eaF. Building permit information:1. exampie - construct single family house with anattached garage ?. example - remodel existing garage into family room3. example - convert singie family residence .inio ^ restaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specia)ty CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, BuildingDivision Staff must be able to contact appropriitepersons regarding design information or job sitecorrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechan.ical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except where blank spaces occur in the description--portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules,the app)icant need f.ill-in only the No. Boxes adjaient - to the appropriate item(s) to be .instalIed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedulesare available at the Building Divisionl. To conserve space on the permit form the scheduleshave been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consult thefulI schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the Iabel must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor, The generai contractor ii.not authorizedto sign the electrical labelApplicant to sign and date l{henever possible, the initial application will be used asa.worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staffwill prepar.e a type written copy and returi it to theapplicant at the time the actual permit.is issued for his s i gna ture. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the t.ime of the .application, and no plans will be processed until thesefees are paid. Al l other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY / ., Ej 7 II. III. IV () o 6o Amount Received 3zt 76 ()ffiEl gusrnpss FoRMs. lNc. l5{xtl3'2'6149 V Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: c&.2 Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: name date C- Z7-a>s'l g-,f^re g nature L CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COHBI NATI ON APPL I CATION/PERMIT 726-3753 Job Address &s Legal Description 0vvb Ran l^Jater Heater EIIERGY SOURCES Hea t /) 0wner Value of tlork: Fto. l'1ain_ Ftg. Access. Sq. Ftg. Other_ -l{ ew-Ad dJl te r P.-e p . - _Fence_Demo_C ha n ge/ U se 0ther Sq Address Phone Farni l n I den t ce 'e., Bui1d Single Construction Lender -4,0rni Addre s s Phone / d) *)o t\l Ca 9) DESIGN TEAI,I name address Iics. no.exD l res phone no. Primary Structura I vd El ectri cal Mechanical name a ddres s lics- no,)exDt res nhone no-') cenerat /) t 4,. El ectri I ( PLUI.IB I NG EL ECTR I CAL MECHAN ICAL FEE CHARGF NN FFF THAPGF NO FFF .HAPT:F Each single fixture Residence of SQ. FT furnace/burner to BTU' S Relocated buildinq (new fix. additional ) New ci rcui ts al ts or extensions FIoor furnace and vent S. F. Residence(l bath)SERV I CES Recessed wal l Soace heater and vFnt Duplex (1 bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi on Apol iance vent separate tJater service Change in existing resi dencp Stati onar_v evap cool er Sewer multifamily, comm. or I ndustri a I Vent fan with sinole duct Storm Sewer 0f amps.apart from .c. Vent systern heatinq or A COMI'I./IND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Instal I /al ter/re1 ocate di stri b. feeders l'Jood stove/heater -amp s.0f ISSUANCE OF PFRI,IIT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE LAl.lshall not be valiC REQUIRES that the Electriuntil the label has been s cal work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this perm.itigned by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Divis.ion re )r9omo1/A=f-tz t on reonperfo .2 s completed apnl ica oermit, and do hereb.y cert that all information s truefurther certi fy that any and al I work rmed shall be done in accordance with the 0rdinances of the Cityto the work described herein, and that N0 0CCUPANCY will be madLthe Laws of the State of Oregon oertaining the Building Divis further certify that m.y registration vrith the Builder,sthout the permission ofrce and effect as requi ion. Ired by ORS 701.055, that if the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and thatand ernployees who a i ance wi th 0lls 701 .0 exempt t55 wi lI be used on this nroject. 9erc IGNATURE E I'lAl'lE ( pl ease pri nt) and comsct, and Iof Springfie)d andof any structure wi Board is in full fo only subcontractors Ftg Ftg FtgFlood Plain 5 tories x - ValGroup Sq Zone Fire Zone Bedrooms_ 0ccy Load Val ue TOTAL VALUATION- nst. Uni ts_ So . Access . 0ther . l,lain x Value Plan Ck. Comm/Ind 65%/B1dq Per Fee Systerirs Deve Charqe (1.52 opmentBUILDING PERI'IIT Charges and Su rcharges Plan Ck. Res 30%/Bldq Per Fee FencePLUI4BING PERI'1IT Charges andSurcharges { JO-cro oo Demo SldewalkELECTRICAL PERIlIT Charges and Surcha rges A/C Paving Tota"l Comb. Permit Curb Cut I,IECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surc harges TOTAL 2t.n COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description l. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Referencei7 03 432. example- Lot 1. Block 3, Znd Add.ition toSpringfield EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction ienderD. Energy Sources 1. exampl e-2. exampl e-E. Square footag heat/electrical cei I in or forced air gas ol arwateeaec tr ca ors e or valuat on, e l. example- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage2. example- if new project, check new - if addit.ion, check add, etc.F. Building permit information:1. example - construct singie family house with an attached garage2. exampie - remodei existing garage into family room3. example - convert singie family residence into restaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Bui)d.ing Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job s.itecorrections, etc.II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, &, Electrical SchedulesA. Except where blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanicaj and Electrical Schedules,the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacentto the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult theful I schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The general contractor is not authorizedto sign the electrical label.III. Applicant to sign and date Hhenever possible, the initial application will be used asa worksheet only. Where possible, Bui)ding Division Staffwill prepare a type wnitten copy and return it to theapplicant at the time the actuai permit is issued for hissignature.IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans will be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT VALIDATION (2481 8-t2-kK Permit Clerk CC PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI,ICY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information PLANS REVIEWED BY: name s i gnature date 'D cCrlu'rP r*M ,6 frL SITE PLAN REVIEt.l DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVEL0PMENT AGREEMENT, hereinafter "Agneement", 'is entered 'into fiis lCft day of FoSrtt*A"l , 1987 (tne.."Effective Date") by and between the eTiY- Of SpnTffiiElDl--here'inafter "City", and CROMBIE DEVEL0PMENT C0MPANY hereinafter "Applicant", in accordance with Section 31.090, and Section 3.070(3), 3.080(3), 3.090(3), and 3.100(3). REC I TALS I,IHEREAS, on the 6th day of July, 1987, the City approved Site Plan Application submitted by the App'licant for the purpose of allowing: Proposed storage add'ition to R & S Industrial Supp'ly located at 162 South 15th Street, Springfield, 0regon. Journal Number 87'06-82. I.IHEREAS, i n consi deration for Site Pl an appnoval , the i ssuance of a Bui'lding Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springf ield Development Code Sect'ion 31.090, Appl icant agrees to comp'ly with al'l the standards of the Springfie.ld Development Code and Springfield Municipa'l Code which may be applicable to this development project, including but not limited to, the following: Landscaping shall be installed (includ'ing irrigation) between the sidewalk and the first parking sta11 (in the area of the sign pole) and in the north side yard between the curb and the front of the building, except that landscaping 'in area of sign pole may include drought resi stant p1 ants i n pl ace of i rri gati on provi ded that verification of certificate of res'istance t,o drought pursuant to Spri ngf i el d Deve'l opment Code 'i s del 'i vered to Ci ty. 2. Parking spaces abutting the north side of Joey's Pizza must be restriped along a southeast axis (they are presently aligned on a southwest axis) to provide safer vehicular maneuvering access. WHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, the 'issuance of a Building Penm'it, and the issuance of an Occupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfielrl Development Code Section 31.090, Appl'icant agrees to comply with the following specific condit'ions imposed by the City as part of the Site Plan approva'l : Site Plan Development Agreement I c 1 None. P NOt^l THEREFORE IN EXPRESSLY MADE A PART FOLLOWS: CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOiNG RECITALS WHICH AREOF IHIS AGREEMENT, CITY AND APPLICANT AGREE AS AGREEMENT 1. FINAL SITE PLAN. The app'l'icant agrees to submit a Final SitePlan in accordance with Section 31.080 of the Springfie1d Development Code concurnently with this Agreement. 2. STANDARDS. The app'licant agrees to fulfill all applicablestandards specified in the Springfield Development Code and the specificstandards 'listed in RECIIALS prior to occupancy, unless certa'in standards have been deferred to a'laten date in accordance with Section 31.110 of the Spn'i ngfield Development Code. 3. C0NDITIONS. The Applicant agrees to fulfill all specificconditions of approval required by the City listed in RECITALS prior tooccupancy, unless certain conditions have been deferred to a later date in accordance w'ith Section 31.110 of the Springfield Development Code. 4. M0DIFICATI0NS. The applicant agrees not to modify the approvedFinal Site Plan without first notifying the City. Mod'ifications to theFinal Site Plan shall be reviewed in accordance with Section 31.100 of the Springf ield Development Code. 5. MAINTAINING THE USE. The app'licant agrees to the following: (a) The building and site shal I be maintained 'in accocdance w'iththe prov'isions of the Springfield Development Code in orden to cont'inue the us g. (b) It shall be the continuing obligat'ion of the property ownento maintain the planting requ'ired by Section 31.140 of the Springfield Development Code in an attractive manner free of weeds and other invadingvegetation. In addition, plantings in the vision clearance area shall be trimmed to meet the 2 Ll? foot height standard 'in accordance with Section 32.070 of the Spningfield Development Code. (c) Parking lots shall be maintained by the propenty owner ortenant in a cond'ition free of litter on dust, and deteriorated pavement cond'iti ons shal I be improved to ma'intai n conformance wi th these standards. ( d ) Undevel oped I and wi thi n the devel opment area shal I be maintained free of tnash and stored materials in a mowed and attractive manner. Undeveloped land shall not be used for parking. Site Plan Development Agreement 2 I' 6. In addition to all other remedies which may be provided by law or equity (including but not limited to pena'lties provided by applicable state I aw or c'ity ordi nances ) Appl i cant agrees that C'i ty may enf orce Appl i cant' s responsib'ilities by withholding or term'inating Applicant's Occupancy Perm'it. 7 . Any Fi na I Si te P'l an approved becomes nul I and voi d 'i f construction does not commence w'ithin one year of the date of this Agreement. IN I^IITNESS WHERE0F, the Applicant and the City have executed this Agreement as of the date first hereinabove written. APPLICANT CR9MBIE DEVELSPMENT C6MPANY BY: )hl*-- Yy .du.nA<-Ecbluary lo- l98B Date WALTER CROMBIE BY: \ ),\ t .,' ,\,) l ',,,,) STATE 0F 0REGON, County of Lane Feb 1989. Walter Crombie be their voluntary act. Before me Per-sona'l1y appeared the above named , who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to ta c ot e9on My Commission expires 2'23'?o ." r);r),\ C ITY 1--rtsr Date STATE 0F 0REGON, County of 198 be their voluntary act. Before me: ota L rqr.l e @ot who acknowl edged the he above named foregoing instrument to 1r;:) 1.'/. t .) I , *'t ) o ( My Commiss'ion exp'ines 3- + - 7Z Site Plan Development Agreement 3 av,a,*-.r^3hadfoe{}rl}1} cooe Admi ni strator /'1